--- Log opened Sat Apr 25 12:39:49 2009 12:39 -!- Dieterbe [n=Dieterbe@] has joined #uzbl 12:39 -!- ServerMode/#uzbl [+ns] by verne.freenode.net 12:39 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 1 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 0 normal] 12:39 -!- Irssi: Join to #uzbl was synced in 0 secs 12:43 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 12:43 < dusanx> hi :) 12:44 <@Dieterbe> hey dude 12:44 -!- mode/#uzbl [+o dusanx] by Dieterbe 12:44 -!- happydawn [n=dim@61-57.79-83.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #uzbl 12:45 <@dusanx> yes, this is easier way to communicate 12:45 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 12:45 < barrucadu> hi 12:45 <@dusanx> hi :) 12:46 <@Dieterbe> hi 12:46 <@Dieterbe> lol this is crazy. i post to the forums and everyone joins in the same minute 12:46 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 4 nicks [2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 2 normal] 12:46 -!- mode/#uzbl [+o barrucadu] by Dieterbe 12:47 <@dusanx> well, this is what I wanted to do long time ago ;) 12:47 <@Dieterbe> okay, first of all. barrucadu can you make sure you don't change "irrelevant" things. for example the readme. please append to it, or change mine. don't delete all my contents from it 12:47 <@barrucadu> ok 12:47 <@Dieterbe> it makes it easier to merge 12:48 <@dusanx> Has anybody succesfully uset git before? It's mess I tell you lol 12:48 <@Dieterbe> i have somewhat experience with it :P 12:49 <@Dieterbe> in which timezones do you guys live? i'm from belgium 12:49 <@barrucadu> England 12:50 <@dusanx> D, when you try to merge my source it should be easy? Don't do it but I am curious. 12:50 <@dusanx> Since I have'nt changed much 12:51 <@dusanx> Serbia :) 12:51 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: i'll have a look 12:53 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: i tried your code and it looks quite nice. however I don't want the statusbar to be editable with a mouse :P 12:55 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: yeah i think it would apply cleanly if i would merge 12:55 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 4 nicks [3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 1 normal] 12:55 <@barrucadu> Dieter: I've just coped all the plaintext files from you and appended my changes, so there won't be any more trivial changes from me :p 12:55 <@dusanx> great, I'll try to keep it that way 12:55 <@Dieterbe> great 12:56 <@Dieterbe> don't you see my repo/branches when you type 'git branch' or 'git remote' ? 12:56 <@dusanx> no 12:56 <@dusanx> and I did everything properly 12:56 <@Dieterbe> no problem. i'll help you 12:56 <@dusanx> only my master branch 12:56 <@barrucadu> I don't see it either :( 12:57 <@Dieterbe> first of all, clean up your current branch. remove tmp files, clean/commit changes etc, so that when you do 'git status' nothing is shown 12:57 <@Dieterbe> then, backup your directory 12:57 -!- happydawn [n=dim@61-57.79-83.cust.bluewin.ch] has left #uzbl [] 12:58 <@dusanx> it's clean already 13:00 <@Dieterbe> k. then what i did is do the 3 commands in the last but 1 code block from http://github.com/guides/pull-requests 13:00 <@dusanx> git remote does not give me anything 13:00 <@Dieterbe> eg: git remote add -f dieter git://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl.git 13:01 <@Dieterbe> then git checkout -b dieter/master 13:01 <@dusanx> I used git pull and push, is that the right way? 13:01 <@Dieterbe> git pull dieter master 13:01 <@dusanx> ok, trying 13:01 <@Dieterbe> then you should have a new branch called dieter/master. you can go to it by doing git checkout dieter/master 13:02 <@Dieterbe> and if you want to update it, type git pull dieter master 13:02 <@dusanx> ...be back in 30 minutes, have to drive my wife 13:02 <@Dieterbe> @dusanx> I used git pull and push, is that the right way? -> yea 13:03 <@dusanx> but I saved everything and will try when I come back 13:03 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: do the above instructions work for you? 13:03 <@barrucadu> yes 13:04 <@barrucadu> thanks 13:04 <@Dieterbe> allright, just make sure when you type "git pull dieter master" you are actually in the dieter/master branch 13:05 <@Dieterbe> you can diff against your branch by doing "git diff master" 13:05 <@Dieterbe> and i don't know what happens if you try to commit things in my branch :P 13:05 <@barrucadu> :p 13:10 <@Dieterbe> i would like to get some sort of implementation plan that the 3 of us agree on, and then we can do a task list 13:10 <@Dieterbe> to organise things a bit 13:10 <@barrucadu> That would make things quite a bit more organised 13:10 <@barrucadu> Rather than the "I'll add this feature!" system we have now 13:11 <@Dieterbe> or "i already added it, but it works only half" ;) 13:11 <@barrucadu> I have a habit of doing that :p 13:13 -!- rutkowski [n=adrian@078088206095.walbrzych.vectranet.pl] has joined #uzbl 13:14 <@Dieterbe> did you see the keyboard interface proposal that combines vim-like with modifiers? do you like it? if so, the only issue there are the quantifiers which i see no real use for. but if you find it easy to implement, go ahead 13:16 <@barrucadu> I like modifier keys, so I like the idea. The quantifiers are easy to implement, but I removed them as nobody seemed to think them useful. It's not difficult to add them back in again though 13:17 <@Dieterbe> do you see a use case for them? 13:18 <@barrucadu> And, regarding tabbing, I think GtkSocket/GtkPlug is the way to go - if only for the "if one tab crashes, the rest are fine" benefit 13:18 <@barrucadu> Not really, but some use may emerge at some point. Then again, it may not :p 13:18 <@Dieterbe> okay, so for now let's just leave it out then 13:19 <@Dieterbe> btw you can pull again from my master, i just merged in all my changes from experimental :) 13:19 <@barrucadu> ok 13:20 <@Dieterbe> since you already copypasted in some stuff, that will make the diff between us smaller I think. at least in uzbl.c 13:27 -!- sentientswitch [n=sentient@94-169-108-188.cable.ubr22.aztw.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #uzbl 13:28 <@Dieterbe> hi sentientswitch :) 13:28 < sentientswitch> hi :) 13:28 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: does the fifo work more or less okay? 13:29 <@barrucadu> I've noticed that sometimes my CPU usage jumps to around 28%, and disabling the FIFO stops that from happening. 13:30 < sentientswitch> my fork is pretty worthless, I'm probably going to nuke it from orbit 13:30 < sentientswitch> I'm learning some basic gtk stuff now 13:34 -!- rutkowski [n=adrian@078088206095.walbrzych.vectranet.pl] has quit ["WeeChat 0.2.7-dev"] 13:35 <@dusanx> I am back 13:35 <@barrucadu> wb 13:35 <@dusanx> who does what? 13:35 <@Dieterbe> well, i'm looking at the fifo stuff now 13:36 <@Dieterbe> oh and i also added your action proposals (home, zoom etc) to the sample config 13:37 <@Dieterbe> i have the habit of already more or less documenting how something should be have, and then progamming it to make it work 13:37 <@dusanx> barr, latest key handling is simple and I have no experience with settings loading. do you want me to play with keys or you want to do it? 13:37 <@Dieterbe> so we can use the sample config as a guide 13:38 <@Dieterbe> pick what you prefer. fifo is pulling my attention now :) 13:39 <@dusanx> what is the fifo usage? I understand how but no why 13:39 <@barrucadu> dusan: I don't mind, which do you want to do? 13:40 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: irc has tab completion btw :) 13:40 <@dusanx> something else since key handling requires two additional flags and you started settings loading 13:41 <@dusanx> you have mine initial key proc 13:42 <@dusanx> and modifier flags are already in that example 13:42 <@barrucadu> Dieterbe: so it does. Magic! :p 13:42 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: well, so you can change the behavior of the browser from any other application. so you can say "now load this" (eg a media player where you say you want to see the wikipage of an artist), or "reload page now" (eg when you're developing something, you could have a script that pushes code and when done, reloads your browser) 13:42 <@dusanx> I can see now, great 13:44 <@barrucadu> I'll continue working on settings loading and (if I have time) look at keys later 13:44 <@dusanx> I had somewhere list of all webkit signals, trying to find it now. we should cover most of them 13:44 <@dusanx> I'll take keys than without settings ;) 13:44 <@barrucadu> ok 13:46 <@Dieterbe> i think uzbl will be pretty uzbl soon :) 13:47 <@barrucadu> I can't help but read the name as "Us Be El" :p 13:47 <@barrucadu> I'll drill "usable" into my head sooner or later... 13:47 <@dusanx> works well for me as uzbl :) 13:48 <@Dieterbe> i'll be merging in some stuff that already works more or less, such as the fifo 13:48 <@Dieterbe> the smaller the differences are between each other, the better 13:49 <@Dieterbe> for easier merging etc 13:49 <@dusanx> I'll sync your latest code and than do keys 13:49 <@Dieterbe> yep. don't forget: first change branch, then pull dieter master 13:50 <@Dieterbe> (change branch to dieter/master) 13:50 <@Dieterbe> then checkout your own branch and merge dieter/master 13:50 <@dusanx> this: http://oe.linuxtogo.org/~zecke/webkit-gtk-api/webkitgtk-WebKitWebView.html 13:50 <@dusanx> look at the signals 13:50 <@Dieterbe> looking at them with uzbl :) 13:51 < sentientswitch> nice dusanx, was looking for smth like that 13:51 <@dusanx> I know I saw it somewhere 13:52 <@dusanx> You can call me dusan ;) 13:53 <@barrucadu> Hmm, I'm getting segfaults. Evidently my branch-merging skills need work :p 13:53 <@dusanx> dusanx is dusan using x, smart, ha? 13:53 < sentientswitch> you sir, are a genius 13:53 < sentientswitch> :) 13:54 <@Dieterbe> so you have to change nickname everytime you switch between X and tty? :P 13:54 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: could it be that echoing r into the fifo doesn't work? 13:55 <@barrucadu> Dieterbe: not sure, I can't investigate currently as I've broken something <.> 13:56 <@dusanx> also this one, this is where I got key handling: http://library.gnome.org/devel/gdk/stable/gdk-Event-Structures.html#GdkEventKey 13:56 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: np, i'll investigate 13:56 <@Dieterbe> and damn.. i cannot test "stop" the page loads always too fast 13:56 <@dusanx> lol 13:56 <@barrucadu> Dieterbe: pick a really big page :p 13:57 < sentientswitch> Dieterbe: I managed to use stop, it seems to work ok 13:57 <@dusanx> I have weirdest idea for external tabs 13:57 < sentientswitch> reload crashed for no discernable reason though 13:58 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: please tell us 13:59 <@dusanx> script that collects all uzbl windows classes and titles and then invokes dmenu and focuses desired window :) 13:59 <@dusanx> invoked on key from any uzbl of course... 14:00 <@Dieterbe> hm but then you can't move all windows at once 14:00 <@Dieterbe> i think that's the reason most people really want tabs 14:00 <@dusanx> how to move? 14:00 <@Dieterbe> so that your pages are bundled, and you can move them all at once to a different workspace/ tag 14:00 <@dusanx> that's true 14:01 <@Dieterbe> actually that's the reason i want to use tabs myself, but don't tell anyone :)) 14:01 <@dusanx> hmm, I never moved browser to another workspace 14:01 <@dusanx> but I can see logic 14:02 <@Dieterbe> i think the gtkplug/socket thing looks nice. i want to experiment with that 14:02 <@dusanx> tabs are bunch of problems :( 14:03 <@barrucadu> I use StumpWM and just have one group used for nothing but browsing, hence why I don't want tabs :p 14:04 <@dusanx> same here, dwm with browser workspace. I can understand logic why to have them. 14:05 < sentientswitch> I still think that one process per tab is the way to go but since I've not contributed anything I'm going to keep my mouth shut ;) 14:06 <@dusanx> no, please -- as long as you don't want them we should listen to you :p 14:08 <@Dieterbe> :) 14:09 <@Dieterbe> i often need to see a browser and a terminal at the same time. for example when reading documentation and trying code at the same time 14:10 <@barrucadu> I just use two adjacent workspaces for that - I'm fairly rigid in what my workspaces are used for 14:10 <@dusanx> otoh (just discussing) it may be great to be able to leave few pages here and move few there 14:12 <@barrucadu> GtkSocket/GtkPlug with an attach/detach function would be the best solution - you could have as many tabbed pages as you wanted, in as many windows as you want 14:13 <@Dieterbe> that sounds a lot like "you can have as many windows in as many workspaces as you want" :) 14:14 <@barrucadu> Pretty much, yes :) 14:14 <@barrucadu> That'd keep the people (like me :P) who don't want tabs happy, while giving people who do want it an option to tab things, and steal Google Chrome's great advantage of one tab not crashing the whole browser :) 14:15 <@Dieterbe> i'm gonna be afk for 30min or so. need food :) 14:16 <@barrucadu> Has anyone noticed problems with scrolling in webkit? It doesn't seem as smooth as in Opera, and the CPU usage increases a couple of percent while scrolling 14:16 <@dusanx> hmm, not me 14:16 <@dusanx> everything is ultra-fast comared to xul 14:17 <@barrucadu> I recompiled libwebkit hoping that would solve it but I don't think it's made a difference 14:17 <@barrucadu> Uzbl also just vanished while scrolling - I wasn't running it from a terminal so I'm not sure what caused it to die though 14:17 <@dusanx> happens to me when I was segfaulting 14:18 <@dusanx> try from console 14:18 <@dusanx> something in latest code probably 14:19 <@barrucadu> Possibly, I had a couple of problems after I merged 14:19 <@dusanx> lol not me, I'll wait before mergeng ;) 14:20 <@dusanx> typos are due to me still learning colemak -> ignore them 14:21 <@barrucadu> I think I'll go through the code and fix all the warnings I'm getting. Then I'll continue with settings loading. 14:23 -!- unohu [n=unohu@unaffiliated/unohu] has joined #uzbl 14:26 -!- unohu [n=unohu@unaffiliated/unohu] has left #uzbl [] 14:32 <@barrucadu> Right, that's all warnings eliminated :D 14:32 < sentientswitch> :) 14:32 <@barrucadu> ...but it no longer runs :p 14:32 <@barrucadu> Something with the xwin variable... 14:32 < sentientswitch> warning: if you remove this warning your code will no longer execute. 14:33 <@barrucadu> Unfortunately it doesn't say that 14:33 <@barrucadu> It should :p 14:34 < sentientswitch> you should patch gcc 14:34 <@barrucadu> There could be an assistant. "Hello, it looks like you're about to delete a line of code..." :p 14:36 < sentientswitch> it could be an anthropomorphic paperclip! 14:36 < sentientswitch> genius! 14:54 -!- lwi [n=leon@ring0.de] has joined #uzbl 15:02 <@Dieterbe> back 15:02 <@barrucadu> wb 15:02 <@dusanx> think I am going to take a nap before coding :D 15:03 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 5 nicks [3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 2 normal] 15:03 <@dusanx> b has some problems after code merging 15:05 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: did you commit and push your merged stuff? 15:06 <@barrucadu> Yes. I'm just doing a bit on loading values from the config file and then I'll push again 15:07 -!- lean2501 [n=aleyscha@202-103-17-190.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #uzbl 15:08 <@Dieterbe> note that you can easily create extra branches. they are very lightweight in git 15:08 <@Dieterbe> so if you want to work on different features, you can do it in different branches. makes it also easier to merge in specific changes 15:08 <@Dieterbe> instead of all of them 15:08 <@Dieterbe> i'm now integrating your fifo stuff by hand 15:09 <@barrucadu> ok 15:09 <@barrucadu> I was planning on trying to split up the code into multiple different files to solve just the same problem actually 15:09 <@Dieterbe> that's also a good idea 15:13 < sentientswitch> wow I made a gtk window with tabs, go me :P 15:13 <@dusanx> boo 15:13 < sentientswitch> now to figure out how to make it do something useful 15:15 <@dusanx> no tabs please, I can even accept _text_ buffers/status line but no gtk tabs 15:15 < sentientswitch> dusanx: I'm not adding it to uzbl 15:16 <@dusanx> you should see conkeror tabs I am using lol 15:16 < sentientswitch> I'm just making a tab wrapper for uzbl 15:16 < sentientswitch> so it's completely optional 15:16 <@dusanx> small black css squares 12 px high 15:20 <@barrucadu> Hmm, I seem to have a skill for creating segfaults :p 15:20 <@Dieterbe> and also for changing silly things :P 15:21 <@barrucadu> :p 15:22 <@Dieterbe> really, we should try to keep close to each others code, and only deviate when needed. and maybe stick to a different branch per new feature. 15:23 <@Dieterbe> and if you want to change really simple things (like the strncopy in log_history_cb), maybe also separate branches 15:25 <@Dieterbe> or at least simple patches (do the change, make patch, undo change, submit patch) 15:25 <@Dieterbe> hmm you don't need to undo even if it's very likely i'll apply the patch 15:26 <@dusanx> or just add few global variables you need and function or two, don't touch anything else 15:27 <@Dieterbe> yeah 15:39 <@Dieterbe> once i'm done fixing all issues from trying to merge barrucadu's fifo into my master, I suggest we try to make all our branches as similar to my master as possible, and make different branch for each different thing we want to experiment with 15:40 <@barrucadu> Ok 15:40 <@Dieterbe> and then, we can also discuss things like indenting style etc 15:40 <@barrucadu> My branch has a lot of inexplicable segfaulting, so I'll probably just clone yours again and begin work from scratch 15:40 <@dusanx> ok, I will do coding tonight 15:40 <@dusanx> oh, yes, style 15:41 <@dusanx> best thing would be for us to see who is oldest and use his style? :p 15:42 < sentientswitch> whatever the style is, tabs shouldn't be used ;) 15:46 < sentientswitch> :%s/\t/\ \ /g 15:49 <@Dieterbe> lol dusanx 15:49 <@Dieterbe> i usually use tabs for indentation, spaces for alignment 15:50 <@dusanx> so, how old is everybody? (we can use body weight if you are too young) :p 15:51 < sentientswitch> :set shiftwidth=2 15:51 < sentientswitch> set cindent 15:51 < sentientswitch> set expandtab 15:52 < sentientswitch> I'm 21 but I don't get a vote :) 15:53 <@Dieterbe> 24 15:53 <@dusanx> 37, 108 kg :) 15:53 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: who should i credit when comitting the fifo stuff? you.. others? 15:53 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: okay you beat me in all dimensions :P 15:53 <@barrucadu> I came up with the original code, and then HashBox rewrote it to work better 15:54 <@Dieterbe> k 15:58 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: do we need the aliases and the commands? why not just use simple command names (without spaces), then we don't need aliases, no? 15:59 <@barrucadu> I thought about that earlier, I decided that half of the stuff I've added to my branch is actually fairly useless :p 15:59 <@Dieterbe> ok tell you what. barrucadu and dusanx , can you repeat the instructions i gave earlier, but now add my experimental branch instead of my master branch 16:00 <@Dieterbe> try to keep your branches as synced with my experimental as possible. I just committed barrucadu's fifo stuff to it 16:00 <@dusanx> ok 16:00 <@barrucadu> ok 16:00 <@Dieterbe> in the process i also broke the fifo stuff a bit, so i'll see what i can find :) 16:01 <@dusanx> not sure if we should do experimental, master sounds better? 16:01 < sentientswitch> can we have all of the fifos in their own directory at some point? 16:01 <@Dieterbe> sentientswitch: what would be the use? 16:02 <@dusanx> b/c that way I might import some bugs I don't want? 16:02 < sentientswitch> Dieterbe: just so they don't clutter the place up, i.e. if you have multiple uzbl instances 16:05 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: well. it depends on what you want to do.. for example: if experimental has a bleeding edge configuration reading feature that may be buggy, and you are working on feature x that could really use that feature, then i would base my feature_x branch on my experimental 16:05 <@dusanx> ok 16:06 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: if you are working on a feature where you can perfectly work against my master, then sure go ahead 16:06 <@dusanx> not yet but I'll have one soon 16:07 <@barrucadu> I'm just going to delete my repo and re-fork yours. That'll probably be the easiest thing to do 16:09 <@Dieterbe> yeah maybe. but maybe make a backup of your old stuff, you made quite some changes that probably should get integrated 16:11 <@barrucadu> Now. Let's discuss coding style 16:11 <@dusanx> ok 16:12 <@dusanx> I tend to compress code as much as I can 16:12 <@dusanx> a+b=c 16:12 <@dusanx> if () { 16:12 <@dusanx> } else { 16:12 <@dusanx> } 16:13 <@Dieterbe> i like that too 16:13 <@Dieterbe> except i would write a + b = c 16:13 <@dusanx> function defining you used is ok by me 16:14 <@barrucadu> I'm happy to use any style 16:15 <@dusanx> 4 spaces you used? 16:15 <@Dieterbe> mmz. i was thinking maybe i could just lookup the "official" gtk coding style and suggest that 16:15 <@Dieterbe> but then i found this: GNOME has a mix of coding styles, and we do not enforce any one of them. The most important thing is for the code to be consistent within a program or library - code with sloppy formatting is not acceptable, since it is hard to read. 16:15 <@Dieterbe> http://developer.gnome.org/doc/guides/programming-guidelines/code-style.html 16:16 <@Dieterbe> yeah 4 16:16 <@Dieterbe> so let's stick at 4 spaces indenting, braces like dusanx showed, but expressions should have spaces imo (a + b = c;) 16:17 <@barrucadu> ok 16:17 <@dusanx> hmm, with one line if's I usually use if() command; 16:17 <@dusanx> no next row 16:17 <@dusanx> fine by me 16:19 <@Dieterbe> i would keep the newline 16:20 -!- rson [n=randy@] has joined #uzbl 16:20 <@dusanx> ruins flow for me but no problem 16:20 <@Dieterbe> :) ouk 16:20 <@Dieterbe> ok 16:21 <@Dieterbe> hey rson 16:21 < rson> yo 16:21 <@dusanx> tell me about title/statusbar text, what you want to see when status is turned on? 16:21 < rson> i'm heading out but i'm gonna hang out here to throw my two sense in every now and then ;) 16:21 <@Dieterbe> ok good 16:22 < rson> :) 16:23 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: well, i think all the things we should be able to see some way or another is: current url, title of page, and unless always_insert_mode == 1, i would also show the current mode, maybe as 1 letter (I or C for insert vs command) 16:25 <@dusanx> and in title bar while status is visible? 16:26 <@dusanx> + hover url also, tooltip is bad idea imo 16:26 <@Dieterbe> only "title - uzbl" i think 16:26 <@dusanx> ok 16:26 <@Dieterbe> what's wrong with tooltips? 16:26 <@dusanx> when status is hidden same goes to title? 16:27 < sentientswitch> well if you used tooltips then you could be overriding a tooltip set by the page 16:27 <@dusanx> they cover parts of the page and they are often user by page 16:27 <@dusanx> used 16:28 <@dusanx> it's bad to have them popup all the time 16:29 <@dusanx> + we need to dig deep into webkit to turn them on 16:30 <@Dieterbe> well, someone posted how he used f/F to visit a certain link 16:31 <@Dieterbe> i was thinking we could make an additional key, let's say 'g', so that when you would press g it would show the tooltip on the appropriate link 16:31 <@dusanx> boo 16:31 <@Dieterbe> since you're eyes are pointed already at the link already, it seems silly to show it at the bottom of the screen 16:33 <@dusanx> since I already modified that code may be wise to add few flags and allow all combinations? I am willing to do that. 16:33 <@dusanx> bc I really like current hover thingy I did 16:36 <@Dieterbe> hm so in what state is your code now? 16:36 <@dusanx> same as on github 16:40 <@Dieterbe> ah hmm but you use things like GDK_Right 16:40 <@dusanx> that was used to map arrow, not needed 16:41 <@dusanx> I am thinking to clone your current code and add chaeges again 16:42 <@Dieterbe> i hope you mean "fork" on github, and then clone your copy on github 16:42 <@dusanx> if I add show-float or some switch there are two lines of code that will allow me to use uzbl :) 16:43 <@dusanx> so no harm done 16:43 <@dusanx> and we can add tooltip key when we figure out how 16:45 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 16:46 <@Dieterbe> yeah we could make it configurable, whether to show the url in a tooltip or in the statusbar 16:46 <@dusanx> cool 16:46 <@dusanx> this is really important to me 16:47 <@dusanx> ok, how do I take your whole experimental branch and overwrite my code? 16:50 <@Dieterbe> well i always do that non-professionaly :) check out my experimental branch, copy all files (except .git), then checkout your branch again, remove evereything (except .git), and move in the files from me 16:50 <@dusanx> wow 16:50 <@dusanx> hope I can do it :) 16:57 <@dusanx> hmm, what about real arrows, F keys and so on? I don't need them, does anybody need them? 16:57 <@Dieterbe> huh? 16:57 <@Dieterbe> real arrows, f keys? 16:58 <@dusanx> yes, if somebody wants to use some of that keys to navigate? 16:58 <@dusanx> ignore them would be easiest :P 17:01 <@dusanx> brb 17:02 <@Dieterbe> well, if someone wants to use real arrow keys instead of vim-like keys, i think he sholud be able to 17:02 <@Dieterbe> but that's low prio for me :) 17:16 <@dusanx> me too :) 17:17 <@Dieterbe> i'm now cleaning up the code. using the callbacks for the actions received through the fifo 17:36 < lwi> hi dusanx, you added key-press support here ( http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=541928#p541928 ) but it seems this breaks normal keybaord input to the webkit widget e.g. text input in google search box, any solution? 17:38 <@dusanx> get latest github code, should be fixed 17:39 < lwi> actually your github or the main git? is it already merged? 17:39 <@dusanx> not yet, get my git 17:39 < lwi> okay its return true 17:40 < lwi> no void but gboolean to return :D 17:40 < lwi> thx 17:40 <@dusanx> np 17:40 <@dusanx> replace whole func and it will work 17:40 <@dusanx> or take git 17:42 < lwi> i prefer my own code, i have some more keybindings so I have a switch() case 17:42 < lwi> anyway there is another issue -> handling xf86 keys 17:42 <@dusanx> lol 17:42 < lwi> atm i catch them via hardware_keycode 17:43 <@dusanx> that will not be ready too soon 17:43 <@dusanx> that will do 17:44 <@dusanx> but will not be soon in settings file 17:44 < lwi> yeah its a bit complicated, gdk keycode != x keycode 17:44 < lwi> so i am unable to just include the xf86 header file and use the keysym 17:44 <@dusanx> should probably work 17:45 <@dusanx> let me check 17:45 < lwi> thx 17:45 <@dusanx> use keyval instead: guint keyval; the key that was pressed or released. See the header file for a complete list of GDK key codes. 17:46 <@dusanx> and you can use code 17:46 <@dusanx> out of curiosity: what key are you mapping to do what? 17:47 < lwi> gdk keysym does not include xf86 keysyms 17:47 < lwi> XF86Back 17:47 < lwi> i have a special key just for going one page back on my keyboard ;) 17:49 -!- happydawn [n=dim@61-57.79-83.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #uzbl 17:49 <@dusanx> can you check it's code in xev and use hex value? 17:50 < lwi> state 0x0, keycode 234 (keysym 0x1008ff26, XF86Back), same_screen YES, 17:50 <@dusanx> keyval==0x1008ff26 should work 17:51 < lwi> as told atm im catching it via event->hardware_keycode == 234 17:51 < lwi> well i tried, but the hex value it bigger than gint16 17:51 < lwi> *is 17:51 <@dusanx> than hardw keycode it is... 17:55 <@Dieterbe> okay i must be a real C noob.. but since when can't you assign a * char to a char array? a char array is a char pointer, no? 17:56 <@dusanx> no 17:57 <@dusanx> char array is variable, not pointer 17:58 <@Dieterbe> hmm i'll have to do some reading i see :P 17:59 <@dusanx> you can assign char_pointer=&char_array[0] iirc 17:59 <@dusanx> but for otner direction you must use strcpy 18:03 -!- lean2501 [n=aleyscha@202-103-17-190.fibertel.com.ar] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 18:04 -!- happydawn [n=dim@61-57.79-83.cust.bluewin.ch] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 18:07 <@dusanx> Dieterbe: you know what? I will change my existing code, you will add changes to yours and then I will clone it. git gives me a creeps. ok? 18:08 <@Dieterbe> :) 18:09 <@dusanx> thanks :) 18:12 <@Dieterbe> what do you mean? want me to do something? 18:14 <@dusanx> no, I will update my code, push it to mu git and send you pull request 18:16 <@Dieterbe> k 18:35 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: i looked it up. http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/~liberti/public/computing/prog/c/C/CONCEPT/pointers.html here they also say a char array == char pointer 18:36 <@dusanx> char[n] array? 18:36 <@Dieterbe> yes 18:36 <@dusanx> how did you defined char array exactly? 18:37 <@Dieterbe> what i do is this: commands[numcmds].signal = signal_name; 18:37 <@Dieterbe> with: char * signal_name 18:38 <@Dieterbe> and char signal[256]; 18:38 <@dusanx> and commands definition? 18:39 <@dusanx> can you paste it here? 18:39 <@Dieterbe> struct command 18:39 <@Dieterbe> { char command[256]; char signal[256]; 18:39 <@Dieterbe> } 18:40 <@Dieterbe> static struct command commands[256] 18:40 <@Dieterbe> (static in the global scope) 18:40 <@dusanx> just a sec 18:42 <@dusanx> do you get compiling error on that ].signal line above? does not look right 18:43 <@Dieterbe> uzbl.c: In function ‘add_command’: 18:43 <@Dieterbe> uzbl.c:219: error: incompatible types in assignment 18:43 <@Dieterbe> where 219 is the line that says "commands[numcmds].signal = signal_name;" 18:43 <@dusanx> b/c signal is not part of commands struct 18:43 <@dusanx> so you can't assign it 18:44 <@Dieterbe> but i've put "char signal[256];" in the struct? 18:44 <@dusanx> static struct command commands[256] ? 18:44 <@dusanx> oops 18:45 <@dusanx> sorry you did 18:45 <@dusanx> let me see 18:46 <@dusanx> signal_name is pointer to null terminated string? 18:46 <@dusanx> I mean what you keep there? 18:48 <@Dieterbe> okay, so the function key is: add_command (char* cmdstr, char * signal_name) { 18:48 <@Dieterbe> and i call it like: add_command("back", "go_back"); 18:48 <@dusanx> ok 18:48 <@dusanx> just a sec 18:49 <@dusanx> #include 18:49 < lwi> anyone knows what at what kind of object the gpointer user_data shows? ( http://webkitgtk.org/reference/webkitgtk-WebKitWebView.html#WebKitWebView-icon-loaded ) 18:49 <@Dieterbe> i have that dusanx 18:49 <@dusanx> strcpy (where,what); 18:49 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: you know what, i'll make a branch for this attempt and push it 18:50 <@dusanx> so: strcpy(commands[numcmds].signal, signal_name); 18:50 <@Dieterbe> allright that works 18:50 <@Dieterbe> thanks 18:50 <@dusanx> can't assign, must copy str 18:50 <@dusanx> ;) 18:52 <@dusanx> we need no tabs lol. check forum, guy is using uzbl with mutt :D 18:52 <@Dieterbe> i don't know lwi sorry 18:52 <@Dieterbe> what does that have to do with tabs :P 18:53 <@dusanx> 'rome should be destroyed', repeated many times :P 18:53 <@dusanx> no, that was cartagina 18:54 <@dusanx> I was close 18:55 < lwi> it seems there is no possibility to get the favicon 18:57 <@dusanx> no, there is no webkit call for that 18:57 < lwi> :F 18:58 < lwi> strange, because we have icon-loaded callback 18:58 < lwi> this callback makes no sense without the icon 18:59 <@Dieterbe> AHA dusanx i made something cool, you will like this 18:59 <@dusanx> listening :) 18:59 <@Dieterbe> i wrote a patch for dmenu :D 18:59 <@Dieterbe> that adds a flag to set a default string 19:00 <@dusanx> nice :) 19:00 <@dusanx> we may try to push that upstream? 19:00 <@Dieterbe> yeah, i'm registering on their ML right now 19:01 <@dusanx> I am there for some time 19:02 < sentientswitch> any idea why gtk_main() would prevent printf from working? :P very odd 19:02 <@Dieterbe> because your app stays in gtk_main as long as it runs 19:03 < sentientswitch> yeah I know that, the strange thing is that printf's called before it won't run.. 19:04 < sentientswitch> if I comment out gtk_main() then they print as normal 19:09 <@Dieterbe> hmm don't know 19:11 <@dusanx> D, what do you do with "back" "go_back" later? 19:13 <@Dieterbe> well i was trying to port barracuda's command struct to use signals instead of function pointers. so it would trigger a signal instead calling a function directly. the advantage being that you can attach multiple functions to a signel + we listen to signals already anyway, and you should be able to pass arguments to functions 19:13 <@Dieterbe> but now i noticed you can't just make up your own signal names :P 19:13 <@dusanx> great 19:14 <@dusanx> good idea 19:17 <@Dieterbe> yeah.. just to bad I can't make up my own signals :P 19:17 <@Dieterbe> well, maybe it's possible with gtk 19:17 <@Dieterbe> i'll investigate 19:17 <@dusanx> I have no idea, I am new to gtk 19:25 <@dusanx> D, can I suggest something? 19:27 <@Dieterbe> you sure can 19:28 <@dusanx> i would not use huge static arrays 19:28 <@dusanx> and function to fill them 19:29 <@dusanx> here is how to make them compact (dwm code): 19:29 <@dusanx> static GOptionEntry entries[] = 19:29 <@dusanx> { { "uri", 'u', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &uri, "Uri to load", NULL }, { "verbose", 'v', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &verbose, "Be verbose", NULL }, { NULL } 19:29 <@dusanx> wait, I'll paste line by line 19:29 <@dusanx> static GOptionEntry entries[] = 19:30 <@dusanx> { 19:30 <@dusanx> { "uri", 'u', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &uri, "Uri to load", NULL }, 19:30 <@dusanx> { "verbose", 'v', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &verbose, "Be verbose", NULL }, 19:30 <@dusanx> { NULL } 19:30 <@dusanx> }; 19:30 <@dusanx> that's it 19:31 <@dusanx> very compact 19:31 <@Dieterbe> well, that's what we do now? 19:32 <@dusanx> no 19:32 <@dusanx> you have char[255] 19:32 <@dusanx> and add_command code 19:32 <@Dieterbe> :| 19:32 <@dusanx> they are both taking place 19:33 <@dusanx> see: they have array of arrays 19:34 <@Dieterbe> what you pasted is actually what is already in the code. http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/blob/a234f04195dcfccb7b052b560e8d6753ffcd866b/uzbl.c#L57 19:35 <@dusanx> lol great 19:35 <@dusanx> carry on! 19:36 <@dusanx> but you need same instead of static struct command commands[256]; 19:36 <@Dieterbe> yeah, i'll do that 19:37 <@dusanx> ok 19:40 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 19:42 < _19LIONZ> Hi , good luck with your project . 19:42 <@Dieterbe> thanks 19:43 < _19LIONZ> Dieterbe: Maybe you should set a topic for the channel . 19:43 <@Dieterbe> ah yes. maybe i should 19:43 -!- Dieterbe changed the topic of #uzbl to: I'm hungry -- uzbl is almost uzbl -- http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl 19:44 < _19LIONZ> Dieterbe: Explain what uzbl is (help with visibility :D) 19:45 <@Dieterbe> visibility? 19:47 < _19LIONZ> Dieterbe: people visiting the channel should know what uzbl is . 19:47 <@Dieterbe> right. 19:48 -!- Dieterbe changed the topic of #uzbl to: Uzbl is a browser that adheres to the unix philosophy. Uzbl does only browsing -- I'm hungry -- uzbl is almost uzbl -- http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl 19:48 < _19LIONZ> Dieterbe: perfect :D 19:48 <@dusanx> I was bit rough on forum but it was a time :( 19:48 <@Dieterbe> i wonder what's wrong with that guy :) 19:49 <@Dieterbe> i just ignore him 19:49 <@dusanx> me too, oops 19:59 <@Dieterbe> rolf 19:59 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: the reply on the dwm list on my patch :P 20:00 <@dusanx> yes they are like that 20:00 <@dusanx> but he is not right 20:00 <@dusanx> I will answer 20:00 <@Dieterbe> no no 20:00 <@Dieterbe> he corrected himself :) 20:01 <@dusanx> lol you get email faster than I do 20:02 <@dusanx> I'll wait 20:02 <@dusanx> since I don't have it yet 20:03 <@Dieterbe> :D 20:03 <@dusanx> he is :D 20:04 <@dusanx> but he is great guy 20:05 <@Dieterbe> he sure made a good first impression :P 20:25 <@dusanx> I will probably go now and code tonight, should have keys ready tomorrow morning-ish 20:55 -!- BetterLeftUnsaid [n=kirby@dyn128-54-218-113.ucsd.edu] has joined #uzbl 20:55 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: 20:55 <@Dieterbe> 19:29:58 <@dusanx> static GOptionEntry entries[] = 20:55 <@Dieterbe> 19:30:06 <@dusanx> { 20:55 <@Dieterbe> 19:30:13 <@dusanx> { "uri", 'u', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &uri, "Uri to load", NULL }, 20:55 <@Dieterbe> 19:30:18 <@dusanx> { "verbose", 'v', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &verbose, "Be verbose", NULL }, 20:55 <@Dieterbe> 19:30:30 <@dusanx> { NULL } 20:55 <@Dieterbe> 19:30:36 <@dusanx> }; 20:55 <@Dieterbe> when you have something like this, how can you get the number of elements in the struct aftewards? 20:58 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 20:58 < barrucadu> Hi :) 20:58 < barrucadu> I got whisked away to the village of Pontefract by my dad earlier, hence my sudden disappearence 21:06 -!- RandomDude [n=RandomDu@w195.ip6.netikka.fi] has joined #uzbl 21:09 <@dusanx> I am back 21:09 < barrucadu> :D 21:09 <@dusanx> both dimensions have terminating NULL 21:10 <@dusanx> so you make loop until you get NULL 21:10 <@dusanx> but I will be on and off for the next few hours 21:14 < barrucadu> Hmm, what was the decision for if statements? Was it "if(condition) {" or "if (condition) {"? 21:14 <@dusanx> dont know, I hope it's if( 21:15 < barrucadu> I thought it was if (, but there are a couple of if statements here using if(. I'll use that for consistency 21:15 <@dusanx> sorry, I write if with space /blush/ 21:15 < barrucadu> :p 21:15 < barrucadu> "if (" it is then 21:15 <@dusanx> lol 21:17 < barrucadu> I'm having a go at implementing everything in the behaviour section of the config file 21:26 < barrucadu> Can someone link me to that webkit reference page? I'm having difficulty finding it 21:31 < sentientswitch> http://oe.linuxtogo.org/~zecke/webkit-gtk-api/webkitgtk-WebKitWebView.html 21:32 < barrucadu> I've just found it :p 21:36 < barrucadu> I'm trying to figure out how to detect if a file should be downloaded, and if so, forward it to the specified download manager… 21:40 < barrucadu> There doesn't seem to be a way to grab the mime type though, at least, not mentioned on that site 21:42 <@dusanx> yes we need to intercept or change content menu 21:42 -!- Toy-Food [n=andy@d118-75-26-83.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #uzbl 21:43 < barrucadu> Grepping the webkit headers for "download" doesn't reveal anything particularly handy either :( 21:43 < barrucadu> There must be a way to specify the download manager - otherwise how do other webkit browsers pop up a save dialog? 21:43 * Toy-Food just rick rolled himself with uzbl. 21:43 * barrucadu departs to get chocolate cake. 21:45 <@dusanx> we will find it ;) 21:51 * barrucadu returns, having eaten cake. 21:52 <@Dieterbe> :{ 21:52 <@Dieterbe> :) i mean 21:52 < barrucadu> I just saw the name Toy-Food and it reminded me of the cake in the fridge :p 21:52 < Toy-Food> :P 21:53 <@Dieterbe> hey our project has a hater already. that must mean we have a good project :) 21:53 < barrucadu> :D 21:53 <@dusanx> :) 21:53 < barrucadu> When we get to five we know we have a *great* project :) 21:54 < Toy-Food> Then Microsoft must have an amazing product. 21:54 -!- ChoK [n=ChoK@] has joined #uzbl 21:55 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 11 nicks [2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 9 normal] 21:55 <@Dieterbe> anyway, barrucadu i'm refactoring the commands/function pointers a bit 21:55 < barrucadu> ok 21:55 -!- fogobogo [n=fogobogo@port-92-202-62-84.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #uzbl 21:56 <@dusanx> D, you got message about arrays? 21:56 < barrucadu> I'm going to play a few (dozen) games of tower defence then get back to the code :p 21:56 < barrucadu> After maybe having a look at my mysterious wireless problem. 21:56 <@Dieterbe> at a certain point i tried using callbacks and connect them to gobject signals, but then i found out i would need to subclass gobject to implement custom signals and that would require quite some code, so I'm back at the function pointers now 21:56 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: yeah, thanks 21:56 <@dusanx> I am finisheng stargate atlantis episode and will start to code 21:56 < fogobogo> as i can see, development rapidly progresses 21:57 < ChoK> lol 21:57 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: do you have experience with gobject/signals etc? 21:57 < barrucadu> I have yet to start Atlantis… 21:57 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: Not really. I've only got a couple of days experience with C :p 21:58 <@Dieterbe> oh.. right.. i remember reading that in the topic, now you mention it :) 21:58 < fogobogo> i dunno. might be a bit early for feature requests. but maybe better before you bury it in code. any chance to have the statusbar on top? 22:00 <@Dieterbe> we could make it a setting. i like bars at the top too and dusanx wants them at the bottom, so ... 22:00 <@Dieterbe> the only democratic thing to do is make it configurable :P 22:00 < fogobogo> yeah. think thats a good idea 22:00 <@dusanx> lol I want them gone 22:00 < barrucadu> As much as possible should be configurable :) 22:00 <@dusanx> kidding, good idea 22:01 < fogobogo> ok. just dont hammer ppl with options like fvwm. at least some sane defaults ;) 22:02 <@dusanx> absolutely 22:02 -!- Dieterbe changed the topic of #uzbl to: Uzbl is a browser that adheres to the unix philosophy. Uzbl does only browsing -- uzbl is almost uzbl -- http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl -- Please don't say the forbidden 3-letter word 22:03 < barrucadu> The forbidden 3 letter word? Tab? :p 22:03 * barrucadu makes the sign of the cross 22:03 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: AAAARRRG 22:03 < fogobogo> sekx? 22:03 < sentientswitch> every time you say tab a Dieterbe dies 22:03 <@Dieterbe> yeah, god ran out of kittens 22:04 <@Dieterbe> so he does dieterbe's 22:04 < sentientswitch> yeah 22:04 <@dusanx> no, that would be me so it's not tab 22:04 < fogobogo> /exec -o for 1<5000 ;do echo "TAB"; done 22:04 < fogobogo> nvm 22:09 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: not like this? while (commands[i] != NULL) { ... i++; } 22:09 <@Dieterbe> where commands is the struct 22:09 <@dusanx> yes should be like that 22:09 <@Dieterbe> i get: uzbl.c:172: error: invalid operands to binary != (have ‘struct command’ and ‘void *’) 22:10 <@dusanx> I can check dwm code 22:10 <@dusanx> let me see 22:15 <@Dieterbe> faster ! 22:15 <@Dieterbe> :)) 22:15 <@dusanx> there is better way 22:15 < fogobogo> obey! 22:15 <@dusanx> first define: 22:15 <@Dieterbe> now i'm curious 22:15 <@dusanx> typedef struct { const char *class; const char *instance; const char *title; unsigned int tags; Bool isfloating; 22:15 <@dusanx> } Rule; 22:16 <@dusanx> using irssi, dont know if that passed? 22:16 <@Dieterbe> i got a typedef struct ... Rule 22:16 <@Dieterbe> you can always use a nopaste service btw :) 22:16 <@dusanx> typedef struct { 22:16 <@dusanx> yes, wait 22:17 <@dusanx> http://rafb.net/p/LUiAIF21.html 22:17 <@dusanx> struct like this 22:17 <@Dieterbe> yeah... 22:17 <@dusanx> then 22:18 <@dusanx> http://rafb.net/p/zTDfeN46.html 22:18 <@dusanx> fill structure 22:18 <@dusanx> then 22:19 <@Dieterbe> why don't you paste it all in 1 go :) 22:19 <@dusanx> http://rafb.net/p/Pkqewg68.html 22:19 <@dusanx> because they are in different files :) 22:20 <@dusanx> so you can reference item by name now 22:21 -!- ChoK [n=ChoK@] has quit [Connection timed out] 22:22 <@Dieterbe> ah.. LENGTH(rules) 22:22 <@Dieterbe> i had tried commands.length 22:22 < barrucadu> Just vanishing to try to get my wireless connection working again... 22:22 <@Dieterbe> :/ 22:22 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has quit ["WeeChat"] 22:22 <@dusanx> and you dont need NULL terminators 22:25 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 22:25 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: do you know where LENGTH comes from? 22:25 * barrucadu has given up on getting his wireless working, for now 22:25 <@Dieterbe> seems a bit a weird function name 22:25 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: nothing beats a 1000Mbps ethernet lan :) 22:26 <@dusanx> let me see 22:26 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: That may be true, but when wireless has stopped working for no apparent reason, and works on other networks, it's a pain :p 22:26 <@dusanx> #define LENGTH(x) (sizeof x / sizeof x[0]) 22:28 <@Dieterbe> heh 22:37 <@Dieterbe> i think it may work 22:37 <@Dieterbe> it compiles, bug segfaults as soon as a command is read :P 22:38 <@dusanx> you have a dangling pointer somewhere :P 22:39 <@Dieterbe> man i'm starting to hate C already ;P 22:39 < barrucadu> As the name was inspired by lolcats, clearly we should reimplement it in lolcode :P 22:40 <@dusanx> hmm, I like it but did not used it... let's see... for the last 16 years :) 22:40 <@Dieterbe> I CAN HAZ FIFO? KTHXBYE :) 22:41 <@dusanx> lol 22:41 < barrucadu> Somehow I doubt lolcode has webkit bindings though :( 22:42 <@Dieterbe> yea :) 22:42 <@Dieterbe> oh btw barrucadu , i changed the fifo names. now they don't use the pid, but rather the X window id 22:42 <@Dieterbe> when you do xdotool --search to get the properties of a window, you get the X window id, not the pid 22:43 <@Dieterbe> and I couldn't find an easy way to get the pid, so .. 22:56 <@Dieterbe> hmm the segfault seems to appear @ strcpy(cmdstr, command); 22:56 <@Dieterbe> where i have: parse_command(const char *command) { // i checked with a printf there is a string in command 22:56 <@Dieterbe> and : char *cmdstr; 22:56 <@dusanx> target, source, right? 22:56 <@Dieterbe> yeah 22:56 <@dusanx> nooo 22:57 <@dusanx> you can only strcpy to string 22:57 <@dusanx> cmdstr is string pointer 22:57 <@Dieterbe> http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstring/strcpy/ 22:57 <@dusanx> yes 22:57 <@Dieterbe> says: char * strcpy ( char * destination, const char * source ); ? 22:58 <@dusanx> but your string pointer does not have allocated space? 22:58 <@Dieterbe> ah 22:58 <@Dieterbe> that's probably it 22:58 <@dusanx> it's just pointing anywhere in memory if not initialized 22:59 <@Dieterbe> i thought strcpy would handle that for me :P 22:59 <@Dieterbe> ooh now i know why firefox crashed 22:59 <@Dieterbe> i corrupted my own memory :/ 22:59 <@dusanx> what do you want to do with cmdstr later? 23:00 < barrucadu> Idea: As commands are going to be 1 character long, should we change the use of strings we have now to GDK_{something} constants? This would make it easier to pass a key value upon press to parse_command. 23:00 <@Dieterbe> actually that's just a remainder of barrucadu's code, now that we don't use aliases anymore i think we can drop the copy 23:00 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: no commands are words like refresh, go_back, zoom_in 23:00 <@dusanx> if you want just to use it and not to change content 23:01 <@dusanx> you can safely use cmdstr=&command[0]; 23:01 <@dusanx> that's him pointing to legal string 23:03 <@Dieterbe> i'm just gonna use command directly 23:10 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: what are you working on now/next? 23:13 <@Dieterbe> i'm now working on commands with arguments, so that you can do "uri http://..." which is cleaner then plain "http://.." 23:14 <@dusanx> I am working on keys/insert mode/status and title bars 23:14 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: I'm working on switching between command/insert mode with Esc/i, and having one key press for a command in command mode. After this I'll look at always_insert_mode and modmask 23:15 <@Dieterbe> super .. 23:17 <@dusanx> barr, I am doing that? 23:17 <@dusanx> thought that we agreed that you will work ini wile part? 23:17 <@dusanx> file 23:18 < barrucadu> I sort of... deviated :p 23:18 <@dusanx> boo 23:18 < barrucadu> I added the always_insert_mode and thought "Well, I need something for it to do", and things progressed :p 23:18 <@dusanx> can you un-deviate? 23:19 <@dusanx> or finish that, dont know how far you are gone... 23:19 <@dusanx> but we will need sfttings soon 23:19 <@dusanx> settings, damn colemak 23:20 < barrucadu> I'll just finish what I'm doing then move back to settings loading 23:21 <@dusanx> what are you doing exactly? 23:21 <@dusanx> bc you are doing all over place 23:21 < barrucadu> Well, I have a nonworking command mode :p 23:21 <@dusanx> if D did not asked I would do double job argh 23:21 < barrucadu> ...back to settings! :) 23:22 < barrucadu> In fact, I'll just undo what I've done because it doesn't work properly :p 23:22 <@dusanx> thanks 23:22 <@dusanx> you are our tert pilot :p 23:22 <@dusanx> argh test pilot 23:23 <@dusanx> anybody using colemak lol 23:24 <@dusanx> guess not since you don't have typos ;) 23:25 < barrucadu> I mean to switch to another keyboard layout at some point. If only to make my laptop that little bit more inaccessable to normal people :p 23:26 < barrucadu> Though it'd play havok with keybindings - I'd have to either rebind a lot of things, or just work the new positions into muscle memory 23:27 <@dusanx> my keyboard is almost older than you guys, proper 1984 IBM model m :) 23:29 < barrucadu> Your keyboard *is* older than me, I'm 17 :p 23:30 <@dusanx> oh man :) 23:36 -!- kdavis [n=btartsa@c-24-21-173-200.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #uzbl 23:39 < barrucadu> Hmm, I notice my home git repo has been uploaded to my uzbl master branch. How on earth did that happen? <.> 23:40 < barrucadu> Ah. 23:41 <@Dieterbe> i'm 24, so that makes your keyboard also older then me :) 23:42 <@Dieterbe> btw. fuck 23:42 <@dusanx> D, I hope that you have backup of your branches =)) 23:42 <@Dieterbe> why? 23:43 <@dusanx> barrucadu> Hmm, I notice my home git repo has been uploaded to my uzbl master branch 23:43 < barrucadu> My uzbl branch is called experimental, as I copied it from dieter's experimental branch. I had accidentally created a master branch and uploaded my home repo to it 23:43 < barrucadu> No damage done 23:43 <@dusanx> don't let B overwrite them :P 23:44 < barrucadu> I had stupidly called both my home remote repo and my uzbl remote repo "origin" :p 23:44 <@Dieterbe> hah 23:44 <@Dieterbe> hey dusanx , since you have about 20 years of C experience or so, i have a question for you 23:45 <@Dieterbe> look at this http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/commit/eb0c7ca3297e16a13ede258b20d7eae57730b3a8 23:46 <@Dieterbe> as you see, depending on the booleans param_allow and param_optional i sometimes want to call the function for the command with an extra argument 23:46 <@Dieterbe> but when I call "func (web_view, command_param);" (line 192) it complains about the extra parameter 23:46 <@Dieterbe> which makes sense, as the function pointers are defined without the extra param 23:47 <@Dieterbe> is it possible to define the struct in such a way I can call the functions with our without an extra param? 23:47 <@dusanx> yes but I am not sure how, let me try to remember 23:48 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 12 nicks [2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 10 normal] 23:48 -!- mode/#uzbl [+o barrucadu] by Dieterbe 23:49 * barrucadu feels powerful 23:49 <@barrucadu> :p 23:49 <@dusanx> easiest way (dirty one) is to always use same number of params 23:50 <@dusanx> 196: func (web_view, NULL); 23:51 <@dusanx> and than have func that accepts two params 23:51 <@Dieterbe> that's the problem. we're calling webkit functions immediately.. we could write wrapper functions, but it would become complex and ugly imho 23:52 <@dusanx> I would like wrappers 23:52 <@dusanx> you will always want to add something anyway 23:52 <@Dieterbe> ok that's true. but still. giving them all an extra parameter just because one function might use one... 23:53 <@dusanx> at least debug printf 23:53 <@dusanx> I know 23:53 <@dusanx> http://publications.gbdirect.co.uk/c_book/chapter9/stdarg.html 23:54 <@Dieterbe> hhhz 23:58 <@Dieterbe> hheey wait a minute 23:58 <@Dieterbe> no, never mind --- Day changed Sun Apr 26 2009 00:01 <@Dieterbe> i'm going to bed 00:02 <@Dieterbe> see you tomorrow guys 00:02 <@dusanx> see you ;) 00:02 < fogobogo> o/ 00:02 <@barrucadu> bye 00:03 < fogobogo> all ops here huh? 00:03 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 12 nicks [3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 9 normal] 00:03 * fogobogo thinks "damn sharkpool" 00:22 <@barrucadu> dusanx: I've just committed loading key bindings from the config file into a struct, you should probably have a look as you're doing insert mode 00:22 <@dusanx> I am back 00:22 <@barrucadu> :) 00:22 <@dusanx> thanks 00:22 <@dusanx> where to look? 00:23 <@barrucadu> http://github.com/Barrucadu/uzbl/commit/8a886c9fb87f56d0531736422c47606412bc5019 00:23 <@barrucadu> The internal_bindings and external_bindings variables 00:25 < rson> jesus christ. i dont mean to bring this in here, but wtf's up wraith's ass today? 00:26 <@dusanx> leave him be... 00:26 <@barrucadu> Maybe he's just having a bad day 00:27 -!- syslogd_ [n=syslogd@pD955E3D0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 00:27 -!- syslogd_ is now known as syslogd 00:28 <@dusanx> B, this is latest D code included? 00:28 -!- BetterLeftUnsaid [n=kirby@dyn128-54-218-113.ucsd.edu] has quit ["mrawr!"] 00:30 <@barrucadu> Not his latest commit, but the one before. I haven't copied over his changes yet 00:31 <@dusanx> ok, I'll try to merge everything at my git 00:35 -!- BetterLeftUnsaid [n=kirby@dyn128-54-218-113.ucsd.edu] has joined #uzbl 00:51 <@barrucadu> I've just merged Dieter's changes. But now it doesn't compile because he was playing with parse_command :p 00:51 <@barrucadu> I'll just change that line back so I can compile it... 00:51 <@dusanx> that's it! I will work on my code and will not merge anything! 00:52 <@dusanx> then you will merge it back... 00:53 -!- happydawn [n=dim@61-57.79-83.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #uzbl 00:57 <@barrucadu> Now that the config file is sorted I need something to do... :p 00:58 <@dusanx> does g_key_file_get_value allocates needed space? 00:59 <@barrucadu> I'm not sure 00:59 <@dusanx> have you used some existing example? 01:00 <@barrucadu> Yes, I searched google code for the function name and picked one of the results to base my code on 01:00 <@dusanx> yes but have you checked some existing code? 01:01 <@dusanx> to see if you need to allocate/deallocate needed space? 01:01 <@barrucadu> Here is what I used: http://google.com/codesearch/p?hl=en#wdy1i-miiWM/gtk/src/ini_to_plist.c&q=g_key_file_get_keys 01:01 <@barrucadu> There is nothing that I can see about allocating/deallocating space 01:05 <@barrucadu> Hmm: http://lists.suckless.org/dwm/0904/7905.html 01:07 <@barrucadu> Well, people seem to be talking about uzbl at least :p 01:08 <@dusanx> at this google example 01:08 <@dusanx> they are using double pointer 01:09 <@dusanx> gchar **keys; 01:09 <@dusanx> keys = g_key_file_get_keys(kf, groups[ii], NULL, NULL); 01:09 * barrucadu looks at his code 01:09 <@barrucadu> gchar **keysi = g_key_file_get_keys (config, "bindings_internal", NULL, NULL); 01:10 -!- happydawn [n=dim@61-57.79-83.cust.bluewin.ch] has quit ["leaving"] 01:10 <@barrucadu> It was segfaulting when I tried to do it myself with a single pointer, hence the googling 01:10 <@dusanx> let me see 01:10 <@dusanx> you are right 01:10 <@barrucadu> http://www.gtk.org/api/2.6/glib/glib-Key-value-file-parser.html#g-key-file-get-keys 01:11 < syslogd> Will uzbl support tabs? 01:11 <@dusanx> so g_ allocates space, great 01:11 < syslogd> Why are you using GTK instead of Qt even though WebKit uses Qt as well? 01:12 < syslogd> GTK is too much overhead in my opinion. 01:12 <@dusanx> webkit uses gtk or qt 01:12 < syslogd> Ok. 01:12 <@dusanx> but can't work standalone 01:12 < syslogd> Aren't they using Qt for rendering internally? 01:12 <@dusanx> no 01:12 < syslogd> Like QString, etc.? 01:12 < syslogd> Ah. 01:13 < syslogd> Still, it's too slow for my 500 MHz machine. 01:13 < syslogd> Using Arora here - very slow. 01:13 <@dusanx> they only use gtk or qt to render forms 01:13 < syslogd> Ok. 01:13 < syslogd> What about KHTML, would it be faster? 01:14 < syslogd> I've taken a look the source codes (of Konqueror and KHTML) a few weeks ago and it looked very clean. 01:14 <@dusanx> that is locked to qt, no portability 01:14 < syslogd> Who cares? 01:15 < syslogd> WebKit is also looked to GTK or Qt. 01:15 <@dusanx> I dont use qt so... me? 01:15 < syslogd> Qt is faster than GTK. 01:15 < syslogd> And has a much cleaner API. 01:15 < syslogd> Though, it is bloated. 01:15 < syslogd> I like FLTK best. :) 01:15 <@dusanx> cool, why dont you create qt port? 01:16 < syslogd> But they have a miserable release model. 01:17 < syslogd> Uhm, because I don't need all those features of Qt (like QString). I want a toolkit which only reacts on keyboard events and is very lightweight (like FLTK). 01:18 < syslogd> I already thought of forking FLTK but I am still waiting for a new release which fixes all those bugs. 01:19 < syslogd> Dillo needed to implements lots of workarounds (like limiting the maximum number of tabs) because FLTK has lots of bugs that don't get fixed. 01:19 <@dusanx> master 01:19 < syslogd> Good idea. 01:19 < syslogd> But I want a stable basis. 01:19 < syslogd> Another goal would be to port FLTK to Wayland. 01:20 < syslogd> Then I'd get rid of Xorg completely. :) 01:20 < syslogd> Xorg is a good example how *not* to follow the Unix philosophy. 01:21 < syslogd> That's why I really appreciate KML and Wayland. 01:21 < syslogd> Hope even more cards get supported in the future. 01:21 < syslogd> :) 01:21 < syslogd> Still there? 01:21 <@barrucadu> Yes, we're here :) 01:22 < syslogd> :) 01:22 <@dusanx> I'll kill too 01:22 < syslogd> ? 01:23 < syslogd> Whom? 01:23 <@dusanx> my branch 01:23 < syslogd> Hm, okay. 01:23 < syslogd> Anyways, got to go. 01:23 <@barrucadu> bye 01:23 < syslogd> It's been nice talking to you. 01:23 < syslogd> Good night you guys. 01:35 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 01:36 < fogobogo> hmm 01:36 < fogobogo> seems barrucadu is out of order again. 01:36 * fogobogo goes looking for change 01:54 -!- sentientswitch [n=sentient@94-169-108-188.cable.ubr22.aztw.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit ["leaving"] 02:06 -!- BetterLeftUnsaid [n=kirby@dyn128-54-218-113.ucsd.edu] has quit ["mrawr!"] 02:36 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 05:05 -!- fogobogo_ [n=fogobogo@port-92-202-89-37.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #uzbl 05:22 -!- fogobogo [n=fogobogo@port-92-202-62-84.dynamic.qsc.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 06:19 -!- BetterLeftUnsaid [n=kirby@dyn128-54-218-113.ucsd.edu] has joined #uzbl 09:17 <@Dieterbe> good morning dudes 09:17 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 10 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 9 normal] 09:38 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 09:39 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 09:54 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 09:54 < dusanx> 'morning :) 09:59 <@Dieterbe> hey dusanx 09:59 <@Dieterbe> i fixed my bug from yesterday 09:59 <@Dieterbe> so my experimental is fairly stable 10:00 < dusanx> let me try to merge 10:00 < dusanx> just a sec 10:00 <@Dieterbe> i will merge from barracuda 10:00 <@Dieterbe> that will make the diff between us smaller 10:00 <@Dieterbe> so if the diff is too big, don't waste your time on it :) 10:00 <@Dieterbe> i can merge from you after merging from barracuda 10:01 <@Dieterbe> but first i have to eat. see you later 10:01 < dusanx> I had to take his code since he took your experimental 10:01 < dusanx> it was a mess to merge :( 10:14 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 10:15 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 10:21 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 10:22 < barrucadu> Hi 10:22 < dusanx> 'morning :) 10:23 < barrucadu> I'll just merge what both of you have done since I was forcibly removed from the Internet last night :p 10:23 < dusanx> can you merge my source? 10:23 < dusanx> using github 10:24 < dusanx> drives me mad not to be able to merge anything 10:24 < dusanx> had to copy your source so you should be able to merge 10:24 < barrucadu> Ok, I just need to add your repo as a source first 10:26 -!- fogobogo_ is now known as fogobogo 10:27 < dusanx> lol have you seen how many lines of code key processing needs? :D 10:32 < barrucadu> Your code is merged :) 10:32 < barrucadu> Now for Dieter's 10:32 < dusanx> great 10:33 < dusanx> gone for an hour >>> 10:39 < barrucadu> Code merged, and multi-parameter functions work great :) 10:39 < barrucadu> I also went through and correct any remaining code style mistakes I saw 10:40 < barrucadu> ...so naturally now I notice more :p 10:42 < barrucadu> Done 10:42 <@Dieterbe> morning dudes 10:43 < barrucadu> There are now, as far as I can tell, no code style mistakes in my branch :) 10:43 < barrucadu> hi 10:43 < barrucadu> Ad I've got Dieterbe and dusanx's latest commits, you both may as well copy mine so it's all consistent 10:43 < barrucadu> *As 10:44 <@Dieterbe> ok, if we can now bind keys to external scripts, then we can release a proof of concept / alpha 10:44 < barrucadu> We can bind keys, but I'm not sure if anything happens yet <.> 10:45 <@Dieterbe> and you can catch the key events? 10:45 < barrucadu> yes 10:46 <@Dieterbe> cool 10:46 <@Dieterbe> then we just need to exec() the external scripts 10:50 <@Dieterbe> i'm now gonna try out your stuff and merge it in 10:50 <@Dieterbe> your = both of you :) 10:50 < barrucadu> :) 10:51 < barrucadu> I've just merged your stuff, so it should be fairly easy 10:51 < barrucadu> The only big changes will be the functions which were indented with two spaces which I changed to four - and some other small style mistakes 10:51 <@Dieterbe> ah, i also corrected those i think 10:51 <@Dieterbe> or at least some 11:00 <@Dieterbe> [experimental] git diff bar/experimental | wc -l 11:01 <@Dieterbe> :o 11:04 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: 11:04 <@Dieterbe> -- Press ESC to toggle the command entry. 11:04 <@Dieterbe> -- Press enter after typing a command to use it. 11:04 <@Dieterbe> this will be changed right? that you don't need to press esc and enter 11:05 <@Dieterbe> -* Support for arguments to commands (argc/argv-like structure?). -> do we need this? isn't it enough that some commands can accept 1 parameter? like 'uri ' 11:06 < barrucadu> Oops, I forgot to update my README file 11:07 < barrucadu> Oh, no I didn't <.> 11:07 < barrucadu> Currently there is no command mode, as dusanx hasn't implemented it yet 11:07 < barrucadu> So the only way to control it is through the FIFO 11:08 < barrucadu> And URI entry at the top 11:08 < barrucadu> And no, we don't need the argc/argv thing - that was just me wondering how to solve the problem of some things needing parameters 11:09 <@Dieterbe> what commands do you think need parameters? 11:09 < dusanx> I am back 11:09 < barrucadu> Well, "uri " is the only one really 11:09 < barrucadu> And that has just the one 11:09 < barrucadu> So your solution is much nicer than my idea 11:09 <@Dieterbe> ok 11:10 < dusanx> hurah! I can merge last D's tree! 11:10 <@Dieterbe> hold on a sec 11:10 < dusanx> just a sec 11:10 <@Dieterbe> o_O 11:10 < dusanx> ok 11:10 <@Dieterbe> i'm still merging in barrucadu's stuff 11:10 < dusanx> ok 11:10 < dusanx> I found out what caused the mess 11:11 <@Dieterbe> btw dusanx feel free to add yourself to the AUTHORS file after merging from me. then when i merge from you, you'll be in the list :) 11:11 < dusanx> and would very much like to be able to do merging in the future 11:11 < dusanx> no problem 11:11 < dusanx> so 11:12 < dusanx> I forked your code few days ago 11:12 < dusanx> but since then you changed it too much for both of us to be able to merge 11:12 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: okay, but we agreed all uri editing will be outside uzbl, so no URI field anymore in uzbl itself :) 11:13 < dusanx> functions were moved and deleted 11:13 < dusanx> so git could not figure out 11:13 <@Dieterbe> right 11:13 < dusanx> pls: 11:13 < dusanx> when you want to change order 11:13 < dusanx> move one function and commit 11:14 < dusanx> update github 11:14 < dusanx> and do another change 11:14 < dusanx> so we can merge in the future 11:15 < dusanx> I will have insert mode in five minutes, it's simple 11:15 < barrucadu> Make sure you pay attention to the always_insert_mode variable loaded from the config file :p 11:15 < dusanx> seen it ;) 11:16 < dusanx> I'll just wait till you get B's code so I can update mine 11:17 < dusanx> want to use git properly 11:17 < dusanx> oh, yes, I added my titlebar hover thing but I will add flag today 11:17 <@Dieterbe> i've merged in barrucadus stuff and pushed to my experimental on github 11:18 < dusanx> great 11:19 < dusanx> be back in an hour, I'll update then 11:20 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: okay, but we agreed all uri editing will be outside uzbl, so no URI field anymore in uzbl itself right? so i'll remove the gtkentry thing for commands/uri 11:20 < barrucadu> ok 11:21 <@Dieterbe> we also don't need the "esc" and "enter" to explicitly toggle the bar and to execute the command 11:21 < barrucadu> Oh, people are talking about us: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=578618 http://lists.suckless.org/dwm/0904/7903.html 11:21 < barrucadu> We're famous! :p 11:22 < fogobogo> now deliver. 11:22 < fogobogo> :D 11:22 <@Dieterbe> 1 point by vorador 1 day ago | link 11:22 <@Dieterbe> It's amusing to see that for the author the unix philosophy means that it comes with no convenience features. 11:22 <@Dieterbe> o_O 11:23 < barrucadu> lol 11:24 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: do you agree with what i just said about esc/enter ? 11:24 < syslogd> Morning guys. 11:25 < syslogd> Dieterbe: I agree. Sometimes less is more. :) 11:25 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: yes 11:26 < barrucadu> Idea: When executing external scripts, uzbl could pass the path to its FIFO as a parameter - thus scripts could just reference "$1" when sending commands. 11:28 <@Dieterbe> hah... 11:28 <@Dieterbe> that's a great ieda 11:28 <@Dieterbe> idea 11:30 < syslogd> Which Arch Linux packages do I need for compiling? It does not find gtk/gtk.h 11:30 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: do you think there is anything wrong with my sampleconfig? i see you created a config file yourself with a different layout, different command names etc 11:30 <@Dieterbe> syslogd: you need libwebkit and gtk 11:30 < syslogd> Thanks. 11:31 < syslogd> Wow, gtk has many dependencies. It wants to install ~50 MiB. :( 11:31 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: and aliases? 11:32 < fogobogo> syslogd: gtk2 methinks you want 11:32 < syslogd> Oh. 11:32 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: didn't you drop aliases in a commit last night? That's why I removed that section from my config file 11:32 < syslogd> Yay, 70 MiB. :) 11:32 < barrucadu> Are you looking at my latest commit? The config files are the same now 11:33 < barrucadu> And have been since I reforked yesterday (whatever time that was) 11:33 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: i don't know.. i pulled in your latest code in my bar/experimental branch (for some reason this required a merge?) but I cloned your latest stuff and diffed manually to see uzbl.c etc were the latest versions, then i merged that stuff into my experimental 11:34 <@Dieterbe> and now i'm comparing my new experimental to the latest one i "verified myself", to see all changes from the merge 11:34 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: so, can i just remove the alias section and drop the config file? 11:34 < barrucadu> yes 11:34 <@Dieterbe> k 11:35 <@Dieterbe> i probably did something wrong with git 11:35 < barrucadu> :p 11:35 <@Dieterbe> that's what i'm going over all the changes once more, manually 11:36 < barrucadu> Git is confusing. When I merged dusanx's changes, it said there were no conflicts - and then didn't update any files at all. So I had to do it by hand 11:36 <@Dieterbe> btw barrucadu :static gchar* always_insert_mode = NULL; i think that can be a gboolean 11:36 < barrucadu> ok 11:36 <@Dieterbe> don't know if gbooleans can be NULL though, if so , initialise it on 0 11:37 < barrucadu> done 11:38 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: are you busy or can i throw you some ideas 11:44 -!- barrucadu1 [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 11:44 < barrucadu1> Hmm, there are two of me <.> 11:47 <@Dieterbe> your other one will lag out soon 11:49 < dusanx> I am back :) 11:50 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: maybe, every time we invoke a script we should do it like : uzbl-config-file uzbl-pid uzbl-x-window-id uzbl_fifo-path [more params depending on script] 11:50 <@Dieterbe> that way, from inside the bash scripts, you have all the info you may need 11:50 < dusanx> what is this git story -- git sucks (less likely) or we don't use it properly 11:50 <@Dieterbe> the latter :) 11:51 <@Dieterbe> with git one should be able to do everything he needs, we just don't know how :) 11:51 < dusanx> what we need to change? It's annoying this way 11:51 <@Dieterbe> what's the biggest issue for you? 11:51 < barrucadu1> Dieterbe: I think those params would cover everything - if a script needs anything else it could be loaded from the config file 11:51 < dusanx> merging within github, I want to see Network report 11:52 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu1: yep 11:52 < dusanx> right now there is no sign that B took my code and he did 11:53 <@Dieterbe> ah that barrucadu1 did something wrong, not you :) 11:53 < barrucadu1> It's all my fault :( 11:53 <@Dieterbe> listen, to merge something in from someone else: 11:53 < barrucadu1> :p 11:53 < dusanx> B, did you killed your fork? It's not in network report 11:54 < barrucadu1> That's because Dieter has merged all of my commits 11:54 <@Dieterbe> go in your local copy (which is a clone of your github one), clean up all your stuff so git status == empty, then add a remote branch for the branch you want to track (eg my experimental), add it like described here http://github.com/guides/pull-requests (second to last code block) 11:55 <@Dieterbe> after you've done that, checkout your own branch again, and git diff /, then git merge / 11:55 <@Dieterbe> after that, push to github and you'll see the merge in the network 11:55 < dusanx> you are talking git on my pc? 11:55 <@Dieterbe> yes 11:55 < dusanx> or on github 11:55 < dusanx> ok 11:56 <@Dieterbe> your local clone on your pc 11:56 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 11:56 < barrucadu1> Aha, I can get my name back! 11:56 -!- barrucadu1 is now known as barrucadu 11:56 <@Dieterbe> the clone on github serves only the purpose of having the code online all the time, basically 11:56 <@Dieterbe> all the real work happens on your own pc 11:56 < dusanx> ok, I'll try to merge your exp now 11:56 <@Dieterbe> you just push to the clone to update the code so everyone else can pull from that 11:57 < dusanx> ok, I was trying to use github fork queue, pull it, change and gush 11:57 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: do you have time to implement some fixes related to your code? 11:58 < barrucadu> yes 11:59 < barrucadu> What needs fixing? 11:59 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: okay. first of all, the history file only serves the purpose of tracking visited pages, it's not meant as a general log file 11:59 <@Dieterbe> i think you changed some code that logs some misc messages to the history file 12:00 * barrucadu checks /tmp/uzbl.history 12:00 < barrucadu> Hmm 12:00 < dusanx> sorry to interrupt: I added MsgBox func temporarily, you can use it for debug purposes 12:01 < dusanx> should be in your code already 12:01 < barrucadu> yes 12:01 <@Dieterbe> yeah it is, i was already wondering what it's purpose was 12:01 < dusanx> debug :) 12:01 <@Dieterbe> i always run uzbl in a terminal (make test) and look at stdout/stderr 12:02 < dusanx> not relying on printf, we can delete it later 12:02 < dusanx> I had weird printfs yesterday 12:03 < barrucadu> No, I haven't got anything writing to the history file other than log_history_cb 12:03 < dusanx> they worked like they are buffered 12:04 <@Dieterbe> ah sorry, i was a bit confused, but i discovered other bugs 12:04 <@Dieterbe> printf ("Download manager: %s\n", history_file); 12:04 <@Dieterbe> printf ("Fifo directory: %s\n", history_file); 12:04 < fogobogo> mind the utf-8 12:04 <@Dieterbe> .. 12:05 < barrucadu> Yes, I just fixed that 12:05 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: see above, in settings_init 12:05 <@Dieterbe> ok cool 12:05 < dusanx> ok, I'll merge your experimental and finish insert mode and title/status text 12:05 < dusanx> is key processing ok? 12:05 < dusanx> needs modifiers I'll add them today 12:07 <@Dieterbe> ah dusanx, didn't you say your code would be done on sunday morning :P 12:07 < dusanx> -ish, yes :) 12:07 < fogobogo> just asking. but... last time i checked printf didnt like non ascii chars. that might give some issues in case i download some japanese boobs no? 12:07 < dusanx> it's early :P 12:12 < dusanx> what the fuck!#$@#$ 12:12 < dusanx> D, you just merged B's code? 12:17 <@Dieterbe> yep 12:17 < dusanx> git pull dieter experimental 12:17 <@Dieterbe> fogobogo: patches welcome :) 12:17 < dusanx> CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in AUTHORS 12:17 < dusanx> CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in README 12:17 < dusanx> CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in TODOCONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in sampleconfig 12:17 <@Dieterbe> yeah, that's weird and I don't know why 12:18 <@Dieterbe> what I do is make a tmp clone somewhere else and copy the files over 12:18 < dusanx> so what should I do now? 12:18 <@Dieterbe> what i just said 12:18 <@Dieterbe> i'm gonna go in #github and ask 12:18 < dusanx> this is wrong 12:18 < dusanx> and not productive 12:19 < dusanx> can we learn how to do it right? 12:19 < dusanx> thanks 12:20 < barrucadu> You did git checkout dieter/experimental before pulling it, right? 12:20 < dusanx> yes 12:20 < dusanx> # On branch dieter/experimental 12:20 < dusanx> nothing to commit (working directory clean) 12:20 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: i'm asking on #github now.. 12:20 < dusanx> thanks 12:21 < dusanx> this is going to grow and we must do it right 12:21 < fogobogo> Dieterbe: i fear my skills wont help there. i still have ~300 pages of pointers to read. but meanwhile: man wprintf 12:35 < barrucadu> Ooh, uzbl-browser.com is available... 12:37 <@Dieterbe> .com?? i prefer .org or so 12:37 < dusanx> yup, uzbl.org would be better 12:38 < barrucadu> 11:37:46 /home/barrucadu % whois uzbl-browser.org 12:38 < barrucadu> NOT FOUND 12:38 < barrucadu> 11:37:51 /home/barrucadu % whois uzbl.org 12:38 < barrucadu> NOT FOUND 12:38 < barrucadu> :D 12:40 < fogobogo> quick! before conficker takes it! 12:43 * barrucadu registers 12:43 < barrucadu> $7.97 12:43 * barrucadu goes to convert that to 'real' money 12:43 < barrucadu> £5.42 :) 12:44 < dusanx> wow 12:47 * barrucadu adds uzbl.org to his dreamhost account 12:48 < dusanx> nice one B 12:49 < dusanx> anything from #github? 12:50 <@Dieterbe> it's a complex story :/ 12:50 <@Dieterbe> maybe you guys should join 12:51 <@Dieterbe> here's what has been said so far http://rafb.net/p/Meu54S85.html 12:51 <@Dieterbe> i still don't understand entirely 12:54 < dusanx> in other words... old guys zip method works better?! 12:54 < dusanx> this is horrible 12:56 <@Dieterbe> no no.. 12:56 <@Dieterbe> man, I have this stupid bug with history 12:57 <@Dieterbe> for some reason, it's always the starting uri that gets logged 12:57 <@Dieterbe> i tried removing the "const" and "static", but didn't help 12:59 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)] 12:59 < fogobogo> Dieterbe: may i have a look? 12:59 < dusanx> so what do I do? unzip your code and start from there? 13:00 <@Dieterbe> fogobogo: sure 13:00 < fogobogo> Dieterbe: have a link? 13:01 <@Dieterbe> fogobogo: look for the uri variable http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/blob/94a267094d21b82517b81f7c9603da5c8577a1e4/uzbl.c also note the functions load_commit_cb and log_history_cb. one sets uri, the other one uses it. both are connect to the load_committed signal from webkit 13:05 < fogobogo> that c++ ? 13:05 < fogobogo> no wait 13:05 < fogobogo> nvm 13:09 < lwi> hey guys, does your webkit crashes too if you invoke webkit_web_view_move_cursor (web_view, GTK_MOVEMENT_VISUAL_POSITIONS, -1); twice? (which in needed later on for vimperator style movement) 13:12 < fogobogo> Dieterbe: due lack of skillz in cannot say all to much. but i suspect either the prototyping is no good or time somehow screws it 13:13 <@Dieterbe> prototyping? 13:13 < fogobogo> something like. int function(float) 13:14 < fogobogo> 1st is variable type that goes out and (float) is variable type going in. if i got that chapter right 13:15 <@Dieterbe> uh . yes 13:16 < fogobogo> time ( &rawtime ); <- what is that for? it aint used afaik 13:16 <@Dieterbe> uh.. yes it is 13:16 <@Dieterbe> look up what time() does 13:16 < fogobogo> oh 13:17 < fogobogo> sorry. didnt look it up 13:18 < fogobogo> hmm 13:19 < fogobogo> actually. thats the only time() i can find 13:53 < dusanx> have to change settings parsing 13:54 < dusanx> maybe affects you too 13:54 < dusanx> D, did you changed anytning in that func? 13:56 <@Dieterbe> no dusanx 13:58 < dusanx> boolean parsing is wrong for always insert 13:58 < dusanx> ok, changing 14:24 <@Dieterbe> i'm gonna be afk for an hour or so 14:28 < dusanx> uploading insert mode 14:34 < dusanx> it's up, you guys should try to merge changes, I need to work on non-insert mode more 14:57 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 14:57 * barrucadu wishes he had a more reliable Internet connection... 14:57 < barrucadu> That, and parents who don't suddenly decide to whisk me away with little notice :p 15:01 -!- shortlord [n=shortlor@pD9FFFC94.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 15:02 < dusanx> nice :) 15:02 < dusanx> you there B? 15:02 < barrucadu> yes 15:03 < barrucadu> Did you get my message about the uzbl.org FTP/SSH details? My IRC skills aren't exactly brilliant :p 15:03 < dusanx> yes, thanks 15:03 < barrucadu> ok 15:04 < dusanx> I just uploaded proper insert handling 15:04 < dusanx> you may try it ;) 15:04 < dusanx> also check boolean handling in cofig read function 15:05 < barrucadu> I'm trying to pull your current code but git is complaining of an error. I'll investigate 15:06 < dusanx> its clean D code that I had to pull and modify // HATES GIT!!! 15:07 < barrucadu> It's complaining about the .gitignore file... 15:07 < barrucadu> Git is awkward :p 15:07 < dusanx> During the war... 15:08 < barrucadu> Aha! It pulled the code! 15:08 < dusanx> ...before internet was there, we all happily used zip files :P 15:08 < dusanx> brb 15:08 < barrucadu> I had to remove my .gitignore and compiled uzbl file though <.> 15:08 < barrucadu> :p 15:11 < dusanx> I am back 15:11 < dusanx> i and esc should work fine 15:11 < barrucadu> :D 15:12 < dusanx> but I need to work on modifier keys and hex values right now 15:13 < barrucadu> It's saying I have nothing to merge… 15:13 * barrucadu doesn't like git any more 15:13 < barrucadu> :p 15:13 < dusanx> I hate git from day one 15:15 < barrucadu> Why did you define GDK_Escape? The key syms are all in gdk/gdkkeysyms.h 15:15 < dusanx> was not sure if we want them, yes I will use include 15:18 < barrucadu> I've merged your code (which seemed to be much more complicated than merging Dieter's), let's see if I've done it properly this time… 15:18 < barrucadu> yes 15:19 < dusanx> why, I took his code and added few things? what am I doing wrong? 15:20 < barrucadu> Well, git complained when I pulled the branch for some reason 15:20 < dusanx> git is such a crap 15:22 < barrucadu> Hmm, I think we need some form of visual indication of whether you're in insert mode or not. Otherwise, if you have a couple of uzbl instances open, you could end up getting confused 15:23 < dusanx> see title bar ;) 15:23 < dusanx> [I] or [C] 15:23 < barrucadu> I have no title bars :p 15:23 < barrucadu> So I'll have to think of a solution 15:23 < barrucadu> Hmm 15:23 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: that's odd. the diff between you and me was very small 15:23 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: cause i merged from you at noon 15:24 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: get my message about the uzbl.org FTP/SSH details? 15:24 < dusanx> one line status bar we discussed? 15:24 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: yep 15:24 < barrucadu> I'll delete the file then 15:25 < dusanx> whoa wait 15:25 < barrucadu> ... 15:25 < dusanx> I just looked there 15:25 < dusanx> need to paste :D 15:25 < barrucadu> File is back :p 15:26 < dusanx> ok, got it :) 15:26 < barrucadu> ok 15:27 < dusanx> I want to add mod keys 15:27 < dusanx> and hex values too 15:27 < dusanx> all changes will be in key handling function 15:35 <@Dieterbe> guys i have an idea 15:35 <@Dieterbe> i will make the history logging an external handler script, like bookmarking 15:35 < dusanx> nice 15:35 < barrucadu> great 15:35 <@Dieterbe> so you have freedom to log the fields you want (date/url/page title) and how you want (plaintxt, sqlite ,..) 15:35 < dusanx> that's better than internal 15:36 <@Dieterbe> yea 15:36 < dusanx> what about small status bar? 15:36 <@Dieterbe> what about it? 15:36 < dusanx> I dont need it but B does 15:37 < dusanx> bc he does not have titles 15:37 < dusanx> do we have it now? 15:40 < barrucadu> A shortcut to toggle showing/hiding a small status bar that contains the same text as the title would be an ideal solution 15:41 < dusanx> actually if status is visible title will show much less but yea 15:41 < dusanx> shortcut or settings? both? 15:42 < barrucadu> A shortcut defined in the config file, plus an always_show_status variable would satisfy most people, I think 15:43 < dusanx> just show_status without always? 15:43 < barrucadu> ok 15:44 < barrucadu> I'll edit my sampleconfig and push the change now. 15:44 < dusanx> great 15:46 <@Dieterbe> yep that sounds good 15:46 <@Dieterbe> and if you toggle the statusbar, only show "page title - uzbl" in the title 15:47 < barrucadu> Done. Now I'll just update settings_init() 15:47 < dusanx> how about creating small titlebar and write some text in it? I have no idea how to do that :( 15:48 < dusanx> sorry not title, statusbar 15:49 < barrucadu> Committed the change to settings_init() :) 15:49 < barrucadu> I'll now work on something for the website now - if only a "Hello! Things will be here soon!" page 15:49 < dusanx> great 15:51 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: what can you run? do you have php/python/ruby/mysql/.. on your host? 15:52 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: I've never tried anything other than PHP; so I know for certain it has PHP 5 and MySQL 5. Not sure of the exact versions, but I haven't encountered any things that haven't worked. 15:52 < barrucadu> Ruby on Rails can be added, but I'm not sure how 15:52 < barrucadu> And I have no clue about Python 15:53 <@Dieterbe> k, just curious 15:53 <@Dieterbe> php will do fine :) 15:55 < rson> are you guys hosting it on a subdomain or did you buy one? 15:55 < barrucadu> Bought one - uzbl.org 15:55 < rson> sweet 15:56 < dusanx> uhm guys, B's code does not create statusbar, do I take parts of old D code that does that? 16:00 < rson> just so you guys know, this has been submitted to reddit by someon 16:01 < rson> http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/8fkdt/independent_vimperator/ 16:02 < dusanx> nice 16:02 < barrucadu> What colour scheme do we want for the uzbl website? Something like the Arch site? (I'm basing the design on that) 16:03 < dusanx> b/w ascii 16:03 < barrucadu> White-on-black or black-on-white? 16:03 < dusanx> but dont ask mee :) 16:03 < barrucadu> :p 16:04 < barrucadu> I'm currently repeatedly clicking random palette on colourlovers.com to see if I find anything nice :p 16:04 <@Dieterbe> not white on black, all the black would be too much 16:04 < barrucadu> ok 16:04 < barrucadu> So something light-ish then 16:05 <@Dieterbe> yeha 16:05 < rson> I'm a fan of the colors on the sonata site 16:05 < rson> if you are going for light 16:05 <@Dieterbe> http://sonata.berlios.de/ this? 16:05 < rson> yeah 16:05 < barrucadu> Yes, that looks good 16:05 <@Dieterbe> looks good to me too, but it doesn't look like they used some available open source template 16:06 < rson> i'm not sure. stonecrest is usually in #archlinux if you like the design 16:06 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: do you have a fix for zbl.c:387: warning: format ‘%s’ expects type ‘char *’, but argument 2 has type ‘gboolean’ ? 16:08 < barrucadu> I get a lot of warnings when I compile uzbl. I'll see if I get that particular one. 16:08 <@Dieterbe> it's the setting that was changed from gchar to gboolean 16:08 <@Dieterbe> probably a printf 16:08 < dusanx> yes, we should clean warnings 16:09 < barrucadu> Ah, that. dusanx fixed that one 16:09 < barrucadu> printf ("Always insert mode: %s\n", (always_insert_mode ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")); 16:10 < dusanx> and line above that reads boolean 16:11 <@Dieterbe> okay great 16:11 <@Dieterbe> we are such a great team :) 16:11 < dusanx> ;) 16:11 < dusanx> but I still hate git! 16:12 < barrucadu> Go team! 16:12 < barrucadu> :p 16:14 < dusanx> do we need to add anything else to set reading? 16:14 < dusanx> I mean in next 24 hours? 16:15 <@Dieterbe> set reading? 16:15 < dusanx> settings 16:15 < barrucadu> Not that I can think of 16:15 < barrucadu> Unless we come up with some new config values which we can't live without :p 16:15 < dusanx> good, I want to tweak code 16:16 < dusanx> in that function, key processing and status/title bars 16:16 < barrucadu> ok 16:19 <@Dieterbe> I love the network graph feature :) http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/network doesn't it look beautiful? 16:20 <@Dieterbe> hey, your guys nicknames are gone on the left 16:20 <@Dieterbe> o_O 16:20 < dusanx> yes except I can't use it argh 16:20 <@Dieterbe> well, one thing i got from talking on #github 16:21 <@Dieterbe> instead of pulling some else his stuff into /hisbranch, and then merging that 16:21 <@Dieterbe> you can merge directly from the remote 16:21 < dusanx> how? 16:21 <@Dieterbe> next merge i'll try that, hopefully that also puts your names back on the graph 16:21 < barrucadu> git merge git://url/here ? 16:21 <@Dieterbe> not sure yet 16:21 < dusanx> thanks 16:22 < barrucadu> Our names are gone from your graph because you've added all of our commits - the graph shows the commits that you don't have 16:22 < dusanx> I'll do old kill all thing with B code right now :( 16:22 * barrucadu has read the blog post explaining the graph twice, and probably understands it now 16:22 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: oh. 16:22 <@Dieterbe> i've read it a few times but i always forget how it works :P 16:22 < barrucadu> :p 16:25 <@Dieterbe> did anyone work on the calling of external processes yet? i mean the actual exec() or shell() or whatever calls, not the keybinds 16:25 <@Dieterbe> if not, i want to do that now 16:25 < barrucadu> I don't think so 16:25 < dusanx> not me 16:26 <@Dieterbe> k. i'll do that now 16:58 < barrucadu> Current work-in-progress website design: 16:58 < barrucadu> http://www.uzbl.org/template.html 16:58 < barrucadu> I'm going to walk the dog now, so I'll be back in half an hour or so :) 16:59 < dusanx> niiiice :) not too crowded, I like it! 17:00 <@Dieterbe> wow. g_string_append_printf and similar functions are cool 17:00 < dusanx> indeed 17:14 < shortlord> is there any AUR git PKGBUILD planned? 17:14 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 17:14 < shortlord> I have absolutely no idea about how to use git, but would like to test uzbl 17:14 < shortlord> and a second question, will the browser be usable with one hand on mouse, on hand on keyboard? 17:15 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 17:15 < dusanx> oops wrong key 17:21 <@Dieterbe> shortlord: yeah, i'll make a pkgbuild at some point 17:21 <@Dieterbe> and yeah , dusanx is also a one hand on each kind of guy 17:21 <@Dieterbe> the keybinds can be configured as you wish, with modkeys and all that 17:22 < dusanx> almost done ;) 17:22 <@Dieterbe> oh yeah baby 17:23 <@Dieterbe> the external script call thingie works 17:23 < shortlord> sounds great 17:23 < dusanx> Dieterbe, where is that code where you created fake status bar? 17:24 < dusanx> with status text? 17:26 <@Dieterbe> the bar that i wrote containd only a gtk text entry thing for the url. but now i removed that text entry thing, so the bar is actually empty 17:26 <@Dieterbe> see create_mainbar 17:28 < dusanx> ok 17:28 < dusanx> thanks 17:33 <@Dieterbe> interesting read indeed http://github.com/blog/39-say-hello-to-the-network-graph-visualizer 17:47 < barrucadu> I'm back :) 17:47 < barrucadu> Any suggestions or requests for the website? 17:48 < barrucadu> I plan to use a wordpress blog and just turn that into a theme 17:50 < barrucadu> If there's nothing else I'll begin turning it into a theme 17:50 < dusanx> I like it 17:51 < dusanx> my monitor is about to blow btw 17:53 <@Dieterbe> :o 17:55 <@Dieterbe> install target for makefile: check, pull in changes to master: check, put pkgbuild on AUR: check 17:56 < dusanx> secondary one but almost dead, making text waves right now 17:56 <@Dieterbe> that's not good 17:59 * barrucadu goes to install wordpress on uzbl.org 17:59 * barrucadu realises that he hasn't created a database yet 17:59 < barrucadu> There's always something... 18:01 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: hey wait before you begin 18:01 <@Dieterbe> wordpress is a bit anti unix-philosophy don't you think? i mean.. with the database and all 18:01 <@Dieterbe> i know there are tools out there that can render pages from plain txt files 18:02 < barrucadu> Ok, we'll use one of those then :) 18:02 < barrucadu> I just picked wordpress because it's what I know 18:04 <@Dieterbe> hm i can't immediately find the project i was thinking of 18:04 <@Dieterbe> maybe for now we can use actual static files? 18:05 <@Dieterbe> 3-4 static php/html pages :) 18:05 < barrucadu> ok 18:06 <@Dieterbe> hey wait a minute 18:06 < barrucadu> I'll just get the recent commits feature working then I'll create some pages 18:06 < barrucadu> yes? 18:07 <@Dieterbe> i was thinking "if we use plain html/php files, we can even put them in our uzbl git repos" 18:07 < barrucadu> We could 18:07 <@Dieterbe> but then i remembered github actually supports rendering pages straight from inside your repo 18:07 <@Dieterbe> eg you put some pages in a specific directory, and github makes them available 18:08 <@Dieterbe> but of course it's a tad less feasible to combine with the uzbl.org domain i guess 18:09 <@Dieterbe> look at this for example http://defunkt.github.com/ambition/ 18:09 <@Dieterbe> rendered straight from some files in your git repo 18:09 <@Dieterbe> or http://technicalpickles.github.com/jeweler/ 18:11 <@Dieterbe> here is a ruby plaintext to html conversion thing http://webby.rubyforge.org/ 18:11 <@Dieterbe> github also supports it btw 18:12 <@Dieterbe> and finally : http://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/tree/master (also supported with github pages) 18:14 <@Dieterbe> could anyone do me a favor and figure out why history logging always logs the same uri? (archlinux.org). it's probably a very simple thing but I don't get it 18:16 < dusanx> I am back. No more git please. I am using all git I can handle. 18:17 < barrucadu> load_commit_cb: shouldn't that function be... completely different if you're setting the global uri variable? 18:17 < barrucadu> strcpy (uri, webkit_web_frame_get_uri (frame)); would do it, I think 18:19 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: yes! thanks mate 18:19 < dusanx> when I create gtk box it takes half of the window. how to make it smaller? 18:20 <@Dieterbe> there is a default size defined 18:20 <@Dieterbe> gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 800, 600); 18:20 <@Dieterbe> I wouldn't bother about this. it's up to the WM to handle this 18:21 < dusanx> no, hox taks upper window half 18:22 < dusanx> hbox 18:23 < barrucadu> I can't find the specific function in the GTK+ reference, but there are two boolean values that affect the space it takes up - expand and fill. Set the first to FALSE. 18:24 < dusanx> ok, I have something now 18:24 <@Dieterbe> btw dusanx in MsgBox I think it should be "gtk_message_dialog_new ((GtkWindow*) main_window," otherwise you get an "incompatible pointer type" warning 18:25 < dusanx> cool, I will change 18:27 <@Dieterbe> but I think we should remove the function. i mean what is the use of this function? Will we ever show a popup to the user? maybe if there is really something badly wrong we should show a red message in the status bar or something, but a gtk popup? 18:28 < dusanx> no, it was mine printf fails want to see results fast lol 18:28 < dusanx> removing 18:31 <@Dieterbe> ok. did anyone do something with command line arguments? if not i will do that now.. so you can pass --config etc 18:33 < dusanx> not me 18:35 < barrucadu> nope 18:35 <@Dieterbe> btw dusanx your wife is not mad you spend the whole weekend hacking? :P 18:36 < dusanx> she is used to ;) 18:36 < dusanx> I usually do this for a living... 18:37 < dusanx> During the war... ok ok since 1990 ;) 18:38 <@Dieterbe> :D 18:39 < dusanx> can you tind me git link with original create_mainbar code? that one with edit? 18:39 < dusanx> I am doing something wrong 18:39 < dusanx> tind=find of course 18:43 <@Dieterbe> #define original? 18:43 <@Dieterbe> the one that i made with the gtk text entry in it? 18:43 <@Dieterbe> or when i removed the entry? 18:44 < dusanx> edit or text just to see how 18:45 < dusanx> text one is better but edit will do 18:46 * barrucadu has got the "Recent Commits" thing working on the website :) 18:47 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: here is where i stripped out the text thingie http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/commit/76449af7e00548911fd75aa61fff5224a42dd346 18:47 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: cool 18:48 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: how does it work? you just scrape the page or is there a feed/api or ..? 18:49 < dusanx> thanks 18:50 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: Github has Atom feeds for commits, so it was just a case of grabbing those and getting the most recent items 18:51 <@Dieterbe> k 19:04 < dusanx> any nopaste working for you right now? can't access any 19:05 < dusanx> want you to see this code, its something simple but I can't find it 19:08 <@Dieterbe> http://pastie.org/ 19:09 < dusanx> http://pastie.org/458774 19:10 < dusanx> can you pls try and see :( 19:11 <@Dieterbe> k just a sec 19:12 <@Dieterbe> heh 19:12 <@Dieterbe> the gray box is a bit big indeed 19:12 <@Dieterbe> ;) 19:12 < dusanx> lol 19:15 < dusanx> brb 19:16 <@Dieterbe> weird, because i remember my bar at some point was only very small. also the one in barrucadu's code was small 19:16 <@Dieterbe> dusanx barrucadu any idea how i can toggle the status bar on and off with the recent code? 19:17 <@Dieterbe> hmm.. 'S' but that segfaults :P 19:20 < dusanx> I will find how to toggle it ir you make it small :P 19:20 < barrucadu> When I finish playing with the website I'll merge both of your code and also have a look at this bar :p 19:20 < dusanx> I will add switch top/bottom too 19:21 <@Dieterbe> i hate layout 19:21 < barrucadu> I just need to think of something to make the 'contribute' page less empty... 19:22 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: the current text is ok 19:22 <@Dieterbe> don't fill the page with too much text 19:22 <@Dieterbe> less is more :) 19:22 < barrucadu> Ok. I'll fiddle around to make it look less empty without adding more text then :p 19:23 < barrucadu> Possibly "Users" and "Developers" headings, with the relevant bit of text beneath each 19:23 <@Dieterbe> maybe a list with some bullet points 19:23 <@Dieterbe> (as all the best people do), 19:23 <@Dieterbe> don't write stuff like that 19:23 < barrucadu> ok :( :p 19:24 <@Dieterbe> maybe put "our distro of choice" or something 19:24 <@Dieterbe> but not something that can lead to flamewars/trolling 19:24 < dusanx> borderless, right :P 19:24 <@Dieterbe> hah 19:25 < dusanx> still remember that 'support arch' guy 19:25 <@Dieterbe> that was a joke.. ( dusanx i hope you were not related to that project :P ) 19:25 < dusanx> no, I was rude to him 19:26 <@Dieterbe> :) 19:26 < dusanx> it was so blatant I still can't believe 19:27 < dusanx> any smaller hbox boss? 19:27 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: before you announce the website in public places, can you give me the chance to correct things i don't like? 19:27 < barrucadu> Go for it 19:27 <@Dieterbe> maybe make a subdirectory in the git repo "website" or something 19:27 < dusanx> we need wiki soon too, at least to describe switches 19:28 < barrucadu> Is it really necessary to put the website in git too? That just seems to be over complicating things. You have FTP and SSH access. 19:28 <@Dieterbe> i would rather put that stuff in the readme, and if then get the website to show the readme, we have it in 2 places 19:29 < dusanx> ok 19:29 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: well putting the code in a vcs is useful for history/version control/.. and also for backup 19:29 < dusanx> No git! 19:29 <@Dieterbe> and if we put it in "a vcs" we might as well put it in our git repo 19:29 < barrucadu> True 19:30 < barrucadu> Perhaps in a separate repo? uzbl-website or something? 19:30 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: next time you want to do a merge or something, can you maybe give me ssh to access to your box, then i can help/show you 19:31 <@Dieterbe> because git is really quite nice 19:31 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: okay that's good 19:31 < barrucadu> I'll make a repo in a short while then 19:33 < dusanx> I will get it eventually 19:34 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: oh and for the bar. didn't you say you would fix the toggling on/off of the bar, then i would fix the bar size for you :P 19:35 < dusanx> lol 19:35 < dusanx> working 19:36 < barrucadu> http://github.com/Barrucadu/uzbl-website/tree/master 19:37 <@Dieterbe> i'm going to eat now. see you later 19:38 < dusanx> see you 19:38 < barrucadu> bye 19:44 < barrucadu> Right, now I'll merge all the commits I've missed 19:48 < dusanx> Dieterbe: gtk_widget_hide(mainbar); gtk_widget_show(mainbar); 19:56 < dusanx> brb 20:08 -!- bruenig [n=root@] has joined #uzbl 20:08 < bruenig> this browser is such bloat 20:08 < barrucadu> Bloat? 20:09 < bruenig> nah just kidding 20:09 < bruenig> in any event, it just segfaults on me 20:10 < barrucadu> Which branch are you using, Dieterbe's master branch? 20:10 < bruenig> just a second 20:11 < bruenig> I was using the aur version 20:12 < bruenig> ought I to get the git 20:12 < barrucadu> That's the master branch then. I haven't had segfaults on start up for quite a while so it might just be an unmerged bugfix 20:12 < barrucadu> Hmm 20:12 < barrucadu> Try the experimental branch and see what happens 20:13 < bruenig> well it does some stuff, but nothing significant 20:14 < barrucadu> I've just compiled the master branch and got no segfaults 20:14 * barrucadu thinks 20:14 < bruenig> http://pastebin.ca/1403440 20:15 <@Dieterbe> back 20:16 <@Dieterbe> it probably segfaults because it looks for ./sampleconfig 20:16 <@Dieterbe> i need to fix that 20:17 <@Dieterbe> hey barrucadu or dusanx : does any of you guys have cat that you could make a picture of? 20:17 < barrucadu> Unfortunately no, my cat died several years ago :( 20:17 < fogobogo> dig it up 20:17 < barrucadu> lol 20:18 < fogobogo> Dieterbe: need a logo or what? 20:18 < dusanx> got 7 20:18 < dusanx> cats 20:18 <@Dieterbe> fogobogo: yeah it would be cool 20:19 < fogobogo> Dieterbe: and you thought of a cat? 20:19 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: super. can you load up a page in uzbl, put your cat in front of the screen and make some pictures ? :D 20:19 <@Dieterbe> fogobogo: of course! 20:19 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: I'll work on handling a missing config file - and add support for XDG_CONFIG_HOME 20:19 < bruenig> Dieterbe: ought I to drop that in the cwd and see? 20:19 < dusanx> yea yea splash screen for uzbl / PMSL kidding 20:20 < dusanx> cant do that, they are street cats, sleep in my garage and I feed them 20:20 < fogobogo> Dieterbe: all right. lemme contribute that way. i need a day or two though. if you dont like it nvm, will sell then to louvre or so 20:20 < bruenig> ah it works with ./sampleconfig! 20:21 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: okay. note that i committed support for a --config argument an hour ago or so. so you just need to set it from that instead of having it hardcoded like it is now 20:21 < dusanx> Dieterbe: gtk_widget_hide(mainbar); gtk_widget_show(mainbar); 20:22 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: yes yes yes :P 20:24 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: Ok, I'll do that. When that's done I'll commit, and begin working on looking in different paths (./, $HOME/, and $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ I think should be enough) 20:24 < dusanx> but I will do that, what do you want witn it? 20:24 < dusanx> hide/show 20:25 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: no, that's not how the xdg spec works 20:26 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: it's best you read all of http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-0.6.html 20:26 * barrucadu reads 20:31 < dusanx> can somebody help with huge hbar? :D 20:32 <@Dieterbe> patience! 20:38 -!- bruenig [n=root@] has left #uzbl [] 20:41 < barrucadu> It seems the config file parameter isn't being picked up for some reason 20:41 <@Dieterbe> hm? if you do --config it should set the config_file parameter 20:41 < barrucadu> Ah1 20:41 < barrucadu> the settings_init() function is before the params are parsed 20:42 <@Dieterbe> fogobogo: okay good. so you make a picture of your cat behind the pic screen. preferrably make the screen show some fancy tiled layout with uzbl showing or something ;) 20:43 < dusanx> showing arch site of course ;) 20:44 <@Dieterbe> this is odd.. when i look at the code (my current code , i mean) it looks like the mainbar should be shown. it's not set to invisible or anything. dusanx / barrucadu any idea? 20:44 < dusanx> I had to add init in main iirc 20:51 <@Dieterbe> no dusanx , in your main() there is only gtk_init (&argc, &argv); and settings_init ();, and those are there since the beginning 20:52 < dusanx> have no idea 20:53 < dusanx> gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), create_mainbar (), TRUE, TRUE, 0); 20:53 < dusanx> do you have that line? 20:54 < barrucadu> Shouldn't that be gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), create_mainbar (), FALSE, TRUE, 0); if you don't want it to take up masses of space? 20:54 < barrucadu> Or maybe it was TRUE, FALSE. I'm not certain 20:54 < dusanx> have no idea about gtk 20:56 < dusanx> great! 20:56 < barrucadu> Oh, I fixed the segfaulting when no config file is specified - it just runs without configuration (not very useful, but better than segfaulting) 20:56 < dusanx> it works 20:56 < barrucadu> :) 20:56 < dusanx> thanks 20:57 < dusanx> so, I will finish status with top/bottom and hide/show 20:57 < dusanx> ok? 20:57 <@Dieterbe> weird, i tried all TRUE/False combinations and either i got no mainbar, or the really big one :/ 20:57 <@Dieterbe> yes dusanx that's good 20:57 * barrucadu goes to eat 20:58 < dusanx> B, you are nasty hacker for your age ;) 20:58 <@Dieterbe> hehe 20:58 <@Dieterbe> yeah and for having learned C just a few days ago he's quite good 20:59 <@Dieterbe> very good, actually 21:02 < dusanx> should I add toggle_status to other messages? do we need to call that using stream? 21:03 <@Dieterbe> what other messages? do you mean if we want to control it with the fifo? 21:04 < dusanx> yes, I am using that function to avoid duplicated code 21:06 < dusanx> but not sure if I should put code in key handling procedure -- depends if you need it in fifo? 21:07 <@Dieterbe> well, imho , all the commands you can call from keybinds should also be available through the fifo 21:07 < dusanx> yes, I'll add it there, much simpler to code 21:32 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: let me know when you're back from eating, i'm refactoring your config output messages a bit 21:35 < barrucadu> back 21:36 <@Dieterbe> ok in 4 mins or so i can commit the refactored settings_init 21:36 < barrucadu> ok 21:37 <@Dieterbe> how do you check if a gchar ** foo is set? 21:37 <@Dieterbe> if(foo) works? 21:37 < dusanx> I am chahging settings_init 21:37 < dusanx> as agreed argh 21:38 <@Dieterbe> what? 21:38 < dusanx> I am chahging settings_init 21:38 <@Dieterbe> i am too 21:38 <@Dieterbe> what are you changing? 21:38 < dusanx> I asked before if we need anything else since I need to add things 21:39 < dusanx> status_top = g_key_file_get_boolean (config, "behavior", "status_top", NULL); printf ("Status top: %s\n", (status_top ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")); 21:39 <@Dieterbe> ah no problem 21:39 < dusanx> but I wanted to change error handling there 21:40 < dusanx> after I finish statusbar (2 mins to go) 21:40 < dusanx> you can add this two lines there and continue -- I'll merge it later 21:41 < dusanx> since it was not top priority for me 21:41 < dusanx> you work on better handling? 21:43 <@Dieterbe> i basically reorganized all the functions internally without adding or removing functionality 21:44 <@Dieterbe> the advantage is that now all variables are checked _after_ the config loading, so also when no config is loaded, you see confirmation that download_handler etc are not set 21:44 < dusanx> ok, give me 5 minutes, I will upload changes and then you can mrge them 21:44 <@Dieterbe> first this only happened if you loaded a config successfully 21:44 <@Dieterbe> ok 21:44 < dusanx> merge lol 21:45 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: you can pull from my experimental now 21:45 < barrucadu> ok 21:47 < dusanx> hmm, how should add toggle_status command to the list? 21:47 -!- BetterLeftUnsaid [n=kirby@dyn128-54-218-113.ucsd.edu] has quit ["mrawr!"] 21:47 <@Dieterbe> add it to commands[] ? 21:47 < dusanx> no parameters and nothing to do with webkit 21:48 <@Dieterbe> you just need a function that toggles 21:48 <@Dieterbe> and add & 21:48 < dusanx> , null? 21:48 <@Dieterbe> typedef struct 21:48 <@Dieterbe> { const char *command; void (*func_1_param)(WebKitWebView*); void (*func_2_params)(WebKitWebView*, char *); 21:48 <@Dieterbe> } Command; 21:48 <@Dieterbe> look 21:49 <@Dieterbe> the func_2_params is if you want to pass an argument 21:49 <@Dieterbe> like 'uri ' is an example 21:49 < dusanx> got it 21:49 < dusanx> just a sec 21:50 < dusanx> off topic: I am not sure if gcc inits char* pointers to null 21:51 <@Dieterbe> btw guys keep in mind, all settings that are defined through the config have default values on top of uzbl.c, but a config can be unloaded or an option not set. so always check if something is not null. i will go over the code now to check everywhere, but i definetely made this mistake already where i call the history handler without checking if it is set 21:51 < dusanx> thats probably why parse_command segfaults 21:51 < dusanx> parse_command, second row: Command *c; 21:51 <@Dieterbe> yeah.. when i was working in the settings_init function I thought when you do "foo * bar" it would be NULL, but that's not the case 21:52 < dusanx> so c=NULL must be added 21:52 -!- BetterLeftUnsaid [n=kirby@dyn128-54-218-113.ucsd.edu] has joined #uzbl 21:53 < dusanx> yes that fixed parsing 21:54 <@Dieterbe> k i'l fix that too 21:54 < dusanx> Command *c = NULL; 21:54 < dusanx> fixes it 21:58 <@Dieterbe> ok, committed fixes and pushed 21:58 <@Dieterbe> what can i do next? 21:58 <@Dieterbe> any requests? 21:58 < dusanx> just a sec, pushing in one minute 21:58 < dusanx> you will probably need to merge 21:59 <@Dieterbe> i like merging :) 21:59 < barrucadu> Merging is like running pacman -Syu; it's a little dangerous, can break things, but is strangely fun... :p 22:00 <@Dieterbe> hehe 22:01 <@Dieterbe> yeah, and it's also all about getting fixes and new cool things that *other* people have made . you just have to type the command to get it :P 22:01 < dusanx> oh yes 22:02 < dusanx> done :) 22:02 < dusanx> and pushed 22:03 < dusanx> simpleconfig has few more items ;) 22:04 < dusanx> toggle_status is new command etc 22:04 <@Dieterbe> nice 22:04 <@Dieterbe> and it works? 22:04 < dusanx> totally ;) 22:04 <@Dieterbe> cool 22:05 < dusanx> everything we talked about 22:05 < dusanx> it's way crappier vimperator clone ;) 22:06 <@Dieterbe> cb_toggle_status should be toggle_status_cb 22:06 < dusanx> ok 22:06 < dusanx> my bad 22:06 < dusanx> I will take zip from you anyway :P 22:06 <@Dieterbe> tss 22:07 < dusanx> I will add meta keys handling 22:07 < dusanx> but probably early bed now 22:10 < dusanx> this is good, takes shape 22:14 <@Dieterbe> yeah 22:14 <@Dieterbe> i hoped to have a prototype by now.. guess i need more patience :) 22:14 < dusanx> hmm 22:15 < dusanx> we need basic url editing and it's ready 22:15 < dusanx> that's 30 minutes of work... 22:15 <@Dieterbe> yes, if we can trigger some external scripts with keybinds we can release a prototype 22:16 <@Dieterbe> ok now i'm gonna merge dusanx his code.. may god have mercy with me 22:16 < dusanx> lol 22:16 < dusanx> I was nice 22:17 < dusanx> not moving things around 22:17 <@Dieterbe> you need to merge from me and/or from barrucadu 22:17 <@Dieterbe> every once in a while 22:17 < dusanx> you merge - I take your zip 22:17 <@Dieterbe> if you don't wait too long, git figures it all out automatically it's really nice 22:17 < dusanx> I cant merge 22:17 <@Dieterbe> sure you can 22:18 < barrucadu> I'v having a problem with environmental variables :( 22:18 < barrucadu> *I've 22:18 < dusanx> I try all the time, you saw errors 22:18 < barrucadu> I am using getend to get the value of XDG_CONFIG_HOME, but when I try to strcpy that to another variable so I can manipulate it, I get a segfault. :( 22:18 < barrucadu> *getenv 22:18 < dusanx> don't worry about spelling with serb 22:19 < dusanx> paste code and I'll look 22:19 < barrucadu> if (! config_file) { 22:19 < barrucadu> const char* xdg = getenv ("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); 22:19 < barrucadu> char* conf = NULL; 22:19 < barrucadu> if (xdg) { 22:19 < barrucadu> printf("XDG_CONFIG_DIR: %s\n", xdg); 22:19 < barrucadu> strcpy (conf, xdg); 22:19 < barrucadu> strcat (conf, "/uzbl"); 22:19 < barrucadu> if (file_exists (conf)) { 22:19 < barrucadu> printf ("Config file %s found.\n", conf); 22:19 < barrucadu> strcpy(config_file, conf); 22:20 < barrucadu> } 22:20 < dusanx> stop 22:20 < barrucadu> } 22:20 < barrucadu> } 22:20 < barrucadu> It segfaults on strcpy (conf, xdg); 22:20 < dusanx> char* conf is pointer 22:20 < dusanx> you don't allocate memory -> you segfault 22:20 < dusanx> use: char conf[200]; 22:21 < barrucadu> Ah, evidently I still have a lot to learn about C :p 22:21 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: how many changes did you do that you want to merge in my code? 22:21 < dusanx> hm 22:21 < dusanx> few 22:21 <@Dieterbe> it's really hard for me to merge this 22:21 <@Dieterbe> maybe the easiest is that you get my latest code, and redo your changes in that 22:21 <@Dieterbe> and then i can easily merge that in 22:21 < dusanx> but I can't remember where they were 22:22 < dusanx> this WAS your latest code 22:22 < dusanx> few hours ago 22:22 < dusanx> I took zip 22:23 < dusanx> it's tricky now, have to go :( 22:23 < dusanx> can you run diff? 22:23 < dusanx> on two original files? 22:23 <@Dieterbe> yeah it's 800+ lines 22:23 < dusanx> because I took your zip 22:24 < dusanx> argh time 22:24 < dusanx> it would need 10 minutes to compare two tiles 22:24 < dusanx> =files 22:25 < dusanx> early in the morning? 22:26 < dusanx> dont look at the git, I mean look my uzbl.c on git, not changes 22:27 <@Dieterbe> what do you mean? 22:27 < dusanx> you are looking at diff and see 800 changes 22:27 <@Dieterbe> yea 22:28 * barrucadu commits his code 22:28 < dusanx> they are changes between my last code and your zip that I took 22:28 < barrucadu> Now if --config is omitted it'll look for a config file $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/uzbl before reverting to no config :) 22:28 <@Dieterbe> if it's only this http://github.com/dusanx/uzbl/commit/d2f6c62591f64a795d10a8a92968c58eb7298e1d then i can redo it manually, i guess 22:29 <@Dieterbe> but you have to tell me what your changes are (eg only that or more?) so i can merge it in 22:29 <@Dieterbe> otherwise we loose work 22:29 < dusanx> no 22:29 < dusanx> b, can you merge my git code? 22:29 < barrucadu> I'll try 22:30 < dusanx> D, your last code is in git? 22:30 <@Dieterbe> yeah 22:31 < dusanx> ok, I'll try something 22:33 < barrucadu> Merged. Now to see if it works 22:33 < dusanx> you are genius :) 22:34 <@Dieterbe> yes, a genius who needs to explain how he did it 22:34 < dusanx> you have few more settings in my settings file 22:35 < barrucadu> Well, it works 22:35 < barrucadu> Status bar ^^ 22:36 <@Dieterbe> :o 22:36 < barrucadu> There weren't many differences, so there wasn't much I needed to edit to make the merge work 22:36 <@Dieterbe> did you do a git diff | wc -l ? i had about 880 lines 22:36 < dusanx> D, can you merge from B? 22:36 <@Dieterbe> sure thing mate 22:36 < dusanx> me too :( 22:37 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: push your merge :) 22:37 < barrucadu> Done. 22:37 < barrucadu> I just did git merge dusanx/master (after pulling it and checking out my repo again), and then manually edited the conflicting files (sampleconfig and uzbl.c) 22:37 < dusanx> so how did you merge? 22:38 < barrucadu> git checkout dusan/master 22:38 < dusanx> wow 22:38 < barrucadu> git pull dusanx master 22:38 < barrucadu> git checkout experimental 22:38 < barrucadu> git merge dusanx/master 22:38 < barrucadu> git status 22:38 < barrucadu> Then edit any files needed 22:38 < dusanx> where you see list of conflicts? 22:39 <@Dieterbe> git status 22:39 < dusanx> k, learning 22:39 < barrucadu> The conflicting bits are marked in the files, using the strange syntax git has :p 22:40 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: maybe now you should merge from barrucadu 22:40 <@Dieterbe> it should be easy now i think 22:40 < dusanx> one day when I grow up I will be merging too! 22:40 < dusanx> yes, backup 22:40 < dusanx> then merge ;) 22:40 < barrucadu> I seem to be a fast learner <.> 22:40 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: did you push your merge? 22:40 < barrucadu> yes 22:41 <@Dieterbe> github is slow 22:41 <@Dieterbe> doesn't show it yet 22:41 < barrucadu> It does for me "sampleconfig5 minutes ago Merge branch 'dusanx/master' into experimental", and "uzbl.c2 minutes ago Fixed a bug (varuable declared twice)." 22:42 < barrucadu> ...the github network graphs are wonderful :) 22:43 < dusanx> ok, I will finish key handling tomorrow 22:44 < dusanx> just waiting to hear if status works 22:45 < barrucadu> The status bar? Yes, that works perfectly :) 22:45 < dusanx> :) 22:46 < dusanx> I turned it off instantly :D 22:46 < dusanx> clutters screen :P 22:47 < barrucadu> :p 22:47 <@Dieterbe> hmm i need to do just a tiny bit of cleaning before i commit this 22:47 <@Dieterbe> but it looks good 22:50 <@Dieterbe> yes it works :D 22:50 <@Dieterbe> nice 22:51 < dusanx> ;) 22:51 <@Dieterbe> when in insert mode pressing modkey+t doesn't work though 22:52 <@Dieterbe> but since you prefer modkey i'm sure you'll fix that :P 22:52 < dusanx> mod keys tomorrow 22:52 <@Dieterbe> ok good 22:53 < barrucadu> "when in insert mode pressing modkey+t doesn't work though" doesn't it? 22:53 < dusanx> and hex values for special keys 22:53 < barrucadu> Are you pressing the right modkey? :p 22:53 * barrucadu slaps self 22:53 < barrucadu> Ignore me :p 22:53 < barrucadu> I was in command mode :p 22:54 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: printf ("Config file %s found.\n", conf); <--- conf should be *conf 22:55 < dusanx> are you sure? 22:55 <@Dieterbe> or maybe change "char* conf[256];" to "char conf[256]" ? 22:55 <@Dieterbe> yeas because printf complains that it needs a pointer, instead it gets a double pointer 22:55 <@Dieterbe> so you must derefernce it 22:55 < dusanx> you dont use * in printf 22:55 < dusanx> no need 22:55 <@Dieterbe> it's because char * foo[] == char ** foo 22:57 < dusanx> gone to sleep, I'll merge tomorrow (maybe) 22:57 < dusanx> see you 22:57 < barrucadu> bye 22:57 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 22:59 < barrucadu> I think this has been quite a productive weekend :) 23:02 <@Dieterbe> yea 23:03 <@Dieterbe> now if we can just do a key listener to call the sample dmenu script that looks in the history file, we can do a proof of concept :) 23:04 <@Dieterbe> frankly i don't really know what exactly the state is of all the key listening stuff. I didn't study all the stuff you guys made yet 23:04 -!- shortlord [n=shortlor@pD9FFFC94.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ["Leaving"] 23:05 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 11 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 10 normal] 23:05 <@Dieterbe> fogobogo: i'll be awaiting your cat pictures then :) 23:07 < barrucadu> It's 10PM, and while this is far more interesting, I have some homework to do that needs to be done for tomorrow :( 23:07 < barrucadu> Luckily, it won't take me very long. 23:07 <@Dieterbe> that's okay 23:09 < barrucadu> If this project had happened back in September I could have used Uzbl as my IT coursework rather than a spreadsheet :p 23:10 <@Dieterbe> :) yeah.. 23:12 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: is template/index.html used? 23:13 <@Dieterbe> there is some content duplicated with index.php 23:13 <@Dieterbe> i don't know which to edit 23:14 < barrucadu> template/index.html is just a demonstration of what it looks like, it's what I was working on when creating the design. 23:14 < barrucadu> It isn't required 23:14 < barrucadu> The *.php files are what you should edit 23:14 <@Dieterbe> ok 23:14 <@Dieterbe> that will be for tomorrow though, i must go 23:14 < barrucadu> I plan to implement a simple templating system at some point, so the template is specified in one file 23:14 < barrucadu> I might get that done later tonight 23:14 < barrucadu> ok 23:14 < barrucadu> bye 23:15 <@Dieterbe> remember there are already a gazzilion template systems out there ;) 23:15 <@Dieterbe> see you tomorrow 23:15 < barrucadu> Yes, but they're so easy to make :p 23:22 * barrucadu is all alone... 23:24 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has quit ["WeeChat"] 23:38 < fogobogo> wut? --- Day changed Mon Apr 27 2009 00:06 -!- syslogd_ [n=syslogd@pD955AD2F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 00:07 -!- syslogd [n=syslogd@unaffiliated/syslogd] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 01:03 -!- fogobogo is now known as lompfong 01:40 -!- lompfong is now known as fogobogo 03:09 -!- BetterLeftUnsaid [n=kirby@dyn128-54-218-113.ucsd.edu] has quit ["mrawr!"] 03:27 -!- bostonvaulter [n=jason@cubesat.eng.hawaii.edu] has joined #uzbl 03:51 -!- BetterLeftUnsaid [n=kirby@dyn128-54-218-113.ucsd.edu] has joined #uzbl 05:04 -!- fogobogo_ [n=fogobogo@port-92-202-92-196.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #uzbl 05:21 -!- fogobogo [n=fogobogo@port-92-202-89-37.dynamic.qsc.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 05:47 -!- BetterLeftUnsaid [n=kirby@dyn128-54-218-113.ucsd.edu] has quit ["mrawr!"] 07:31 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 07:32 < dusanx> 'morning :) 09:11 < kdavis> just installed from aur and am getting some segfaults. anyone around want to have a look I'll paste up... 09:12 < dusanx> can you compile experimental branch? -- we should have aur/master version updated today 09:13 < kdavis> sure np 09:13 < dusanx> current aur is two days old, under heavy development that's too old ;) 09:13 < kdavis> heh gotcha 09:19 <@Dieterbe> good morning dudes 09:19 < dusanx> hi :) 09:19 < kdavis> good morning (late night here) 09:20 < dusanx> nz/australia? 09:20 < kdavis> me? portland oregon usa 09:21 < dusanx> lol ok 09:21 < dusanx> was not even close 09:22 <@Dieterbe> hmm maybe i should not have made a pkgbuild so soon :P now everyone thingsk uzbl is supposed to be uzbl already :P 09:22 < dusanx> can you create another experimental? 09:22 <@Dieterbe> australiia is 12hours difference btw :) 09:23 <@Dieterbe> i sure can, but why? 09:23 < dusanx> that would be what people want to see 09:23 < kdavis> nah just testing here...no expectations :) 09:23 < dusanx> exp is often pretty stable 09:24 <@Dieterbe> but every time i merge some stuff into experimental, i test it, and if it looks good i merge into master 09:24 <@Dieterbe> so the gap between master and experimental is not very big 09:24 < dusanx> oh, ok then 09:24 < dusanx> I was not sure 09:25 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 11 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 10 normal] 09:27 < dusanx> I think that I merged B code :) 09:27 < dusanx> can you check github graph? 09:27 <@Dieterbe> i'm at work 09:27 <@Dieterbe> i can't really do much uzbl stuff during the day 09:27 < kdavis> same segfault w/ exp branch, seems to not recognize .extra/history.sh as existing 09:28 < dusanx> not yet I think 09:29 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: what i do after i did a merge and i want to check if all is ok, take the sha1 hash for the latest commit you "trust" (see git log or github), and after merging (if git status == empty) do git diff 09:29 <@Dieterbe> then you can see all things that changed 09:29 < dusanx> I am at work and at home too 09:29 < dusanx> D, I will try 09:30 <@Dieterbe> btw irc has tab completion for nicknames 09:30 <@Dieterbe> at least, decent clients have 09:30 < dusanx> Yes :) 09:30 < dusanx> irssi has 09:31 < dusanx> Ok Dieterbe :P 09:31 < dusanx> but I keep forgeting 09:36 <@Dieterbe> i have a hard time focussing on work :/ i always want to hack on uzbl :P 09:36 < dusanx> I am coding right now 09:36 <@Dieterbe> what are you working on? 09:37 < dusanx> proper mod key handling for non-vim lovers 09:37 < dusanx> I want to try catching right click menu open in new window sygnal 09:38 < dusanx> and also web pages that have links target=new 09:38 <@Dieterbe> is it already possible to catch bindings as defined by user to call external scripts? (i mean not the calling of the scripts, but the key recognizing) 09:38 < dusanx> so far such links don't do anything 09:39 < dusanx> no but I will add that now 09:39 <@Dieterbe> ok nice :) 09:39 <@Dieterbe> if you want to know how to call external things, have a look in log_history_cb, which calls a function run_command or something i think 09:39 < dusanx> looking right now :) 09:41 < dusanx> run_command is not function in our code? 09:42 < dusanx> it is, found it 09:44 <@Dieterbe> :) 09:44 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 09:45 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 09:46 < dusanx> brb 09:49 < kdavis> anyway Im off to bed...heres the crash if you are interested. happy hacking and nice work 09:49 < kdavis> http://pastebin.ca/1404627 09:50 <@Dieterbe> kdavis: i'll put it on my todo, i will look at it tonight 10:03 < dusanx> ..and I am cleaning warnings, everything I can 10:13 <@Dieterbe> don't bother about the "variable/function defined but not used" ones 10:13 < dusanx> why? 10:14 < dusanx> I fixed half of them already... 10:14 < dusanx> it's simple :) 10:14 < dusanx> (void) page; 10:14 < dusanx> and compiler does not object and everything stays in place, found in docs 10:15 < dusanx> is it ok by you? 10:15 <@Dieterbe> because we may use those variables / functions in the future 10:16 < dusanx> see: 10:16 < dusanx> go_forward_cb (GtkWidget* widget, gpointer data) { (void) widget; (void) data; webkit_web_view_go_forward (web_view); 10:16 < dusanx> } 10:16 < dusanx> just adding voids right below func header 10:16 < dusanx> if you need var just remove void, simple 10:16 < dusanx> function definition is not changed 10:17 < dusanx> it's just gcc thing to remove warnings with saying 'this var is void right now but I may use it later' 10:18 < dusanx> void widget and data are separate lines, irssi compressed them 10:19 < dusanx> want to see it line by line? 10:29 < dusanx> in short (when you have time): everything stays in place, I am just adding (void) unused_variable; lines just below function header. when you need variable you just remove (void) and everything else stays in place. if you don't like them we remove all voids and everything is as before. 10:54 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: oh, that's cool shit 10:54 <@Dieterbe> yeah i understand, even if all is on one line :) 10:54 < dusanx> believe me, I would not do something that breaks code ;) 10:55 <@Dieterbe> so, this way you compress warnings aboun unused vars, what about unused functions? 10:55 < dusanx> right now I have 4 warnings left, cleaning them 10:55 < dusanx> have no idea, do we have them? 10:55 < dusanx> I am not getting any unused function warning 10:55 <@Dieterbe> ok then it's good 10:56 <@Dieterbe> i got one for at least msgBox but that's gone now ;) 10:56 < dusanx> also few casts here and there, cleaned that warnings too 10:56 < dusanx> msgbox is long gone 10:56 < dusanx> you should merge ;) 10:57 <@Dieterbe> yeah i merged that already 10:57 <@Dieterbe> the msgBox 10:57 < dusanx> uzbl.c:207: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type 10:57 < dusanx> uzbl.c: In function ‘parse_command’: 10:57 < dusanx> uzbl.c:241: warning: passing argument 1 of ‘strtok’ discards qualifiers from pointer target type 10:57 < dusanx> that's left :) 10:57 <@Dieterbe> man i want to go home and start hacking on uzbl 10:58 < dusanx> but I will check them too 10:58 <@Dieterbe> thanks, i looked at it but couldn't figure it out 10:58 <@Dieterbe> in fact, i couldn't even figure out how strok works, i just copy pasted the code from somewhere 10:58 < dusanx> hehe when you get this old you will work from home too :P 10:59 <@Dieterbe> :D 11:13 <@Dieterbe> btw dusanx do you have experience with calling external programs? system() etc? 11:13 < dusanx> some 11:13 < dusanx> a lot except on linux lol 11:13 < dusanx> it's easy or should be easy 11:13 < dusanx> what do you need? 11:14 <@Dieterbe> well, you can see how i implemented it, but like this it requires users to define the command like "/bin/bash /.sh" 11:14 <@Dieterbe> which is a bit ugly 11:14 < dusanx> I see 11:14 < dusanx> I will check np 11:14 <@Dieterbe> i was wondering if there was a nice way to be able to execute real binaries and also shell scripts 11:14 < dusanx> should be, no problem 11:15 < dusanx> one warning to go! 11:15 <@Dieterbe> maybe we could invoke "file", see if it's plaintext, try to parse the shebang line (#!..) and use that 11:15 < dusanx> nooo 11:15 < dusanx> there must be system call 11:15 <@Dieterbe> yeah 11:21 < dusanx> NO...WARNINGS...AT...ALL pushing :) 11:23 <@Dieterbe> :) 11:35 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 11 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 10 normal] 12:31 -!- fogobogo_ is now known as fogobogo 12:58 -!- shortlord [n=shortlor@] has joined #uzbl 12:59 < shortlord> shouldn't the folder scripts in /usr/share/uzbl/examples be called extra? 12:59 < shortlord> because that's what the sampleconfig refers too if I understand it correctly 13:07 -!- dpb [n=dpb@unaffiliated/dpb] has joined #uzbl 13:16 < dusanx> shortlord: yes, we will fix paths today along with bunch of things 13:17 < shortlord> ok, apart from that it looks good 13:18 < dusanx> thanks 13:18 < shortlord> the rendering is quite slow, but at least I can already surf without all that firefox clutter ;) 13:18 < shortlord> I guess there is not yet any way to open a URI directly in uzbl, right? only with the -u switch 13:18 < dusanx> not yet, maybe today 13:19 < shortlord> sound great, keep up the good work :D 13:35 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has quit [Connection timed out] 13:35 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 13:43 -!- RandomDude [n=RandomDu@w195.ip6.netikka.fi] has left #uzbl ["Leaving"] 13:49 <@Dieterbe> shortlord: yes there is 13:49 <@Dieterbe> echo "uri " into the fifo :) 13:50 < dusanx> true, have not played with fifo yet 13:50 < dusanx> back in 30 min 13:51 <@Dieterbe> shortlord: / dusanx : if anything, we should change the example configs to point to /usr/share/uzbl/examples 13:52 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 12 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 11 normal] 14:10 -!- rob| [n=rob@rgnb-5d874fab.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 14:13 < rob|> hey 14:14 < dusanx> I am back 14:14 < dusanx> I would like them at .config/uzbl/scripts or something 14:15 <@Dieterbe> yep, indeed that's where they should end up in the end 14:15 <@Dieterbe> can we put magic variables in our config files that will be replaced? eg $HOME 14:16 < dusanx> I am testing scripts now 14:16 < dusanx> looks like putting #/bin/bash and chmod +x do the trick 14:16 < dusanx> but havent tested yet 14:17 <@Dieterbe> hmm but i tried that 14:17 < dusanx> Maybe better having home defined in config file? 14:17 <@Dieterbe> if you do system("path/to/script"); it will return >0 14:18 < dusanx> that way copying config at other pc gets you same config, not having to modify multiple files? 14:18 <@Dieterbe> yes true, but i was thinking we could supply a sample config that would work for many people 14:18 < dusanx> I will try that now 14:18 <@Dieterbe> eg /home/dieter, /home/dusan/ ,... 14:18 <@Dieterbe> by just using $HOME env variable 14:19 < dusanx> absolutely simple config 14:19 < dusanx> but we need way to override default config hmm 14:19 <@Dieterbe> maybe if we look at source code for other projects we can see how others do it 14:19 < dusanx> yes 14:20 < dusanx> I am 2 minutes from finishing external bindings and then I can test how to start script 14:20 < dusanx> mod keys are finished 14:20 <@Dieterbe> cool 14:21 < dusanx> you can define mod_key = Mod1 Control Button3 lol 14:21 < dusanx> if you have big hands... 14:21 < dusanx> you still at work? 14:22 <@Dieterbe> yes 14:22 <@Dieterbe> it's now 14:22 here, and at 19:00 i'll be at home 14:22 < dusanx> sorry to say but great, gives me time to wrap this up 14:22 < dusanx> :P 14:22 <@Dieterbe> mod_key = Mod1 Control Button3 -> ?? i don't get it 14:23 < dusanx> if you want you can define alt+ctrl+third mouse button as mod key :) 14:24 <@Dieterbe> hmm, we don't use the modkeys as exposed by xorg? 14:25 < dusanx> gtk mod keys 14:25 < dusanx> texts can be changed 14:25 < dusanx> back in 30 minutes, lunch time 14:26 <@Dieterbe> k, i think gtk modkeys == xorg mod keys 14:26 < rob|> btw, why are you not using a glib hash for the command lookup? should speed up things (when there are more commands) and simplify parse_command() 14:27 <@Dieterbe> because i never heard of glib hashes :) 14:28 <@Dieterbe> i'm a bit new to glib/gtk/webkit and all that :P 14:28 < rob|> oh, alright. well, glib's hash works like most hash implemetations do, i guess it would be the ideal data structure for the commands 14:30 <@Dieterbe> why? i don't get it.. a hastable is just a key-> value map 14:30 < rob|> right 14:31 < rob|> no need to manually iterate over all commands again and again 14:31 < rob|> but rthare use the pre computed hashes 14:31 < rob|> *rather 14:31 <@Dieterbe> oh 14:31 <@Dieterbe> yeah that could be a good idea 14:31 <@Dieterbe> patch welcome :) 14:32 < rob|> the key would be the command name and the value the function callback 14:32 < rob|> i'm having some struggle getting uzbl to compile on debian, seems to be some webkit path oddities :( 14:33 <@Dieterbe> oh but the tricky thing is, we have 2 function callbacks per command. one of them has to be set, or both 14:35 < rob|> well, make the hash value an array with 2 entries (or even n entries, to be prepared for future additions) 14:37 <@Dieterbe> and how do you turn in the value hash into the array you want? 14:38 < rob|> well, every hash key will be associated with an array rather than a simple int or string value 14:39 < rob|> something like: "command_1" => [callback1, callback2, ..., callbackn], command2 => [callback1, callback2, ..., callbackn], ... 14:39 <@Dieterbe> you can store arrays into the hashmap? 14:39 < rob|> sure, you can store pointers to anything for the values 14:40 <@Dieterbe> oh yeah i see now 14:40 < rob|> s/for the/as/ 14:40 <@Dieterbe> looking at http://library.gnome.org/devel/glib/stable/glib-Hash-Tables.html#g-hash-table-insert 14:40 <@Dieterbe> yep rob| that's a great idea 14:41 <@Dieterbe> i will put it on my todo. and sometime this week or so i could implement it, unless someone is faster then me 14:42 < rob|> i'd do it though first need to convice debian to actually find webkit 14:44 <@Dieterbe> :) 14:44 < dusanx> back 14:46 < dusanx> external bindings work -> key handling is finished 14:46 < rob|> oh yes, i'd also separate the command definition and parsing into a separate source file - that such make it easy to add new commands without having to browse through tons of not related source 14:46 < dusanx> now to see how to start script 14:47 < dusanx> hmm, while we have this small source I would like to keep it in one file 14:48 <@Dieterbe> i think once the file becomes 700-800 lines it's time to start splitting up 14:48 < dusanx> yup 14:48 <@Dieterbe> right now we are at less then 400 i think 14:48 < dusanx> but I actually reduced size of key handling function 14:48 <@Dieterbe> cool, how? 14:48 < dusanx> so we are not there yet 14:49 < dusanx> rewrited it, you'll see 14:49 <@Dieterbe> the less code the better :) 14:49 < dusanx> abslutely 14:50 < rob|> well, that's true for sure though a good source organisation is nice even with few SLOCs 14:51 < rob|> i also started my pet project with a single source file and cursed later when i had to split tons of things inti separate files ;) 14:51 < dusanx> that's always fun! 14:52 <@Dieterbe> oh btw rob| , if you want to start hacking and i haven't merged dusanx' code in yet (i can only merge it 5 hours from now), you should probably fork dusanx' code instead of mine, it will be easier for me to merge 14:52 < rob|> alright i'll do so 14:52 < dusanx> I'll have update in 10-20 minutes 14:52 < dusanx> oh, wait 14:52 < rob|> i really like the basic ideas of uzbl and will most definitly try to contribute 14:52 < dusanx> I can do it now 14:52 < dusanx> all keys work 14:53 < dusanx> just a sec 14:53 <@Dieterbe> rob|: cool 14:53 <@Dieterbe> rob|: are you familiar with git / github? 14:53 < rob|> not yet, i'm mainly using hg and svn 14:54 < rob|> well, and darcs of course (i'm an xmonad guy:) 14:55 < dusanx> http://github.com/dusanx/uzbl/tree/master, all finished 14:55 < rob|> man, i can't see what's going wrong on debian. the path options to the compiler look ok, though it can't find the webkit functions - odd! 14:56 < dusanx> webkit-develop or something? long time since I used ubuntu :( 14:56 <@Dieterbe> webkit-dev probably 14:56 < rob|> no, have that 14:56 <@Dieterbe> though the version on debian may be noticeably older then what we have on arch 14:56 < dusanx> almost certainly 14:57 < dusanx> and git finally works for me :) 14:57 < rob|> afaict it must be a path thing or pkg-config issue 14:58 <@Dieterbe> maybe you can ask at #debian 15:01 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I used this modifiers and you can combine them: http://library.gnome.org/devel/gdk/stable/gdk-Windows.html#GdkModifierType 15:02 < dpb> what version of webkit does Arch have? 15:02 < dusanx> 1.1.5-1 15:02 < dpb> yeah, debian unstable has 1.0.1.. 15:03 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: we should do a uzblconf conference where you, barrucadu and i and other interested people can join to hack together and explain home some stuff works to each other :P 15:03 < dusanx> yup 15:03 < dusanx> it's time 15:03 < dusanx> never tried fifo for instance... 15:05 <@Dieterbe> just do echo "uri http://www.icanhascheezburger.com" > 15:05 <@Dieterbe> and then echo back > 15:05 <@Dieterbe> then echo forward > 15:05 <@Dieterbe> echo reload > 15:05 <@Dieterbe> or refresh could maybe be the name 15:07 < dpb> ah, dist-upgrade and debian unstable has 1.1.5.. :) 15:07 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 15:08 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 12 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 11 normal] 15:08 <@Dieterbe> dpb == rob| ? 15:08 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 15:08 < dusanx> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 15:08 < dpb> Dieterbe: no 15:08 < dusanx> started open url from history.sh 15:08 < dusanx> and had to restart X 15:08 <@Dieterbe> dpb: both debian users then by coincidence :) 15:09 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: hmm that's odd 15:09 < dpb> Dieterbe: yep 15:09 < dusanx> complete kb lock 15:09 < dusanx> everything except ctrl alt backspace 15:09 <@Dieterbe> ah, so it has something to do with your keybinding stuff :) 15:09 < dpb> anyway, uzbl seems to compile and work on debian unstable 15:10 < dusanx> lol 15:10 < dusanx> since I was starting it from terminal? 15:10 <@Dieterbe> you have 5 hours time to get it working nicely :P 15:10 < dusanx> from terminal! 15:10 <@Dieterbe> what do you mean? 15:10 < dusanx> i was in uzbl dir 15:11 < dusanx> and typed ./extra/load_url_from_history.sh 15:11 < dusanx> to see how it works 15:11 < dusanx> thats all 15:11 < dpb> I've been working on a slightly similar browser with Qt/Webkit since Qt 4.5 was released. 15:12 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: weird. the script looks innocent to me. http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/blob/2f021faf9ee2dbb61d1173b897903d59d90f56a1/extra/load_url_from_history.sh 15:13 < dusanx> I know but I got total lockup 15:13 <@Dieterbe> :| 15:13 < dusanx> hmm 15:14 < dusanx> I started it from console 15:14 < dusanx> so there was no $history_file defined 15:14 < dusanx> may be awk? 15:14 < dusanx> or something 15:15 <@Dieterbe> history_file is defined the line above 15:15 < rob|> oh, one more thing. what do you think about not using a fifo to communicate with uzbl but a socket (unix/tcp)? that way you could easily not only send commands to the browser but also retreive answers/reactions to those commands 15:15 < dusanx> right 15:15 < rob|> like the current history list 15:15 < rob|> and hand it over to dwm/dzen/... 15:16 < rob|> s/dwm/dmenu/ 15:16 < dusanx> but I was out of dmenu :) 15:16 < dusanx> sorry 15:16 < dusanx> old buffer 15:16 < dusanx> just dmenu :) 15:16 <@Dieterbe> there is no such thing as a current history list inside uzbl 15:16 <@Dieterbe> uzbl only knows the current url 15:16 <@Dieterbe> history tracking is done by external script 15:16 < rob|> i'm the author of dzen btw, so have a bit of interest to make uzbl interact nicely with it ;) 15:16 <@Dieterbe> (optionally) 15:16 < dusanx> and dmenu or dzen 15:17 <@Dieterbe> rob|: nice. dzen is pretty cool 15:17 < dusanx> yes, that's our plan 15:17 <@Dieterbe> also isn't a socket harder to work with? you can't just do "echo > " no? 15:18 < rob|> no but you could do "uzblctl " - probably not so unixy as pure files, but more powerful if you need reactions to commands 15:19 < rob|> or rather "uzbclt | filter_answer 15:19 < dusanx> ok, that's it. taking pause or I will make mistake somewhere 15:20 <@Dieterbe> rob|: well, that's a good idea. but until now, I haven't seen the need for getting an "answer" from uzbl. the only use case i see is getting the current url, which can be easily retrieved as the last item in the history file 15:21 < rob|> hehe. so i'd propose to use a uzblctl utility that works like a classic unix filter (sed, awk, ...) taking input from stdin and sending output to stdout 15:21 < dusanx> gone to urban terror but I will have irssi on other screen ;) 15:22 < rob|> Dieterbe: answers or outputting strings on certain events can be useful. imagine poping up a dzen on http error codes 15:22 <@Dieterbe> mm.. whoa 15:22 <@Dieterbe> that sounds cool 15:23 < rob|> right, you can drive that even further - like clicking on that dzen popup send a command to reload the site or something 15:23 <@Dieterbe> yeah, and everytime you want to change the url, instead of echoing it into the fifo, you call uzblctrl, and pipe the output to another custom script. in that script you can parse uzblctrl's output to do anything you want 15:24 <@Dieterbe> rob|: i don't like your last example 15:24 < rob|> most prominently you'd not have to deal with stupid race conditions that a fifo based approach alaways has 15:25 <@Dieterbe> rob|: i like your general idea, but reloading happens to be really simple already with a key shortcut ;) 15:25 <@Dieterbe> yep. i think sockets + a uzblctrl would be useful 15:26 <@Dieterbe> rob|: are you also involved with dmenu? 15:27 < rob|> no 15:27 < rob|> dmenu is super simple, though - hacking it to better fit to uzbl should be an easy task 15:28 < rob|> i wrote a history patch for dmenu a while ago, so i am quite used to the code 15:29 <@Dieterbe> yeah i would like it to work a bit more like firefox' awesomebar, so you could type "aa bbb c" and it would match "fooaabarbbb fooc" 15:30 <@Dieterbe> if it would do that + my patch that i submitted this weekend it would be perfect for me , i think 15:30 < rob|> so that's basically turning dmenu's match() function into a regex based appraoch 15:32 <@Dieterbe> regex may be a bit too expensive. actually just the "words" (separated by whitespace) should all be matched separately, and if they all match, there is a global match 15:32 <@Dieterbe> the order doesn't even matter 15:33 <@Dieterbe> as long as all the words you type appear in the target string, there is a match 15:33 <@Dieterbe> it doesn't matter how/where they appear 15:33 < rob|> hmm ok, though i'm not that sure that using C's regex functions would impose a significant penalty 15:33 < rob|> we're using full blown gtk anyways 15:33 <@Dieterbe> yeah but i did some calculations 15:34 <@Dieterbe> if you use uzbl for 10 years, you have a history file easily 50MB in size. I did some benchmarks on that and dmenu wasn't very responsive anymore :P 15:36 < dusanx> 10 years of data on 10 years newer hardware will be still responsive 15:36 < rob|> hehe 15:36 <@Dieterbe> yeah probably :) 15:36 < dusanx> òcl 15:37 <@Dieterbe> i wonder how firefox does it. i know they use sqlite, but at the same time I don't think they could use indexes, given the way their search works 15:37 < dusanx> I can't think of scenario where I want to keep one year of data, not ten 15:38 < rob|> building an optimized NFA is fast 15:38 < rob|> that area is being researched quite well 15:39 <@Dieterbe> nfa == nondeterministic finite automata ? 15:39 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I would like to try webkit search, you did not touch that area? 15:39 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: nope i didn't 15:40 < rob|> Dieterbe: yes 15:41 < rob|> Dieterbe: regexes are transformed into such critters and those do the actual matching 15:41 <@Dieterbe> rob|: ahmm now i think about it, they could use an index and match the words separately and then take the common denominator 15:41 <@Dieterbe> pretty much like how i would want dmenu to work 15:44 <@Dieterbe> rob|> Dieterbe: regexes are transformed into such critters and those do the actual matching -> aha okay 15:50 <@Dieterbe> rob|: btw your history patch what was it about? did it get included? 16:01 -!- rob| [n=rob@rgnb-5d874fab.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 16:02 <@Dieterbe> please come back :P 16:02 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 12 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 11 normal] 16:02 < dpb> I doubt he'll hear you. ;) 16:04 <@Dieterbe> :) 16:05 -!- rob___ [n=rob@rgnb-5d87d408.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 16:05 < dpb> There he is. 16:05 -!- rob___ is now known as rob| 16:05 <@Dieterbe> woohoo 16:06 <@Dieterbe> rob|: btw your history patch what was it about? did it get included? 16:07 < rob|> no, i didn't - though i never sent that patch to arg. basically it remebered the last n used matches and showed them as the first n menu entries, nothing fancy 16:07 <@Dieterbe> ah, is it http://gotmor.googlepages.com/ "dmenu-history" 16:07 < rob|> yeah 16:08 <@Dieterbe> k, i don't think it would be very useful to me personally, as i rather start typing to get an instant match then using arrow keys to navigate one by one 16:08 <@Dieterbe> especially since i don't really use dmenu on small lists 16:40 -!- shortlord [n=shortlor@] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 16:57 -!- syslogd_ is now known as syslogd 17:10 < dusanx> Dieterbe: your call works with or without /bin/bash :) 17:10 < dusanx> just to check once more 17:10 <@Dieterbe> that's weird 17:11 < dusanx> maybe I looked wrong, wait 17:11 <@Dieterbe> because when i tried it witout /bin/bash it wouldn't execute 17:13 < dusanx> nope, sorry 17:13 < dusanx> but I am looking 17:14 < dusanx> gboolean g_spawn_command_line_async (const gchar *command_line, GError **error); 17:14 < dusanx> I will try this now 17:14 < dusanx> looks like exactly what we need 17:16 <@Dieterbe> indeed, i'm starting to love glib 17:16 <@Dieterbe> btw system() also seems to be async. i guess it spawns a new thread internally or something 17:16 < dusanx> and... it works :) 17:16 < dusanx> confirmed 17:17 < dusanx> Called ./extra/load_url_from_history.sh '�W`' '14733' '12582915' '/tmp/uzbl_25165827' (null). 17:17 <@Dieterbe> nice 17:17 < dusanx> notice removed /bin/bash 17:17 <@Dieterbe> yeah i see 17:17 < dusanx> and I get dmenu 17:17 <@Dieterbe> woot 17:17 < dusanx> when I select something uzbl does not navigate but I get history! 17:18 < dusanx> navigation is your fifo department so I can't help ;) 17:18 <@Dieterbe> well, probobably the fifo filename is not correct 17:18 < dusanx> you will fix that 17:18 <@Dieterbe> check the script that it echos "uri http://..." 17:18 <@Dieterbe> ok sure 17:18 <@Dieterbe> but i can only fix in 2 hours, not now ;) 17:18 < dusanx> I don't dare to start script manually after that freeze 17:19 <@Dieterbe> ok no problem :) i will risk my system :D 17:19 <@Dieterbe> btw did you say when you used system() it also worked? 17:19 < dusanx> did not work, I was looking at wrong line 17:20 < dusanx> A simple version of g_spawn_async() that parses a command line with g_shell_parse_argv() and passes it to g_spawn_async(). Runs a command line in the background. Unlike g_spawn_async(), the G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH flag is enabled, other flags are not. Note that G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH can have security implications, so consider using g_spawn_async() directly if appropriate. Possible errors are those from g_shell_parse_argv() and g_spawn_async(). 17:20 <@Dieterbe> o_O 17:20 < dusanx> system can't start shell scripts, this one does 17:20 <@Dieterbe> ok 17:21 < dusanx> I will see thing or two to patch and then I'll push this 17:21 < dusanx> but I can't code search, it's too easy 17:21 <@Dieterbe> what do you mean? 17:21 < dusanx> webkit_web_view_search_text 17:22 < dusanx> webkit_web_view_set_highlight_text_matches 17:22 < dusanx> I love match highlighting! 17:23 < dusanx> need to make search script that calls dmenu, I'll leave that to you or B ;) 17:23 < dusanx> search command etc, a lot of work 17:24 <@Dieterbe> ok. so what do you want to do next? 17:24 < dusanx> rest :) 17:24 < dusanx> pushed, it's on git 17:25 < dusanx> noting else today 17:25 <@Dieterbe> ok, fair enough :) 17:25 < dusanx> you will probably want to merge, finish navigation and publish to audience 17:26 < dusanx> I am behind the plan with watching stargate atlantis 17:26 < dusanx> and playing urban terror 17:26 <@Dieterbe> with finish navigation you mean fixing the scripts/dmenu/to fifo echoing, right? 17:27 < dusanx> yes, with navigation I can use uzbl full time :) 17:27 <@Dieterbe> k. i'll do that tonight 17:27 < dusanx> wow, our git network looks impressive 17:29 <@Dieterbe> http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/failblog/~3/FIZv0JllVVg/ 17:29 <@Dieterbe> man that's funny 17:29 <@Dieterbe> read the whole thing 17:30 < dusanx> lol 17:30 < dusanx> reading 17:31 < dusanx> hard day at work? 17:32 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 17:32 < barrucadu> Hi :) 17:32 < dusanx> Hi! 17:32 < dusanx> we missed you 17:32 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: yea :) 17:32 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: i can't focus :P 17:32 < dusanx> lol 17:32 <@Dieterbe> hello barrucadu 17:32 < barrucadu> :p 17:33 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: dusanx has been doing some great stuff today 17:34 < barrucadu> I'll have a look soon 17:34 < dusanx> and managed to import your experimental, thanks to you 17:34 < barrucadu> What have you been working on? :) 17:34 < dusanx> changes are at github 17:34 < dusanx> there is NO warnings now 17:35 < barrucadu> Wow 17:35 < dusanx> so when we get one we know that should be fixed 17:35 < dusanx> completed key handling 17:35 < dusanx> all variations 17:35 < barrucadu> You've been a little busy then :p 17:36 < dusanx> can't remember, probably few fixes here and there :) 17:36 < dusanx> yeah, nice coding day :) 17:37 < dusanx> most important thing today is that I managed to import git, that was driving me crazy 17:38 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: today i will fix script executing so that history/bookmarks scripts are actually usable. dusanx fixed the keybinds so i take over from there 17:38 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: once that works, i'll do some adjustments to the website and maybe we can do a first proof of concept / alpha release 17:38 < barrucadu> ok 17:39 < barrucadu> I'll merge all the commits I've missed and work on fully supporting XDG 17:39 <@Dieterbe> ok nice 17:40 < dusanx> I will maybe try to check navigation-requested webkit signal, hope that open in new window/tab goes through that 17:40 < dusanx> populate-popup signal: When a context menu is about to be displayed this signal is emitted. 17:40 < dusanx> this will be handy 17:43 < dusanx> hmm, what gpointer user_data contains, it's in every signal? 17:44 <@Dieterbe> what will you do with populate-popup ? 17:44 < dusanx> Add menu items to menu to extend the context menu. 17:44 < dusanx> web_view : the object on which the signal is emitted 17:44 < dusanx> menu : the context menu 17:45 < dusanx> we can create or remove pupup as we like 17:45 < dusanx> add items, remove items... 17:45 < dusanx> not right now but it may be handy 17:48 * barrucadu merges dusanx's commits 17:48 * barrucadu compiles 17:48 < barrucadu> No warnings :D 17:48 < dusanx> :D 17:48 * barrucadu commits, and pushes to github 17:51 < dusanx> barrucadu: please test mod key, you can use more than one = Mod1 Control etc. You will have to press all of them of course. Key list is in config read function. In insert mode you can still defined keys if you press mod key(s). 17:51 < dusanx> can use of course, missed word 17:54 <@Dieterbe> oh btw dusanx , i also like to play UT :) 17:55 < dusanx> great 17:55 < dusanx> that and xmoto are the only two games I use 17:55 <@Dieterbe> though i find it hard to find servers with enough people that are not noobs and are not experts either :P 17:55 < dusanx> lol 17:55 < dusanx> I am pretty good 17:55 <@Dieterbe> and where i have a reasonable ping 17:55 < barrucadu> It only works with one modkey for me, I have "modkey = Mod1 Control" in my config, it picks this up ("Modkey: Mod1 Control"), but pressing Mod1+Control+[command] does nothing, whereas Mod1+[command] works fine 17:56 < dusanx> hmm you should have better ping that I do, you are in mid-europe 17:56 < dusanx> I will check 17:56 <@Dieterbe> good ping = <50 17:56 <@Dieterbe> imho 17:56 < dusanx> I get ~80 17:56 < dusanx> up to 100 is a good one 17:58 <@Dieterbe> i used to play "tactical ops: assault on terror", a mod for unreal tournamemnt. it's the same style. i really liked that game but i can't run it on linux. and there were good servers in belgium for it, i sometimes had <30 ping 17:58 < dusanx> I used to play day of defeat, when I discovered UT I could kill windows -- that was last app left 17:59 <@Dieterbe> ah yes DoD also was a nice game 17:59 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: you merged in axelsons stuff?? 18:00 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: yes 18:00 <@Dieterbe> no offence to the person, but i find this http://github.com/Barrucadu/uzbl/commit/158043454ca86600bb96e94dd15325431edbf556 quite stupid 18:00 * barrucadu looks 18:00 < dusanx> agreed, must be cautious 18:01 <@Dieterbe> i also thought we already had a .gitignore but i may be wrong 18:01 < dusanx> me to 18:01 <@Dieterbe> anyway i'm going home now. see you soon 18:01 < barrucadu> I don't really understand Makefiles so I assumed it was a sensible fix :p 18:01 < barrucadu> ok 18:01 <@Dieterbe> well, be careful when merging in stuff from others 18:07 -!- jouz [n=jouz@ip122-47-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has joined #uzbl 18:09 < jouz> hi there, i'd like to join tinkering on uzbl, but after pulling the code, i can't get it to compile :( make returns a big number of (i think) gtk-related errors. Are there any deps i could have missed? 18:09 < dusanx> what distro are you using? 18:09 < jouz> arch 18:10 < dusanx> hmm 18:10 < dusanx> should be enough 18:10 < dusanx> webkit installed, right? gtk? 18:11 < jouz> yep both 18:11 < jouz> uh 18:11 < jouz> im seeing the first two error lines are "make: pkg-config: Command not found" 18:12 < dusanx> aur version or you used git? 18:13 < jouz> used git :) and pacman -S pkgconfig did the trick ;) 18:13 < dusanx> nice 18:16 < jouz> hmm still doesn't seem right :/, starting uzbl renders a blank window... 18:17 < dusanx> make test 18:17 < dusanx> or uzbl --uri http://www.google.com 18:17 < jouz> ah i forgot the http:// :) 18:18 < jouz> thanks! 18:18 < dusanx> np 18:18 < dusanx> yes, we do need some processing to handle ;) 18:20 < jouz> ^^ 18:45 < barrucadu> I've just got $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS working :) 18:45 < barrucadu> A few warnings to remove, and then I'll commit 18:46 < dusanx> great 18:47 < barrucadu> Done 18:47 < dusanx> great now we wait for D to finish navigation and we are ready for alpha 18:47 < barrucadu> :) 18:48 <@Dieterbe> allright bitchiizz 18:48 < dusanx> yes boss! 18:48 * barrucadu gets back to work 18:48 < barrucadu> :p 18:49 < dusanx> nice necktie if I must say 18:49 < dusanx> not must may lol 18:49 <@Dieterbe> hm? 18:49 <@Dieterbe> what do you mean? 18:49 < dusanx> I am just being polite to our boss (you), thats all :P 18:50 < barrucadu> Oh, I propose that make test takes the user to the uzbl website :p 18:50 <@Dieterbe> ok sounds good, commit that :P 18:51 <@Dieterbe> meanwhile i catch up and merge 18:51 * barrucadu commits 18:53 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: can you undo the commit from axelson? 18:53 <@Dieterbe> i know with git you cando commits somehow 18:54 <@Dieterbe> the PHONY thing is not good imho 18:54 * barrucadu googles for "git undo commit" 18:54 < lwi> git revert 18:55 < barrucadu> Thanks :) 18:55 <@Dieterbe> http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-revert.html 18:55 <@Dieterbe> yep 18:55 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: and after you've undone that commit, maybe change the line in the authors file too 18:57 < barrucadu> Done 18:58 <@Dieterbe> thanks mate 19:00 <@Dieterbe> what is stuff like this for? 19:00 <@Dieterbe> - gtk_misc_set_alignment (mainbar_label, 0, 0); 19:00 <@Dieterbe> 0 19:00 <@Dieterbe> - gtk_misc_set_padding (mainbar_label, 2, 2); 19:00 <@Dieterbe> 0 19:00 <@Dieterbe> + gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC(mainbar_label), 0, 0); 19:00 <@Dieterbe> 0 19:00 <@Dieterbe> + gtk_misc_set_padding (GTK_MISC(mainbar_label), 2, 2); 19:01 < dusanx> used to nicely arrange everything 19:01 < dusanx> needed 19:01 < dusanx> so everything works with any default font I hope 19:01 < dusanx> without padding for instance label is too near the border 19:02 <@Dieterbe> ah ok 19:02 < dusanx> that gives 2 px padding around status label 19:03 <@Dieterbe> ok 19:03 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: is there a specific reason why .gitignore is inside .gitignore? 19:04 <@Dieterbe> i mean, the contents of .gitignore is useful to track in the repo 19:04 <@Dieterbe> i don't see why we should ignore it 19:04 < dusanx> I did not touched that 19:04 < barrucadu> Ok, I'll remove it 19:05 < dusanx> and please add plain uzbl executable in gitignore, last time I have uploaded uzbl too :( 19:05 <@Dieterbe> it's in there 19:06 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: you merged from dusan, so if i merge fromyou. i have everything right? 19:06 < barrucadu> yes 19:11 <@Dieterbe> dieter@dieter-ws-a7n8x-arch uzbl [bar/experimental] Called /bin/bash ./extra/history.sh 'sampleconfig' '26279' '23068675' '/tmp/uzbl_25165827' 'http://www.uzbl.org/' 'TODO:page title here' '2009-04-27 19:10:53'. Result: FALSE 19:11 <@Dieterbe> hmm history logging is broken 19:12 * barrucadu hears the fire alarm going off 19:12 < barrucadu> <.> 19:12 * barrucadu investigates 19:12 <@Dieterbe> also if i remove the '/bin/bash' part in the config btw 19:12 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: any idea? 19:12 < dusanx> no but sh executes, that's sure 19:13 < dusanx> I have not touched anything! 19:13 < barrucadu> I haven't touched anything but the settings loading 19:13 < dusanx> can you confirm that sh execution works? press u for instance, I got dmenu 19:14 -!- rob| [n=rob@rgnb-5d87d408.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit ["leaving"] 19:14 < barrucadu> I get dmenu, then it segfaulted 19:14 < barrucadu> Called /bin/bash ./extra/load_url_from_history.sh '�' '8820' '25165827' '/tmp/uzbl_25165827' (null). Result: FALSE 19:14 < barrucadu> command executing: "uri http://www.google.com" 19:14 < barrucadu> zsh: segmentation fault ./uzbl 19:15 <@Dieterbe> '�' 19:15 <@Dieterbe> that looks wrong 19:15 <@Dieterbe> the first arg 19:15 < dusanx> I will be gone for a few hours 19:15 <@Dieterbe> k np dusanx 19:15 < dusanx> but will leave irssi open 19:15 <@Dieterbe> and thanks (to both of you) for your help ! 19:15 < dusanx> ;) 19:15 <@Dieterbe> oh also the last argument 19:15 <@Dieterbe> none of the args should be null or something weird 19:16 <@Dieterbe> cool when i press u i also get dmenu 19:16 <@Dieterbe> and uzbl.org is in it.. very weird since i don't have a /tmp/history, because history logging is broken 19:16 < barrucadu> I only get dmenu if I run uzbl from a terminal. 19:17 < barrucadu> *realises* 19:17 < barrucadu> it's looking in ./extra 19:17 < barrucadu> Not in the directory of the executable 19:17 < barrucadu> I'll edit my local copy of the config file so my shortcut works :) 19:17 <@Dieterbe> so? i always test from the main directory, so ./extra/.. works 19:18 -!- rob|6 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87d408.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 19:19 * barrucadu goes to eat 19:19 <@Dieterbe> ok 19:20 < jouz> btw: i still dont get what uzbl stands for?! ;) 19:20 <@Dieterbe> jouz: soon when fogobogo has made the picture and let me put the quote on it i have in mind, it will all become clear 19:20 <@Dieterbe> (picture of his cat) 19:27 < jouz> Dieterbe: i'm looking forward to it, i need s.th. to keep it in mind (still forget the actual spelling every 10 minutes ;) ) 19:43 -!- BetterLeftUnsaid [n=kirby@dyn128-54-218-113.ucsd.edu] has joined #uzbl 19:47 * barrucadu returns 19:50 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: 19:50 <@Dieterbe> char *XDG_CONFIG_HOME_default = "~/.config"; 19:50 <@Dieterbe> does this work? 19:50 <@Dieterbe> where does ~ get expanded? 19:51 < barrucadu> Ah, I didn't actually test that. I'll fix it now :p 19:55 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu and dusanx , i pushed a file called CHECKLIST, please read the instructions in it, this file will help us keeping track of what should work and how we can play with/test each others stuff 20:03 < barrucadu> XDG_CONFIG_HOME now works :) 20:03 < barrucadu> I'll merge and add it to the checklist file 20:05 <@Dieterbe> put everything you ever did into the checklist file 20:05 <@Dieterbe> it should be 100% accurate 20:12 <@Dieterbe> yes, history thingie works 20:13 < barrucadu> :) 20:13 <@Dieterbe> ok, it worked once 20:13 <@Dieterbe> :x 20:14 < barrucadu> lol 20:15 < barrucadu> Is it just me, or do commands have a habit of doing nothing while a page is loading? 20:15 < barrucadu> I wonder if that's anything to do with key_press_cb being attached to the webkit instance rather than the main window 20:17 -!- kcbanner [n=kcbanner@c-67-164-115-202.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #uzbl 20:17 < kcbanner> Hello all 20:18 < barrucadu> hi 20:18 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: the question really is: is the key (combo) catched. not sure if we have printf's for that, maybe we should 20:18 -!- RandomDude [n=RandomDu@w195.ip6.netikka.fi] has joined #uzbl 20:21 < kcbanner> Where is the URL bar or how do I change the page I am on 20:23 <@Dieterbe> there is no url bar 20:23 <@Dieterbe> write to the fifo 20:24 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: Are you working on fixing the weird args being sent to external scripts? If not I'll have a look at it 20:24 < kcbanner> Dieterbe, ah, right 20:24 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: yeah, sort of 20:24 < barrucadu> ok 20:25 < kcbanner> "command executing: "uri http://www.google.ca"[1] 12448 segmentation fault ./uzbl -c" 20:26 * barrucadu tries the same thing 20:26 < barrucadu> Hmm, segfault… 20:26 < barrucadu> I'll get on it 20:26 < kcbanner> (or how do I load a URI from fifo?) 20:26 < kcbanner> I suppose I could just read the source 20:27 <@Dieterbe> or read the docs 20:27 < kcbanner> ah, ok I did have it right, uri to the fifo just segs 20:29 < kcbanner> command executing: "uri www.google.ca" this doesn't seg 20:29 < kcbanner> (but nothing loads in uzbl) 20:30 < kcbanner> command executing: "uri http://www.google.ca" this does seg, traceback: [Switching to Thread 0xb53cb920 (LWP 24298)] 0xb6d5db24 in strcpy () from /lib/libc.so.6 20:31 < kcbanner> uzbl is great though. I think that I will fork and extend it with a URL bar. It is really needed for web dev and stuff like that where you need to edit URL params often. 20:32 < jouz> AH I FINALLY GOT THE NAME, its lolcat for "usable" isn't it? :D 20:32 < barrucadu> Changing buffer[200] to buffer[512] on line 244 seems to fix it. 20:32 < barrucadu> jouz: yes :) 20:32 < kcbanner> stuff like www.example.com/?a=1&b=2 I can see it getting tedious having to go back and forth from a control to the browser. 20:33 < kcbanner> barrucadu, I must have a different version than you, I will check out yours 20:33 <@Dieterbe> jouz: correct :) 20:34 < barrucadu> Github seems to be being slow again 20:34 < kcbanner> barrucadu, nice you fixed all those warnings 20:34 < jouz> :) and magically, i will never fortget that abbreviation 20:35 < barrucadu> dusanx fixed the warnings, praise him :p 20:35 < kcbanner> ah 20:35 < barrucadu> brb 20:35 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has quit ["WeeChat"] 20:35 < jouz> barrucadu: github IS dead-slow in general :( 20:35 < kcbanner> I think what I will do is create emacs keybindings. It would be extremely fast and easy for me to use with C-x f for opening a URL and C-x c to close it. /me forks 20:36 < kcbanner> Who has the latest version repo that I should fork from? 20:37 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 20:37 < kcbanner> barrucadu, is your repo the latest to fork from? 20:37 < barrucadu> kcbanner: I don't think there are any commits I'm missing, so yes 20:38 < kcbanner> barrucadu, cool. 20:40 <@Dieterbe> i'm gonna put the latest stuff in master 20:40 <@Dieterbe> so AUR users can build new packages 20:40 < barrucadu> ok 20:41 < kcbanner> weird. I keep getting 'warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.' when I try to clone my forked repo (slightly new to git) 20:51 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: load from history works more or less. i can do it 5-6 times and then it segfaults 20:51 < barrucadu> I noticed that too 20:54 * barrucadu notices that the website looks slightly broken 20:56 * barrucadu fixes 20:56 <@Dieterbe> the bottom right thing? 20:56 < barrucadu> yes 20:56 < barrucadu> As the side bar is longer than the news area, the design breaks 20:57 < barrucadu> When we have enough news it won't be a problem though :) 21:00 < kcbanner> If you guys need hosting, I'd be happy to provide it. 21:00 < kcbanner> I have lots of extra b/w 21:00 < barrucadu> So do I :) 21:00 < barrucadu> I need to use it up with *something* :p 21:00 < kcbanner> nice 21:11 < dusanx> I am back 21:14 < barrucadu> wb 21:18 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: can you look at the CHECKLIST file and fill in all the stuff you've done please :) 21:21 < dusanx> yes 21:21 < dusanx> whos got latest git? 21:22 <@Dieterbe> i do 21:23 < dusanx> ok, no problem 21:27 < dusanx> for the first time I can merge on server and then download everything as I should 21:29 < dusanx> how do I kill local git branch that I don't need? 21:31 <@Dieterbe> git branch -d 21:31 < dusanx> thanks 21:31 <@Dieterbe> guys, can you merge from my experimental please 21:32 < dusanx> I am about to 21:32 <@Dieterbe> i moved the example configs etc a bit around 21:35 < barrucadu> Done 21:36 < dusanx> got it, I am getting good at this :) 21:37 < dusanx> I will try to explain config and keys and status 21:39 < dusanx> and some parts are already explained in sampleconfig, good job 21:40 < dusanx> bindings_external in sampleconfig should be without /bin/bash? 21:46 <@Dieterbe> yeah but i'm playing with that right now 21:46 < dusanx> ok 21:47 < jouz> btw: why can't i input text into texfields with uzbl? 21:47 <@Dieterbe> are you in insert mode? 21:47 < dusanx> you are in command mode [C] 21:47 < dusanx> either: 21:47 < dusanx> a) press i to go to insert mode (press esc to go to command again) 21:48 < dusanx> b) modify always_insert_mode to 1 in uzbl config file 21:48 < jouz> dusanx: ah k :) i use "a" to get into insert mode in vim... 21:48 < dusanx> you have [C] or [I] to see mode 21:48 < dusanx> in status or title line depending on your settings 21:49 < jouz> ok awesome! 21:50 <@Dieterbe> ok dudes. loading url from bookmark and from history works :) 21:51 <@Dieterbe> inserting new bookmark not yet 21:51 < dusanx> but you can use dmenu to type any new url, right? 21:51 <@Dieterbe> lol i didn't even try that yet 21:51 < dusanx> if that works we have almost alpha 21:51 < barrucadu> Yes, dmenu can be used to load a new URL 21:52 <@Dieterbe> yes :D 21:52 <@Dieterbe> cool 21:52 < dusanx> YES! 21:52 < barrucadu> All we need now is an open link in new window feature and I can happily remove Opera :) 21:52 < dusanx> I will work on that tonight :) 21:53 < barrucadu> ^^ 21:53 < dusanx> don't know if it is possible but I will find a way 21:53 < dusanx> I need that too lol 21:54 < dusanx> and you two spoiled me, I am using command mode while surfing :( 21:55 < dusanx> Dieterbe: while you are working, can you add 'http://' to any url that does not have '://' ? 21:56 <@Dieterbe> k 21:56 <@Dieterbe> oh you mean in the code? 21:56 <@Dieterbe> or in the example/doc? 21:56 < dusanx> yup, in the code 21:57 <@Dieterbe> can you add that to the TODO file, it is something for later 21:57 < dusanx> b/c that's logical, right? www.google.com should not give error 21:57 < dusanx> ok, I'll add that ;) 21:57 <@Dieterbe> yep indeed, add to todo please 21:57 < dusanx> to code 21:57 <@Dieterbe> i 'm going to get a fresh mind now. i'm back in 15min or so, then i prepare the site a bit, and we can do a littleannouncement 21:57 <@Dieterbe> we have a working prototype now 21:58 < dusanx> :D 22:00 < barrucadu> :) 22:23 <@Dieterbe> btw 22:23 <@Dieterbe> http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2009/04/27/uzbl/ 22:26 < dusanx> they are both good 22:26 < dusanx> maybe #1 22:26 <@Dieterbe> i prefer #2 22:27 < barrucadu> I think the first - with no speech bubble and the dark-grey-borders-with-white-middle "uzbl" text to the side 22:28 < dusanx> bubble is not bad 22:28 < dusanx> but I am not designer 22:28 < barrucadu> Hmm, I just don't think it looks particularly good connected to the cat 22:29 < jouz> #2 looks more like a racoon ;) 22:29 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: i'm gonna make some local edits with my shell account 22:29 <@Dieterbe> having some git problems 22:30 < barrucadu> ok 22:36 < rson> re: logos, what would ppl think of #1 with uzb(cat image as l) 22:36 < rson> i'm bored 22:38 < barrucadu> Hmm, that could be good :) 22:38 < rson> mocking up in inkscape to see what it'd look like 22:48 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: it's .config/uzbl/uzbl ? 22:49 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: Just .config/uzbl, it would seem I didn't read the basedir spec properly. Wait a minute... 22:50 <@Dieterbe> yeah usually you have a dir named after the progman and inside that dir your files 22:50 <@Dieterbe> eg .config/uzbl/config 22:50 < dusanx> I added check so you can use ./uzbl --uri www.google.com without http:// 22:50 <@Dieterbe> nice 22:51 < dusanx> want me to push now, it's a small change 22:51 < dusanx> ? 22:51 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: done 22:51 < barrucadu> It now looks for $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/uzbl/config 22:51 < rson> http://omploader.org/vMWw4Nw http://omploader.org/vMWw4OA obviously this is just peiced from what the originals were. i'm not sure if i like it or not 22:51 < rson> kinda do, kinda dont 22:52 < barrucadu> I think that looks great 22:52 < dusanx> I like cat #1 better, sorry 22:52 < dusanx> with baloon 22:53 < dusanx> uzbl is confusing enough and if me make L non-clear well... 22:53 < rson> yeah i didnt realize it was a disambigulation until dieterbe mentioned it in the thread 22:53 <@Dieterbe> disambiwhat? 22:53 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu / dusanx i updated the site 22:54 <@Dieterbe> you can show it off now imho :P 22:54 < dusanx> otorinolaringology ya know :P 22:54 < barrucadu> Recent Commits: "scare away some newbies" 22:54 < barrucadu> I shall have to see what that commit was :p 22:54 < rson> haha 22:55 < rson> man i'd love to dig into the code a bit and resharpen my c-saw (completely intended) but you guys move way too fast for me to keep up 22:55 < dusanx> nice :) 22:55 <@Dieterbe> okay from who should i merge new code? 22:56 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu your xdg stuff is tested? 22:56 < dusanx> I have yours 22:56 < dusanx> did not push uricheck version yet 22:56 < barrucadu> yes 22:56 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: check that it works and push it 22:56 < dusanx> can I push first please? 22:56 < dusanx> doing right now 22:57 <@Dieterbe> ok 22:59 < dusanx> ! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast forward) 22:59 < dusanx> what now??? 22:59 <@Dieterbe> pwned :) 23:00 < dusanx> checking github 23:00 < dusanx> local status is now nothing to commit 23:02 < dusanx> this is crazy 23:02 < dusanx> I had uzbl.c to commit, done everything as normal 23:03 < dusanx> got error above 23:03 < dusanx> nothing to commit 23:03 < dusanx> and no new file on github 23:03 <@Dieterbe> where are your changes now? gone? 23:03 < dusanx> they are in my uzbl.c just fine 23:04 < dusanx> but they are marked as old obviously 23:05 < dusanx> I am looking but no idea :( 23:05 < dusanx> It was tiny change 23:07 <@Dieterbe> maybe paste the change and I can try to commit it 23:07 < dusanx> ok 23:07 < dusanx> static gchar* 23:07 < dusanx> uricheck (gchar* uri) { 23:07 < dusanx> if (g_strrstr (uri,"://") == NULL){ 23:08 < dusanx> GString* newuri = g_string_new (uri); 23:08 < dusanx> free(uri); 23:08 < dusanx> g_string_prepend (newuri, "http://"); 23:08 < dusanx> uri = g_string_free (newuri, FALSE); 23:08 < dusanx> } 23:08 < dusanx> return (uri); 23:08 < dusanx> } 23:08 < dusanx> that's the function 23:08 < dusanx> I have it just below /* -- CORE FUNCTIONS -- */ 23:09 < dusanx> starts at line 217 23:09 < rson> i like the site btw, gj guys 23:09 < dusanx> 274 in my source: c->func_2_params (web_view, uricheck(command_param)); 23:09 < dusanx> added uricheck as you can see 23:09 < dusanx> 619: webkit_web_view_load_uri (web_view, uricheck(uri)); 23:10 < dusanx> same 23:10 < dusanx> that's all 23:11 < dusanx> function and two modified lines, ok? 23:11 < dusanx> I hate git... again 23:13 <@Dieterbe> ok just a sec 23:15 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: did you make the uzbl-website folder on the server? 23:17 < dusanx> shit I know why there is a problem! 23:18 <@Dieterbe> http://dieter.plaetinck.be/uzbl_a_browser_that_adheres_to_the_unix_philosophy 23:18 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu: yes, you can delete it 23:18 < dusanx> nothing I can do now but next time I will not experiment lol 23:19 < dusanx> I tried fork queue option on github and that's what created problems 23:19 < dusanx> I will do proper merge next time so hopefully problem will not happen again 23:23 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: dusanx> 274 in my source: c->func_2_params (web_view, uricheck(command_param)); 23:23 <@Dieterbe> that one is very tricky imho 23:23 < dusanx> I know 23:23 <@Dieterbe> because the argument doesn't need to be a url 23:23 < dusanx> that's what I wanted to discuss 23:23 < dusanx> I know exactly what you mean 23:23 < dusanx> remove it? 23:23 < dusanx> keep just second one? 23:24 <@Dieterbe> no, it just depends on the callback function 23:25 <@Dieterbe> when doing c->func_2_params (web_view, command_param); we just call a function with some argument. we know nothing about it 23:25 < dusanx> hmm, not sure what to do 23:25 < dusanx> I know 23:25 <@Dieterbe> it's up to the actual function to fix the url 23:25 < barrucadu> A messy solution would be to check if func_2_params is &webkit_web_view_load_uri (or whatever the function is called), and have an if statement 23:25 < dusanx> very messy 23:25 <@Dieterbe> or just create a wrapper callback function 23:25 < dusanx> or to add flag to func structure 'fix url or not' 23:26 < dusanx> messy anyway 23:26 < barrucadu> I think a wrapper would be the least messy 23:26 <@Dieterbe> dont point to webkit_web_view_load_uri, but rather to a wrapper function that fixes the url 23:26 < dusanx> that's better 23:26 < dusanx> yes 23:26 <@Dieterbe> ok i'll fix the wrapper now 23:26 < dusanx> thanks 23:26 < dusanx> I will pull as soon as you push something lol 23:27 < dusanx> don't want to do it now before your push to avoid mess on my side 23:28 < dusanx> Dieterbe: arch forum announcement? 23:29 <@Dieterbe> be my guest 23:29 < barrucadu> I'll write something for my blog later 23:29 < barrucadu> Not that anyone reads it… :p 23:29 < dusanx> no, forum announcement is yours. My English varies from bad to very bad ;) 23:30 <@Dieterbe> after i fix this url thing i go to bed 23:31 <@Dieterbe> so one of you guys has the honor ^^ 23:31 < barrucadu> I'm not good at writing, well, detailed things :p 23:31 < dusanx> barrucadu: you should be very good with English :P 23:31 < barrucadu> I have a habit of summarising things to the point of uselessness :p 23:31 < barrucadu> That doesn't make me good at writing :p 23:31 < rson> why not just announce that much progress has been made and to check git commits for more info 23:32 < dusanx> ok, you dictate, I'll write ;) 23:33 -!- rob|7 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87dfb2.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 23:36 < barrucadu> Short post done: http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=544170#p544170 :) 23:36 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: i committed and pushed, but it segfaults, so you'll have to check it 23:36 <@Dieterbe> or tomorrow i can look myself 23:36 <@Dieterbe> but i keep this in experimental, not master 23:37 < dusanx> pulling, give me five minutes 23:37 <@Dieterbe> perfect barrucadu 23:37 <@Dieterbe> ok. you get 5 23:37 < barrucadu> And only 5. 23:37 < barrucadu> :p 23:38 < dusanx> nice one :) 23:42 <@Dieterbe> and? 23:42 <@Dieterbe> fixed it? 23:42 < dusanx> wait 23:44 < dusanx> error: you need to resolve your current index first 23:45 < dusanx> ok, I can fix conflicts 23:45 < dusanx> 5 min 23:45 < barrucadu> You've already had 5 minutes. In 5 minutes will you ask for another 5? :p 23:46 < dusanx> absolutely 23:47 < dusanx> Dieterbe: main has checkuri, right? 23:47 < dusanx> uricheck that is 23:47 <@Dieterbe> main? 23:47 <@Dieterbe> oh, yes 23:47 <@Dieterbe> my experimental has it 23:47 < dusanx> ok 23:47 <@Dieterbe> if that's what you mean 23:48 < dusanx> yes, checking conflicts 23:49 <@Dieterbe> i get conflicts when pulling from you even now already 23:50 <@Dieterbe> i'm going to do this tomorrow 23:50 <@Dieterbe> when i have time 23:50 < dusanx> ok 23:50 < dusanx> I will try to fix my git 23:50 <@Dieterbe> ok see you tomorrow guys 23:50 < dusanx> see you 23:50 -!- rob|6 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87d408.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 23:51 < barrucadu> bye --- Day changed Tue Apr 28 2009 00:02 < dusanx> barrucadu: are you there? 00:03 < barrucadu> yes 00:03 < barrucadu> I'm looking at the segfaulting URIs 00:04 < barrucadu> I've made progress. 00:04 < dusanx> automatic merge failed -> what you do then? 00:04 < barrucadu> Then you use `git status` and see what needs to be fixed by hand 00:04 < dusanx> uzbl.c 00:04 < dusanx> oh looks like I need to do git commit after I do fix, right? 00:05 < dusanx> http://book.git-scm.com/3_basic_branching_and_merging.html 00:05 < barrucadu> yes 00:05 < dusanx> thanks, just found docs... 00:05 < barrucadu> Hmm, I've got uricheck returning the proper URI (in a probably not-very-good implementation, but it works...) 00:05 < barrucadu> But it's still segfaulting somewhere 00:06 < dusanx> why, what segfaults? you are using my code? 00:06 -!- syslogd_ [n=syslogd@pD955EC47.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 00:06 < barrucadu> I merged Dieter's experimental code 00:06 < dusanx> ok, I am about to do the same 00:06 < barrucadu> Originally, it just segfaulted. 00:07 < dusanx> my code did not, I will check 00:07 < barrucadu> Now I've got it sort-of-but-not-quite working. It segfaults later. :p 00:09 < dusanx> oh, he added load_uri, I'll sort it as soon as I merge this @#$$ 00:11 < barrucadu> it's webkit_web_view_load_uri that's segfaulting for some reason 00:11 < dusanx> how do you edit conflicting file, there are <<<, === and >>> marks 00:11 < dusanx> do you leave them or keep just functions? 00:11 < barrucadu> They mark where your file starts/ends and where the new file starts/ends. Have a look and try to make sense of what you should delete and what you should keep 00:12 < dusanx> but you keep marks or delete them too? 00:12 < barrucadu> Delete the marks 00:12 < dusanx> done that 00:12 < dusanx> git commit: error: Error building trees 00:13 < barrucadu> Err... 00:14 < barrucadu> Not a clue then :p 00:14 < dusanx> ok, I will find a way :) 00:17 * barrucadu gives up on fixing this bit of code for now 00:17 * barrucadu commits 00:17 < dusanx> does that segfault from command line, --uri switch? 00:18 -!- syslogd [n=syslogd@unaffiliated/syslogd] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 00:18 < barrucadu> No 00:18 * barrucadu looks in surprise 00:18 < barrucadu> It... 00:19 < barrucadu> seems to be working now 00:19 < dusanx> how?? 00:19 < barrucadu> I have absolutely no idea 00:19 < dusanx> managed to pull :D 00:19 < barrucadu> The only thing different I did was specify a --uri parameter 00:19 < dusanx> segfaults without --uri? 00:19 < barrucadu> Aha! It segfaults when there is no --ur... yes 00:20 < dusanx> good, I'll fix that now 00:20 < barrucadu> You may want to tidy up my code a little, I added all sorts trying to fix this segfaulting :p 00:21 < barrucadu> Well, I'll do some reading / go to bed now. Bye 00:21 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has quit ["WeeChat"] 00:21 < dusanx> hmm, I am working on Dieterbe's code 00:51 -!- rob|8 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87dd11.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 01:07 -!- rob|7 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87dfb2.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 01:15 -!- ThaRabbit [n=stefan@unaffiliated/tharabbit] has joined #uzbl 01:15 < ThaRabbit> my my, 17 users already 01:27 -!- jouz [n=jouz@ip122-47-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 01:32 -!- rob|9 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87d1c3.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 01:32 < ThaRabbit> Has anybody found page scrolling to be somewhat buggy? 01:34 -!- ThaRabbit [n=stefan@unaffiliated/tharabbit] has quit ["Leaving"] 01:48 -!- rob|8 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87dd11.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 02:00 -!- ludovico [n=ludovico@] has joined #uzbl 02:56 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 03:17 < kcbanner> Is it a known issue that uzbl will segfault if your not using a config file and click on a link? 03:17 < kcbanner> The link in question is the README link on the uzbl.org page. 03:19 < kcbanner> latest from barracuda experimental 03:20 < kcbanner> 0xb6e30708 in g_type_create_instance () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0 traceback 03:22 -!- thewtex_ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #uzbl 03:23 < thewtex_> hi 03:23 < thewtex_> uhh 03:23 < thewtex_> I must askk 03:23 < thewtex_> what is the forbidden 3-letter word? 03:23 < thewtex_> hint? 03:23 -!- rob|10 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87d230.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 03:24 < thewtex_> Dieterbe: clued into the project from your post on Planet Larry 03:24 < thewtex_> Dieterbe: is there an ebuild out there yet? 03:24 < thewtex_> if not I will go ahead and make one 03:25 < rson> thewtex_: i doubt it. most of the users so far are arch users. there is a buildscript for arch, but I am not aware of an ebuild. i am an outsider though so i may be wrong. 03:25 < thewtex_> rson: ok 03:25 < rson> i'm sure an ebuild would be appreciated 03:38 -!- rob|9 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87d1c3.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 03:41 < kcbanner> thewtex_, I think it might be tab. Not sure though. 03:41 < thewtex_> kcbanner: ah thanks 03:41 < thewtex_> i love vimperator 03:42 < thewtex_> this looks like it could be a good alternative 03:43 < kcbanner> I find the vim keybindings hard to use, being an emacs user. 03:43 < kcbanner> I wish there was emacs keybindings for firefox. 03:43 < kcbanner> like C-x f for opening, etc. 03:45 < rson> kcbanner: have you tried conkeror? 03:47 < kcbanner> rson, no 03:47 < kcbanner> rson, holy shit conkeror is awesome! 03:48 < rson> i've heard it's keybinds are emacsian 03:48 < kcbanner> rson, yes...they are...awesome. 03:48 < rson> :) 03:48 < rson> kcbanner: if i understand correctly, the keybinds for uzbl will be adjustable to be modelike or modifierlike, so you should be able to be happy with uzbl once it's more feature rich as well 03:49 < kcbanner> yea, for sure 03:49 < kcbanner> I just like not needed the mouse to browse 03:49 < kcbanner> needing* 03:50 -!- bostonvaulter [n=jason@cubesat.eng.hawaii.edu] has quit [Client Quit] 03:51 -!- axelson [n=jason@cubesat.eng.hawaii.edu] has joined #uzbl 04:33 < thewtex_> yay got it to compile/run 04:33 < thewtex_> bbl 04:34 -!- thewtex_ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has quit ["WeeChat"] 04:37 -!- codemac [n=codemac@archlinux/developer/codemac] has joined #uzbl 04:42 < kdavis> what does _gitroot have to be set to for a PKGBUILD from the exp branch? I'm not familiar w/ git 04:54 -!- kcbanner [n=kcbanner@c-67-164-115-202.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 05:03 -!- fogobogo_ [n=fogobogo@port-92-202-31-226.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #uzbl 05:19 -!- fogobogo [n=fogobogo@port-92-202-92-196.dynamic.qsc.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 06:54 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 06:54 < dusanx> 'morning :) 06:59 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 07:00 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 07:48 -!- jouz [n=jouz@ip122-47-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has joined #uzbl 07:57 -!- jouz [n=jouz@ip122-47-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 08:24 -!- vti [n=vti@] has joined #uzbl 08:29 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 08:29 < barrucadu> hi 08:29 < dusanx> :) 08:29 < dusanx> download works! 08:29 < vti> hi! great start, where can i post bugs? :) 08:29 < barrucadu> I just merged your branch, but I still get a segfault if no --uri is specified when starting uzbl :( 08:30 < dusanx> then you did not, thats fixed 08:30 < dusanx> 100% 08:30 < dusanx> let me commit again 08:30 < dusanx> I have few changes 08:30 < barrucadu> ok 08:31 < dusanx> done 08:31 < dusanx> and checked, no segfaults 08:32 < dusanx> vti: you can post them here 08:32 < vti> i see you already fixed nourl bug 08:32 < dusanx> :) 08:32 -!- sm217 [n=sm@25-118-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #uzbl 08:33 < dusanx> barrucadu: you should have new_window_cb function after update 08:34 < barrucadu> I've just noticed that Page Down / Page Up don't work in command mode 08:34 < barrucadu> ok 08:35 < dusanx> but I still fail to catch popup menu 'open in new window' option 08:35 < dusanx> only href target = new opens correctly 08:35 < barrucadu> command executing: "uri www.namepros.com" 08:35 < barrucadu> zsh: segmentation fault ./uzbl 08:37 < barrucadu> I've just tried downloading your uzbl.c from github, rather than merging it with mine, and the same thing occurs 08:37 < dusanx> zsh something? checking here more that once, nothing 08:38 < dusanx> maybe history script fails? 08:38 < dusanx> can you get any additional info? 08:38 < barrucadu> I've just stuck some printfs in and I've found the offending line 08:38 < barrucadu> strcpy (uri, webkit_web_frame_get_uri (frame)); 08:38 < barrucadu> in load_commit_cb 08:38 < dusanx> thats not mine function lol! 08:39 < barrucadu> Well, it's Dieters :p 08:39 < dusanx> my kung fu is the best :P 08:39 < barrucadu> Apply your kung fu to this function then? :p 08:39 < dusanx> just checking 08:39 < dusanx> aaaa 08:39 < dusanx> I will 08:40 < dusanx> I fixed bunch of string problems but this one missed 08:43 -!- BetterLeftUnsaid [n=kirby@dyn128-54-218-113.ucsd.edu] has quit ["mrawr!"] 08:46 -!- BetterLeftUnsaid [n=kirby@dyn128-54-218-113.ucsd.edu] has joined #uzbl 08:46 < dusanx> barrucadu: instead of static gchar* uri = NULL; 08:47 < dusanx> no, wait 08:52 < dusanx> 2 min, fixed 08:55 < barrucadu> Something I've been wondering, if Dieterbe is D, and I am B, who are you? 'd'? :p 08:56 < dusanx> when I write you are D and B, when he does we are D and B, when you write... well you are in trouble lol 08:57 < dusanx> learned that irssi has tab so barrucadu and dusanx and Dieterbe are not problems any more ;) 08:58 < dusanx> you have new git version :) 08:59 < dusanx> I will fix pgup/pgdn/home/end in command mode today 08:59 < barrucadu> :) 09:00 < dusanx> and try clicking on some link that wants to open in new window :) 09:03 < barrucadu> Hmm, now I need to find a site that opens things in new windows... :p 09:03 < dusanx> google open in new window and there are examples ;) 09:05 < barrucadu> :D 09:05 < dusanx> download (even from popup) invokes defined script 09:05 < barrucadu> :) 09:06 < dusanx> only thing that does not work is open in new window from popup, webkit does not send signal 09:06 < dusanx> but I will find how 09:35 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 09:37 <@Dieterbe> morning dudes 09:37 < dusanx> hi 09:42 -!- ashren [n=edgar@3510ds1-gj.0.fullrate.dk] has joined #uzbl 09:44 -!- ashren [n=edgar@3510ds1-gj.0.fullrate.dk] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 09:49 <@Dieterbe> man i am tired 09:49 <@Dieterbe> tonight i will go to bed early :P 09:51 < dusanx> working now? 09:51 <@Dieterbe> well, i should be :) 09:51 < dusanx> lol 09:51 < dusanx> same here 10:01 -!- ashren [n=edgar@3510ds1-gj.0.fullrate.dk] has joined #uzbl 10:06 < ashren> what should name the uzbl config I place in .config? 10:06 < dusanx> .config/uzbl/config 10:06 < ashren> thanks 10:06 < dusanx> last config is file name 10:06 < dusanx> np 10:08 < dpb> is the current version supposed to segfault? <.< 10:08 < dusanx> if you call it without parameter yes 10:08 -!- ashren [n=edgar@3510ds1-gj.0.fullrate.dk] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 10:09 < dpb> nope, that segfaults too 10:09 < dusanx> if you compiled from git use my latest github master, fhat's fixed 10:09 < dpb> what's the address? 10:10 < dusanx> just a sec 10:10 < dusanx> http://github.com/dusanx/uzbl/ 10:11 < dusanx> will be merged to main later today 10:11 < sm217> guys, is there anything simple that needs to be implemented? I want to help but I don't yet know gtk :< 10:12 < dpb> dusanx: your master branch still segfaults for me.. 10:13 < dusanx> how do you call uzbl? can you paste console text somewhere, should help to pinpoint why 10:18 <@Dieterbe> sm217: if you're not new to C, changing our struct "maps" of bindings and commands to use glib hashmaps would be a quite easy task 10:18 < dpb> I just run "make test" 10:19 < sm217> Dieterbe: thanks, I'll try 10:20 < dpb> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 10:20 < dpb> [Switching to Thread 0xb5281970 (LWP 7799)] 10:20 < dpb> 0xb6bd5857 in strtok () from /lib/libc.so.6 10:20 < dusanx> dpb: what distro are you using? 10:21 < dpb> Debian 10:21 < dusanx> hmm, I can't reproduce that here 10:21 < dusanx> but I will check code and see if I can fix something 10:21 < dusanx> debian stable? 10:22 < dpb> unstable :) 10:22 < dpb> I don't think uzbl even compiles with stable 10:22 < dusanx> dpb: can you check webkit version you have? 10:22 < dpb> 1.1.5 10:22 < dusanx> hmm and hmm 10:22 <@Dieterbe> the dev package is also 1.1.5 ? 10:22 < dpb> of course 10:22 < dusanx> I will check strtok calls in next few minutes 10:23 < dpb> it didn't segfault yesterday when I tried 10:23 < dusanx> ok, that might give me idea 10:23 < dusanx> give me few minutes 10:27 < dusanx> dpb: found it, 10 mintes to fix, I will let you know when I push new git 10:27 < dpb> great :) 10:28 < dpb> I'll probably be gone for lunch by then though. ;) 10:28 < dusanx> np 10:33 < dusanx> I will try to write few lines about how to use char * 10:34 < dusanx> dpb: can you try new git, just pushed it 10:35 < dpb> yep, works now :) 10:35 < dusanx> great 10:35 < dusanx> thanks for your help 10:35 < sm217> just to make sure I get it: bindings table is once filled, then checked on keypress and action is done on match? 10:36 < dusanx> yes 10:36 <@Dieterbe> sm217: yes. there are 3 things: internal bindings, external ones, and commands (which are received through the fifo) 10:36 <@Dieterbe> they all use an ugly struct list, which we have to iterate to find the matching one 10:37 < sm217> yes, I see 10:37 <@Dieterbe> all 3 should use glib hashmap imo 10:37 < dusanx> keys handling function and fifo function actually call same processing function 10:37 < sm217> thanks, I'll read about it and try 10:38 < sm217> dusanx: parse_command? 10:38 < dusanx> yes 10:38 < sm217> :> 10:38 < dusanx> in config file: function_name = key 10:39 < dusanx> when key is matched app calls parse_command with exact function name defined in config :eek 11:05 -!- tiot [n=tiot@chy77-1-88-183-40-115.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #uzbl 11:08 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 19 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 18 normal] 11:37 -!- jerryluc [n=jerry@dhcp-039104.wlan.ntnu.no] has joined #uzbl 11:38 < jerryluc> stupid question: how do i load an url? 11:38 < dusanx> ./uzbl --uri www.google.com 11:39 < dusanx> or without ./ if you used aur 11:39 <@Dieterbe> or press a keybind to load from history, or from bookmark file 11:39 <@Dieterbe> or write to the fifo 11:39 < jerryluc> thanks mate 11:43 < sm217> methinks we can use dmenu as a tab bar 11:44 -!- jerryluc [n=jerry@dhcp-039104.wlan.ntnu.no] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 11:44 < dusanx> I suggested the same thing the other day 11:44 < dusanx> but you don't need to modify anything, just add external command, bind it to a sh script and you are ready... 11:45 < sm217> hmm 11:45 < dusanx> in config file 11:45 < sm217> what if we have all urls in separate windows? 11:46 < sm217> this will need some way to change window focus 11:46 < dusanx> script that scans all window classes or something, shows titles in dmeny and focuses selected window 11:46 < sm217> yes. 11:46 < dusanx> I need one if you can write it ;) 11:46 < sm217> I may try :P 11:47 < sm217> just thinking, we have that famous process-per-page feature out of the box :P 11:50 <@Dieterbe> this makes up for only one aspect of tabs 11:50 < dusanx> one aspect? 11:51 <@Dieterbe> another "feature" of tabs is you can keep pages(windows) together. eg you can have a work instance with 10 pages work related stuff, and a personal instance with 10 personal tabs 11:51 <@Dieterbe> if you want to move the work one to a differet workspace/tag/... the relevant windows should stay together 11:51 <@Dieterbe> but you can also script this of course 11:51 < dusanx> you would not do adding tabs to uzbl 11:51 < dusanx> I hope 11:51 <@Dieterbe> no i'm generally speaking 11:52 < dusanx> true, we need a way to move all windows 11:52 <@Dieterbe> what i think: if you have "personal" , "work" etc you probably also have different configs for work, personal etc 11:52 < dusanx> thats easy in dwm I think :) 11:52 <@Dieterbe> so you can recognize window instances that belong together because they use the same config 11:53 <@Dieterbe> then you script it to move them all at once 11:55 < sm217> hmm, what if all pages/processes can be displayed in single window and switched between with commands? 11:55 < dusanx> I have no idea if that can be done 11:56 < sm217> and that would actually be tabs :p 11:56 < tiot> do you know vimperator for firefox ? 11:57 < sm217> yes, I've tried it 11:58 < tiot> you will try to do something like it or really different ? 11:58 < dpb> there's a "who" missing in the README file, "people want a browser that does anything" 11:59 < tiot> yes I read it 11:59 <@Dieterbe> sm217> hmm, what if all pages/processes can be displayed in single window -> doesn't that affect keyboard shorcuts and stuff? and you can't rely on the window id anymore to get the fifo path, because the window id is the one of the "master app" (though you could configure that one to forward the commands to the currently displayed child) 12:05 < sm217> yeah, that's a bad way 12:06 < sm217> and we can't do fun with window manager then 12:06 < dusanx> tabs are gay anyway :P 12:07 < sm217> that depends :p 12:08 < sm217> for example, tabbed file manager are awesome 12:08 < dusanx> sorry, my bad: tabbed browsing sucks :P 12:08 < dusanx> wm's are ok 12:09 < dpb> tabbed file manager? 12:09 <@Dieterbe> hey wait a minute 12:09 < dusanx> not that I use tabbed wm 12:09 < dusanx> no, no tabbed file manager for me 12:09 <@Dieterbe> we could actually ship a script that uses dmenu to select a window, such a script would use the netwm spec or whatever and it would work on 99% of the window managers 12:10 < sm217> dpb: pcmanfm as example 12:10 <@Dieterbe> except the one i use, wmii doesn't implement netwm of course >< 12:10 < dpb> The shell is the file manager, where the hell does one need tabs for that? <.< 12:10 <@Dieterbe> dpb: well said 12:10 <@Dieterbe> :) 12:11 < sm217> shell is bad when you're unsure on what you need 12:11 < dusanx> mc? 12:11 < sm217> like, looking through many files 12:11 < dpb> why is it bad? 12:11 < sm217> no way :p 12:11 < dpb> ls works quite well 12:11 < dpb> and find 12:11 < dusanx> I mean midnight commander where there is chance to f up :) 12:12 < sm217> and when none of files has obvious name? 12:12 < dusanx> ok, who is the kind soul to write dmenu tabs for me? 12:12 < dpb> Then you're screwed anyway? 12:12 < dpb> grep works 12:13 < dusanx> what is X command to list all windows? I know there is at least one? 12:14 <@Dieterbe> ha, sounds like someone wants to start hacking 12:14 < dusanx> yup 12:16 <@Dieterbe> hey, we could even add an extra arg 12:16 <@Dieterbe> uzbl -t personal, would put "personal" in the title 12:16 <@Dieterbe> so you can recognize it 12:16 <@Dieterbe> from scripts 12:16 < dusanx> hmm 12:17 < dusanx> tag? --tag? 12:17 <@Dieterbe> yeah 12:18 <@Dieterbe> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System_protocols_and_architecture#Attributes_and_properties look this is cool 12:18 <@Dieterbe> seems like you can set arbitrary properties 12:18 <@Dieterbe> such as a tag :) 12:19 < sm217> whee 12:19 < dusanx> nice 12:21 <@Dieterbe> though we may not even need that, i would put the tag in the titlebar also, so it's visible 12:21 <@Dieterbe> and you can also pull that from scripts 12:49 < sm217> hmm 12:49 < sm217> how do I check if bindings are working? 12:50 < sm217> oh :P 12:52 < sm217> well, it understands keybinds 12:52 -!- gcarrier [n=gcarrier@archlinux/trusteduser/GCarrier] has joined #uzbl 12:52 < gcarrier> hi! 12:52 < sm217> hi gcarrier 12:52 < gcarrier> i might be pretty interested in uzbl 12:53 < gcarrier> who should i fork? 12:53 < gcarrier> is this project started by another arch user? :) 12:53 < ludovico> i'm pretty interested too, but i'm just stalking :) 12:53 * sm217 pokes Dieterbe 12:53 < ludovico> yup 12:54 < gcarrier> ok, then i can't work on it :) 12:54 < ludovico> oh? 12:54 < gcarrier> http://bugs.archlinux.org/?do=index&dev=3220&type%5B0%5D=&sev%5B0%5D=&due%5B0%5D=&cat%5B0%5D=&status%5B0%5D=open&percent%5B0%5D=&reported%5B0%5D= 12:54 < gcarrier> i have work to do :P 12:54 < gcarrier> wow, a lot of them were closed 12:54 < ludovico> ah ;) 12:54 < gcarrier> nice 12:55 < ludovico> well then, get to work on the uzbl! 12:55 < gcarrier> still, 12 bug reports... 12:55 < ludovico> :P 12:55 < gcarrier> and dozens of packages to update 12:55 < ludovico> have you tried it out? 12:57 < dusanx> I am back 12:57 < dusanx> what did I miss? 12:58 < sm217> dusanx: working keybinds mean working bindings, right? 12:58 < dusanx> fork from main git/experimental, yes by arch user 12:58 < gcarrier> ludovico: well i don't care. webkit + flat files, i'm ok. 12:58 <@Dieterbe> gcarrier> is this project started by another arch user? :) <--- are you calling me "just another arch user" ? :( 12:58 < gcarrier> Dieterbe: do i know you? 12:58 <@Dieterbe> looks like not :) 12:58 < gcarrier> Dieterbe: should i? 12:59 <@Dieterbe> i'm a release engineer, i work on iso's and the installer etc ;) 12:59 < dusanx> sm217: yes 12:59 <@Dieterbe> for arch 12:59 < gcarrier> shit, you're working on AIF 12:59 < gcarrier> lol 12:59 < gcarrier> oops 12:59 < gcarrier> that's the forbidden word i guess 12:59 <@Dieterbe> :) no that's not it 12:59 <@Dieterbe> gcarrier: well, hi, nice to meet you :) 12:59 < sm217> good, I will then fork and add my (very) tiny changes? :P 13:00 < gcarrier> Dieterbe: i don't remember... did you start aif? 13:00 <@Dieterbe> yes 13:00 < gcarrier> Dieterbe: ok you're awesome. 13:00 < dusanx> aif? 13:00 <@Dieterbe> don't exagerate :P 13:00 < dpb> btw, what's the three letter forbidden word? 13:00 < gcarrier> Dieterbe: i'm the guy who does shit with the shitty linux bluetooth support :P 13:01 <@Dieterbe> yes i know 13:01 < gcarrier> osx? 13:01 <@Dieterbe> gcarrier: something similar to tag 13:01 <@Dieterbe> but don't say it ! 13:01 < dusanx> shhh, we already have attitude problems with the boss, don't build his ego 13:01 < dpb> fag ? 13:01 < gcarrier> Dieterbe: i'm thinking 13:01 < dpb> <.< 13:01 <@Dieterbe> lol dpb 13:01 < sm217> Dieterbe: what's the right place to initialize variables that need function calls? 13:01 < sm217> sux? :P 13:02 <@Dieterbe> gcarrier: well maybe you should read the entire uzbl topic, then you'll see :P 13:02 < gcarrier> Dieterbe: topic? 13:02 <@Dieterbe> yes, in the forums 13:02 < gcarrier> Dieterbe: i hate the forums 13:02 <@Dieterbe> sm217: "variable that needs function call" is a bit loose description 13:02 < dpb> Ah, that word. 13:03 < gcarrier> tabs !! 13:03 <@Dieterbe> aaaaarg 13:03 < sm217> Dieterbe: um, I need to create hash tables 13:03 < dusanx> we need no stinkin' tabs 13:03 < gcarrier> well, i do want tabs 13:03 < dpb> tabs is 4-letters though. 13:03 < gcarrier> tab 13:03 <@Dieterbe> sm217: well, the hash table will replace the structs right. so put them in the same place 13:03 < gcarrier> - each instance of uzbl renders 1 page (eg it's a small wrapper around webkit), no tabbing, tab previews, or speed dial 13:03 < sm217> Dieterbe: I can't 13:03 < gcarrier> things. we have window managers for that. -> well actually, there is lots of dicussion about this, i'll probably implement a basic form of tabbing. 13:03 < dpb> There's no point in having just one tab. <.< 13:04 < sm217> that place is not in any function 13:04 <@Dieterbe> sm217: correct 13:04 < dusanx> wait: about hash tables: do you hash keys or not? 13:04 < sm217> internal_bindings = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal); <- so gcc says rawr 13:04 <@Dieterbe> they get hashed automatically 13:04 < gcarrier> how much gtk do you use? 13:04 <@Dieterbe> quite some 13:04 < dusanx> but we keep original key strings, not just hashes, right? 13:05 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: the hashing is transparent for us, i think. we just insert and retrieve with our key values we choose 13:05 < gcarrier> i'd love such browser Qt-based... 13:06 < dusanx> Dieterbe: ok but I need 'i' 'f' and all other key strings preserved 13:06 < dusanx> Dieterbe: there is additional processing I have in mind 13:06 < sm217> Dieterbe: so I put them in main, or does that matter at all? 13:06 <@Dieterbe> i don't see the problem 13:06 < dusanx> cool 13:07 < dusanx> I want to add scancodes and what not for people with exotic keyboards 13:07 <@Dieterbe> sm217: i would just put them where the stuff was that you're replacing. i don't see the problem 13:08 <@Dieterbe> damn.. these merge cycles of 24hours are way to long. i should have brought my code to work :P 13:08 < gcarrier> pleaaase, unix is not about x11 :P 13:09 <@Dieterbe> gcarrier: well, i want a browser with a decent graphical display of webpages. sorry 13:09 < gcarrier> Dieterbe: there's osx... 13:09 < gcarrier> Dieterbe: that's what i meant :) 13:10 < gcarrier> that would be neat to avoid too much X11-specific code 13:11 <@Dieterbe> hmm 13:11 < dpb> gcarrier: I've been working on a slightly similar browser with Qt since Qt 4.5 came out, but it's going on much slower than uzbl.. 13:11 <@Dieterbe> dpb: what is slower? the development process or the actual browser? 13:12 < sm217> Dieterbe: sorry, but: uzbl.c:78: error: initializer element is not constant 13:12 < gcarrier> dpb: too bad 13:12 < gcarrier> dpb: public repo? 13:12 < dpb> Dieterbe: the development process 13:12 < dpb> I haven't made it public yet. 13:13 <@Dieterbe> ah i see. and is there anything wrong with qt? is qt better then gtk? 13:13 < dpb> I like Qt much more than gtk :) Much prettier code imo. 13:14 <@Dieterbe> ok but i don't mean personal precence / api etc 13:14 <@Dieterbe> i mean real technical advantages 13:14 <@Dieterbe> s/precence/preference/ 13:15 <@Dieterbe> gcarrier: so do you have a suggestion how we could make uzbl less x11 dependent? 13:17 <@Dieterbe> not saying i want that.. I like x11 and consider it one of the programs as in "programs that work together" from the unix philosphy :) 13:20 -!- Netsplit verne.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rson, tiot, kdavis, dusanx 13:20 -!- Netsplit verne.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: ludovico, _19LIONZ, vti, Toy-Food, codemac, rob|10, RandomDude, BetterLeftUnsaid, axelson, lwi, (+3 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 13:20 < sm217> lol 13:21 -!- Netsplit over, joins: gcarrier, tiot, BetterLeftUnsaid, vti, dusanx, codemac, axelson, rob|10, ludovico, syslogd_ (+7 more) 13:21 < sm217> Dieterbe: please take a look: http://github.com/sm217/uzbl/tree/master 13:21 < gcarrier> Dieterbe: mostly portability. 13:22 < gcarrier> Dieterbe: personnaly i'd like to use some QtScript to customize my browser's behaviour through ECMAScript but that's 2ndary 13:22 <@Dieterbe> yuck :) 13:23 < gcarrier> Dieterbe: gtk without X11 is a mess under OSX, and Gtk with X11 fails most usability criterias 13:24 * sm217 disagrees 13:24 < dpb> gcarrier: mine does use QtScript to customize it quite a lot.. <.< 13:24 < dpb> I need to find more time to work on it.. 13:25 <@Dieterbe> sm217: that looks pretty good, but it's not done for the commands ? only for the bindings? 13:25 < gcarrier> dpb: do you use git? 13:25 < sm217> Oh. Will add now 13:25 < dpb> yeah 13:25 < dusanx> any kind soul that knows how to list all windows in bash? 13:26 < dpb> Btw, I'm a Vimperator developer too. Originally I just wanted a Vimperator clone with Qt/Webkit, but then decided to do something different.. 13:27 < gcarrier> dpb: i need access to your repo :) 13:27 <@Dieterbe> sm217: i'm at work now so i can't really play with your code now, but now+6hours i'll test your stuff and (probably) merge it in 13:28 <@Dieterbe> dpb: wow, seems like you've been doing quite some of this stuff then 13:29 < dpb> gcarrier: the thing is, I'm not just doing a qt browser, I'm doing a framework I can use for other programs too.. 13:29 < sm217> Dieterbe: Okay, I'll finish it by then 13:29 < gcarrier> dpb: so it won't be FLOSS? 13:30 < dusanx> WMCTRL! 13:30 < dusanx> and we will have tabs in two hours and counting 13:30 <@Dieterbe> sm217: okay, and test a bit the fifo stuff and the keybinding stuff if it still works :) 13:31 < dpb> gcarrier: it will be FLOSS, but I don't like releasing stuff I'm not yet happy with to the public. <.< 13:31 < gcarrier> dpb: you can provide access to only me. i'm not public, i'm a reviewing peer :) 13:31 < dpb> :P 13:31 <@Dieterbe> dpb: i follow the "release early, release often" methology 13:32 <@Dieterbe> it works well in the open source / hacker scene imho 13:32 < sm217> Dieterbe: ok, thanks for the hint 13:33 <@Dieterbe> btw i don't find this fun. you guys can hack and play and i have to work :( 13:33 < dusanx> wmctrl does not work with dwm so we will not have tabs yet 13:33 < dpb> Dieterbe: Yeah, I need to work too. That's why I don't have much time for my own projects. :( 13:34 <@Dieterbe> lol @ opera.com 13:34 < sm217> and I have school :< 13:35 -!- YDB [n=youssef@ydb.me] has joined #uzbl 13:35 < YDB> Hello 13:36 <@Dieterbe> well dusanx , if we use wmctrl we support 99% of the wm's. wmii also does not support the ewmh spec, but it should be quite easy to get a list the wmii specific way. not sure how one would do it with dwm though 13:36 <@Dieterbe> hi fogobogo_ 13:36 <@Dieterbe> er i mean hi YDB 13:36 < YDB> I want to test uzbl but when I try to make it, I've got some errors 13:37 < YDB> http://pastebin.com/m6ce56309 13:37 < YDB> I'm under FreeBSD 13:37 < dusanx> Dieterbe will help, he is at the work you know :P 13:38 < dpb> You might very well be the first person to compile under FreeBSD ;) 13:38 < YDB> Really? 13:38 <@Dieterbe> YDB: you need libwekit 1.1.14 or higher 13:38 < dusanx> YDB: what webkit version you have? 13:38 <@Dieterbe> sorry 1.1.4 i mean 13:39 < YDB> Shit 13:39 < YDB> Mine is old 13:39 < dusanx> 1.1.4 is minimum 13:42 < YDB> I must manually compile Webkit :/ 13:42 -!- fogobogo_ is now known as fogobogo 13:42 < fogobogo> Dieterbe: hi 13:43 < fogobogo> im on it. but yesterday i havent really got much time to draw anything 13:43 < dpb> YDB: That's what you get for trying to use a special OS to use quite a bleeding edge software. 13:43 < fogobogo> i hope to have to show something this evening 13:44 < YDB> dpb, I don't want to install Linux 13:45 <@Dieterbe> fogobogo: who said anything about drawing? :P 13:45 < fogobogo> Dieterbe: u did. u wanted a cat for a logo no? 13:45 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has quit [Connection timed out] 13:45 <@Dieterbe> yes, a picture of a cat :) 13:45 < fogobogo> so im drawing a picture of a cat 13:46 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 13:46 < sm217> cool :) 13:46 <@Dieterbe> a picture of a cat sitting next to/in front of a pc that is showing uzbl or something fancy that looks like uzbl (or a tiled layout will also do) 13:46 < fogobogo> let start with a cat for now... 13:47 <@Dieterbe> okay.. 13:47 < fogobogo> dont worry. cats the main beef 13:47 < dpb> YDB: well most linux distros are too old for uzbl too. 13:47 < YDB> :P 13:48 < sm217> hmm 13:48 < fogobogo> YDB: just install linux :D 13:48 < sm217> maybe try to write 'uzbl' dwm-style? 13:48 < dpb> fogobogo: s/linux/bleeding edge linux/ 13:49 < fogobogo> s/bleeding edge linux/archlinux/ 13:49 < YDB> fogobogo, what did I say? 13:49 < fogobogo> YDB: you do not want 13:49 < dpb> debian unstable works quite well. 13:49 < YDB> So, don't tell me to install Linux 13:50 < fogobogo> YDB: but maybe you wanna try archlinux. its kinda like a bsd emullator 13:50 < sm217> lol 13:50 < dpb> lol 13:50 < YDB> I already tried ArchLinux 13:50 < YDB> And I prefer FreeBSD 13:50 -!- rob|10 is now known as rob| 13:50 < fogobogo> :O 13:50 < fogobogo> how come? 13:50 < dpb> bsd emulator.. lol.. they're completely different, maybe the start scripts have something similar.. 13:52 < fogobogo> dpb: hey! i didnt say its a good bsd emulator! ;) 13:53 < dpb> true :P 13:53 < dpb> I should try ArchLinux again. 13:54 < dpb> I made a usb install stick for it a couple weeks ago, but haven't had time to install it yet.. 13:55 -!- sm217 [n=sm@25-118-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has quit ["leaving"] 13:56 < YDB> Arg 13:56 < YDB> ./autogen.sh fails 13:56 < YDB> (For Webkit) 13:57 < dpb> something else outdated? :) 13:57 -!- sm217 [n=sm@] has joined #uzbl 13:57 < YDB> configure: error: JPEG library (libjpeg) not found 13:57 < YDB> But I've got it!! :'( 13:59 < dpb> maybe it's in some non-default path? 13:59 < YDB> Maybe 14:00 < YDB> But how can I know where does it search? 14:00 < fogobogo> vi autogen.sh ? 14:01 < dpb> that error is from configure, which autogen.sh apparently runs 14:03 <@Dieterbe> http://pics.nase-bohren.de/a_whale.jpg 14:04 < YDB> I don't know how to read configure files 14:08 < dpb> just pass the right dir to it via environment variables 14:17 < sm217> Dieterbe: lookup fails, reupload it please :p 14:19 < dpb> Works for me. 14:20 < sm217> But not for me :V 14:22 <@Dieterbe> sm217: it's not mine, i just "happened to stumble on it while being busy working" 14:23 < dpb> sounds like me at work. 14:23 < sm217> Oh lol, it now does look up 14:24 < sm217> Funny :P 15:40 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: are the dmenu devs active on the dwm mailing list? 15:42 < fogobogo> afaik yes 15:43 -!- rob|2 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d874df2.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 15:43 < dpb> yes they are 15:43 < dpb> (or he is) 15:45 <@Dieterbe> guess i need more patience then. i sent a really simple patch on sunday or something, but no reply yet 15:46 < dpb> arg did answer it, though he said to ignore the mail in another one.. 15:47 -!- rob|3 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87d1bf.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 15:48 <@Dieterbe> yeah, so that doesn't count :) 15:49 < dpb> Well, you didn't really ask anything in the mail.. 15:50 <@Dieterbe> oh 15:50 -!- ccyouze [n=ccyouze@dslb-084-058-236-086.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #uzbl 15:50 <@Dieterbe> that's true :) 15:51 < dpb> :) 15:52 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 24 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 23 normal] 15:54 < sm217> wow, uzbl has such a nice punch card :) 15:55 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 15:56 < barrucadu> hi 15:56 < barrucadu> I may vanish at any time; I'm in school 15:57 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has quit [Client Quit] 15:58 -!- rob| [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87d230.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 16:02 <@Dieterbe> sm217: how do you mean? 16:03 -!- rob|2 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d874df2.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 16:07 < dpb> Just googling "Dieterbe" gives the uzbl github repo as the first result <.< 16:08 <@Dieterbe> oh, and they call that the punch card? 16:08 < fogobogo> he now lives in the shadow of his project 16:08 <@Dieterbe> :) 16:09 < dpb> I have no idea about the punch card. 16:10 <@Dieterbe> i have the feeling it's some kind of expression but i don't get it 16:11 <@Dieterbe> google search led me to an ancient data storage technique and i don't think that's it :P 16:13 -!- rob|4 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87cb37.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 16:13 < dpb> Well that's what a punch card is.. 16:14 < dpb> maybe he meant a "punch line"? 16:14 <@Dieterbe> ah yeah that could be 16:16 -!- rob|5 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d874f86.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 16:18 < dpb> rob is such a cloner. 16:18 < dpb> already number 5! 16:19 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 24 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 23 normal] 16:19 <@Dieterbe> good thing there are only 3 of them here ;) 16:19 < dpb> That's a good thing? :) 16:21 -!- rob|6 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d874ff6.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 16:21 <@Dieterbe> oh noes 16:21 <@Dieterbe> close the gates! 16:21 < sm217> Dieterbe: that's in graphs section, http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/graphs/punch_card 16:22 <@Dieterbe> ha, it's clear that around mignight is our best time :) 16:23 < dpb> why do the weekdays go backwards? 16:23 < sm217> no idea 16:25 < dpb> and why do people always use github instead of gitorious? 16:26 < sm217> github was first one I came across 16:26 < dpb> the same thing about sourceforge too, right, "helping open source".. such a joke. 16:26 < dpb> github isn't free software, gitorious is. same with sourcforge, it isn't free. 16:27 <@Dieterbe> oh 16:27 <@Dieterbe> but github is quite usable imho (no pun intended) 16:27 < dpb> (apparently gitorious doesn't have a bug tracker though..) 16:27 < lwi> i thought you may want to have a look at my sources, i also modified die gtk-launcher sample and added vimperator control so far and i implemented hinting today: http://code.ring0.de/?p=webkitbrowser.git;a=summary 16:27 -!- rob|3 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87d1bf.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 16:28 <@Dieterbe> dpb: that reminds me. i could use a good public, free bugtracking service for uzbl 16:29 < dpb> Dieterbe: well github has a bug tracker 16:29 < dpb> http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/issues 16:29 < dpb> no idea how good it is though.. 16:30 <@Dieterbe> wow lwi , your goal for that is quite close to the goals of uzbl 16:30 < lwi> indeed 16:30 < lwi> :D 16:30 <@Dieterbe> dpb: cool, i didn't even know that 16:31 -!- rob|4 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87cb37.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 16:31 < lwi> however my previous focus was on implementing basic browsing features so far 16:33 < dusanx> Dieterbe: dwm devs very much active, discussing dwm future 16:34 < sm217> true, 79 messages so far :D 16:35 < dusanx> but I will ask about patch today 16:35 -!- sm217 [n=sm@] has quit ["leaving"] 16:35 -!- sm217 [n=sm@] has joined #uzbl 16:35 < dusanx> not that it counts, they are so heavy when they need to apply any patch 16:35 -!- rob|5 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d874f86.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 16:36 < sm217> you can ask on #dwm, even arg is there 16:36 < dusanx> good idea, have not been to #dwm for ages 16:36 < dpb> (remember that it's on OTFC and not here) 16:37 < dusanx> I know 16:37 < dpb> Well others might not know ;) 16:37 < dusanx> true 16:40 -!- anydot [i=anydot@ibawizard.net] has joined #uzbl 16:40 < dusanx> is there any app like wmctrl that does not use EWMH and can a) list all windows b) focus any of them on command ? Help appreciated. 16:40 < anydot> Dieterbe: You should use strtok_r instead of strtok, it's only small change 16:41 < dusanx> what _r does? 16:41 < anydot> You can write small utility around XQueryTree 16:41 < anydot> It's reentrant, safe in threaded environment. 16:41 < anydot> strok normaly saves running pointer to the tokenized string in itself (via static variable). 16:41 < anydot> But this broke if multiple thread's call strtok. 16:42 <@Dieterbe> okay thanks anydot , i'll put it on my todo (unless dusanx you want to fix this) 16:42 < dusanx> anydot: I know, I am trying hard to find any solution that I can use without having to code myself. 16:42 < dusanx> np 16:42 < dusanx> I will do it 16:43 < anydot> http://pastebin.ca/1406151 16:43 < anydot> There's patch :) 16:43 < dpb> ah, anydot found this too :) 16:43 < anydot> For me, it segfault's on this. 16:43 < anydot> I must repair it, so I can try the uzbl. :) 16:44 < dpb> anydot: your indenting isn't right in the patch <.< 16:44 < anydot> Yep, it was quickhack. 16:44 < dpb> anydot: which uzbl branch? 16:44 < anydot> master 16:44 < dpb> you should try dusanx's master branch 16:44 < anydot> (of dieaterb) 16:44 < dusanx> its freshest, true 16:45 < anydot> ok 16:45 < dpb> lwi: btw, what's the ultimate goal with your browser? 16:45 < dusanx> my master is always pretty stable, I don't push before testing 16:46 <@Dieterbe> *cough* :P 16:46 < dpb> :P 16:46 < dusanx> 'pretty' stable :P 16:47 < dusanx> I can't believe that I must write XQueryTree tool do do shell tabbing argh :( 16:47 < anydot> Don't say you must, only that it is simple. :) 16:47 <@Dieterbe> blame wm's who don't implement netwmh or however it was spelled again 16:47 < lwi> dpb: vimperator full feature set i guess 16:48 < dpb> such a lot of different browser projects popping up lately.. 16:48 < sm217> evil webkit :> 16:48 < dpb> Indeed. 16:48 < lwi> well i saw uzbl url on the dwm mailing list and thought i could also do it :P 16:49 < dusanx> Yes, I announced it few days before 16:49 < anydot> And "devel" one is Barrucadu's experimental branch I guess. 16:50 < sm217> thinking is a bad habit, it's better to either know or not know :P 16:50 < dpb> lwi: full vimperator feature set is quite a bit more than uzbl though :P 16:50 < lwi> dpb: well probably i just pick the features i need 16:51 < dusanx> Dieterbe: does insert bookmark work? I am getting no errors but there is no new bookmarks in dmenu 16:51 < anydot> and btw, why there are internal/external bindings? 16:51 < anydot> Imho there should be only one bindgings, with some sort of "spawn" function. 16:52 < dusanx> internal is minimum, external is everything else you want... 16:52 < anydot> I got it, but ... 16:52 < dusanx> you can bind xclock to any key if you want 16:52 < anydot> That I can do in my config.h :-) 16:53 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: yeah for me it works, but you have to make sure that your config points to the correct scripts, and that you have write permission to the file that is configured in the scripts 16:53 <@Dieterbe> if you use the default scripts, it will be /usr/share/uzbl/.. and you don't have write permission there by default 16:53 < dusanx> Dieterbe: think that everything is ok but I will check again 16:53 < dusanx> no, I use mine config :D 16:54 < dusanx> must admitt that I am using your insert/command mode 16:54 < lwi> dpb: atm i have all basic browsing commands, basic hinting; next will be history and bookmarks, but then im almost done ;) 16:54 < dusanx> not always_inser_mode 16:54 < dpb> lwi: so that's quite a small subset of vimperator :) 16:55 <@Dieterbe> lwi: maybe we should merge your code into uzbl. as far as i understand, everything you want is compatible with uzbl design goals. and we already have history and bookmarks 16:55 < lwi> dpb: yeah no fancy scriptable mappings etc 16:56 < anydot> lwi: Is it public? 16:56 < anydot> Somewher? 16:56 < dpb> anydot: http://code.ring0.de/?p=webkitbrowser.git;a=tree 16:57 < dusanx> Dieterbe: you are right, have not changed insert_bookmark.sh 16:57 <@Dieterbe> lwi: btw what is the purpose of hinting? 16:57 < lwi> git clone git://ring0.de/webkitbrowser.git 16:57 < dpb> lwi: what if people like it and wants to make patches to make it have more vimperator features? 16:57 < dpb> would you include them? 16:57 < lwi> yep 16:57 < lwi> when they send patches 16:57 < lwi> :D 16:58 < dpb> does your browser have a vimp statusbar thing? 16:58 < lwi> nope, i just the title and url bar 16:58 -!- farhaven [n=gbe@] has joined #uzbl 16:58 < farhaven> hi :) 16:58 < lwi> *use 16:59 < lwi> hey 17:00 <@Dieterbe> lwi lwi lwi :P 17:00 <@Dieterbe> @Dieterbe> lwi: btw what is the purpose of hinting? 17:00 < lwi> sry 17:00 <@Dieterbe> isn't it webkits job to mae sure it all looks allright? 17:00 < lwi> Dieterbe: its for highliting links 17:00 < farhaven> so you can hit a number to follow links 17:00 < lwi> yeah no mouse needed 17:01 <@Dieterbe> oh yeah we're also gonna do that with uzbl 17:01 <@Dieterbe> in fact, we have some ideas to not use numbers, but characters 17:01 <@Dieterbe> i would even let the user define his "favorite characters" (probably the ones on the home row) 17:01 <@Dieterbe> and use that to label the links 17:02 < dpb> lwi: you're just using numbers? 17:02 < lwi> dpb: atm yes 17:02 < dpb> Dieterbe: have you tried Vimperator yourself? 17:02 <@Dieterbe> dpb: no 17:02 < dpb> You should try it, maybe you'd get some more ideas. :) 17:02 < anydot> Dieterbe: I'm fine in hinting in vimperator 2.0+ 17:03 < anydot> It's searching combined with classical vimp 1.x hinting 17:03 < anydot> Fast and easy to use. 17:03 <@Dieterbe> dpb: well, some people explained me how vimperator does it, and i like it. but instead of numbers i would pick user define characters, so you can do it with much less finger movement 17:03 < dpb> The web is so broken I tend to use the mouse for links more than hints.. 17:04 < dpb> Dieterbe: did they also explain that the numbers are only a part of the vimp hinting? 17:05 < dpb> you can type just the link texts 17:05 <@Dieterbe> ..or the number, right? 17:05 < dpb> it'll filter the results, until there's only one left that it'll follow 17:06 < anydot> in vimp2, you can use both 17:06 < anydot> so to select third "buy" link on page, you write "buy 3" 17:07 < anydot> or even less, if there is no ambiguity. 17:07 < dpb> vimperator used to have user definable characters for hinting, instead of the system it has now 17:07 <@Dieterbe> oh, cool. and.. why did they remove it? 17:07 < anydot> They don't remove it, they change it. 17:08 < dpb> anydot: it was completely rewritten 17:08 < anydot> yep. 17:08 < anydot> And I very fine with the new hinting. 17:08 < anydot> Much better imho. 17:08 <@Dieterbe> so you think typing the links themselves is better then the hint? even if you can customize the characters? 17:09 < anydot> You do both, in same time. 17:09 < anydot> It works like filtering. 17:09 < anydot> You type 'b' and it filter only links having words which starts with 'b' 17:10 < anydot> And the selected is renumbered. 17:10 <@Dieterbe> hmm that sounds nice 17:10 < dpb> Dieterbe: the thing about character hints is that they're pretty random. it takes time to see what characters the link has and then find the characters on the keyboard. 17:10 < anydot> So on same page with many, many links but only 2 starting with 'b', you type 'b' and then type for example '1' or '2' to select the link. 17:10 < anydot> Yea. 17:11 < anydot> But you now the text of link. 17:11 < anydot> Much less cognitive load. 17:11 <@Dieterbe> uhu 17:11 < dpb> when you can access the link with just typing english (or whatever) words, it's faster in many cases 17:11 < anydot> Also, numbering links on page with many many links take some time. 17:11 < anydot> dpb: work's for me on !english pages too. 17:11 <@Dieterbe> but only the links on the visible portion of the page are hinted, i assume? 17:12 < anydot> Yes. 17:12 < dpb> anydot: yeah, as long as you know the language :) 17:12 < anydot> If you don't (some chinese page or god know what), you can still select link only via numbers. 17:13 <@Dieterbe> what if there are 2 links, which are called "go to page foo", "go to page bar", can you just type 'foo' or 'bar' or does it only work from the beginning? 17:13 -!- rob|7 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d8741ec.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 17:13 < dpb> yeah, the numbers is really just a "backup" system in vimp 17:13 < anydot> Dieterbe: it configurable. 17:13 < anydot> iirc there are 3 modes, match from start of link, match from start of word and match everywhere. 17:13 < dpb> Dieterbe: you can type just foo or bar, yeah 17:14 < anydot> in this example, you will just ype 'b' and that's all. 17:14 < dpb> by default it matches everywhere 17:14 <@Dieterbe> k, well i think we should also do something like that with uzbl 17:14 < lwi> well if i see a number, most cases 1-2 digits, its easy to press to digits :> 17:15 < dpb> it's easy to just click with the mouse. <.< 17:15 <@Dieterbe> lwi: is there anything about uzbl you do _not_ like ? do you think any of your goals are not compatible with uzbl? 17:16 < anydot> Dieterbe: imho, it's too much focused on pipe/running external scripts. 17:16 < anydot> May I guess? Are you wmii user? :) 17:16 < lwi> Dieterbe: i dont want want a loadable config or sth like that 17:16 < lwi> i like dwm and config.h 17:16 < anydot> yeah. 17:17 < lwi> anyway if you rly want to change a setting you can simply change and recompile within seconds 17:17 < lwi> faster than in any gui i guess 17:17 < lwi> but thats my personal opinion 17:17 <@Dieterbe> anydot: if that question was for me, then yes you're right 17:17 < anydot> hehe 17:18 < anydot> On the first sight, it looks to me too much wmii'sh. 17:18 <@Dieterbe> but you probably read that earlier cause i've mentioned it a few times :P 17:18 < anydot> No, I'm there for my first time. 17:18 <@Dieterbe> ok, nice job then ^^ 17:18 < anydot> And I really, really only guess it. 17:18 <@Dieterbe> ok i believe you :) 17:20 < anydot> btw, it will be nice, if uzbl have some sort of on disk/ram cache, it will really improve user experience. 17:20 < anydot> Or does webkit itself cache in-ram css/small pictures? 17:21 <@Dieterbe> well that's an item on my todo list :) 17:21 < anydot> OK, good to know. 17:21 <@Dieterbe> i also want to figure out how it caches 17:21 <@Dieterbe> i think in the current implementation in uzbl (and the sample application from webkit-gtk which we are based on) there is no caching 17:22 <@Dieterbe> but i'm not sure.. yet 17:22 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 17:22 < barrucadu> hi 17:22 < dusanx> hi :) 17:22 < sm217> hi barrucadu 17:22 <@Dieterbe> welcome back barrucadu 17:24 < dusanx> not sure if we even need dmenu patch, I like it better this way 17:25 < dusanx> dmenu does not have select all - delete so if you don't want last url you will need to do a lot of backspacing 17:25 < dusanx> starting blank and one tab from last url is probably best solution 17:25 <@Dieterbe> ah, you have a good point 17:26 <@Dieterbe> imho there should be some shorcuts added to dmenu, such as go to begginning of search string, go to end, and erase all 17:26 <@Dieterbe> because it's not very good for editing yet 17:26 <@Dieterbe> and if we have that, i think the patch would work great 17:27 < dusanx> as soon as I manage to catch right click menu 'open in new window' signal I have everything I need :D 17:27 < dusanx> exactly 17:27 < dusanx> well who does not like dmenu editing can use zenity, right? (just discovered tool) 17:27 -!- rob|6 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d874ff6.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 17:28 < dusanx> I love dmenu editing must addmitt 17:28 < dusanx> or he can bind one key for dmenu and other for zenity... thats why I love external scripts 17:28 < sm217> hmm, any idea where can I find _GHashTable definition? 17:29 < anydot> Dieterbe: dmenu wasn't thought as full-fledged readline-like x11 interface. 17:29 < anydot> Afterall, it's dmenu. :-) 17:31 < dusanx> sm217: http://library.gnome.org/devel/glib/stable/glib-Hash-Tables.html 17:31 <@Dieterbe> anydot: true, but that doesn't mean we cannot improve it's editing capabilities a bit :) 17:32 < anydot> Still, it's main usage is as selection tool, in which you can also write something. 17:32 < sm217> dusanx: I actually needed to see structure's members, but no more need. 17:32 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: no, because dmenu is great for picking entries out of a list, zenity cannot do that. i just want a few small patches to dmenu so it works better as an editor. then you can use dmenu for picking existing url's and also editing url's 17:32 < dusanx> sm217: hmm, The GHashTable struct is an opaque data structure to represent a Hash Table. It should only be accessed via the following functions. 17:33 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I know but it may take a while for dmenu to get that patch 17:33 < dpb> Those editing capabilities probably wont go into the main dmenu if you decide to add them. 17:33 < anydot> Maybe not. 17:33 < sm217> Yeah, just wanted to try filling it the old way. 17:34 < dusanx> sm217: In other words, they say that you should stay out of structure. 17:34 < anydot> Write to dwm@suckless.org, dwm/dmenu/whatever maillist. 17:34 < anydot> You can post to it without subscription 17:34 < sm217> dusanx: So I will do :> 17:34 < dpb> (but if you don't have subscription, you might not get an answer..) 17:35 < anydot> You will, if you say, that you are offlist, so they CC you. 17:35 < anydot> Also, dwm@ is relativelly low-profile list. 17:36 < dusanx> if I understand correctly current discussion at dwm they want to rewrite dmenu to support pango or cairo -- patching existing dmenu is not high on the list 17:36 < anydot> If you wan't to subscribe, post any email to dwm+subscribe@suckless.org 17:36 <@Dieterbe> i am already subscribed 17:36 <@Dieterbe> i sent my first patch last weekend :) 17:36 < anydot> dusanx: There wasn't any discussion about pango/whatever support in dmenu. 17:36 < dusanx> but after some thinking I am not sure if I would use default value :( 17:37 < dpb> anydot: arg was going to use the same font stuff for dmenu too 17:37 < dpb> and st 17:38 < anydot> st is dead. :) 17:38 < dpb> lies! 17:38 < dusanx> anydot: can't look through 150 mails but anselm did mentioned to rewrite both dwm and dmenu 17:38 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: well, remember you can always assign different keybindings, one with the default value and one without. so you can pick another script depending on whether you want to edit the current url or search in history/bookmarks 17:38 <@Dieterbe> what's st? 17:38 < dusanx> Dieterbe: true, uzbl is mean 17:39 <@Dieterbe> uzbl is badass :P 17:39 < dusanx> Dieterbe: did you know that you can map same internal function to several keys? 17:39 < anydot> Nevermind, I dislike pango/cairo in dwm, also the planned changes to statusbar and whole reparenting thingie (only because of broken java, which can be workarounded) make me sick. 17:39 < anydot> Dieterbe: Simple Terminal, planed light x11 terminal emulator. 17:40 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: yes, but why would you want to do that? 17:40 < dpb> "looking dwm (same for dmenu of course and my ongoing st efforts)." -arg on the 25th 17:40 < dusanx> Dieterbe: oh, when I use trackball that's on the left hand I could use right-hand shortcuts and left-hand when I use mouse /sick, I know/ 17:41 <@Dieterbe> haha 17:41 <@Dieterbe> well, the user is the boss 17:41 <@Dieterbe> that's the whole point of uzbl :) 17:45 < dusanx> Anselm R Garbe : Tue, 28 Apr 2009 09:01:54 +0100 dwm will be slightly redesigned, code-wise. I consider having a 17:45 < dusanx> less suckish font and drawing abstraction in order to be implemented 17:45 < dusanx> in different ways (which will also be used by st and dmenu). 17:45 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 17:46 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 17:55 -!- barrucadu1 [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 17:56 * barrucadu1 prods "barrucadu" 17:57 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 26 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 25 normal] 17:57 <@Dieterbe> 26 nicks already. nice :) 17:57 < sm217> *25 17:57 < barrucadu1> Two fo whom are me :p 17:57 < barrucadu1> *of 17:58 <@Dieterbe> yeah but still :) 17:58 < anydot> You are twin :) 17:59 <@Dieterbe> Merging time: T minus 40 minutes 18:02 -!- barrucadu2 [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 18:02 < sm217> bad connection? 18:02 < dusanx> barrucadu2: I see double, one of you will have to go :P 18:03 <@Dieterbe> lol dusanx there is really something wrong with your eyesight then 18:03 <@Dieterbe> because there are 3 of them :P 18:03 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 27 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 26 normal] 18:03 < dusanx> lol 18:03 < dusanx> stopped counting at 2 18:04 < barrucadu2> Err 18:04 < barrucadu2> :p 18:04 < barrucadu2> My router seems to drop the connection randomly, at one point it was once every half hour or so - naturally the ISP claimed it wasn't a problem at their end... 18:05 -!- barrucadu1 [n=barrucad@] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 18:05 < barrucadu2> They are also the only phone company here, and they claimed it wasn't a problem with the lines 18:05 < barrucadu2> Though changing the router didn't have any effect, so I suspect it is a problem at their end, as a few other people have complained about it 18:05 < dusanx> you can sign in on freenode and use /msg NickServ identify password later when you login 18:06 <@Dieterbe> but that won't do anything about the lag/timeouts of course 18:06 < dusanx> no, just instantly kicks other accounts 18:06 <@Dieterbe> oh hmm 18:09 < barrucadu2> Wow, it's World Penguin Day: http://penguingeek.wordpress.com/2007/04/25/world-penguin-day/ :) 18:10 < barrucadu2> Wait, no it's not <.> 18:10 < barrucadu2> That was 3 days ago 18:10 < barrucadu2> Clearly, I am tired :p 18:13 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 18:14 -!- barrucadu2 is now known as barrucadu 18:15 -!- thewtex [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #uzbl 18:16 -!- miki [n=miki@] has joined #uzbl 18:18 < sm217> some ugliness :< 18:19 < sm217> when adding commands to hashtable, I will need to call g_hash_table_insert() for each. maybe some better solution? 18:20 < sm217> hmm 18:21 < dusanx> sm217: gnome insists that you use functions they gave, right? 18:21 < sm217> yes 18:21 < dusanx> so... 18:21 < sm217> I guess I will iterate two tables :P 18:21 < dusanx> workaround might work but what if they change structure later? 18:22 < sm217> I will work anyways, I'll be calling same function 18:23 < sm217> just instead of multiple lines, I will iterate arrays of names and corresponding funcs 18:41 < sm217> dusanx: if I'm right, like this: http://paste.cluenet.org/1992 18:55 < dusanx> ok, looks fine 18:55 < dusanx> I still don't understand hash tables, what do we get better? 18:55 < sm217> Much simplier, and faster 18:56 < dusanx> ok, I'll wait and see 18:56 < dusanx> never used hash tables before I believe 18:57 < sm217> hmm 18:57 < dusanx> you have 2 function calls in old commands 18:58 < dusanx> with one and two parameters 18:58 < sm217> checking if I get it: parse_command get command name, finds a defined command and executes defined func? 18:58 < dusanx> yes but number of parameters differ 18:58 < dusanx> see code you commented 18:58 < dusanx> "uri" has two parameters 18:59 < sm217> Hmm. 19:00 < dusanx> and we may add more functions with both one or two pamars 19:00 < dusanx> params 19:00 < sm217> :) 19:03 -!- rob|8 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d874761.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 19:03 < sm217> Maybe use structures as hashtable value. 19:10 < dusanx> I would like to help but have no idea about hashtables :( 19:18 -!- rob|7 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d8741ec.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 19:21 < sm217> np :) 19:21 < sm217> they are simple though 19:22 < sm217> even for me =) 19:33 < sm217> this is not the best way, but uh. 19:46 -!- syslogd_ is now known as syslogd 19:47 <@Dieterbe> evening dudes 19:47 < dusanx> hi boss 19:47 < sm217> evening 19:48 < dusanx> merging time? :) 19:48 < sm217> are commands passed like `command parameter, parameter, paremeter, ...' ? 19:48 <@Dieterbe> right on 19:48 < dusanx> brb 19:48 <@Dieterbe> there are only commands with zero parameters and with 1 paramater 19:49 <@Dieterbe> so it's command [param] 19:49 < sm217> Why use comma as separator for strtok then? 19:59 -!- kcbanner [n=kcbanner@] has joined #uzbl 20:17 -!- Grauwolf [n=Grauwolf@85-127-250-174.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #uzbl 20:32 <@Dieterbe> sm217: i don't know.. i googled a bit around on splitting strings with spaces, and found that 20:32 <@Dieterbe> i tried it and it worked for a few tests, so i used it 20:32 < sm217> Heh :) 20:34 < sm217> Why can't I have array of pointers to struct :< 20:35 <@Dieterbe> huh? what? 20:36 < sm217> cFunc *funcs[] = { {false, &go_back_cb}, {false, &go_forward_cb}, NULL}; 20:36 < sm217> cFunc is struct with a boolean and function pointer 20:36 * sm217 is inventing wheels 20:37 < sm217> That gives warnings 20:39 -!- rob|8 is now known as rob| 20:40 <@Dieterbe> what do the warnings say? 20:40 <@Dieterbe> and btw maybe use an array? 20:40 <@Dieterbe> array[0] -> boolean, array[1] -> pointer 20:41 < dusanx> yes 20:42 < sm217> uzbl.c:212: warning: braces around scalar initializer 20:42 < sm217> uzbl.c:212: warning: (near initialization for ‘funcs[0]’) 20:42 < dusanx> wow never heard that warning before 20:42 < sm217> Heh. 20:43 <@Dieterbe> ugh. me neither 20:43 < dusanx> few guys took my code today iirc 20:49 < sm217> Ugh. I will not invent a wheel and use old command struct instead 20:50 < sm217> just put it in a hashtable 20:57 < dusanx> I have 21:00 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: what is the advantage of const gchar * over gchar * ? 21:01 < dusanx> still considering what we should do, for gchar * you need to allocate memory and use free() when you don't need it, const gchar looks like takes care about both, I am still reading docs 21:01 <@Dieterbe> can you also explain why the previous code here was not ok? http://github.com/dusanx/uzbl/commit/5586e11f8ac6265472b92dbb9a99ff0b7052d1e2 21:01 < dusanx> let me see 21:02 < dusanx> ok: 21:02 < dusanx> uri is gchar * 21:02 < dusanx> pointing to non-allocated memory (dangling anywhere, random value) 21:03 <@Dieterbe> aha ok 21:03 < dusanx> if you try to write string to gchar* that has no real memory assigned (being only pointer), you will overwrite random memory address and cause segfault 21:03 < dusanx> great example you picked, there is more: 21:04 < dusanx> I have changed that to GString blah blah, main tring is that gstring allocates memory by itself 21:04 < dusanx> BUT 21:04 < dusanx> you need to free GString too when you don't need it later 21:05 < dusanx> you can use (last line) FALSE or TRUE 21:05 <@Dieterbe> oooh barrucadu this is a nice commit http://github.com/Barrucadu/uzbl/commit/7446b36ea6a2067186cf5a25ccd99e16ecc95dcc :) 21:05 < barrucadu> :) 21:05 -!- GNU\caust1c [n=caustic@holz.brechpunkt.de] has joined #uzbl 21:05 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: yeah something to remember I guess. if the function has "new" in it's name it does malloc/new so we should free it later 21:05 < dusanx> FALSE means to leave gchar * portion in memory, assigning it to uri gives you pointer to real variable 21:06 < dusanx> even if you don't want to assign it to gchar *, you need to call same function with TRUE at the end - free everything including gchar * part 21:06 < dusanx> copy/paste this somewhere, that's all I wanted to explain about strings 21:07 < GNU\caust1c> whats the forbidden 3 letter word? :) 21:07 -!- BetterLeftUnsaid [n=kirby@dyn128-54-218-113.ucsd.edu] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 21:07 < barrucadu> Sorry, we can't tell you. 21:07 < barrucadu> :p 21:07 -!- Dieterbe changed the topic of #uzbl to: Uzbl is a browser that adheres to the unix philosophy. Uzbl does only browsing -- uzbl is almost uzbl -- http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl 21:07 < GNU\caust1c> c++? 21:07 < barrucadu> Nope 21:07 < GNU\caust1c> hmm :) 21:08 < dusanx> thank god no 21:08 -!- BetterLeftUnsaid [n=kirby@dyn128-54-218-113.ucsd.edu] has joined #uzbl 21:08 < GNU\caust1c> everything firefox related is longer than 3 letters :) 21:08 < dusanx> we are messing with strings, I can't even imagine what we would do with constructors and destructors 21:10 < GNU\caust1c> is there something like a todo list so one can contribute? :) 21:10 < dusanx> check project goals, that's probably best place to start 21:11 < GNU\caust1c> and i'm wondering how (if?) you want to implement plugins like noscript 21:11 < dusanx> we are far far away from modifying webkit 21:12 < dusanx> hmm actually not, we have signal to exlude parts of the page // thinking 21:12 < GNU\caust1c> i looked into the webkit api reference, but didnt find anything related to such things 21:13 < dusanx> gboolean webkit_web_view_can_show_mime_type (WebKitWebView *web_view, const gchar *mime_type); 21:13 < dusanx> gboolean webkit_web_view_can_show_mime_type (WebKitWebView *web_view, const gchar *mime_type); 21:13 < GNU\caust1c> ah, ok 21:13 < dusanx> sorry, doubl 21:13 < dusanx> e 21:14 < dusanx> void webkit_web_view_execute_script (WebKitWebView *web_view, const gchar *script); 21:14 < GNU\caust1c> hm, i must be blind :D 21:14 < gcarrier> there are some nice ideas in this 950kB browser: http://www.stainlessapp.com/ 21:15 < gcarrier> like // sessions using cookies "boxes" 21:15 < gcarrier> bookmarks are not-so-intrusive favicons on the left side 21:16 < dusanx> lol, read project goals 21:17 < gcarrier> dusanx: i think this is a good place to talk about ideas around browsers... 21:17 < dusanx> cool 21:18 < gcarrier> dusanx: plus this browser can have a pretty minimal GUI 21:18 < dusanx> no 21:18 < gcarrier> dusanx: no what? 21:18 < dusanx> sorry if I was rude but no 21:18 < dusanx> no gui :) 21:18 < gcarrier> dusanx: i know 21:19 < gcarrier> dusanx: and i totally agree 21:19 < gcarrier> dusanx: do you intend to use dmenu-based controls for bookmarks/history? 21:20 < dusanx> already done and works, thanks to Dieterbe 21:20 < gcarrier> dusanx: nice 21:20 < GNU\caust1c> i once wrote a dmenu based bookmarkscript/url bar for firefox as i hated how firefox handles bookmarks 21:20 < gcarrier> if you do tabs, 1 process per tab could be awesome 21:20 <@Dieterbe> sm217: remember to pull from someone (preferably me) to keep your code up to date. so that if your stuff is done it's not too hard to merge 21:21 < gcarrier> http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2009/03/experimental-process-per-tab-browser-created-with-qt-xembed.ars 21:21 <@Dieterbe> gcarrier> dusanx: plus this browser can have a pretty minimal GUI <--- what?? gui?? now we have another forbidden 3letter word :P 21:21 < GNU\caust1c> gcarrier: uzbl will per design use one process per showed page 21:22 < GNU\caust1c> aaah, the forbidden word is "tab"? :) 21:22 < gcarrier> Dieterbe: hey, i didn't say you should do that... 21:22 < gcarrier> Dieterbe: but this is a OSX browser, it's pretty logical to have a GUI there :) 21:22 < barrucadu> Hmm, didn't we talk about using GtkSocket/GtkPlug for a possible future uzblctrl (or something) interface 21:22 < dusanx> Dieterbe: give me an hour he will confess all kinds of attrocities! 21:22 < rob|> btw, any special reason for using pthread instead of a simple fork based solution? 21:23 <@Dieterbe> gcarrier: osx? 21:23 < rob|> pthread is huge and apps linked gainast is are ven bigger 21:23 < gcarrier> Dieterbe: yes, stainless is a cocoa app 21:23 < anydot> Hi there, jost wrote some patch. 21:23 < anydot> Which merges external and internal bindings into one. 21:23 < GNU\caust1c> what about a plan9 filesystem approach like in wmii? 21:23 < anydot> That suck :) 21:24 <@Dieterbe> rob|: probably not. please enlighten us :) 21:24 < dusanx> anydot: can I see it? what is the benefit? 21:24 < anydot> commands are called via (~new) spawn function, (with parameters separated with space). 21:24 < anydot> Also small cleanup. 21:24 < rob|> Dieterbe: well nothing to enlighten here, just use a select/fork based method and dump all the pthread stuff 21:24 <@Dieterbe> rob|: why? 21:24 < anydot> dusanx: http://github.com/anydot/uzbl/commit/b3b92d1fa68aaca611acc434338f602f25d5e44c 21:25 < anydot> Take it as first step in cleanup, 'cause that source is really messy. :) 21:25 < rob|> Dieterbe: as i said, pthread is just a huge not necessary depency and certainly not the "unix way" 21:26 < anydot> Another thing, removed that "what that" one and two parameter callback function in Command 21:26 < dusanx> anydot: thanks, I'll check it. Messy? 21:26 < anydot> Now there's only two parameter callback, first param is webkitwebview, second char* 21:26 < rob|> Dieterbe: dzen was based on pthread in its beginnings, too - after converting to select the memory footprint was dramtically smaller 21:27 < anydot> dusanx: for example that callback solution I wrote above, that was horrible. 21:27 -!- Grauwolf [n=Grauwolf@85-127-250-174.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has quit ["leaving"] 21:27 <@Dieterbe> rob|: well, i hope you don't mind writing a patch :) i don't think any of us three devs is too familiar with this stuff. maybe dusanx ? 21:27 < dusanx> not me, sorry 21:28 < rob|> i will install arch on the laptop now just to get rid of the silly debian webkit problem 21:28 < barrucadu> anydot: I think it's nicer having internal and external bindings in separate sections of the config file, it provides a nice, clear separation between them 21:28 < dusanx> barrucadu: me too 21:28 < anydot> why to separate functions into sections. 21:28 < anydot> It's just some parametrized functions. 21:29 < sm217> Whee, things are working. 21:29 <@Dieterbe> rob|: you rock :) 21:29 < anydot> It also duplicate code. 21:29 < barrucadu> But some are internal and some are external, the latter involve invoking a script or something. So it makes sense to split them apart 21:29 < anydot> No, 21:30 < anydot> It involve invoking (in you sense internal) function, which run script. 21:30 < anydot> And in that way is my patch. 21:30 < dusanx> anydot: no go, we intentionally left all callback parameters, we will need them later 21:30 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 21:30 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 21:30 < dusanx> anydot: I will check the rest of cource but callback parameters must stay 21:31 < anydot> But parameters are NOT removed. 21:31 < anydot> Just there is no reason to have cb with one param only. 21:31 < dusanx> anydot: ok, looking 21:31 < anydot> In my version it's much simpler, as you always have two param cb. 21:32 < anydot> You mustn't check anything, you just call parse_command with action name and (optional) parameter. 21:32 < anydot> (optional as in null or string) 21:34 < dusanx> anydot: ok, I will check everything tomorrow, thanks 21:34 < anydot> ok 21:34 < dusanx> except I think that we will keep separate lists 21:34 < dusanx> maybe pack them together but separate 21:35 < anydot> why that? 21:35 < sm217> Dieterbe: I hope that different identation is not a problem? 21:35 < anydot> that external list is just list with "spawn" function called by default :) 21:36 <@Dieterbe> sm217: it is , somewhat 21:36 < dusanx> I know but you can easily mix internal functions with scripts 21:36 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: nice that the download script works 21:36 < sm217> Dieterbe: what's your tab width then? 21:36 < anydot> dusanx: And that's preciselly OK imho. 21:36 <@Dieterbe> i was surprised that i saw the wget so fast :) 21:36 <@Dieterbe> 4 spaces 21:37 < dusanx> :D Try clicking some page that has target = new 21:37 < anydot> dusanx: You are mixing them anyway, on keyboard :) 21:37 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: do you know any example of such a page? 21:37 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: search google, there are some examples 21:37 < dusanx> google -> open in new window -> any html example page :) 21:37 < anydot> dusanx: It also add unncessary complexity into code, you must check this list first, that list then, etc etc. 21:38 < dusanx> I mean google for 'open in new window' 21:38 <@Dieterbe> nice this works indeed 21:38 <@Dieterbe> maybe we should implement middleclick vs single click. no wait.. naaah. keyboard >> mouse 21:39 < sm217> Eww, can't fix that different identation :( 21:40 < sm217> Committing, there's one small thing I need help with. 21:40 < dusanx> Dieterbe: all I am trying to do is catching popup signal 'request open in new window', not working out of the box 21:42 < anydot> btw, is there some web documentation (doxygen/whatever) of webkit? 21:42 < anydot> API documentation. 21:43 <@Dieterbe> dusanx, barrucadu . i tested all things listed in CHECKLIST and everything works (more or less). refresh doesn't always work, and windows that newly spawned don't listen to keybinds (but that's because they are not started with a config) 21:43 <@Dieterbe> so i merged everything in master 21:43 < sm217> Committed. http://github.com/sm217/uzbl/ - please look at line 220, gcc says єoperation on ‘i’ may be undefined' 21:43 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: Exciting times :) 21:44 < GNU\caust1c> sm217: dont use i and i++ in one line 21:45 < GNU\caust1c> or statement. its undefined in which order the arguments will be evaluated 21:45 < sm217> Ah, thanks 21:45 < dusanx> Dieterbe: new window runs uzbl from the path (aur version probably in your case) and then ./uzbl (dev). You probably don't have settings for spawned because you have older aur version? 21:46 < anydot> Also, I had one idea. 21:46 < anydot> Pass PID, configfile etc via env. variables, not arguments. 21:48 < rob|> sm217: it's not really "the in one line" thing that's problematic, but a sequence point issue. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sequence_point 21:48 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I will pick your experimental tomorrow morning and continue to develop from there 21:48 < GNU\caust1c> you are right :) 21:48 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: because uzbl is not launched with --config 21:49 < dusanx> Dieterbe: aahh, you are using --config 21:49 <@Dieterbe> of course 21:49 <@Dieterbe> how else would key bindings and al that work 21:49 < dusanx> hmm, I can pass parameter, no problem 21:49 < dusanx> with saving config to proper location perhaps :P 21:49 <@Dieterbe> ps dusanx and barrucadu , remember that uzbl can be launched without config, so download handler etc can be NULL. don't assume it is set. i will fix this bug 21:50 < sm217> Thanks rob| =) 21:51 < dusanx> I will config to new instance if there is one tomorrow so that will work in both cases 21:51 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: why do you return (FALSE); 21:51 <@Dieterbe> in the download_cb ? 21:51 < dusanx> where? 21:51 < anydot> http://pastebin.ca/1406511 21:51 < anydot> Comparison of parse_command in sm217's hashtable variantion and with my patch ~applied. 21:52 < dusanx> hmm, have no idea, it was 3 am 21:52 < anydot> You see the difference? :) 21:52 <@Dieterbe> http://github.com/dusanx/uzbl/blob/80dedbd75159292dceea87bab4c5b90fd1bdd33e/uzbl.c dusanx download_cb 21:52 <@Dieterbe> at the end 21:52 < dusanx> I see it but don't know why 21:52 < dusanx> I probably had a cunning plan but I forgot about it :) 21:53 < dusanx> see you all, going to sleep 21:53 < dusanx> (will fix return value tomorrow) 21:53 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 21:54 < sm217> anydot: There are functions with one or two params, you see. 21:54 < anydot> ye 21:54 < anydot> But there is no reason for it. :) 21:54 -!- rob|2 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87c386.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 21:54 < sm217> And I left an unneeded if :D 21:55 < anydot> sm217: That wasn't what i wanted to emphasize. :) 21:55 < sm217> Need to rest. 21:55 < sm217> I know, that clearly indicates that I really need to rest. 21:56 -!- sm217 [n=sm@] has quit ["Bye."] 22:09 -!- rob| [n=user9871@rgnb-5d874761.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 22:56 -!- ccyouze [n=ccyouze@dslb-084-058-236-086.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #uzbl [] 23:51 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has quit ["WeeChat"] --- Day changed Wed Apr 29 2009 00:06 -!- syslogd_ [n=syslogd@pD955F544.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 00:19 -!- rob|2 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87c386.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit ["Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de"] 00:22 -!- syslogd [n=syslogd@unaffiliated/syslogd] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 00:50 -!- codemac [n=codemac@archlinux/developer/codemac] has left #uzbl ["WeeChat 0.2.6"] 01:04 -!- thewtex_ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #uzbl 01:05 -!- RandomDude [n=RandomDu@w195.ip6.netikka.fi] has left #uzbl ["Leaving"] 01:10 -!- tiot [n=tiot@chy77-1-88-183-40-115.fbx.proxad.net] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 01:14 -!- thewtex [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 01:27 -!- gcarrier [n=gcarrier@archlinux/trusteduser/GCarrier] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)] 01:34 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #uzbl 01:45 -!- thewtex_ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 02:34 -!- miki [n=miki@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 02:39 -!- rson [n=randy@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 02:47 -!- rson_ [n=randy@c-98-192-223-153.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #uzbl 02:48 -!- rson_ [n=randy@c-98-192-223-153.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has left #uzbl ["you suck. goodbye."] 02:49 -!- rson_ [n=randy@c-98-192-223-153.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #uzbl 03:34 -!- fogobogo [n=fogobogo@port-92-202-31-226.dynamic.qsc.de] has quit ["leaving"] 03:41 -!- haste [i=haste@hirano.ixo.no] has joined #uzbl 03:49 -!- miki [n=miki@] has joined #uzbl 04:29 -!- SteamedFish [n=steamedf@] has joined #uzbl 04:35 -!- Darksair [n=user@] has joined #uzbl 04:45 -!- SteamedFish [n=steamedf@] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 04:53 -!- SteamedFish [n=steamedf@] has joined #uzbl 04:56 < SteamedFish> Anyone use uzbl with a tiling window manager? I use uzbl with awesome window manager. Uzbl always resize its window when I use it. 04:57 < Darksair> SteamedFish: well not always... 04:57 < Darksair> SteamedFish: only when the window is floating 04:58 < SteamedFish> Darksair: No, I didn't float uzbl. 04:59 < Darksair> SteamedFish: Uzbl seems to adjust itself to fit the width of the page 05:00 < SteamedFish> Darksair: Yep, which bothers me. 05:05 < SteamedFish> Darksair: Seems nobody here 05:05 < Darksair> SteamedFish: Is it a feature or a bug? 05:05 < SteamedFish> Darksair: i've no idea 05:07 < Darksair> SteamedFish: In Xmonad, uzbl only resize itself when floating 05:07 < Darksair> SteamedFish: maybe because you let Awesome obey the *hints* of windows 05:07 < SteamedFish> Darksair: the window resizes too often that i cannot click signout in gmail 05:08 < SteamedFish> Darksair: maybe, let me take a look at it 05:08 < SteamedFish> Darksair: yep, it seems that, by default, awesome follows the hints of windows 05:09 < Darksair> SteamedFish: then that should be it 05:11 < SteamedFish> Darksair: uzbl, like mplayer and qiv, is recoginized automatically by awesome as float 05:12 < SteamedFish> Darksair: i don't know why 05:12 < Darksair> SteamedFish: that sucks 05:12 < SteamedFish> Darksair: oh no, i was wrong, sorry, never mind 05:12 < Darksair> SteamedFish: -_- 05:23 < SteamedFish> and gmail's embedded chat actions weird 05:52 -!- Grauwolf [n=Grauwolf@85-127-250-174.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #uzbl 06:18 -!- kcbanner [n=kcbanner@] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 06:18 -!- rob| [n=user9871@rgnb-5d874b89.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 08:00 < kdavis> works nice w/ stiler :) 08:12 -!- miki_ [n=miki@] has joined #uzbl 08:13 -!- miki_ is now known as bgmiki 08:20 -!- miki [n=miki@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 08:54 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 08:54 < dusanx> 'morning :) 09:17 <@Dieterbe> morning dudes 09:17 < dpb> That it is. 09:18 <@Dieterbe> it's a beatiful morning here in belgium 09:18 <@Dieterbe> not a cloud in the sky 09:18 < dpb> It's cloudy here. :( 09:19 <@Dieterbe> a nice blue sky and quite some sun 09:19 <@Dieterbe> where do you live? 09:19 < dpb> Finland 09:21 <@Dieterbe> ah, does that mean you like black metal and stuff? 09:21 < dpb> No? o_O 09:22 <@Dieterbe> SteamedFish: sure, i think most of the uzbl users use a tiling wm 09:23 <@Dieterbe> i use wmii, but in the tiling layout it just forces uzbl to the correct size to fit in the tiled layout 09:23 <@Dieterbe> by default uzbl starts itself in 800x600 or so, but i think most tiling wm's just ignore that 09:25 < dpb> they don't "ignore" it, they just resize the window before you can actually see the original size. 09:26 < Darksair> SteamedFish: I really think you should disable the hints thingy 09:27 < SteamedFish> Dieterbe: when uzbl starts its size is correct. but when I move my mouse around uzbl starts to resize itself often 09:29 <@Dieterbe> SteamedFish: can you report this as a bug on http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/issues 09:29 <@Dieterbe> it should not try to resize itself after it's running, that's a bug 09:29 <@Dieterbe> also, we should make the "set size on startup" thingie optional, probably 09:29 < SteamedFish> Dieterbe: Ok 09:32 <@Dieterbe> mm seems like one needs to register on github to be able to report issues.. oh well, that's the case for every bugtracker i guess 09:33 < SteamedFish> Dieterbe: i have a github account :) 09:33 <@Dieterbe> yeah i was speaking generally 09:34 < dpb> Yeah, imo it's good that people need to register.. removes the spam.. 09:35 <@Dieterbe> true, but some people don't like github :) 09:35 <@Dieterbe> because it's not open source and all 09:36 < dpb> Hey, I'm the one who complained about that. <.< 09:36 < SteamedFish> Dieterbe: I created the bug with my poor english 09:36 <@Dieterbe> lol dpb :) 09:36 <@Dieterbe> well i can imagine there are more 09:37 < dpb> true 09:38 < Darksair> also is there a limitation that a free user only have 5 project? 09:39 <@Dieterbe> i think it was 8 or something 09:39 < Darksair> oops~~ 09:39 < dpb> Still sucks.. 09:40 < dpb> Is there some free bug tracker site somewhere that projects can use? 09:41 <@Dieterbe> well, github is free, or did you mean as in speech :) 09:41 < Darksair> dpb: That might be sf or google code 09:41 < SteamedFish> Darksair: they don't support git 09:41 < dpb> Darksair: I said free. :P 09:42 < Darksair> dpb: you mean as in freedom? 09:42 < dpb> Yes 09:42 < Darksair> Oh 09:43 < SteamedFish> dpb: why not host a flyspray at uzbl.org? 09:43 < dpb> I'm not talking about uzbl, just generally 09:44 <@Dieterbe> SteamedFish: that's an option.. 09:44 < SteamedFish> dpb: oh 09:45 < dpb> for example for projects that don't have their own webspace anywhere to host their own tracker 09:45 < Darksair> It's a shame that there are so few opensource project hosting services that themselves are opensource/free 09:46 < dusanx> morning again, I am back. Dieterbe, I pulled your experimental. 09:48 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: so you start to like git? :P 09:48 < dusanx> shhhh, it's working now, I don't want to disturb it :D 09:48 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: true, but iirc github does contribute to some stuff and release a few parts 09:49 < dpb> Darksair: There's gitorious, but it doesn't seem to have a bug tracker.. of course gna and savannah too 09:49 < dusanx> no, I mean started to love it but I am still cautious lol 09:49 < Darksair> dpb: ya I saw that too 09:50 < Darksair> dpb: but I can't find a statement saying that the framework is free. Is there any? 09:50 < dpb> Darksair: for gitorious? 09:50 < Darksair> dpb: yep 09:51 < dusanx> we have some positioning problem but I can't figure out what happened: I am using dwm and two monitors. when I switched uzbl to float, uzbl randomly jumps at the 'screen middle', in fact I get two halfs on two screens 09:51 < dpb> Darksair: http://gitorious.org/projects/gitorious/repos/mainline/blobs/master/LICENSE 09:51 < dpb> Darksair: it hosts itself: http://gitorious.org/projects/gitorious 09:52 < Darksair> dpb: Wow 09:52 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: yeah me too, sometimes things still break when i try to pull/merge. i hate it and often don't know how i should fix it 09:53 < dusanx> Dieterbe: it's getting better, few days ago I had no idea how to use git :) 09:54 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 09:55 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 23 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 22 normal] 09:55 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #uzbl 09:55 < SteamedFish> Darksair: i tyied gitorious and love it :) 09:56 < Darksair> SteamedFish: but as dpb said, it has no bug tracker... 09:57 < SteamedFish> Darksair: it's open source, improve it :P 09:58 < Darksair> SteamedFish: Er... x_x 09:59 < dpb> SteamedFish: doesn't mean they'll add it to gitorious.org 09:59 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 09:59 <@Dieterbe> yeah it can't be that hard. if you look at the bug tracker at github it's really simple but it does the job 09:59 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #uzbl 10:00 < anydot> dusanx: Had you looked into my patch? 10:01 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I just finished 'open in new window' completely :D 10:01 < dusanx> from popup menu 10:02 < dusanx> anydot: sorry, waking up, not yet. there are some things I like but we will have to vote on all changes 10:02 <@Dieterbe> what do you mean exactly with popup menu? 10:02 < dusanx> right click link -> open in new window 10:02 < anydot> dusanx: As I sad yesterday, all gets much, much simpler. 10:03 < anydot> And from you POV, it's only move from external section, into internal function which call's external script/whatever. 10:03 < dusanx> Dieterbe: same as right click on anything -> download works right now 10:03 <@Dieterbe> anydot: was that the patch that merges internal and external bindings? 10:04 <@Dieterbe> i like the general idea 10:04 <@Dieterbe> i just need to look at your implementation 10:04 < anydot> Dieterbe: yep 10:04 < anydot> Dieterbe: I do other things, like having only one prototype for CB in Command struct. 10:05 < anydot> etc. 10:06 < dusanx> anydot: Just one thing I noticed yesterday: you switched const gchars to gchars but I could not find free() for them? Sorry if I missed them, was in the hurry. 10:06 < anydot> dusanx: Free is at end of main(). 10:07 <@Dieterbe> dusanx: did i? i didn't change things explicitly, maybe some things went wrong during the merge? 10:07 < anydot> But take this all as "work in progress" solution. 10:07 < dusanx> ok, I'll look this afternoon, thanks 10:07 <@Dieterbe> anydot: i'll study your patch and maybe apply it 10:07 < dusanx> Dieterbe: anydot's patch, not you 10:08 < anydot> It's just because of that configuration, in that struct is allocated ram anyway, just using it as const gchar doesn't mean you mustn't free it. 10:08 < anydot> And IMHO that was (on of the) place where memory was leaking before. 10:08 -!- ise [n=ise@archlinux/developer/ise] has joined #uzbl 10:09 <@Dieterbe> hi ise 10:09 < anydot> There (was) other place also in reading configuration, keysi/e weren't freed. 10:09 < ise> wow....there are lots of people here..... 10:09 < ise> hi Dieterbe 10:09 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 25 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 24 normal] 10:09 < ise> alright, here is my issue, maybe I have something wrong, but it was very strange.... 10:09 < ise> *maybe I have done something wrong 10:10 < anydot> btw, on web, there's "recent commits" column, would be problem to change it so it will show also which repository was changed (not only branch) and date/time of changeset? 10:11 < anydot> Now it's not easy to just look on HP for "what changed from yesterday". 10:11 < anydot> Also, there's imho no need to have special function for going to homepage. 10:11 <@Dieterbe> HP ? 10:11 < ise> I used the example configuration which comes with uzbl and opened a website with input fields, but I can't type anything into the fields. No cursor appears and if I start to write uzbl reognize my key press as shortcut keys and execute their commands (e.g. reload the page) 10:11 < anydot> Home Page. 10:12 < anydot> With my patch, it can be as simple as having (in bindings section) this line: h = load_uri http://my.homepage.com 10:12 < anydot> => homepage is just shortcut anyway 10:12 <@Dieterbe> anydot: yes that's a good point. i am also not sure if i like the home page concept 10:12 <@Dieterbe> after all the home page concept is just a simplied version of a bookmark system 10:12 < anydot> I don't, imho it's useless. :-) 10:12 < anydot> yep. 10:13 < anydot> And another thing, what about keyword support? 10:13 < dusanx> ise: You are probably in command mode [C]. Press i to get to insert mode [I], press ESC to get back to command mode. Or set always_insert_mode to 1 10:14 < dusanx> ise: In always_insert_mode you have to press defined Mod key too 10:14 < anydot> It's up to the discussion, if do it inside of uzbl, with keywords defined in configuration, or solve it in external "ask me for some url and open it" script. 10:14 < ise> dusanx, thanks that helps...strange, I thought that I was in input mode.... 10:14 < vti> in command mode there is cursor blinking in text input for example, that is confusing because you can't actually type 10:15 < dusanx> you can see mode either in status bar or title bar if you turned off status bar :D 10:15 <@Dieterbe> anydot: what exactly do you mean with keyword support? 10:15 < anydot> In insert mode, it would be fine to have passthrought mode, as in vim is c-v. 10:15 < ise> dusanx, I know....that's why I thought I was in insert mode 10:15 < SteamedFish> it said in the readme that, the keyboard is vim-like command style while it's not. i thought i could use j and k to scroll up and down the first time i use it 10:16 < anydot> Dieterbe: You open for example "g uzbl" url. 10:16 <@Dieterbe> vti: good point, maybe we should change the color of the cursor or something 10:16 < YDB> Hello 10:16 < anydot> And "g" is keyword defined as: http://google.com/search?q=%s 10:17 < anydot> And this all will expand "g uzbl" to "http://google.com/search?q=uzbl" -> url of google search for "uzbl". 10:17 < anydot> Very user friendly feature. 10:17 < Darksair> SteamedFish: yap you press 'k' and bmmm 10:17 < anydot> Dieterbe: Take it as parametrized url combined with shortcut. 10:18 <@Dieterbe> SteamedFish, Darksair yep we should make the keybinds for navigation configurable and configure them vim like by default. patches welcome 10:18 <@Dieterbe> anydot: right, good point 10:18 < anydot> And btw, I dived into webkit source, caching is included in default curl-based engine. 10:19 < anydot> By default there's 8MiB cache. 10:19 < anydot> For images/css etc. 10:19 < dusanx> anydot: do we need to turn on caching somehow? It's not working right now 10:20 < anydot> dusanx: It is. 10:20 < anydot> dusanx: As I sad, there's default caching in libwebkit. 10:20 < anydot> But it is very basic, or some cache manager is missing, or god know what. 10:24 < anydot> And what about that change to uzbl.org website code, that recent commits? 10:24 < anydot> Who is administering website? 10:25 < anydot> Will it be problem to change it? I will appreciate it really. 10:26 < anydot> So, that is what I had on the mind so far. :-) 10:26 <@Dieterbe> anydot: barrucadu is the main site admin, but i help a bit too 10:27 < anydot> Oh, he's not here. :( 10:27 < anydot> Dieterbe: Could you inform him somehow? (post email with irclog, or post him irclog after he appears here?) 10:28 <@Dieterbe> i don't think we should work to much on the commit showing on uzbl.org, we should let do github do the work for us 10:29 < rob|> btw, http://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/dev/developers/design-documents/disk-cache has a quite nice insight on chrome's disk cache implementation, could be of use 10:29 <@Dieterbe> a basic list like now is ok, but more info we should link to github 10:29 < anydot> of course 10:29 < dusanx> rob|: thanks, this should be good info 10:29 < anydot> I don't want to show much more infos, only date+time and repository, not just branch. 10:29 < anydot> Nothing more. 10:30 < anydot> hmm, so it show's Dieterbe's repo anyway. :) 10:32 <@Dieterbe> i see 10:32 <@Dieterbe> i'll add it on the todo list 10:33 < anydot> I somehow thought it shows commits from all the repos listed below. 10:34 < anydot> Dieterbe: If I take it correctly, your repo is "stable" and dusanx's is where development takes place? 10:35 <@Dieterbe> development happens in all branches except my master 10:35 < anydot> Or how would you describe these repos/? 10:35 <@Dieterbe> i develop in my experimental, and pull in stuff from others into my experimental 10:35 < anydot> ok 10:35 <@Dieterbe> after QA i merge my experimental into my master 10:38 <@Dieterbe> dusanx has a master branch but actually it's an experimental one 10:38 < anydot> dusanx has experimental branch too, but dunno if it use it somehow. 10:38 < anydot> *if he! 10:39 < dusanx> I am git beginner, one branch is one too many for me :P 10:39 < anydot> hehe 10:39 < dusanx> my experimantal is on my pc 10:39 < anydot> beginner with git, or beginner with (D)VCS? 10:39 < dusanx> with git 10:39 < anydot> Are you using any other DVCS? 10:40 < dusanx> what IS D(VCS)?? 10:41 < anydot> distributed version control system 10:41 < dusanx> before git? carefully packed zip files :D 10:41 < anydot> heh 10:41 < dusanx> I am _very_ old school 10:41 <@Dieterbe> you mean you are _very_ old :P 10:41 < anydot> That's not old school, that's dump (without offense). 10:42 < anydot> *dumb 10:42 <@Dieterbe> anydot: he's from times where vcs'es did not even exist i think 10:42 < dusanx> don't get me started with during the war stories... 10:42 < dusanx> hell internet did not exist 10:43 < dusanx> I was writing C on IBM XT with all 640 kb limits you know 10:43 < anydot> btw, what's average age of you, developers? 10:44 <@Dieterbe> (17+24+37)/3, you do the math 10:44 < dusanx> Well I pull average a lot :) 10:44 < anydot> OK 10:44 < anydot> I just wanted to know if this is or isn't some other "script kiddie"-like project. 10:45 < dusanx> so saying that something is dumb to the grandfather is... funny (no offense taken you know ;) 10:45 <@Dieterbe> anydot: how old are you? 10:46 < anydot> dusanx: Using some sort of VCS is productive, sometime you want to look back in history, sometime you make error etc. 10:46 < anydot> Dieterbe: 24 10:46 < dusanx> anydot: I know but understand that VCS's exist for just a blink of my work -- that's recent invention 10:47 <@Dieterbe> anydot: cool join the club :) 10:47 < anydot> RCS is pretty old. 10:47 < anydot> Dieterbe: :) 10:48 < dusanx> During the war... I was writing assembler code on Motorola based Sinclair QL and lived from that 10:49 < anydot> During which war, may I ask? 10:50 < dusanx> ever watched only fools and horses? all great stories must start with 'during the war...' 10:50 < anydot> Somehow there's always some war. :) 10:50 < anydot> dusanx: That's some show or ...? 10:51 < dusanx> lol, that greatest uk humor series 10:51 < anydot> I'm not from UK. 10:51 < dusanx> http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/onlyfools/ 10:51 < dusanx> neither am I 10:53 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 25 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 24 normal] 10:54 < anydot> nice quote friend of mine just posted me: 10:54 < anydot> „A lot of fellows nowadays have a B.A., M.D., or Ph.D., Unfortunately, they don't have a J.O.B.“ 10:54 < anydot> Sad, but true. 10:56 <@Dieterbe> :) 11:08 < anydot> Dieterbe: Do you still study or are you in work? 11:08 <@Dieterbe> i work 11:08 < anydot> I do both. :-) 11:11 < anydot> So, ad recent commits change, you can toggle "watch" function on repos at github. 11:11 < anydot> That solve my problem partly. 11:27 -!- Darksair [n=user@] has quit ["Emacs = ESC-Meta-Alt-Ctrl-Shift"] 11:28 < rob|> so, sucessfully installed arch on the laptop. would i just "pacman -S libwebkit" for uzbl or do i have to somehow get the devel files separately? 11:29 < vti> rob|: there is PKGBUILD specifically for uzbl 11:29 < rob|> yeah, saw that one though would like to use git manually 11:29 < dusanx> rob|: libwebkit should contain all you need 11:30 < rob|> alright, thx 11:30 <@Dieterbe> yep, on arch the normal packages also include the dev stuff 11:30 < dusanx> I have just pushed small upgrade, since I got files from Dieterbe you can pull my master 11:31 <@Dieterbe> note that arch packaging for uzbl is basically packing up a make install with custom DESTDIR, which gets extracted to / 11:39 < rob|> ok, everything working now. just need to set up the environment a bit then it's time to hack ;) 11:40 < dusanx> rob|: :) 11:41 <@Dieterbe> ah guys, please stop contributing. every evening i come home and all i can do is merge merge test and merge and test and then it's bedtime 11:42 <@Dieterbe> i want to code a bit myself too :P 11:43 < dusanx> :P 11:43 < dusanx> Dieterbe: you spend too much time on your real world job -- change it ;) 11:43 < anydot> :) 11:44 <@Dieterbe> :P 11:48 -!- SteamedFish [n=steamedf@] has quit ["dinner"] 11:55 < anydot> Dieterbe: Just filled some issues, take it all as feature requests. :) 11:55 <@Dieterbe> okelidokeli 11:56 < anydot> I will even write patches for them, but first I will wait if you accept my yesterday patch and how. :-) 11:56 -!- bgmiki [n=miki@] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 11:57 < anydot> (not that it is sort of condition, but these patches will become dependend on my yesterday's patch) 11:58 <@Dieterbe> sure 11:59 <@Dieterbe> actually sm217 (or something) did a patch where he replaced the structs with hashtables, i like that one too 11:59 < anydot> That's not really problem. 11:59 <@Dieterbe> so i'll probably need to merge in your patch, then sm217's which will conflict, then clean it up and push 11:59 < anydot> Accept it first, and I will rebase my patch. 12:00 <@Dieterbe> ok 12:00 < anydot> No, merge his first, would be simpler imho. 12:00 <@Dieterbe> ok 12:00 -!- miki [n=miki@] has joined #uzbl 12:00 < anydot> oh my, http://www.halfbakery.com/idea/Rat_27s_20Milk_20Cheese 12:00 < anydot> Really mad idead. 12:00 < anydot> *idea 12:18 < anydot> Dieterbe: I have one tiny wish, can you put "/* vi: set et: */ 12:18 < anydot> As last line in uzbl.c? 12:20 <@Dieterbe> sure, but what does it do? 12:20 < anydot> Set expand tab in vim. 12:21 < anydot> uzbl.c style use 4space indent, instead of tabs. 12:21 < anydot> And in my patch, you can see tab, instead of this, as I preffered not to use et. 12:23 <@Dieterbe> hmm and shouldn't there be a declaration so that vi knows it's 4 spaces? 12:23 < anydot> I use tab == 4 spaces (ts=4). 12:23 < anydot> So this suffice for me, but you can add ts=4 too. 12:23 < anydot> whole line: /* vi: set et ts=4: */ then 12:24 -!- miki [n=miki@] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 12:24 <@Dieterbe> ok, i'll do that 12:25 < anydot> nice 12:25 -!- miki [n=miki@] has joined #uzbl 12:37 < dusanx> I have added /* vi: set et ts=4: */, great trick 12:46 <@Dieterbe> ah dusanx if you tested it, you can commit it 12:46 <@Dieterbe> then i can scratch it from my list :P 12:46 < dusanx> I will, maybe to check few more things before pushing, you all guys don't pull for several more hours :) 12:49 <@Dieterbe> well i thought i would merge during my lunch break (i have my clone with me today :)) but i thin we'll be going to a restaurant so.. 12:50 < dusanx> np, pushing now just in case 12:52 < dusanx> done 13:59 <@Dieterbe> lol @ "dwm's future" thread on the dwm list 14:14 < dusanx> oh yes, they opened can of worms 14:19 <@Dieterbe> it was a funny read :) 14:19 -!- dev_null [i=bot@master.czau.net] has joined #uzbl 14:22 -!- sm217 [n=sm@116-74-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #uzbl 14:22 < anydot> @rss add dusanx/master http://github.com/feeds/dusanx/commits/uzbl/master 14:22 < dev_null> anydot: The operation succeeded. 14:23 < sm217> Hi 14:23 <@Dieterbe> o_O 14:23 <@Dieterbe> @help 14:23 < dev_null> Dieterbe: (help [] []) -- This command gives a useful description of what does. is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. For list of all plugins use command list. 14:23 < anydot> @rss add Dieterbe/master http://github.com/feeds/Dieterbe/commits/uzbl/master 14:23 <@Dieterbe> @are you a smart bot 14:23 < dev_null> anydot: The operation succeeded. 14:24 < anydot> @rss add Dieterbe/experimental http://github.com/feeds/Dieterbe/commits/uzbl/experimental 14:24 < dev_null> anydot: The operation succeeded. 14:24 <@Dieterbe> anydot: i wonder when someboy commits something, and i push that commit in my branch 14:24 < anydot> It supybot of my friend. 14:24 < anydot> Dieterbe: It will post it as one message, nevermind how many new commits there is. 14:24 < anydot> So it shouldn't flood channel. 14:25 < anydot> But if it will, message me, I will do $something. :-) 14:25 < dpb> Dieterbe: btw, you should register this channel with chanserv 14:25 < anydot> @rss announce dusanx/master 14:25 < anydot> @rss announce Dieterbe/master 14:25 < anydot> @rss announce Dieterbe/experimental 14:26 <@Dieterbe> dpb: right 14:26 <@Dieterbe> i'll figure out how to do that 14:27 < dpb> /msg chanserv register #uzbl :) 14:28 -!- mode/#uzbl [-s+tc] by ChanServ 14:28 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 25 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 24 normal] 14:30 < anydot> Dieterbe: Could you op me, or post here that @rss announce ... messages above? As that supybot listen only to ops for final rss approval. 14:32 <@Dieterbe> @rss announce dusanx/master 14:32 <@Dieterbe> @rss announce Dieterbe/master 14:32 <@Dieterbe> @rss announce Dieterbe/experimental 14:33 < anydot> It shall notice you with sort of "everyting done OK" message. 14:35 <@Dieterbe> @rss add Barrucadu/experimental http://github.com/feeds/Barrucadu/commits/uzbl/experimental 14:35 < dev_null> Dieterbe: The operation succeeded. 14:35 <@Dieterbe> @rss announce Barrucadu/experimental 14:36 < anydot> @rss dusanx/master 14:36 < dev_null> anydot: Unable to download feed. 14:36 < anydot> hmm, something's wrong. 14:38 <@Dieterbe> yeah i got an error 14:38 < anydot> Ah, that #uzbl,op was op inside of that supybot, damn python! :-) 14:38 <@Dieterbe> 14:32:10 [freenode] -dev_null(i=bot@master.czau.net)- Error: You don't have the #uzbl,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. 14:38 < anydot> It will be solved soon. 14:38 < anydot> yeah 14:38 <@Dieterbe> i don't get it 14:38 < dpb> you'd need to know supybot to get it 14:39 < anydot> supybot itself have some rolebased accesslist. 14:39 < dpb> yep 14:40 < anydot> @rss announce dusanx/master 14:40 < dev_null> anydot: The operation succeeded. 14:40 < anydot> @rss announce Dieterbe/master 14:40 < dev_null> anydot: The operation succeeded. 14:40 < anydot> @rss announce Dieterbe/experimental 14:40 < dev_null> anydot: The operation succeeded. 14:40 < anydot> So, now it should be setup. 14:40 <@Dieterbe> @rss announce Barrucadu/experimental 14:41 <@Dieterbe> barrucadu should also be in there 14:41 < anydot> nono, you are not that bot op :) 14:41 < anydot> @rss announce Barrucadu/experimental 14:41 < dev_null> anydot: The operation succeeded. 14:42 < anydot> Now, sit tight and wait for next commit. :-) 14:42 * Dieterbe fastens his seatbelts 14:42 <@Dieterbe> ok tight! 14:43 < dpb> You're ircing from the car? ;o 14:43 <@Dieterbe> no i have seatbelts on my desk chair :) 14:44 < dpb> Weird chair. 14:49 <@Dieterbe> the person in it is weirder :P 14:50 < anydot> Btw, what timezone are you in? 14:50 * anydot UTC+1 14:51 <@Dieterbe> i think they call it utc+1 14:51 <@Dieterbe> erm i mean utc+1.5 14:51 < dusanx> lol I am +2 14:51 <@Dieterbe> because of daylight saving we're sometimes 1 hour off, sometimes 2 14:51 <@Dieterbe> or it could be 0 and 1, not sure 14:52 < anydot> daylight saving suck. 14:54 -!- mode/#uzbl [+o Dieterbe] by ChanServ 14:54 -!- mode/#uzbl [-o Dieterbe] by ChanServ 14:54 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 25 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 25 normal] 14:54 -!- mode/#uzbl [+o Dieterbe] by ChanServ 14:54 -!- mode/#uzbl [-o Dieterbe] by ChanServ 14:54 < Dieterbe> ha. cool stuff 14:54 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 25 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 25 normal] 14:55 < Dieterbe> there. everyone equal :) 14:56 < Dieterbe> so, i registered the channel and made myself -o (can get +o if needed) 14:57 < Dieterbe> is there more stuff i should do? 14:58 < dusanx> I think that I am going to map zenity to some of the keys -- had to paste some url and there is no place to paste it, dmenu does not have paste 14:59 < Dieterbe> hm that's a good idea 14:59 < dpb> Dieterbe: no, you're not utc+2, you're gmt+2. utc follows daylight savings too. 15:00 < dpb> utc is currently gmt+1 15:01 < dpb> (or I might just be talking shit..) 15:02 < Dieterbe> :) i don't know 15:02 < Dieterbe> hey rob| how is it going? 15:02 < Dieterbe> did you rewrite uzbl from scratch yet? :P 15:03 < dpb> yep, was talking shit... it's BST that is the time in britain now... 15:04 < Dieterbe> complicated stuff 15:04 < Dieterbe> i thought utc == gmt 15:04 < dusanx> rob|: there are some carefully placed strings that may segfault any time, that's what we wanted to do! 15:05 < dusanx> rob|: joke, kill any you notice :D 15:05 < sm217> Dieterbe: could you please have a look, I finished moving to ghashtables and synced with your code. 15:05 < dpb> "In casual use, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) can be considered equivalent to UTC or UT1 when fractions of a second are not important. Owing to the ambiguity as to whether UTC or UT1 is meant, GMT is generally avoided in technical contexts." 15:06 < Dieterbe> sm217: yes.. now+4hours i'll look at your code 15:07 < sm217> Ok 15:07 < rob|> Dieterbe: hehe, no not yet. have to do some real work so i can buy a pound of bread tonight ;) 15:09 < Dieterbe> fair enough :P 15:09 < Dieterbe> rob|: where do you live? 15:10 < rob|> germany 15:11 < Dieterbe> ah, are you going to froscon? 15:11 < Dieterbe> we will get some arch people together at froscon :) 15:12 < rob|> no plans yet as i'm not sure when my gf is on holliday 15:13 < vti> hey guys, haven't you thought about some core that can we wrapped by gtk and qt? 15:14 < dpb> What's the point in that? Will just make stuff way too complex. 15:14 < Dieterbe> uhm.. no 15:14 < Dieterbe> yep, agreed 15:14 < Dieterbe> way, way waay 15:14 < dpb> and uzbl is quite a small program, quite easy to do a clone with qt. 15:15 < sm217> Yes, we will need some kind of interface between core and wrapping, and such. 15:15 < vti> hmm, right, and you're writing it in c.. 15:17 < sm217> no logo news yet? 15:17 < Dieterbe> nope 15:18 < sm217> at least someone does it :) 15:18 < sm217> time for some tf2. 15:18 -!- sm217 [n=sm@116-74-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has quit ["leaving"] 15:25 < rob|> ok, i think the first thing to do is to replace pthread with a g_io_add_watch() based method in gtk_main() 15:25 < rob|> that can easily be extended to sockets 15:26 < rob|> if needed, of course 15:30 < Dieterbe> i think you convinced me the other day to go fifo -> socket. I don't think there is anything we cannot do with sockets that we can with fifo, we will just need to use a "wrapper program" because you can't just write plaintxt like you can with fifo's but i don't think there's a real disadvantage with that. except it requires a bit more processing overhead and latency. 15:31 < Dieterbe> tbh I find changing uri's dmenu+fifo writing not too responsive right now, but i'm not sure where the cause is 15:31 < dusanx> does that mean that we will not be able to control it with simple scripts? 15:31 < rob|> well, you can perfectly use socket from the shell with nc (netcat) 15:32 < rob|> so if you really want to stay pure just write the control prog as a wrapper around nc 15:32 < dusanx> Dieterbe: it is bit sluggish lately, true 15:33 < Dieterbe> rob|: but still, you would call 2 external programs: uzblctrl and netcat. that causes delay. with a fifo you just spawn a shell and that's it 15:33 < rob|> the only problem i see with (tcp) sockets is authetication 15:33 < Dieterbe> but we would use unix sockets? 15:33 < dusanx> please guys keep is simple 15:34 < Dieterbe> dusanx: first let's figure out all our options. if we can do sockets without much added bloat i would love to do it 15:34 < Dieterbe> we could always let uzbl open both a socket and a fifo btw. fifo for fast half duplex communication, socket for full duplex, but bit slower 15:34 < Dieterbe> just thinking out loud 15:35 < dusanx> that I like if there is not too much overhead 15:35 < rob|> glib has a bunch of easy to use functions that work on files&sockets, so you could even keep both options and let the user decide what he wants (without much extra coding) 15:36 < Dieterbe> rob|: hey wait a minute, i seem to recall bash has some builtins to do tcp. maybe it can do unix sockets with builtins too 15:36 < rob|> hmm, not sure 15:37 < Dieterbe> http://thesmithfam.org/blog/2006/05/23/bash-socket-programming-with-devtcp-2/ 15:39 < rob|> bash specific, though 15:41 < Dieterbe> true true, and only tcp sockets 15:42 < Dieterbe> sockets can give some good advantages, but since we do uri editing etc outside of uzbl, we should not get lag 15:43 < vti> no /dev/tcp in arch? :( 15:43 < Dieterbe> indeed 15:55 -!- miki [n=miki@] has left #uzbl ["Konversation terminated!"] 16:20 < dusanx> what is the best way to use threads in uzbl and where I can read about them? 16:24 < Dieterbe> ask rob| , he's the thread man 16:24 < dusanx> rob|: thread man, what do you suggest? 16:24 < anydot> And btw, is there any reason to use threads? 16:24 < rob|> i wouldn't use (p)threads at all, in fact i just removed them 16:25 < anydot> yep 16:25 < dusanx> I have one idea why may we use them 16:25 < rob|> and made use of g_io_add_watch() instead 16:25 < dusanx> hmm, add watch may solve issue I was trying to fix 16:26 < dusanx> I mean make uzbl more responsive 16:26 < anydot> In what sense? 16:27 < dusanx> instead of g_spawn_command_line_async there is sync call execute and wait on stdin 16:27 < dusanx> since it is sync I was considering threads 16:27 < dusanx> of course scripts would echo results but that's no problem 16:27 < anydot> Eh, why do you want to use sync version instead of the async one? 16:28 < dusanx> b/c there is no wait response async version 16:28 < anydot> Yes, that's because it's async. :) 16:28 < anydot> It "fire and forget". 16:28 < dusanx> read above, yes 16:29 < anydot> And ... 16:29 < anydot> Stil don't get it WHY it can be better for responsivenes. 16:29 < dusanx> well, it may be, that's why I wanted to try 16:30 < dusanx> but there is good chance that patch that rob| made will solve whole issue 16:30 < anydot> It will be, and without any complexity etc. 16:30 < anydot> Imho it's inside double fork. 16:30 < Dieterbe> does rob|'s thread-> g_io_add_watch improve responsiveness in any way? 16:31 < dusanx> g_io_add_watch should be quicker I think 16:31 < Dieterbe> because assuming there is no cpu bottleneck, your thread will be running "instantly" i think 16:31 < anydot> That's not such easy thing to say. 16:51 < rob|> ok, the watch thing seems to work 16:54 < Dieterbe> rob|: do you think it will give any responsiveness improvement? 16:56 < rob|> probably, though i'm not sure wether it's drastic 16:56 < rob|> how do you handle patches? 16:57 < rob|> i used your stable master repo btw 16:57 < rob|> s/stable// 16:58 < Dieterbe> well, you can send the patch or let me pull from you 16:58 < anydot> 1 17:05 < rob|> ok, so here it is http://pastebin.com/m7a5818a9 17:05 < rob|> it definitly needs better error handling, though look at it first and tell me what you think 17:06 < anydot> How do you handle partial writes? 17:06 < anydot> try: (echo -n load_uri ; echo " http://somesite") > /tmp/uzbl_... 17:06 < rob|> i don't i use g_io_channel_read_line() 17:07 < anydot> You do. 17:07 < anydot> # 17:07 < anydot> + g_io_channel_read_line(fd, &ctl_line, &ctl_line_length, &term_pos, NULL); 17:07 < anydot> From your patch. 17:07 < rob|> right 17:08 < anydot> And, in case it returns if it did partial or whole read, how do you know, if you don't check anything? 17:08 < anydot> Imho example I posted above won't work. 17:08 < Dieterbe> anydot> try: (echo -n load_uri ; echo " http://somesite") > /tmp/uzbl_... what's wrong with this? did you mean to use -n for the second echo ? the only thing wrong here is the command name, should be uri, not load_uri 17:09 < anydot> Dieterbe: echo -n load_uri ; echo " http://somesite" is not same thing as echo "load_uri http://somesite" 17:09 < anydot> As the first will be done as 2x writes, while the second will be one write containing whole line. 17:09 < rob|> right, though the read_line function seems to catch that case 17:09 < anydot> That's really different. 17:10 < rob|> at least it works with your example 17:10 < Dieterbe> anydot: of course. i'm so stupid 17:10 < Dieterbe> i guess whichever solution should just wait till it reads \n 17:10 < rob|> it probably blocks till it reads the first '\n', so that should be safe 17:11 < anydot> well, if it catch this case, and only return line after WHOLE line is successfully read, then there must be some check for !NULL after g_io_channel_read_line. It's nice to depend only on ctl_line[term_pos] ='\0'; for this case. 17:12 < anydot> rob|: In case it block, your implementation is wrong, as it will block uzbl unless newline is read. 17:12 < anydot> Try this: echo -n "" > /tmp/uzbl_ ... 17:12 < anydot> And then press some key. 17:12 < anydot> u/u or something which do some action. 17:13 < anydot> Does it work? 17:13 < rob|> it does block indeed 17:13 < anydot> Then you have bug in your patch. :) 17:13 < anydot> The problem is, that you must read even partial lines. 17:13 < anydot> And reconstruct from that parts lines. 17:14 < rob|> ok, so the read function needs to be more fancy 17:14 < anydot> not readline. 17:14 < rob|> i guess i will just use dzen's approach, same problem there 17:14 < anydot> Use some static string buffer, to which you will append. 17:14 < rob|> or better, had to solve the same issue there 17:14 < anydot> rob|: dzen/dwm solve it now in way you must always supply whole line in one write. 17:15 < anydot> Partial writes are not allowed. 17:15 < anydot> Which is sometimes tricky. 17:15 < anydot> Also, dwm doesn't use stdin anymore. 17:15 < rob|> yeah, i'm talking abut dzen though which allows partial input 17:15 < anydot> And in dwm, there's no reason to use this nonblock variation, you must always wait to end of stdin anyway. 17:16 < anydot> Yep, it imho buffers it. 17:16 < rob|> yes 17:16 < anydot> As I said above, use some static string buffer, to which you will append read block (not lines), and after append, check for any newlines, parse newlines (g_strsplit on newline?) and feed that to parse_command). 17:17 < anydot> And everything after last newline put back to the buffer. 17:18 < rob|> right, will do so. http://dzen.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/main.c see chomp() and read_stdin(), that was my solution there 17:18 < anydot> Btw, does glib reopen that fifo everytime it catch eof? 17:19 < anydot> ye, something like that, you just can use that fancy glib infrastructure. :) 17:23 < rob|> oh, there should also be a signal handler that catches SIGTERM, etc. and removes the fifo 17:24 < rob|> probably there's a gtk/glib based solution for this 17:25 < Dieterbe> do we really need this? all that code to handle partial writes? is there no glib solution? 17:25 -!- YDB [n=youssef@ydb.me] has left #uzbl ["Bye bye!"] 17:26 < dusanx> I wanted to ask the same, when we expect this to happen? 17:28 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 17:28 < barrucadu> Hi 17:28 < dusanx> Hi barrucadu :) 17:28 < dusanx> barrucadu: have you merged yet? 17:28 < barrucadu> Not today 17:28 < barrucadu> I'll do it in a short while 17:28 < dusanx> I have open in new window working :) 17:36 < Dieterbe> hooray. hooray hooray hooray hooraaaaaaaay 17:36 < Dieterbe> (bloundhound gang style) 17:36 < barrucadu> Merged :) 17:37 < Dieterbe> hooraay for booobies 17:37 < dusanx> Dieterbe: ? 17:38 < Dieterbe> i wanted to say hooray, but then the song "hooray for boobies" went in my head. sorry :) 17:38 < anydot> One of their's best song (and also album). :) 17:39 < dusanx> Dieterbe: what was initial hooray for? 17:39 < Dieterbe> hooray because you got opening to new window working :) 17:39 < anydot> hooray for euphory. 17:39 < dusanx> :P you have no idea how I missed that feature 17:45 < rob|> btw, the current control_fifo implementation is buggy, see http://c-faq.com/stdio/feof.html 17:46 < rob|> i'm refering to the feof check in the nested while loop 17:48 < rob|> hmm, maybe not - though i'd still swap the order of fgets and feof or get rid of feof 17:48 < anydot> It's not buggy, there's just unneeded check on feof(fifo). 17:48 < rob|> yeah 17:50 < anydot> dusanx: So, had you read my patch? :) 17:51 < dusanx> not yet, need to finish work 17:51 < dusanx> think that will be Dieterbe's job after all 17:52 < anydot> ok 17:52 < Dieterbe> yep dusanx patch is on my todo 17:52 < Dieterbe> err anydot 17:52 < Dieterbe> first sm217, then anydot , then rob| 's patch 17:52 < Dieterbe> oh and while i'm at it, merge in dusanx's stuff too :P 17:53 < dusanx> :P 17:53 < Dieterbe> and when all is tested and merged it will be bedtime again :( 17:53 < dusanx> lol you are release engineer 17:53 < anydot> mrege that sm217, then I will rebase my patch so it will fit HEAD and then you can merge it. :) 17:53 < dusanx> in other words management, no coding for you :P 17:54 < Dieterbe> right 17:54 < anydot> The men with whip under coders heads. :) 17:56 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 23 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 23 normal] 18:01 * Dieterbe & 18:27 < barrucadu> Hmm, I think we can remove "* Support for binding keyboard shortcuts in config file." from the TODO file :p 18:28 < anydot> :) 18:43 -!- syslogd_ is now known as syslogd 18:51 -!- jouz [n=jouz@ip122-47-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has joined #uzbl 18:52 -!- sm217 [n=sm@116-74-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #uzbl 18:53 < sm217> Helloes. 18:53 < barrucadu> hi 19:04 < Dieterbe> does anyone know what time it is? 19:04 < dusanx> 18:03 your time 19:04 < Dieterbe> no no.. 19:04 < Dieterbe> i mean what *time* is it? 19:05 < dusanx> oh lol 19:05 < dusanx> yes 19:05 < dpb> 19:04 your time, isn't it? 19:05 < Dieterbe> it's MERGING TIME ! :D 19:05 < dusanx> merge like there is no tomorrow boss! 19:05 < sm217> :D 19:05 < Dieterbe> right on 19:06 < dusanx> what took you 3 minutes? you should have started merging 3 mintes ago! 19:07 < Dieterbe> the 3 minutes was to boot up my pc :) 19:07 < dusanx> :) 19:10 < jouz> hi there, i'm just tinkering a little, i know you probably don't think that far in this early state, but how do i get the fifo-file of the currently focused instance of uzbl? (like when i open the history_dmenu via shortcut)? 19:11 < anydot> it's in one of parameters. 19:11 < anydot> in $4 to be precisse. 19:12 < jouz> ah ok 19:13 < anydot> Look at the example scripts. 19:15 < jouz> yeah i finally got it :) didn't recognized that the external scripts get executed by the uzbl instance itself :) 19:17 < anydot> :) 19:18 -!- ise [n=ise@archlinux/developer/ise] has quit ["Leaving"] 19:20 < jouz> awesome, i find it really "uzbl" already :) 19:23 < jouz> could you guys make scroll-keys configurable? so that i can use vi-style hjkl keys? 19:29 * barrucadu celebrates 19:29 < barrucadu> I seem to have successfully replaced the FIFO with a socket :) 19:29 < sm217> :) 19:29 < dusanx> is it faster? 19:29 < barrucadu> Though I haven't added support for commands to send data back through the socket 19:29 < barrucadu> Not a clue :p 19:30 < sm217> How can one write to it? (/me is a socket noob) 19:30 < barrucadu> There is now an uzblctrl program, invoked as such: uzblctrl -s /path/to/socket -c "command here" 19:31 -!- BetterLeftUnsaid [n=kirby@dyn128-54-218-113.ucsd.edu] has quit ["mrawr!"] 19:31 < sm217> good 19:31 * barrucadu is informed food is ready 19:34 < dusanx> will be back in few hours 19:36 < rob|> hrrm, what's really confusing is that webkit does not render the page to fit to the window's dimensions 19:56 < Dieterbe> sm217: here? 19:56 < Dieterbe> what should i merge, your master or experimental? 19:57 < Dieterbe> it looks to me like your master is the one? 19:57 < anydot> dusanx: Not everything is about speed. 19:58 < barrucadu> back 19:59 < anydot> dusanx: And imho, speed of external (control) communication is irelevant for browser. 19:59 < anydot> sm217: via socat for example. 19:59 < anydot> barrucadu: Did you used stream or datagram unix socket? 20:00 < barrucadu> stream 20:00 < sm217> Dieterbe: Yes, I worked on master. 20:00 < anydot> Had you treated multiple client case, or clients are queued and processed one by one? 20:00 < Dieterbe> sm217: ok then i merge in your master 20:00 < sm217> :) 20:02 < barrucadu> Clients are queued and processed one by one, I don't expect a uzbl instance would be having commands sent to it so frequently that that would be a problem 20:02 < dusanx> anydot: If we are memory critical I would ask about memory consumption, in our case I am asking about speed 20:03 < anydot> heh, speed yes, but speed of what? 20:03 < barrucadu> I'me just committed it to my github repo, so you can all experiment with it if you want :p 20:03 < anydot> In browser, how fast page will render etc I am interested in. 20:04 < anydot> I really don't care if I can open 100 or 120 urls per second via fifo vs socket. 20:04 < anydot> You see? 20:04 < barrucadu> Yes, rendering speed, we need to see if we can improve that. I've noticed Opera is much faster at rendering pages 20:05 < anydot> This all can be working on wrong place, wasting time. 20:05 < anydot> Of course, fifo is not perfect, as it allow interleaved messages (via partial message), etc. 20:05 < barrucadu> If only Opera 10's Presto engine could be added as a widget to applications... 20:06 * barrucadu sighs wistfully 20:06 < dusanx> we are not critial with rendering speed, non-cashing causes back command to take too long and wheter it is external command or uzbl processing end but commands should be faster 20:06 < anydot> .... 20:06 < dusanx> of course I would welcome any patch that effects rendering speed too :) 20:07 < anydot> dusanx: I'm not against using socket, I only say that doing it because of speed is very foolish reasoning. 20:07 < Dieterbe> aww sm217 , external commands (into fifo seem to work) but i think keybinds are broken 20:08 < dusanx> anydot: I am not skilled in sockets so I don't care what we use. only I am interested in is if it will feel faster 20:08 < Dieterbe> command "/bin/bash ./examples/scripts/load_url_from_history.sh" not understood. ignoring. 20:08 < barrucadu> dusanx: I don't think it's possible for a normal human to feel either is faster :p 20:08 < anydot> dusanx: I'm trying to say you, that user can't recognize difference between unix or fifo based control socket. 20:09 < anydot> I'm fine with unix socket, just don't say you write it because of speed. :) 20:10 < Dieterbe> sm217: ah i think i found it 20:19 < Dieterbe> hey dusanx do you know how the "old" code (eg the code from yesterday etc) worked? in key_press_cb, when you find a matching keybind, you do parse_command (internal_bindings[i].action);, but in parse_command in checks the commands struct (which contains 'back', 'forward,..) to find a match 20:19 < dusanx> ok? 20:19 < Dieterbe> i verified that before i merged sm217's stuff it worked, but frankly i don't know why 20:19 < dusanx> I still have that code, right? Tell me what you need. 20:20 < Dieterbe> but how can there be a match with an entry from commands, "/bin/bash ./examples..." will never match any of "back", "forward" etc ? 20:20 < Dieterbe> yeah everyone has that code. it's http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/blob/3893863e204466b73939fcbeae1a714679a04aad/uzbl.c 20:21 < dusanx> but I am matching keys and sending commands, what's wrong? 20:21 < dusanx> internal are calling parse_command 20:22 < dusanx> not run_command, that's for externals 20:22 < Dieterbe> OOPS my mistake 20:22 < dusanx> ;) 20:22 < Dieterbe> was looking at internals 20:24 < sm217> oh. 20:25 < sm217> keybinds work for me 20:25 < Dieterbe> internal ones worked, but there was a bug in externals. i fixed it 20:26 < Dieterbe> anydot: i pushed the merged sm217 stuff to my experimental on github 20:26 < Dieterbe> can you rebase your patch? 20:27 < anydot> Yep, but i must now, eafk. 20:27 < anydot> 1-3 hours :) 20:27 < anydot> Dieterbe: What other thing you want to merge? 20:27 < sm217> I read above discussion but still do not understand where was that bug :\ 20:28 < anydot> Dieterbe: Merge everythinh other then my patch, and uff I will rebase it atop of this merge. :) 20:28 < Dieterbe> anydot: ok 20:28 < anydot> and btw, that supybot is really broken :) 20:29 < anydot> It is able only to read rss 1/2, but github provides atom feeds :( 20:29 < Dieterbe> sm217: http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/commit/a147fd153338f3a25dc726a7448ca10941d867c6 but don't worry about. your code looks very nice other than that 20:29 < sm217> thanks :) 20:29 < sm217> Oh lol. 20:30 < sm217> That was me, I copied that from internal keybinds 20:30 < sm217> and forgot that bit :P 20:31 < Dieterbe> anydot: i will apply your strok_r patch btw 20:31 < dusanx> sm217: if everything else works that's not something to worry ;) 20:31 < sm217> yes =) 20:31 < anydot> ok 20:32 < sm217> first time my code is accepted to opensource project, whee \o/ 20:33 < dusanx> sm217: you changed key handling before I managed to say: if you scratch my functions is's like you scratched me ;) Looks like I will leave you alive :P 20:34 < sm217> :) 20:35 < sm217> uh, again I need to rest. hardly can understand D: 20:37 < sm217> dusanx: can you please point me to where I changed key handling? 20:37 < dusanx> lol sm217 kidding man 20:37 < barrucadu> Hmm, I just noticed changing from FIFO to socket broke it completely :p 20:38 < barrucadu> What's the best way to set a string to contain all null values? 20:38 < sm217> no, really, I do not remember :o 20:38 < sm217> barrucadu: memset? 20:38 < dusanx> sm217: it was really a joke, looking foward to see more contributions from you 20:38 < barrucadu> I'm using that and things aren't quite working, I- 20:38 < barrucadu> Aha! 20:39 < sm217> dusanx: of course :) 20:39 < barrucadu> It works :) 20:39 < barrucadu> I forgot to clear the variable which contains the data received from the socket 20:39 < barrucadu> So things got messed up if you visited somewhere with a longish URL 20:39 * barrucadu commits 20:40 < sm217> hmm 20:41 < sm217> barrucadu: maybe you know, is there a way to specify settings for certain document, for emacs? 20:41 < Dieterbe> anydot: can you verify that the patch is ok http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/commit/37230770db02ed3605277dbcf2513f7b9681b635 ? i had to edit it to apply on the newer code 20:42 < barrucadu> sm217: Not a clue 20:42 < sm217> like "vi: set et ts=4" that is in TODO 20:42 < barrucadu> Actually… 20:42 < barrucadu> I think 20:42 < barrucadu> yes! 20:42 < barrucadu> Have the first line of a file contain "-*- variable variable variable … -*-" 20:42 < sm217> Aha. 20:43 < sm217> thanks 20:43 < sm217> will test now... 20:43 < dusanx> back in an hour 20:45 < Dieterbe> rob|: your patch ( http://pastebin.com/m7a5818a9 ) does not apply. do you think you could rebase your patch? maybe just fork me also on github, it's easier to merge back when code has changed in the meanwhile 20:56 < sm217> eww, emacs doesn't listen to tab width 20:58 < barrucadu> sm217: if you indent the first line of each block manually, pressing tab works for all the lines below that. 20:59 < barrucadu> There is probably a way to make it do that automagically, but I haven't bothered to find it yet 20:59 < barrucadu> In fact, I think I have a setting in my .emacs changing tab width to 2 spaces, if so I'll just change it… 21:00 < sm217> barrucadu: yes, but it does that wrong :P 21:01 < barrucadu> what does it do? <.> 21:02 < sm217> it indents realtive to beginning of line, but leaves same 2-space identation for stuff relative to `while' loop for example 21:02 < barrucadu> Ah 21:03 < sm217> Maybe we just leave that 21:08 < sm217> Time to clean my mind with some fun :V 21:17 < rson_> how goes it 21:20 < Dieterbe> good 21:21 < Dieterbe> many people are writing patches :) 21:21 < barrucadu> I'm just reading this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/184618?sort=votes&page=6#sort-top 21:21 < barrucadu> Our code needs more funny comments :p 21:26 < Dieterbe> dusanx: when i do "open in a new window" i get uzbl: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.0. 21:26 -!- Nezmer [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 21:27 -!- Nezmer [n=Anon@] has left #uzbl ["WeeChat"] 21:29 -!- Grauwolf [n=Grauwolf@85-127-250-174.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has quit ["leaving"] 21:29 < rson_> Dieterbe: sweet. 21:30 < rson_> i'm glad this as seemed to catch on 21:32 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: what's the status on the socket stuff? 21:32 < barrucadu> It works 21:32 < Dieterbe> rson_: it's also a great learning experience for me. C is really a long time ago for me 21:32 < barrucadu> I fixed the horrible bug 21:33 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: full duplex? 21:33 < barrucadu> Not yet 21:33 < barrucadu> I've been reading funny code comments for the last half hour or so :p 21:33 < barrucadu> I'll do it now 21:33 < Dieterbe> i'm not sure if we should throw out the fifo stuff just like that btw 21:33 < Dieterbe> can't we keep both for a while? then we can test what works best 21:34 < Dieterbe> in the end we may even keep both because you don't need to spawn an extra process to write to a fifo, so it may be faster 21:34 < rson_> Dieterbe: yeah it's been a few years for me as well. which is why i'm hesitant to jump in with anything. by the time i get a patch written the code will have changed four or five times at the rate you guys are going 21:35 < barrucadu> Ok, so shall I add the FIFO code back in and run two extra threads instead of just one? 21:35 < Dieterbe> well, we do communicate. we divide tasks a bit. so if you find something specific we can keep it in mind 21:36 -!- _19LIONZ_ [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 21:36 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 23 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 23 normal] 21:38 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: well, rob| wrote a patch that uses lightweight glib io and throws out the more heavyweight pthreads. http://pastebin.com/m7a5818a9, I couldn't apply it to the current code but this is what i suggest: i merge in your latest stuff, and after that we can both work on integrating the fifo stuff again, with the method rob| did 21:38 < barrucadu> ok 21:39 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I am back 21:40 < dusanx> Dieterbe: fatal io error does not sound like something I touched?! 21:41 < dusanx> I am using uzbl for the whole day and never got that error, can you try to pinpoint it? 21:41 < Dieterbe> dusanx: it just happened when i clicked on "open in a new window" 21:42 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: before you start putting fifo back in, you probably should merge from me first 21:42 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: because i think i have some updates 21:42 < dusanx> Dieterbe: can you try my latest git without new stuff but with open in new window? I mean take whole uzbl.c from my latest push and try it? 21:42 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: but first i'm resolving conflicts when merging from you 21:42 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 21:43 < Dieterbe> dusanx: not right now, in 10 min or so 21:43 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: just merged and committed 21:43 < dusanx> I'll be here 21:43 < dusanx> Dieterbe: can you tell me what else you merged before my code? 21:47 < Dieterbe> hmm i think only sm217's stuff, which only affects key bindings 21:49 < dusanx> Dieterbe: checked again, opened 20 new windows on various sites. got to be previous patch or something, nothing I can see here. 21:51 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: I've merged your most recent code, and the problem doesn't occur for me 21:52 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: you committed a merge conflict in uzbl.c 21:52 < Dieterbe> can you fix and repush? 21:52 < Dieterbe> we are almost 100% in sync :) 21:54 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: ? 21:55 < barrucadu> done 21:55 < Dieterbe> thanks 21:56 < Dieterbe> ok 100% in sync now i think 21:56 < Dieterbe> i think i'm gonna look at the x11 error message i get first 21:57 < Dieterbe> have a lookat http://pastebin.com/m7a5818a9, this is supposed to be a great way to get fifo working ;) 21:57 < rson_> so, i'm at work and cant test it out, but how far has the keybinding come? 21:57 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: I'm just sorting something else (unrelated) out so I'll have a look later 21:58 < Dieterbe> ok np mate 21:59 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: just do as you feel like, but i would like to get fifo back at some point :) 22:01 < vti> when i start uzbl without uri and then change states: i -> esc -> i, I keep getting warning '(uzbl:8143): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_string_append: assertion `val != NULL' failed' 22:02 < dusanx> vti: you are right, I will fix that 22:03 < Dieterbe> dusanx: i'm not getting the x resource errors anymore 22:03 < Dieterbe> dusanx: btw, please merge from me again, quite some stuff has been changed again 22:03 < dusanx> ok 22:04 < dusanx> Dieterbe: need me something to change or we consider that everything works? 22:04 < vti> gg and G is a must :) 22:04 < dusanx> Dieterbe: and if we do, what happened 22:07 < Dieterbe> dusanx: i think it works mostly 22:08 < dusanx> if you are talking about js open in new window I know, working on that 22:08 < dusanx> Dieterbe: if anything else is 'mostly' I need examples ;) 22:09 < vti> when clicking on a flash banner (or something) that points you to another url, nothing actually happens 22:09 < dusanx> yup, js and flash calls need more handling 22:09 < Dieterbe> dusanx: does always_insert_mode and modkey work? 22:09 < dusanx> yes 22:10 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I will check if hashtable handling works with keys, function is slightly changed 22:12 < vti> accept-language configuration would be also very nice... 22:12 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I have one line change in git diff, probably spaces. what do I do before merging your code? 22:14 < Dieterbe> dusanx: i don't understand whatyou mean 22:15 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I have saved change and I want to revert it or clean status before I import your data. How? 22:15 < Dieterbe> git checkout will undo your changes and revert it to the latest "clean" state 22:15 < dusanx> Dieterbe: thanks 22:16 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: okay for you if i put the fifo stuff back? 22:18 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: yes 22:21 -!- sm217 [n=sm@116-74-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has quit ["leaving"] 22:22 < dusanx> Dieterbe: clean import, looks like it works 22:22 < Dieterbe> import? do you mean merge? 22:22 < dusanx> we lost fifo? old scripts don't work? 22:22 < dusanx> yes merge 22:23 < dusanx> 'I imported merge from you cleanly' if that's better :P 22:23 < barrucadu> dusanx: Dieterbe is putting the fifo back in, as well as the socket 22:24 < dusanx> barrucadu: great. I thought that we will not lose fifo in the process but np 22:29 < Dieterbe> rob|: i'm now in the process of porting your patch to our new code 22:48 < Dieterbe> rob|: i merged fifo support back in (it was removed) and try to include your stuff. it doesn't work yet but i think i'm close 22:48 < Dieterbe> i'm off now, latest code is @ github 22:48 < Dieterbe> experimental branch 22:49 < dusanx> going to sleep, see you all tomorrow :) 22:50 < barrucadu> bye 22:50 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 23:11 < rob|> Dieterbe: seems you missed the lines that free cmd in parse_commands() from my patch 23:11 < rob|> Dieterbe: i doubt it works the way it is now 23:13 < rob|> oh yeah, the socket stuff should also be handled in the same way 23:20 < anydot> Dieterbe: Yes, it is OK. 23:30 < anydot> Dieterbe: I'm too tired and there's too much of change, so I will rebase it in the morning. 23:30 < anydot> Good night. --- Day changed Thu Apr 30 2009 00:06 -!- syslogd_ [n=syslogd@pD955BD08.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 00:11 -!- syslogd [n=syslogd@unaffiliated/syslogd] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 00:42 < Toy-Food> Is there any way to enable a address bar? 00:49 < rob|> sort of, using dmenu 00:50 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 00:52 < rob|> Toy-Food: echo 'uri '$(echo|dmenu -p 'URI: ') > /tmp/uzbl_NUMBER 00:54 < rob|> bind that to a key and there it is the address bar 00:59 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 00:59 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #uzbl 01:33 -!- rob|2 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87de5e.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 01:50 -!- rob| [n=user9871@rgnb-5d874b89.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 02:59 -!- rson_ [n=randy@c-98-192-223-153.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)] 03:30 -!- jouz [n=jouz@ip122-47-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 05:46 -!- Grauwolf [n=Grauwolf@85-127-248-215.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #uzbl 07:47 -!- sm217 [n=sm@206-80-124-91.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #uzbl 07:53 -!- jouz [n=jouz@ip122-47-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has joined #uzbl 08:39 -!- dodobas [n=dodobas@open.geof.hr] has joined #uzbl 08:39 < dodobas> yello 08:40 < dodobas> i dont quite understand that 'follow link here' is it implemented? 09:02 < Dieterbe> no, dodobas not yet 09:03 < Dieterbe> rob|> Toy-Food: echo 'uri '$(echo|dmenu -p 'URI: ') > /tmp/uzbl_NUMBER <-- aren't those bash/ sh semantics ? how could you bind that directly in uzbl, don't you need to put it in a shell script? 09:16 < dodobas> Dieterbe: ah ok 09:17 < Dieterbe> dodobas: in fact, all link following at this point still has to be done with the mouse 09:17 < Dieterbe> but that will change, of course :) 09:19 < jouz> hi there, i'm trying to write a patch for custom scrolling keys/intervals. But i can't figure out in which object the actual scrolling happens... shouldn't it be the GtkScrolledWindow passed to gtk_box_pack_start? 09:21 < Dieterbe> i don't remember from the top of my head, but isn't that what we do? or maybe the gtkwindow inherits from GtkScrolledWindow ? 09:22 < dodobas> Dieterbe: i've noticed : 09:22 < dodobas> :D 09:25 < jouz> the thing is, im calling gtk_scrolled_window_set_vadjustment() on the (GtkScrolledWindow*) object returned by create_browser (made it static), but nothing happens 09:28 < jouz> (never coded in C before though, maybe its just me...) 09:30 < dodobas> hehe, i guess that not being able to write in any of form elements is a feature :D 09:33 < Dieterbe> dodobas: yep it is 09:33 < Dieterbe> dodobas: it's the feature called "command mode vs insert mode" :) 09:35 < rob|2> Dieterbe: re the dmenu thing, sure bind it to a kind with the help of the WM or xbinfkeys is what i meant :) 09:35 < rob|2> *s/kind/key/ 09:35 -!- rob|2 is now known as rob| 09:35 < Dieterbe> rob|2: are you implying wm's/xbindkeys automatically run the command through a shell? 09:36 < rob|> no i just say, put that line into a file, make it executable and bind it to a key 09:37 < dodobas> oh man, im so stupid :D 09:37 < Dieterbe> ok, i thought maybe you knew a way to automatically use shell/shell-like syntax directly from a key binding program (wm,xbindkeys,..) 09:37 < dodobas> im going to go out stand in the rain with my mouth open 09:38 < Dieterbe> dodobas: don't worry, you not the first to have this :P maybe we should make it more clear for beginners 09:38 < rob|> Dieterbe: erm, fork? 09:38 < rob|> and execv* 09:39 < Dieterbe> rob|: that's just a means to execute a new process/replace current process 09:39 < Dieterbe> what does that have to do with interpreting shell semanticts.. 09:39 < dodobas> or i could write some doc about it... 09:41 < rob|> Dieterbe: well, you execute a shell and let it interpret the expressin for you 09:41 < Dieterbe> rob|: yeah sure.. but do WM's/xbindkeys do that by default? 09:42 < rob|> i really don't get what you're trying to ask. 09:42 < rob|> why should they do that? 09:43 < Dieterbe> to make it easier for the user, so you could use sh syntax directly into xbindkeys config file 09:44 < Dieterbe> with uzbl i want to avoid that btw, and only call a shell when really needed (eg let user decide) 09:44 < Dieterbe> though it seems like g_spawn_command_line_async uses some built-in sh parsing inside glib 09:44 < rob|> no, i'm not aware of any tools doing it that way. sure, start the sheöll only for shell scripts 09:46 < rob|> hmm, i don't think that that functions does any shell style parsing 09:47 < Dieterbe> yes look http://library.gnome.org/devel/glib/stable/glib-Spawning-Processes.html#g-spawn-command-line-async 09:48 < Dieterbe> which uses http://library.gnome.org/devel/glib/stable/glib-Shell-related-Utilities.html#g-shell-parse-argv 09:48 < rob|> ah, right g_shell_parse_argv seems to do some expansion, though just based argument splitting 09:48 < rob|> *basic 09:50 < Dieterbe> k. well I know that g-spawn-command-line-async is supposed to recognize scripts automatically (eg you can do h = ./scriptname.sh without putting /bin/bash in front of it) 09:50 < Dieterbe> but i still have to test that 09:50 < rob|> oh, btw in the process of merging the io_watch patch you forgot to include a free() statement, i wonder how uzbl would work the way it is now 09:50 < Dieterbe> and i want to know how it works.. maybe it internally checks if the file is plaintext, and if so, looks for a shebang line 09:51 < Dieterbe> rob|: i didn't forget, i saw it, but the variable you were freeing did not exist anymore, so i just let that part out for now 09:51 < rob|> i don't think that it works on files, and the shebang thing is not done by that function 09:51 < Dieterbe> well dusanx says he can bind the scripts directly without prepending /bin/shellnmame, i want to know how it works :) 09:52 < rob|> hmm, i freed "cmd" in "parse_commands()", seems to still exist 09:53 < Dieterbe> in that case, my mistake i guess 09:53 < rob|> we should agree to a more consistent argument passing interface 09:53 < Dieterbe> oh btw i forgot to give you credit in the commit. sorry about that. but if you patch this, I can commit using your email address :) 09:54 < rob|> and which functions take malloced and which ones static memory 09:54 < Dieterbe> (or you can fork on github, and if i merge your stuff, the commits get your name automatically) 09:54 < rob|> had some problems switching branches 09:56 < rob|> "git checkout experimental" is what the docs say, thiugh i'm not sure how to actually rtreive the file contents of that branch 09:56 < rob|> -m and friends didn't work as advertised 09:56 < Dieterbe> rob|: when you clone the repo, you get _everything_ on your disk. when you check out a new branch you don't need to pull anything from any server 09:57 < rob|> ok, but switching the branch as described above didn't refelct that change in the source files 09:57 < rob|> do i need to merge something? 09:58 < Dieterbe> well i don't know what your current code base is, if you want to keep it, or basically start over 09:58 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 09:58 < dusanx> 'morning :) 09:59 < rob|> doesn't matter, i just want to know how to switch branches in a newly cloned repo - i really new to git,so forgive my ignorance 09:59 < Dieterbe> hi dodobas 09:59 < Dieterbe> err hi dusanx i mean 09:59 < Dieterbe> rob|: just git branch 09:59 < dodobas> Dieterbe: and what if someone wants to run, idont know Lua script, im aware of shebang in scripts but what is so wrong with prepending 10:00 < Dieterbe> #!/usr/bin/lua ? 10:00 < rob|> Dieterbe: hmm, will try again. 10:00 < dodobas> yes im aware of that 10:00 < Dieterbe> dodobas: not saying it's wrong, but it could be cleaner 10:00 < dusanx> what did I miss? :D 10:01 < dodobas> Dieterbe: ok, just wanted to clarify thah 10:03 < Dieterbe> dusanx: a lot :) 10:04 < dusanx> thats great! (and bad for me to catch up) 10:05 < dusanx> is there any irssi log so I can see conversation while I was out? 10:05 < rob|> hmm, i'm sure i'm missing something, though cloning a repo like dexribed on the get page and then just doing 'git branch experimental' does not reflect any changes to the source files 10:07 < Dieterbe> rob|: wel, at some points master == experimental, i merge the latter into the former about each day. 10:08 < rob|> doesn't seem to be the case right now, though 10:08 < rob|> i.e. i don't see the socket code and neither the uzblctrl.c file 10:08 < Dieterbe> do a git pull 10:08 < Dieterbe> it doesn't update itself ;) 10:10 < rob|> right, that was my question 10:10 < rob|> let me check this 10:15 < dusanx> Dieterbe: you merged anything else since I merged from you last night? 10:16 < sm217> dusanx: maybe I can help, though wasn't here very long too 10:16 < dusanx> sm217: appreciated 10:16 < sm217> should I pastebin or upload? 10:17 < Dieterbe> dusanx: i coded a bit myself :) and maybe i did merge more stuff i don't remember. the github logs and graphs are your friend :) 10:17 < dusanx> Dieterbe: ok, thanks 10:19 < sm217> dusanx: http://scalar.cluenet.org/~sm217/%23uzbl.04-30.log 10:19 < sm217> oh 10:19 < sm217> wait second 10:19 < Dieterbe> maybe dev_null also keeps log? (it's a bot) 10:20 < sm217> dusanx: http://scalar.cluenet.org/~sm217/uzbl.04-30.log 10:20 < dpb> god I hate public logs for irc channels.. 10:21 < sm217> it's not public :P 10:21 < dpb> sure it is, anyone can access it <.< 10:21 < sm217> Link is only here, and I don't think anyone ever visits my acc's webspace. 10:22 < sm217> I can remove it after dusanx has it, if you wish. 10:22 < Dieterbe> dpb: i think irc logs are quite useful 10:22 * sm217 agrees 10:22 < Dieterbe> it's not like we're throwing our private life in the open, just technical discussions 10:22 < dusanx> sm217: thanks 10:23 < dpb> Sometimes private life tends to come up in irc. 10:23 < sm217> dusanx: np. you have it, so removing... 10:23 < dodobas> dpb: why? everything you write on public channel its public... 10:23 < dpb> sure, but I don't want a google search to find them <.< 10:24 < dusanx> so, what do you all think about britney's new song? No, this is tech talk 10:24 < dpb> britney still lives? <.< 10:24 < Dieterbe> uh oh.. this is not going to end good 10:24 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 22 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 22 normal] 10:24 < sm217> :P 10:24 < dpb> :D 10:25 < rob|> brr, stupid branch stuff 10:25 < dusanx> rob|: since I was new to git two days ago maybe I can help? 10:25 < Dieterbe> rob|: have a look at github.com/guides, they have really good guides 10:26 < dusanx> rob|: I was cursing damn software all the time, it's not so bad actually 10:26 < rob|> dusanx: well, all i want is to switch to the experimental branch and have that relected in the source 10:26 < rob|> *reflected 10:26 < dusanx> on your PC, right? 10:26 < rob|> yes 10:27 < dusanx> what does 'git branch' say? 10:27 < rob|> experimental now 10:27 < dusanx> but nothing there? 10:27 < dusanx> I mean no latest sources? 10:28 < rob|> no, just the things from master 10:28 < dusanx> where from you want to pull sources? 10:28 < sm217> hmm, maybe check with git log 10:28 < dusanx> your pc or github? 10:28 < rob|> my pc 10:29 < dusanx> Dieterbe: does 'git merge master' does what rob| wants? 10:30 < rob|> hmm, it doesn't 10:30 * sm217 thinks no 10:30 < Dieterbe> git fetch, git pull 10:30 < dusanx> git pull master? wild guess, I use only master 10:30 < dpb> err, what do you want to do? 10:30 < dusanx> and 7z whole master when I want to keep it lol 10:31 < sm217> rob|: git pull git://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl.git experimental should give you Dieterbe's experimetal. 10:32 < rob|> sm217: ah, thanks a lot this works indeed 10:32 < sm217> good :) 10:32 < rob|> that should probably go somewhere to the site for such ignorants as me ;) 10:33 < rob|> saves up people willing to actually code from reading through tons of git docs 10:33 < sm217> why tons D: 10:33 < sm217> I only read http://github.com/guides/git-cheat-sheet 10:34 < dusanx> it was very frustrating for git newbee like me, believe me 10:34 < sm217> I am a git newbie too :D 10:35 < dusanx> young brain bends easier ;) 10:35 < Dieterbe> :) 10:35 < sm217> well I used it for another project, but I only did pushing, as I coded myself 10:36 * sm217 runs away 10:36 < dodobas> i've never felt comfortable with git, thouh i did not use it very much, currently im exploring mercurial(hg) 10:37 < Dieterbe> git can be a bitch.. once you start to feel comfortable it suddenly starts doing very weird things and it's hard to find out a simple explanation about those things 10:38 < Dieterbe> but with a bit of luck you can do with it what you want to do :P 10:38 < dodobas> but i mostly use subversion 10:39 < dodobas> what are the ideas for page scrolling, jumping? 10:39 < Dieterbe> vim-like ? 10:41 < dusanx> should be easy thing to do, converting vim scroll key to normal scroll key and passing as unprocessed further (in theory) 10:41 < dodobas> or standard pgUp pgDown, with status bar notification of % of page, instead of the scroll bar 10:42 < Dieterbe> yes the scrollbar should go definitely. (is it still there?) 10:42 < dusanx> hmm, never needed scrollbars, why do you need them? 10:42 < Dieterbe> dusanx: we both said they should be gone :) 10:42 < Dieterbe> they are already gone btw, you almost tricked me dodobas . naughty naughty 10:42 < dusanx> they are gone long time ago, that's what confused me 10:43 < Dieterbe> and yes we should have a % display (if the page does not fit entirely) 10:43 < dodobas> Dieterbe: tricked you? 10:43 < Dieterbe> dodobas: yes, tricked me into believing we still had a scroll bar :) 10:43 < dodobas> ahhaaaa :D 10:44 < dodobas> mind clouds easly, even on a sunny day :D 11:01 < dusanx> anybody has any experience how to code page caching? if not I will see what I can do. 11:05 * sm217 has none 11:06 < dodobas> hmm, i never even thought about that 11:06 < dodobas> is it possible to, 'store' currently rendered canvas to memory? 11:07 < dodobas> i.e. put this canvas on stack, follow link, in case of 'back' pull canvas from stack? 11:08 < sm217> sounds nice 11:08 * sm217 hates broadcom >:( 11:10 < Dieterbe> dodobas: i don't think it's worth it to keep the actual rendered page in cache. we should just keep the "objects" (images, css, html files,..) in cache. building a rendered page from cached elements is very fast 11:10 < Dieterbe> it's just the network delays that are slow 11:10 < Dieterbe> and you need a way to check if your cache is still up to date or not 11:10 < sm217> hmm yes. 11:11 < Dieterbe> hmm otoh, caching rendered pages for usage in back/forward could still be acceptable if we cache them for max 5 mins or so 11:11 < dodobas> Dieterbe: true, i dont know anything about this 11:11 < sm217> good idea, it seems that opera does so 11:12 < sm217> because it switches back with speed of light. 11:12 < dodobas> anyway, what is the point of 'cache' if you are going to check if cache is expired when going 'back' 11:13 < dodobas> 'back' should be instant, and if user need a new version of page, page should be manualy refreshed 11:14 < Dieterbe> that's an option 11:14 < Dieterbe> i don't think there is a "right" or "wrong" here. just 2 different possible approaches 11:15 < rob|> so, i created a fork http://github.com/robm/uzbl/tree/master and will just push to it 11:15 < Dieterbe> you probably want to fork the experimental branch 11:16 < Dieterbe> that's where the broken fifo stuff is in right now 11:17 < sm217> why did you go back to it at all? seems I missed smth. 11:18 < dusanx> caching canvas sounds like fastest approach but I don't think it is possible, we need to cache elements or we lose links and bunch of stuff 11:18 < dodobas> lets face it, uzbl is going to be used by highly technical users, users that know which pages must be refreshed to see the changes 11:19 < Dieterbe> sm217: fifo's are nice. they may be only half duplex, but it's the easiest to work with (you can write a plaintext string to it) and you don't need to fork another program to work with it (socket needs netcat/uzblctrl), so sockets are probably a bit slower 11:20 < sm217> Ah. 11:20 < Dieterbe> dodobas: maybe we could make it a setting: cache_recent_pages or something 11:20 < Dieterbe> but then we need to figure out how to cope the issue that dusanx meantioned 11:21 < Dieterbe> we just need to see what kind of hooks webkit forsees so at which point we can do caching 11:21 < dodobas> dusanx: could you explain 'lose links and bunch of stuff' ? :) 11:22 < dusanx> dodobas: if you cache canvas it's basically taking snapshot picture, right? Picture does not have elements (links, js, flash) and you can't click on any hyperlink. 11:23 < dodobas> dusanx: i did not mean to rasterize canvas, just store whole container in memory, and then retrive it as needed 11:24 < dodobas> dont know if it can be done 11:24 < dusanx> dodobas: then we are all talking about same thing :) 11:25 -!- jouz [n=jouz@ip122-47-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 11:27 < sm217> Going to have some kernel fun, and then pick something from todo list :> 11:30 < Dieterbe> #define kernel fuN? 11:31 < sm217> Well, I can't get wl driver working with kernels >= 2.6.29, going to try once more 11:32 < sm217> strang thing is, it does work for everyone else and me on stock arch kernel. 11:32 < sm217> but I want fbcondecor and tuxonice :`( 11:33 < dodobas> sm217: did you install 'crda' 11:33 < sm217> yes 11:33 < Dieterbe> sm217: why tuxonice? isn't it deprecated or something? 11:33 < dodobas> and enabled your country in config? 11:33 < sm217> no, it's not 11:34 < sm217> dodobas: problem is different 11:34 < rob|> Dieterbe: fifo wroking again, i also rebased the socket handling to io_add_watch 11:34 < sm217> kernel dies when I load/use it :D 11:34 < Dieterbe> rob|: you rock my socks 11:35 < rob|> there should probably a more generalized read function that can handle both input sources 11:35 < Dieterbe> yep indeed 11:35 < dodobas> sm217: ahh, bummer 11:35 < sm217> hmm 11:36 < Dieterbe> and also the "handling" should be more general. 1 function that takes care of the handling, whether the request comes from fifo/socket/internal keybind/externla keybind 11:36 < Dieterbe> but that was part of anydot's work i think 11:36 < sm217> dodobas: why? :o 11:36 < rob|> right, we should define the interfacing in a formal manner first, that makes writing consistent code easier 11:37 < dodobas> sm217: kernel dying on you like that :/ 11:37 < sm217> heh 11:37 < sm217> like this: https://gist.github.com/9080258f0e23dc2512ee 11:38 < sm217> eww, wanted to try ubuntu kernel but it's .28.9 11:42 < rob|> any insights on rendering the website to actually fit the dimensions of the window? 11:44 < dusanx> rob|, Dieterbe: we may need scrollbars show/hide on demand, I noticed few problematic wide sites too and webkit just ignores that they are wider than window. I think that with horizontal scrollbar we can move around. Hate scrollbars. 11:45 < rob|> yep, the bars should probably unhide on hoovering above the bottom x pixels of the window or something like that 11:46 < dodobas> nah... 11:46 < dodobas> if a page i wider horizontaly then show the scrollbar 11:46 < dodobas> *is 11:47 < rob|> hmm 11:47 < dodobas> that way a user know that a displayed page is wider 11:47 < dodobas> diplay on hovering is eye-candy 11:47 < Dieterbe> well you don't need to display a scrollbar just to show the page is wider.. 11:48 < dusanx> dodobas: not sure, even with few wide sites part that does not fit was interface right edges (few pixels I suspect) so I did not need them. I whould like to have key binding to turn them on/off 11:48 < Dieterbe> like we will show a % for position vertically, we can do the same horizontally, and use keybinds for horizontal scrolling 11:48 < rob|> dodobas: well it's not just eye-candy but a saves pixels 11:48 < rob|> -a 11:49 < dodobas> i like more the horizontal % idea 11:50 < rob|> where do you display the '%'? 11:51 < dodobas> status bar , right corner, something like (H75 V34) 11:51 < rob|> anyways, i'd vote for a more temporary/dymanic usage of gui elements i.e. only show them if needed 11:52 < rob|> so we don't occupy precious screen space for no reason 11:52 < dodobas> when you hit 100% it just shows H%% V%% or something like that 11:53 < Dieterbe> dodobas: currently, we don't show a vertical % right? or am i missing something 11:54 < dodobas> nope Dieterbe scrolling by key does not work 11:56 < Dieterbe> rob|: imho a % is better then showing a scrollbar. that way you always know where you are. even when you'r not busy scrolling 11:56 < sm217> \ 11:56 < sm217> oh. 11:56 < sm217> been cleaning my laptop... 11:56 < rob|> Dieterbe: agreed 11:57 < dodobas> l8r 11:58 < rob|> ok, what about the naming of the fifo? right now it's not easy to programatically access it 11:58 < sm217> Dieterbe: I guess removing my fork won't affect original repo? 11:59 < sm217> I was working on master, want to cleanly re-fork and then start working. 11:59 < rob|> i'd propose to allow naming the uzbl instances something like "uzbl -name mutt_viewer" and creating the fifos/sockets based on that name like "/tmp/uzbl_fifo_mutt_viewer" 12:00 < Dieterbe> sm217: yep that's ok 12:00 < sm217> ok 12:00 < Dieterbe> rob|: right now we use the xorg window id 12:01 < Dieterbe> i think that's better then forcing users to pick a name 12:01 < rob|> well, but how do you programatically associate that to a specific instance? 12:02 < Dieterbe> and you can easily get the xorg window id with tools such as xdotool. and when we call external scripts, we always pass the fifo filename as an argument 12:02 < Dieterbe> so I don't think it can be much better then that 12:03 < rob|> still, say i want to use the dmenu snippet i posted earlier, how would i know which fifo to use? i mean xdotool is nice, though you somewhere have to programatically find the right window 12:04 < rob|> based on the title or something, and exactly that is not possible 12:04 < dusanx> guys, how can I send GdkEventKey* to webview? want to simulate keypress 12:06 < rob|> dusanx: http://developer.gnome.org/doc/GGAD/z109.html#SEC-EMITTING 12:06 < dusanx> rob|: thanks 12:07 < Dieterbe> rob|: you have another point. but i don't really see the use case for it 12:08 < rob|> Dieterbe: actually that point is the only thing stopping me from using uzbl as my standard browser 12:09 < Dieterbe> oh, you want to trigger dmenu scripts "around the back" of uzbl 12:09 < Dieterbe> ie not through uzbl 12:09 < rob|> yes 12:09 < rob|> that's the whole point of using fifos, isn't it? 12:09 < Dieterbe> well in that case we need something like your approach 12:09 < Dieterbe> yeah indeed 12:10 < Dieterbe> hey tell you what 12:10 < dusanx> rob|: do you always want to send commands to focused window or you want to control them all? 12:10 < Dieterbe> i was gonna say "how are you going to keep this usable. eg not force users to pick a name for each running instance", but i guess we already know the ansver 12:10 < sm217> about configs, does stuff in [brackets] actually matter? 12:10 < Dieterbe> sm217: yes, it's the section 12:10 < dusanx> sm217: I think so 12:11 < rob|> Dieterbe: right the current way should be the fallback if no name is specified 12:11 < sm217> Ah, I'll look at the code then 12:11 < Dieterbe> rob|: that's exactly what i was thingking 12:11 < Dieterbe> rob|: btw we were already thingking about giving uzbl instances tags, but that was to categorize uzbl instances (eg 10 instances with tag 'work') 12:12 < Dieterbe> so yeah, we should probably give uzbl instances a unique name (optional) and a tag (optional) 12:13 < rob|> i guess the name is enough, by chosing the right names the user can categorize the windows as he wants 12:13 < sm217> and maybe use pid if name is not specified. 12:13 < rob|> the current WID approach is actually quite ok 12:14 < sm217> ah, yes. 12:14 < Dieterbe> sm217: no. xorg window id is better then pid, because you cannot get a pid when you know the window title, but you can get the xorg window id 12:14 < Dieterbe> rob|: not sure, because with name you want to uniquely identify 1 instance, whereas with the tag you want to group instances together 12:15 < sm217> another thing, I'm going to implement key->url binding, but how do I call that? >_> 12:15 < Dieterbe> sm217: key = load_uri ? 12:15 < rob|> Dieterbe: just chose a good naming theme for that like "tagstring:name" - that can easily be processed with the shell 12:16 < sm217> Dieterbe: no, the whole thing 12:16 < Dieterbe> rob|: hmmm 12:16 < sm217> TODO says to get rid of 'home page concept', how to call this then? 12:17 < Dieterbe> well, you should be able to define key shorttucs like the one i just said 12:18 < Dieterbe> it is more flexible then a home page concept 12:18 < Dieterbe> though you could still call it home pages, if you want 12:18 < sm217> how to call it is the question :P 12:18 < Dieterbe> but right now we have a variable called home_page and even an action to "go to the homepage" and stuff like that, that should be gone 12:19 < sm217> maybe pagedefs? 12:19 < Dieterbe> o_O 12:19 < sm217> :) 12:19 < Dieterbe> they are keyboard shorctus, like any other 12:19 < sm217> okay then 12:20 < Dieterbe> we also don't give special names like "location modifiers" to keybinds like back and forward, do we :P 12:21 < sm217> What does modkey do? 12:22 < Dieterbe> press modkey+other key to trigger a command 12:22 < Dieterbe> like many applications use ctrl+x, ctrl+q etc right. well, ctrl is the modkey 12:22 < sm217> Hmm, they trigger without it for me 12:22 < Dieterbe> because you are in command mode 12:22 < sm217> Ah, it's for insert mode? 12:22 < Dieterbe> yep 12:23 < sm217> ok 12:23 < dusanx> or always_insert_mode ;) 12:51 -!- ccyouze [n=ccyouze@dslb-084-058-236-086.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #uzbl 12:52 < sm217> oh, wait, that works already :D 12:52 < sm217> uri http://uzbl.org = q 12:57 < sm217> then I'll just cut hoepage stuff off. 12:57 < dusanx> sm217: why? I thought that we want home page? 12:58 < sm217> dusanx: TODO says we don't 12:58 < dusanx> should read todo lol 12:58 < dusanx> Dieterbe: we don't want home page? 12:58 < sm217> instead of having homepage stuff, isn't it simplier to have 'uri http://www.uzbl.org = h'? :P 12:59 < dusanx> cool, you are right 12:59 < sm217> funny we didn't see that earlier 13:00 < dusanx> sm217: there is bunch of things we can do with this architecture, I figure out thing or two every day :D 13:00 < sm217> :) 13:01 < sm217> wait, what about those who want page open on broswser start? 13:02 < dusanx> --uri page 13:02 < sm217> ah, yes. 13:02 < dusanx> no problem, I use it all the time 13:02 < rob|> pushed the name patch 13:02 < dusanx> I have small local 'quickdial' with most common pages and google edit so I use that as tool for fast navigation 13:03 < rob|> "uzbl -name " will name the fifos/sockets accordingly 13:03 < sm217> :) 13:04 < rob|> "-n" rather 13:05 < dusanx> I will have to change open in new window as Dieterbe suggested 13:05 < dusanx> b/c we have new switches 13:05 < Dieterbe> whoa whoa whoa 13:06 < Dieterbe> remember anydot was working on that 13:06 < dusanx> I had no idea 13:06 < Dieterbe> pick something else to work on today :P 13:06 < sm217> hmm 13:06 < dusanx> we need todo that lists both tasks and who is working on them to avoid duplication 13:08 -!- ludovico [n=ludovico@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 13:14 < dusanx> Dieterbe: any ideas how to keep track who is doing what? 13:14 < Dieterbe> rob|: can you also fix it so that you can see the name in the statusbar (or window title, when statusbar is hidden) 13:15 < Dieterbe> dusanx: putting names next to items in the TODO is an option, but then we need a central place to keep the TODO (eg my experimental branch), which means you need me, so that doesn't scale 13:15 < Dieterbe> maybe we should use the github issue tracker 13:15 < rob|> sure, do you prefer any special naming theme? like "[name_set_with_-n] title" 13:15 < dusanx> Dieterbe: no, that's too slow 13:16 < Dieterbe> and if we want to do something, we file afeature request and put in it we are working on it 13:16 < sm217> About proxy support, it seems that webkit will obey http_proxy envar. 13:16 < Dieterbe> rob|: if you could align it to the right (and all the old stuff still to the left) that would be cool. otherwise pick whatever you want, as long as it doesn't take too much space. eg '[tag]' 13:17 < Dieterbe> sm217: sweeeeet 13:17 < dusanx> Dieterbe: hmm, I am thinking about some live solution, everything else is too slow. don't know what but we need it 13:17 < Dieterbe> dusanx: well? what about my github issue tracker proposal 13:17 < dusanx> Dieterbe: could be that, shell we test it? 13:20 < Dieterbe> aha 13:20 < Dieterbe> http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/issues#issue/3 13:20 < Dieterbe> i can just take an issue and put my name in the title 13:20 < Dieterbe> does that also work for you? 13:24 -!- github [n=github@github.com] has joined #uzbl 13:24 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck master SHA1-c8664c6 13:24 < github> merge from dusanx branch. at least i hope so 13:24 < github> http://bit.ly/ny1TD 13:24 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck master SHA1-22d2a06 13:24 < github> pulled in dusanx latest stuff 13:24 < github> http://bit.ly/iyx4G 13:24 < github> uzbl: dusanx master SHA1-3fcc6c7 13:24 < github> Open in new window and config_file bugfix 13:24 < github> http://bit.ly/iNJ6B 13:24 < github> uzbl: dusanx master SHA1-c95a4c0 13:24 < github> Minor changes, vi formatting 13:24 < github> http://bit.ly/n2RmE 13:24 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck master SHA1-33e2d22 13:24 < github> pulling in latest code from dusanx 13:24 < github> http://bit.ly/Lu2yt 13:24 < Dieterbe> uh oh 13:24 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck master SHA1-37e1857 13:24 < github> merge in dusanx stuff 13:24 < github> http://bit.ly/523qW 13:24 -!- github [n=github@github.com] has left #uzbl [] 13:26 < Dieterbe> dusanx: does it work for you? 13:28 < dusanx> sorry was out 13:28 < dusanx> let me see 13:30 < dusanx> ok, looks promissing, lets try to use it 13:32 < dusanx> Dieterbe: check issues, is that what you meant? 13:33 < Dieterbe> yes, pick an issue and try if you can edit it and add your name to it's title 13:33 < dusanx> but I can't edit issues so you will have to do assignments 13:34 < dusanx> no, but we can use this list -- for all new issues you can assign name and for ones we open we can say if we are working on them 13:34 < dusanx> not bad 13:35 < Dieterbe> but still it would be better if you could add your names yourself 13:35 < Dieterbe> i'm in #github asking about this 13:35 < dusanx> Dieterbe: absolutely 13:37 < sm217> Eww. 13:38 < sm217> http_proxy doesn't work and _no_ webkit api docs at all :S 13:38 < dusanx> sm217: same for caching 13:38 < sm217> http://webkit.org/projects/webkit/ :D 13:38 < rob|> so, title/status showing instance name pushed. it is shown in the format "" 13:40 < Dieterbe> dusanx: can you try this: http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/issues, select an issue (not the one you just made), toggle it's select thingie, and then on the right click on the arrow button next to "dusan" and do "apply tag to selected item" 13:43 < dusanx> Dieterbe: trying 13:43 < dusanx> what is select thingie? 13:44 < rob|> http://omploader.org/vMWxxeQ :) 13:45 < Dieterbe> dusanx: the button on the left of the "dusan" tag 13:45 < dusanx> Dieterbe: this can be admin thing, I don't see it 13:45 < sm217> rob|: nice :) 13:45 < Dieterbe> ok 13:46 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I have labels on the right, only dusan is there and I can't do anything 13:46 < Dieterbe> ok 13:46 < dusanx> Dieterbe: looks like when you start title with [name] that becomes label and is differently displayed 13:47 < dusanx> but nothing changes anyway, I can't edit other people issues... 13:47 < Dieterbe> dusanx: no no, i already added the label dusan to your ticket ;) 13:47 < dusanx> lol 13:48 < dusanx> but I can't click label and assign it to task, looks like checkbox but can't be clicked 13:48 < Dieterbe> dusanx: can you create a new ticket and see if you can give it a label? 13:48 < dusanx> let me see 13:48 < Dieterbe> maybe on the right you have the arrow thingie now 13:49 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I can't assign label and can't edit title I did :( 13:50 < dusanx> Dieterbe: just tried ticket #7 13:50 < dusanx> can't do anything 13:51 < Dieterbe> ok 13:52 < dusanx> Dieterbe: something like this http://misc.infosnel.nl/task/ ? 13:54 < Dieterbe> If you want to come back later, you can bookmark this using your personal link. However, keep in mind that if nobody looks at this list for more then 24 hours, it will be deleted. 13:54 < Dieterbe> tricky 13:54 < dusanx> I know but there is bunch of similar lists, let me check them, this is first one I found 13:54 < dusanx> we need something that we can all edit at once 13:55 < Dieterbe> and doesn't delete itself :P 13:55 < dusanx> 'this list will self destruct in 10... 9... ' :P 13:55 < Dieterbe> or maybe we should really put a flyspray on uzbl.org= 13:56 < dusanx> Dieterbe: something like that if there is no better tool we can find 13:57 < dusanx> uzbl grows rapidly, we all need to keep up with changes 13:58 < Dieterbe> yes i almost feel like linus torvalds ;) 13:58 < Dieterbe> all those patches coming in 13:58 < dusanx> hmm google docs? 13:58 < Dieterbe> so little time to really read them all 13:59 < dusanx> :) 13:59 < Dieterbe> you know there's actually a lot of code in uzbl right now that i don't know 100% how it works :/ 13:59 < dusanx> I know too well :( 14:00 < dusanx> Dieterbe: ok, start planing uzbl conference 2009 14:00 < Dieterbe> :) 14:00 < dusanx> you can give speeches 14:00 < dusanx> I will prepare action figures... 14:00 < Dieterbe> "i have a dream...a dream to make the perfect browser" ;) 14:01 < dusanx> uzbl expo, maldives, september 2009? :P 14:03 < dusanx> http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=rgQGyMFNC-zF3XLQF3vh6Ow 14:04 < Dieterbe> ugh, google 14:04 < dusanx> ugh 14:04 < Dieterbe> i like google for their search engine, but not for their world domination plans :P 14:04 < dusanx> true 14:04 < dusanx> but it's best I could find :( 14:05 < dusanx> you should be able to edit it now 14:06 < dusanx> wow they are good 14:06 < dusanx> I just got notified that evgeny opened same 14:06 < dusanx> shit this works, try it 14:07 < sm217> that was me :P 14:07 < Dieterbe> i have to register on google or something? 14:07 < dusanx> I could see cursor moving 14:07 < dusanx> think I opened access to all 14:08 < sm217> funny :P 14:08 < dusanx> very real time 14:08 < sm217> :D 14:08 < dusanx> respect to google, they did good job 14:08 < Dieterbe> but to use it, i must register? 14:09 < dusanx> try that link, I think that access is now free 14:09 < dusanx> if not yes, register 14:09 < dusanx> you must see how this works, I am fascinated 14:10 < dusanx> see you 14:11 < Dieterbe> pretty cool indeed. but doesn't beat our own hosted bug tracking thing 14:11 < dusanx> THIS is what I had in mind! 14:11 < dusanx> true 14:11 < dusanx> but as far as collaboration goes I have not seen better tool yet 14:13 < Dieterbe> when i am home from work, or barrucadu is here. i'll setup a flyspray or something 14:13 < dusanx> thanks 14:13 < Dieterbe> oh wait, dusanx you also have ssh access to the server right 14:13 < Dieterbe> if you're bored, feel free :) 14:13 < dusanx> shoul be 14:13 < dusanx> nah, I am still getting familiar with web things, I am desktop guy :) 14:14 < dusanx> web is everywhere for the last ten or so years, for us ents that's too short time 14:15 < Dieterbe> so, what's your point? 14:15 < dusanx> I have no idea how to install flyspray 14:16 < dusanx> you or b will have to do it ;) 14:17 < Dieterbe> sigh 14:17 < dusanx> whenever I had web contract I had to hire somebody, never did anything myself... 14:21 < Dieterbe> :) 14:24 < sm217> hmm 14:24 < sm217> I can do web stuff, I'm been keeping a forum up for year or so already 14:26 < sm217> http://garrysmod.ru/ that is. 14:38 -!- jouz [n=jouz@p5488E7FA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 15:00 < rob|> http://omploader.org/vMWxyZg <-- note the statusbar in the lower left, assigning colours to the tag make it even more readable and useful imo 15:00 < rob|> *makes 15:01 < dusanx> rob|: what happens when you turn off status bar, how colors behave in title bar? 15:02 < rob|> i use separate strings for the title and statusbar 15:02 < Dieterbe> rob|: oh man. i was gonna hack on coloring the statusbar tonight, i kept it silent so noone would beat me to it, but now you did it (partially) :P 15:02 < rob|> note "main-browser" is enclosed in <> in the title 15:02 < rob|> hehe 15:02 < dusanx> cool 15:02 < Dieterbe> looking good btw 15:03 < Dieterbe> but i want to make the colors configurable in the config file 15:03 < rob|> still, we need a way to let the user define the colours 15:03 < rob|> heh, exactly 15:03 < Dieterbe> what, you do it again :P 15:03 < Dieterbe> stop doing this ;) 15:03 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I will skip tonights merge, want to wait for proper task assignment, everything I want to do is already being done by someone else :D 15:04 < Dieterbe> rob|: my idea was to make the statusbar background configurable, and the foreground color (text), but coloring the individual things could also be good 15:05 < dusanx> rob|, Dieterbe: I wanted to make taskbar_string that would preprocess variables so you can have configurable taksbar text... 15:05 < dusanx> but if somebody wants to do it... 15:06 < Dieterbe> dusanx: hmm.. what would anyone want to put in it? 15:06 < dusanx> you want mode - name - title, I want title - something for instance? 15:07 < Dieterbe> oh, right 15:07 < rob|> sounds good, i guess we could just use pango's markup language and just define the different bits shown on the statusbar as symbolic constans like "BROWSERNAME", "PAGETITLE", etc. 15:07 < Dieterbe> but then you need some sort of template language 15:07 < dusanx> you could define colors within bar string? 15:07 < rob|> yes 15:07 < dusanx> it's two lines of code 15:07 < dusanx> status_bar = %title% - %tag% etc 15:08 < rob|> http://library.gnome.org/devel/pango/stable/PangoMarkupFormat.html 15:09 < dusanx> rob|: looks good 15:10 < dusanx> few string replaces and that's it 15:10 < rob|> together with the template, uzbl would be able to do stuff no other browser can 15:10 < rob|> at least not so easily 15:10 < dusanx> exactly 15:10 < dusanx> we need title_short, title_long and statusbar texts 15:11 < rob|> i'd say we need an array or hash with all the bits of the bar as separate entries, then combining them to a user specified format should be trivial 15:13 < jouz> i made a patch to add custom keybindings for scrolling (now you can do it unix style with hjkl), are you intrested? i already forked on github and applied it against dieterbe's latest experimantal branch. 15:13 < jouz> http://github.com/jouz/uzbl/ 15:16 < rob|> btw, i'll be away from friday to monday so no uzbl hacking during that time 15:16 < dusanx> jouz: looks great, if it works I vote for inclusion. 15:17 < Dieterbe> jouz: interested? that was an item on my todo list. you bet i'm interested :) 15:17 < jouz> dusanx: it works and compiles flawless. haven't tested it extensively though :) 15:18 < jouz> Dieterbe: i'm happy to help! 15:18 < dusanx> jouz: looks good. if it scrolls that's the only test we need lol 15:19 < jouz> dusanx: :D 15:19 * jouz is away to get something to eat 15:20 < sm217> oh 15:20 < sm217> why did you mention food? :( 15:23 < Dieterbe> is it just me or is the font @ http://library.gnome.org/devel/pango/stable/PangoMarkupFormat.html really screwed 15:23 < Dieterbe> heh, only in FF 15:23 < Dieterbe> with uzbl it works ^^ 15:24 < Dieterbe> dusanx , rob| seems like you can specific style, foreground/background color etc with this format. that's great stuff 15:24 < dusanx> looking, great indeed 15:30 < Dieterbe> anyway feel free to do it :P 15:30 < Dieterbe> i'll come up with something else i can do :P 15:32 < rob|> i guess it's time to agree on some basic data structures that hold all the different bits of information 15:32 < rob|> probably a big uzbl struct that holds all members and sub-members would be good 15:34 < rob|> that way we keep the code extandable and tighten the datastructures into a single place 15:36 < rob|> like: struct uzbl { struct gui { ...}, struct communication { struct fifo, struct socket}}, ... } 15:37 < rob|> and access the lements with uzbl.communication.fifo.path 15:37 < rob|> *elements 15:37 < rob|> etc. 15:37 < Dieterbe> what's the advantage of that over gui_foo = ; comm_blah = ; ... ? 15:38 < rob|> it's way more logical and easy to look through 15:38 < Dieterbe> i don't see why.. as long as you defined them at the same place it's easy to get an overview 15:38 < dusanx> rob|: than we must access any element with uzbl.gui.foo. 15:39 < dusanx> it may be bit nicer to read 15:39 < rob|> not necessarily, functions that manipulate only specific sets of that struct can have short hand names (pointers) that point to the struct that needs to be modified 15:39 < rob|> or even the element 15:41 < rob|> like: struct communication *comm = &uzbl.communication; 15:41 < Dieterbe> ooh 15:41 < rob|> and then: comm->fifo.path, etc. 15:41 < Dieterbe> that's eleet 15:42 < Dieterbe> sounds good to me 15:42 < rob|> no, that's just usinf sane data structures ;) 15:42 < dusanx> we need no stinkin' sane but I like it ;) 15:42 < rob|> i'd also typedef the substructures for easy pointer definition 15:43 < Dieterbe> i think my C experience is much, much less then yours, so i trust you on this :) (and on many other C things, actually) 15:43 < Dieterbe> typedef substruct? woezzel wazzel? 15:44 < rob|> well, you certainly know what typedef does 15:45 < Dieterbe> yeah 15:45 < rob|> it basically defines own variable types, pretty much what gchar&co. are 15:45 < Dieterbe> so you define the sub struct formats first, and then use them in the "main" one? 15:45 < rob|> so we would define own types for each substructure 15:46 < Dieterbe> ok 15:48 < Dieterbe> dusanx: can you merge in the code from other people that you think deserves merging in? then people can base themselves on your branch 15:48 < Dieterbe> i don't want to hold back development :) 15:48 < Dieterbe> and if we don't have a central merging point where people can merge from/to, we will get conflicts 15:49 < Dieterbe> and then tonight i pull from you (or barrucadu, who seems to merge in your code always) 15:50 < rob|> http://pastebin.com/m3d88c776 <-- a bit like shown here 15:50 < rob|> we need to agree on the exact structure and naming of thing, though 15:50 < rob|> *things 15:51 < Dieterbe> i like this 15:51 < Dieterbe> but please, rob| and dusanx , make sure your code bases don't go too far out of each other or you will get merge conflicts 15:52 < dusanx> I have no current code base argh :( You will merge from rob and I will merge from you :P 15:52 < dusanx> I mean code base difference lol 15:53 < Dieterbe> fine by me 15:53 -!- yiyus [n=yiyus@rps6700.ovh.net] has joined #uzbl 15:53 < dusanx> did few experiments to code vim cursor keybindings but I was too slow 15:53 < rob|> but please, use a uzbl.h to define the main data structures 15:53 -!- jouz_ [n=jouz@p5488C8CD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 15:58 < Dieterbe> rob|: remember, we all share the responsability for the code base now ;) 15:58 < rob|> right, that's why i propose to agree on some basic infrastructure 15:59 < dusanx> OK, I agree :) 15:59 < Dieterbe> me too 15:59 < Dieterbe> rob|: i suggest you can just implement it the way you thin it will be best, and we will almost certainly merge it 16:00 < Dieterbe> or if you want to discuss more things, just say so :) 16:00 < rob|> well, i'm completly open (as a non-native english speaker) to the naming theme of the structures and variables 16:01 < dusanx> only Barrucady is native lol 16:02 < dusanx> rob|: feel free to lead, we'll follow your theme 16:02 < Dieterbe> indeed 16:02 < Dieterbe> and if we don't agree we can still change it later 16:05 < rob|> alright, so i'll just look what happened till monday and will do some stuff myself if you guys didn't agree on something until then 16:06 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 24 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 24 normal] 16:06 -!- jouz_ [n=jouz@p5488C8CD.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 16:10 -!- jouz [n=jouz@p5488E7FA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 16:11 * rob| is advertising uzbl on some channles ;) 16:11 < Dieterbe> :P such as? 16:12 < rob|> #dwm 16:12 < rob|> :) 16:12 < dusanx> I posted dwm mailing list announcement few days ago but channel is even better ;) 16:12 -!- Biolunar [i=mahdi@blfd-4db00c6d.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 16:12 < Dieterbe> isn't this way too bloated for dwm users :P 16:13 -!- Sleepy_Coder [n=z_Z_z_Z_@unaffiliated/sleepycoder/x-938672] has joined #uzbl 16:13 < rob|> we'll see, one guy is interested already :) 16:13 < dusanx> yes and no. it's better than conkeror. I am dwm user and it's not too big for me ;) 16:14 -!- jouz [n=jouz@p5488C8CD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 16:14 < Dieterbe> it's perfect for the wmii user i think. wmii is the best! 16:15 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 25 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 25 normal] 16:15 * rob| holds the flag for xmonad :) 16:15 < Sleepy_Coder> Wmii cannot do more than 2 columns, I believe. :> 16:16 < Sleepy_Coder> So it's layouting is (slightly?) flawed. :> 16:16 < Sleepy_Coder> I tend to think i3 has more flexible layouts... .but it doesn't have floating, so. 16:16 < Sleepy_Coder> Also can't expand a horizontal table cell across 3 columns. :> 16:17 < jouz> Sleepy_Coder: haven't been using wmii for a long time, but i'm pretty sure it does more than 2 columns! 16:17 < Sleepy_Coder> Okay.. well, if you would love to screenshot... 16:17 < Sleepy_Coder> wmii was the first tiling window manager I used. :> 16:18 < Sleepy_Coder> I couldn't get into awesome at the time, felt like a complication. Then I fell for dwm, and only then did I give awesome a shot. After a few months I got tired of contending with how the C exports objects to the lua and decided to give that a rest... I'm back on dwm. 16:18 < rob|> http://dzen.geekmode.org/dwiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?cache=cache&media=dzen:xmdz-notf.png <-- my main xmonad working setup 16:19 < rob|> it runs debian, though - need to convert to arch on the main pc soon 16:19 < Sleepy_Coder> xmonad looks really interesting, but the dependencies scared me away. :> it uses a zipper data structure to handle window focusing 16:19 < Sleepy_Coder> Very neat. :3 16:19 < Dieterbe> rob|: cool, you really want to switch to arch? 16:20 < jouz> rob|: your vim-colorscheme makes my eyes bleed... :) 16:20 < rob|> yes, from what i've seen during my 3 arch days it's definitly worth the switch :) 16:20 < Sleepy_Coder> I cannot view that. :( 16:21 < rob|> the screenshot? 16:21 < Sleepy_Coder> Yes. :< 16:21 < rob|> odd 16:21 < Sleepy_Coder> It's hard to poke fun at people when you can't see the evidence of their failures 16:21 * Sleepy_Coder cries 16:22 < Sleepy_Coder> At least Haskell is really coming into it's own. 16:22 < rob|> hmm, the link works fine in ff and uzbl 16:22 < rob|> what are you suing? 16:23 < Sleepy_Coder> Chrome, unfortunately 16:23 < dusanx> what?! 16:23 < Sleepy_Coder> Well, no, I like Chrome. But this is on Vista 16:23 * Sleepy_Coder has a separate partition for Vista Ultimate so he can play games 16:23 < dusanx> poor poor guy :D 16:23 < Sleepy_Coder> Unreal Tournament 3 is not yet out for Linux. :> 16:24 < rob|> Sleepy_Coder: you must be doing something wrong (TM) - works for me in chrome without any glitches 16:24 < Sleepy_Coder> According to some random girl on the mailing list, it's going to compete with the Jimmy Nukem game 16:24 < Sleepy_Coder> rob|: I blame Microsoft. 16:24 * Sleepy_Coder checks dns 16:24 -!- Biolunar [i=mahdi@blfd-4db00c6d.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit ["brb"] 16:24 < rob|> yeah, they are to blame in any respect ;) 16:25 < Sleepy_Coder> hah, cannot reach geekmode.org at all 16:25 < Sleepy_Coder> Believe I'm using OpenDNS as my nameservers... 16:25 < Sleepy_Coder> wtf. 16:25 < Sleepy_Coder> It's working onw. 16:26 < rob|> strange 16:26 < Sleepy_Coder> that is odd... 16:27 < Sleepy_Coder> hmm, that is nice 16:27 < Sleepy_Coder> all except for your vim theme 16:27 < Sleepy_Coder> :p 16:27 < Sleepy_Coder> Reminds me, I must convert dmenu to use xcb later 16:29 < Dieterbe> Sleepy_Coder: are you a dmenu dev? 16:29 < Sleepy_Coder> Nope, but the devs seem to have an aversion for xcb 16:30 < Sleepy_Coder> awesome uses it, and it's fantastic (asyncronous x server communication) 16:30 < Sleepy_Coder> But I missed the simplicity of dwm (NO lua scripting), so I moved back to dwm as my primary window manager.:> 16:30 < Sleepy_Coder> And it uses the old syncronous Xlib, so... 16:32 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 24 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 24 normal] 16:32 < Sleepy_Coder> (With libxcb and friends, you create as many requests at a time and send them to the server as a group rather than one-by-one. Then you generate a cookie which is linked to the reply whenever it gets back from the x server) 16:32 < Sleepy_Coder> It drastically increases performance. :> 16:32 < Sleepy_Coder> Or at least, that's my understanding of it. I've been meddling with examples for a few months now... 16:33 < Sleepy_Coder> With the traditional approach, you generate a request and send it to the xserver right away, and wait for a reply before doing anything else. :> 16:33 < rob|> but awesome is still sloooooow compared to most other tiling WMs 16:33 < Sleepy_Coder> Have you used it? 16:34 < Sleepy_Coder> Cause I seem to remember it kicking dwm's ass when running a floating mplayer window and moving it around the screen or resizing it with a video playing. :p 16:34 < Sleepy_Coder> That's pretty much the easiest way to test dwm's bottleneck. :] 16:35 < rob|> i did (some time ago), though compared it to xmonad 16:35 < Sleepy_Coder> But dwm is an excellent base as it's spawned, awesome, (wmii?), echinus, xmonad, and a few others... 16:35 < Sleepy_Coder> Yes, unfortunately they've been moving most of the C functions to lua so awesome is more scriptable. :> 16:35 < Sleepy_Coder> The last major setback was when they moved the arrange functions to lua. That really slowed things down in window creation 16:35 < Dieterbe> awesome is WAY too bloated 16:36 < Dieterbe> awesome is not a WM, it's a desktop environment 16:36 < Sleepy_Coder> So I got annoyed by all this Lua and resumed my dwm tomfoolery. :> 16:36 < rob|> i don#t like lua, or rather i don't like to learn a new language for every app i want to customize 16:36 < farhaven> Sleepy_Coder: do you go by the name | by any chance? :) 16:36 < Sleepy_Coder> Imo, awesome is quite small. In introduces overcomplication between scripting the C portion from Lua, but it is small. 16:37 < Sleepy_Coder> farhaven: You are evil. :p 16:37 < farhaven> :D 16:37 < Sleepy_Coder> farhaven: I am trying to do what dcurtis did with groups and wmii layouts (better layouts), but it's annoying me. 16:37 < farhaven> hehe, to be honest, i'm glad i have my exams 16:37 < Sleepy_Coder> farhaven: There doesn't seem to be a good way of doing it and awful is becoming even more and more the *only* way to use awesome 16:37 < farhaven> gives me a bit of a break from awesome 16:38 < Sleepy_Coder> farhaven: I wonder if awesome even runs without awful anymore... 16:38 < farhaven> yeah, which is why i think widget layouts might not be such a good idea after all 16:38 < farhaven> it does 16:38 < farhaven> but not really good 16:38 < farhaven> anyway, wrong channel for that :P 16:38 < Sleepy_Coder> :))) 16:38 * Sleepy_Coder fluffles farhaven 16:38 < farhaven> :P 16:38 < Sleepy_Coder> Don't give me that face. >8| 16:39 * Sleepy_Coder is so bored right now... I forgot why I'm sittin on Windows and just talking on IRC. :\ 16:39 < farhaven> windows? 16:39 < Sleepy_Coder> Yes... 16:39 < farhaven> say, are you ill? 16:39 < Sleepy_Coder> Ahh, I wanted to play UT3 16:39 < Sleepy_Coder> farhaven: Well, awesome was a lovely experience but imo it's just gotten even more unstable. :< 16:40 < Sleepy_Coder> farhaven: I'm having this vicious focusing issue where whenever I focus a window with the mouse it'll revert to the previous window 16:40 < farhaven> yeah, sadly 16:40 < Sleepy_Coder> farhaven: And the inclusion of startup-notification is making me hate the French :| 16:40 < farhaven> hehe 16:40 < Sleepy_Coder> :))) 16:40 < farhaven> yeah, it's kinda useless 16:41 < Sleepy_Coder> Tbh, I wish we could get it as close to it's current functionality in a C-form. 16:41 < farhaven> hehe 16:41 < farhaven> reminds me, lwi is working on a few patches for dwm 16:41 < farhaven> which make it quite awesome-ish 16:41 < Sleepy_Coder> dwm did a fantastic job of having it configurable from it's header file and lua had just added performance loss after performance loss. :( It is quite a lovely window manager, but I loved dwm so much because it was so fast. :< 16:42 < Sleepy_Coder> farhaven: I doubt they'll include it... they hate anything xft/pango/xcb 16:42 < dusanx> I like cheese. How do you guys feel about cheese? What kind do you prefer? 16:42 < farhaven> none :P 16:42 < Sleepy_Coder> hahaha, I guess I did start talking about everything but uzbl. :\ 16:42 < rob|> what, no morning bake? 16:42 < Sleepy_Coder> :D 16:42 * rob| is quoting from "so high" again ;) 16:42 < Sleepy_Coder> farhaven: Want to do something lovely for me? 16:43 < farhaven> uhm 16:43 < farhaven> i'm not sure :D 16:43 < Sleepy_Coder> Make a quick C example of creating a window and drawing a pango font with markup interpreted. :p 16:43 < farhaven> uhm 16:43 < Sleepy_Coder> It's difficult finding examples of that... I've been basing it off of awesome 16:44 < farhaven> i have three words for you: 16:44 < farhaven> do it yourself :P 16:44 < Sleepy_Coder> That's four if you count the emote. :p 16:44 < farhaven> which isn't a word 16:44 < Sleepy_Coder> LEARN TO COUNT, HOOKER *pulls uzbl git* 16:44 < Sleepy_Coder> farhaven: Let's talk in the right channel. :p 16:45 < farhaven> hehe 16:47 < Dieterbe> i second that 16:47 < Dieterbe> not too much offtopic please :) 16:51 < dusanx> Dieterbe, rob|: do we have active thread now? if now what is the best way to create one? what to use? 16:51 < rob|> talking about pthread? 16:51 < dusanx> rob|: I am not too good with linux threads, yes, pthread or alrernative. you removed it or not? 16:52 < rob|> i removed it in my fork, right. 16:52 < rob|> what do you need threads for? 16:52 < Dieterbe> doesn't glib internally also use threads? to make theprocess call async? 16:53 < rob|> i think it does 16:53 < dusanx> rob|: to try my old idea: starting any command in the threads and get async response 16:53 < rob|> unfortunatelly 16:53 < dusanx> just for a test 16:53 < rob|> what kind of commands? 16:53 < dusanx> any shell command we use now 16:54 < rob|> just fork and exec it, no need for threds here 16:54 < dusanx> well just fork is what I wanted to hear. not good with threads you know. 16:54 < dusanx> in linux that is 16:54 < rob|> dusanx: http://dzen.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/util.c <-- see the spawn function 16:55 < rob|> you could just c&p and use it 16:55 < dusanx> rob|: oh yes, thanks 16:56 < dusanx> man this is too easy :) 16:57 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 16:57 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 16:58 < Dieterbe> note that i want to avoid spawning a shell unless necesarry (eg unless needed/requested by user) 17:07 < dusanx> Dieterbe: does fork spawn shell? I was afk for a moment. 17:08 < Dieterbe> no, fork() on itself not. it just starts a new process that you choose 17:08 < Dieterbe> but in rob|'s example code i saw some stuff about '/bin/sh' (i didn't study it thoroughly) 17:08 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 24 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 24 normal] 17:08 < dusanx> Dieterbe: no problem I will check docs 17:09 < rob|> dusanx: fork is for processes what strdup is for strings, well almost ;) 17:09 < dusanx> rob|: got it ;) 17:10 < dusanx> I just did not used C for a long time, on linux or everywhere else 17:10 < dusanx> 17:10 -!- sm217 [n=sm@206-80-124-91.pool.ukrtel.net] has quit ["leaving"] 17:16 < Dieterbe> jouz wants you to pull from jouz/uzbl at 415e22b 17:16 < Dieterbe> Body: Don't know if commiters are expected to use this "pull request" feature, but i just felt like trying it :). 17:16 < Dieterbe> This brings functionality to scroll in both dimensions of the webpage and adds the shortcuts. 17:16 < Dieterbe> jouz: yes i'll probably pull from you 17:16 < Dieterbe> others: don't work on the same stuff :)) 17:16 < Dieterbe> (or merge from jouz and then improve) 17:17 < rob|> ok guys, see you later. bye.. 17:17 < Dieterbe> see you rob| , and thanks :) 17:17 < Dieterbe> don't forget to push all your stuff ! 17:17 < Dieterbe> if you don't push, we can't see it 17:18 < rob|> will do so later this evening 17:18 < rob|> cu 17:20 < jouz> Dieterbe nice, is the TODO up-to-date? i tasted blood and lok for some easyer tasks ;) 17:20 < jouz> *look 17:23 < Dieterbe> it's not up to data in the sense that i have a lot of things queued up to add to it, it's somewhat up to date in the sense that nearly all things there still need to be handled :) 17:24 < jouz> Dieterbe: i see. I will just try to start at what i miss most for now: keyboard-navigation/hit-a-hint 17:25 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 17:25 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-ce3e375 17:25 < github> todo updates 17:25 < github> http://bit.ly/vYWRP 17:25 < Dieterbe> hit-a-hint? 17:25 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 17:25 < Dieterbe> i just pushed some new entries to the todo :) 17:25 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 17:25 < barrucadu> hi 17:26 < jouz> in todo its called "vimperator like link following scheme"... others call it "hit-a-hint" i think :) 17:26 < Dieterbe> jouz: yes i don't think anyone started on the vimperator style link following. it's a good thing to start hacking on 17:27 < Dieterbe> and also something i miss 17:27 < Dieterbe> the only i still need a mouse for i think 17:27 < dusanx> that might be hardest task of them all 17:28 < jouz> dusanx: i feared that it would be, but i think someone has to start with it... 17:29 < Dieterbe> if you tackle it step by step, it's not harder then the other things :) 17:29 < Dieterbe> maybe more work yes, but not harder 17:29 < Dieterbe> and the webkit api must support adding tooltips etc of course 17:31 < Dieterbe> or in-place hilighting 17:31 < jouz> hmm. Vimperator does spawn css-styled/positioned hints right? 17:32 < dusanx> well, I was speaking in terms 'hardest task for me' lol. I am glad if it is not so hard 17:32 < Dieterbe> dusanx: depends on how you define hard. i think it's just noticeably more work then the other tasks 17:32 < jouz> i don't know if anybody here used opera with keyboard. that does look really nice, their engine does support some some sort if in-place highlighting 17:33 < Dieterbe> but let's not discourage jouz :P 17:33 < dusanx> there was some nice talk on forum about how that should work 17:34 < dusanx> I am sure that jouz is more than capable of not only starting to create crown jewel in our software but also to finish it! 17:34 -!- barrucadu1 [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 17:34 * barrucadu1 sighs 17:34 < Dieterbe> jouz: yes but also here 17:36 < Dieterbe> jouz: i think the end conclusion was: use letters in the links themselves to match on, not numbers or random characters (even if user can define his favorite characters). advantages: no need for tooltips. just style letters in the link differently + less cognitive load. also , if you type a new character, links should be relabeled to filter out the ones that don't match anymore and renumber them also 17:37 < barrucadu1> Dieterbe: I think I may have the FIFO working properly again. I need to play with it a bit more to make sure, but it looks good. 17:37 < Dieterbe> barrucadu1: rob| fixed that this morning :) 17:37 < barrucadu1> Oh well :p 17:37 < Dieterbe> it can be an interesting learning exercise, compare your solution with his 17:38 < jouz> Dieterbe: jep i remember reading that and i liked it very much. 17:38 < dusanx> barrucadu1: I am not touching anything right now, everything I wanted is already done lol 17:38 < barrucadu1> Dieterbe: Where can I find his solution? 17:38 < Dieterbe> dusanx: checkout the new TODO file. there are plenty of new entries :P 17:38 < dusanx> jouz: it's great idea and I have not seen it anywhere before 17:38 < dusanx> Dieterbe: :P 17:38 < Dieterbe> barrucadu1: well, he forked me on github. he just left without pushing i'm afraid. maybe he pushed some stuff, i definitely hope so 17:38 < Dieterbe> or hope he comes online soon again 17:38 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 17:39 -!- barrucadu1 is now known as barrucadu 17:39 < dusanx> Dieterbe: he said he will push this evening 17:39 < anydot> Dieterbe: Ok, I'm done with merging my patch back. 17:41 < Dieterbe> dusanx: yeah well, depends on how you define evening... it could mean in the middle of the night, which is 5 hours from now 17:41 < Dieterbe> anydot: great success! 17:41 < Dieterbe> anydot: have you forked me on github? 17:42 < anydot> Just wait a minute. 17:42 < anydot> :) 17:43 < Dieterbe> anydot: ok, because if you fork me, aplly your patch on your branch, and push back to github, it's much easier for me to merge then by using a diff file, which breaks as soon as a line is different. merging is smarter 17:44 < anydot> I know. 17:44 < Dieterbe> ok 17:44 < anydot> And all I do is based against (updated) other repos. 17:45 < anydot> Dieterbe: ok, as I can see, you succeded in configuring that github's ircbot :) 17:45 < anydot> Good for you. 17:46 < Dieterbe> anydot: hm yeah but i don't like it too much 17:46 < anydot> Dieterbe: Ok, you can merge from my master now. 17:46 < Dieterbe> it joins/quits for each message, and outputs several lines per commit :/ 17:46 < anydot> And btw, the unix socket handling code is inherently broken. 17:46 < Dieterbe> if your bot can do it in 1 line, i prefer that 17:47 < anydot> I can even see how it can segfault etc, but I don't want to intermix my patch with other changes. 17:47 < anydot> Dieterbe: well, problem is that supybot can use only rss 1/2 feeds, but github supports only atom feed. 17:48 < Dieterbe> oh :( 17:48 < anydot> But I have solution, stay tuned. :) 17:48 < Dieterbe> ok great 17:49 < Dieterbe> i'll deconfigure the github bot as soon as yours works 17:50 < anydot> ok 17:51 < Dieterbe> hey btw barrucadu what do you think about it, if we would setup a flyspray on uzbl.org? 17:52 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: I haven't really looked at Flyspray, most of my experience has been with Trac. I think it would be a good idea though 17:52 < barrucadu> I'll read up on it :) 17:53 < Dieterbe> flyspray is what we use for arch 17:53 < Dieterbe> i heard some horror stories about trac so i would rather avoid it. also it has it's own approach for many things, i don't like that 17:54 < Dieterbe> flyspray is not too fancy or anything but just does its job 17:54 < barrucadu> It looks familiar… 17:54 < barrucadu> Is this what Arch uses? 17:54 < barrucadu> Yes, it is 17:54 < Dieterbe> 7:53:07 < Dieterbe> flyspray is what we use for arch 17:54 < Dieterbe> :P 17:56 < barrucadu> ah 17:56 < barrucadu> :p 17:56 < barrucadu> Err… missed that message :p 17:58 < barrucadu> I'll set up a subdomain then :) 17:59 < dusanx> got to go, will be back in few hours 17:59 < barrucadu> bye 18:00 < Dieterbe> thanks barrucadu , i would prefer bugs.uzbl.org 18:00 < Dieterbe> or in fact, i don't really like subdomains so much 18:00 < Dieterbe> uzbl.org/bugs is better imho 18:00 < barrucadu> ok 18:01 < Dieterbe> anyway i'm off, see you in a short while 18:01 < Dieterbe> and tell rob| to push his code when he comes back :P 18:03 < barrucadu> ok :p 18:08 * barrucadu installs flyspray 18:08 < barrucadu> "Mr Super User (Barrucadu)" lol 18:09 < barrucadu> Hmm, I don't see any need in putting flyspray in git, I'll .gitignore it 18:42 -!- jouz_ [n=jouz@p5488C8CD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 18:44 -!- jouz [n=jouz@p5488C8CD.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 18:57 -!- sm217 [n=sm@206-80-124-91.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #uzbl 18:57 < sm217> hi 18:58 < barrucadu> hi 18:58 < anydot> lo 19:05 < sm217> how it's going? any progress on data stuff that rob| proposed? 19:06 < barrucadu> Not sure, I haven't been here for most of the dat and Dieterbe and dusanx are away 19:06 < barrucadu> *day 19:12 < dusanx> I am back :) 19:12 < dusanx> rob| finished his work without pushing, he said that he will push later today so... we wait 19:14 < sm217> okay 19:15 < sm217> will try to find some webkit documentation. 19:17 < dusanx> sm217: http://webkitgtk.org/reference/webkitgtk-WebKitWebView.html 19:17 < dusanx> sm217: that's freshest you will find 19:18 < sm217> thanks :) 19:24 < sm217> about formatting docs, we could use txt2tags. 19:33 < yiyus> mmm, no mailing list yet? 19:36 < barrucadu> yiyus: I don't think we need a mailing list yet - then again I didn't think we needed a bug tracker either, but we have one now… 19:38 < sm217> oh, we do? 19:38 < barrucadu> http://www.uzbl.org/bugs/ 19:38 < barrucadu> dusanx: If you register I'll make you an admin 19:39 < sm217> flyspray's cool 19:39 < sm217> hmm, no any docs on webkit & proxy >.< 19:40 < dusanx> I am back 19:41 < yiyus> well, I will have a look at the code this long weekend, maybe I can help a bit 19:42 -!- syslogd_ is now known as syslogd 19:42 < yiyus> are there any plans on how to implement the url bar? 19:42 < barrucadu> URL handling is done outside of Uzbl 19:42 < yiyus> yep, I know, but it has to be done anyway, the web says you have some plans 19:43 < yiyus> I was thinking about adding editing capabilities to dmenu (sort of...) 19:43 < dusanx> yiyus: has to be done? 19:43 < yiyus> dusanx: you have to give urls to the browser in some way, even if it is with echo 19:44 < yiyus> I mean, I agree that it is done outside of uzbl, but you have to enter urls in some way or another 19:45 < dusanx> yiyus: have you instelled uzbl? 19:45 < dusanx> =installed or compiled or whatever 19:45 < yiyus> not yet, I just arrived home, have been following the channel today at work 19:46 < yiyus> it looks promising 19:46 < dusanx> yiyus: you have two dmenu driven keyboard shortcuts u and U (one is history and other is bookmarks) 19:46 < dusanx> yiyus: there you can type any url you want 19:47 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 19:47 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 19:48 < yiyus> I read in the README: "soon there will be a decent url editor addon" and was wondering what it would be 19:49 < jouz_> ls 19:49 < sm217> :) 19:49 < jouz_> :D oops 19:49 < dusanx> yiyus: readme is bit behind ;) 19:49 < yiyus> as I told I'd like to help, but I don't know anything about webkit and have some xlib experience, so I was thinking about helping with the external tools 19:49 < yiyus> anyway, it will be better if I first have a look at the code... 19:59 < dusanx> will be back in few hours, see you all 20:00 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 20:05 < Dieterbe> back 20:08 < Dieterbe> yiyus: yep, improving dmenuu to be better at editing is also what i want to do 20:09 < anydot> Dieterbe: How it's going with merge with my branch? :) 20:10 < Dieterbe> haven't started yet. im just home 20:10 < anydot> :) 20:10 < anydot> It should be only fast forward, no real work. :) 20:10 < Dieterbe> yeah, the first merge is usually not too bad 20:11 < Dieterbe> but then there are the other trees and patches i need to merge :P 20:13 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 24 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 24 normal] 20:31 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 20:31 < dusanx> back, just to leave recording before I leave ;) see you 20:44 < jouz_> yeah im going to leave, too. tomorrow is "Day of Work" in germany, hence everybody partys tonight ;) 20:46 -!- jouz_ is now known as jouz 20:48 < jouz> but i think the follow link thingy is not entirely impossible... i already have a plan, and maybe i get a first version running for the weekend ;) 20:49 < sm217> I did some research on proxy stuff. it seems that webkit uses libsoup for actual networking, so it may be possible to configure things with it. 20:49 < sm217> as midori author said, "Midori tells libsoup what proxy server to use". 20:51 < sm217> I will now see what can be done... 20:51 < anydot> But there's also curl based backend, in webkit sources. 20:52 < sm217> you think curl should be used? 20:53 < sm217> I've seen opinions that libsoup performs better 20:53 < sm217> reasons here: http://mso-chronicles.blogspot.com/2009/02/webkit-gtk-libsoup-or-curl_04.html 20:53 < anydot> Dunno that, I only sad, that in webkit sources, there's curl-based network backend. 20:54 < anydot> whereas the current setting (which is also used in the Fedora WebKit package) is the cURL backend. 20:54 < anydot> (from that link), that correspond with what I said above. 20:57 < sm217> Hmm 20:58 < sm217> The one in arch linux depends on libsoup 21:00 -!- Grauwolf [n=Grauwolf@85-127-248-215.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has quit ["leaving"] 21:01 < sm217> that blog also says that libsoup is the default backend, though the message it refers to is lost. 21:04 < anydot> Dieterbe: OK, another change, go home removed (substitued by configurable "uri $homepage" in configuration). 21:04 -!- jouz [n=jouz@p5488C8CD.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #uzbl ["bye"] 21:04 < sm217> heh, I have the same :P 21:10 < Dieterbe> :P 21:11 < sm217> Dieterbe: what do you think about libsoup as a dependency? 21:11 < anydot> It is simple, I proposed it yesterday, but it depend on previous changeset. 21:12 < Dieterbe> sm217: why do we need it? 21:12 < sm217> I said above, it seems it is needed for proxy 21:18 < sm217> I asked and been said that midori uses it too 21:20 < Dieterbe> ok then 21:20 < Dieterbe> but we need to document that if you compile webkit with curl you cannot use the proxying 21:20 < Dieterbe> we need to possible update the Makefile etc 21:21 < sm217> yes 21:21 < sm217> about documentation, todo says we need something to format it. 21:21 < sm217> what about txt2tags? 21:22 < sm217> quite simple, can generate html, latex and more 21:22 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: is it possible to serve rss/atom feeds for our news? 21:23 < Dieterbe> sm217: well i think the plaintxt->html conversion should happen in real time ,when the page is requested, by php 21:23 < sm217> hmm 21:23 < Dieterbe> so we can put a clone of the source on the webhost and all pages on the site are up to date and nice 21:23 < sm217> not sure if it'll be fast enough 21:23 < Dieterbe> with markdown/textile etc it should work 21:24 < sm217> I mean, processing sources to html 21:25 < sm217> oh, there's even php source avaiable to convert thing with txt2tags. 21:25 < Dieterbe> aha 21:25 < sm217> and it can produce manpages :P 21:27 < sm217> I will try with libsoup tomorrow... 21:27 < sm217> Bye. 21:27 -!- sm217 [n=sm@206-80-124-91.pool.ukrtel.net] has quit ["leaving"] 21:29 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 21:42 * barrucadu retuns 21:42 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: I'm planning on implementing feeds at some point 21:43 < Dieterbe> ok 21:44 -!- _19LIONZ_ [n=Anon@] has quit [Success] 21:47 < Dieterbe> anydot: after merging your master, only the first command comming in is interpreted (though this could also have been before the merge. i should have tested) 21:47 < anydot> comming via fifo or socket? 21:47 < Dieterbe> fifo. keybinds work fine btw 21:48 < Dieterbe> oh right, i still need to merge in fifo fixes from rob 21:48 < Dieterbe> fifo was broken 21:48 < anydot> That problem was there even before imho. 21:48 < anydot> It imho happens as consequence of that g_io_channel_read_line change. :) 21:49 < Dieterbe> yeah, never mind what i said 21:49 < anydot> And it happends because of: 20090429 17:18:01< anydot> Btw, does glib reopen that fifo everytime it catch eof? 21:50 < anydot> And that socket thingie is broken too, it allow for buffer overflow etc. 21:53 < Dieterbe> i see, well barrucadu and I aren't too good in C. we need to learn :) 21:53 < anydot> :) 21:54 < Dieterbe> http://github.com/Barrucadu/uzbl/commit/01d7a268b1433c37b6964a3590c56b8d9c9068f9 this should fix the fifo bug 21:55 < anydot> That's that reopen. :) 21:58 < Dieterbe> ugh and it doesn't work 21:58 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: did you test http://github.com/Barrucadu/uzbl/commit/01d7a268b1433c37b6964a3590c56b8d9c9068f9 ? 21:58 < anydot> hehe 21:59 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: Yes, I sent several commands to the FIFO and they all worked, whereas only the first would have worked before 21:59 < anydot> Is whole browser locked, or just fifo doesn't work (after applying this patch). 22:00 < Dieterbe> hm indeed, mine is locked too 22:01 < anydot> I didn't tested it so far. :) 22:01 < Dieterbe> anyway do you have any idea how to properly fix the fifo's, anydot ? 22:02 < anydot> From this, it looks like the first read doesn't get eof (fifo is not closed then), so it block on the next open (only one reader is allowed on fifo in time). 22:02 < dusanx> I am back :) 22:02 < anydot> Dieterbe: Sort of, it must be rewriten, together with socket handling. :) 22:03 -!- ccyouze [n=ccyouze@dslb-084-058-236-086.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #uzbl [] 22:11 < dusanx> any news from rob| ? 22:13 < Dieterbe> no :( 22:14 < Dieterbe> anydot> From this, it looks like the first read doesn't get eof -> do we need EOF? we use g_io_channel_read_line which reads until newline (that's why it blocks in partial writes but that's another story) 22:14 < Dieterbe> anydot: i'm looking at the code and don't see why it wouldn't work if we write complete command (with newline at the end) into the fifo 22:16 < anydot> I mean partial write as in echo something > fifo ; echo otherthing > fifo 22:16 < anydot> But nevermind, these shouldn't be supported anyway. 22:20 < Dieterbe> but i don't get the EOF thing, we just read lines (including newline char) 22:21 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: The website now has an atom feed 22:21 < dusanx> when is eof signalled anyway 22:21 < dusanx> ? 22:21 < dusanx> when you send multiple lines, at the end of block? 22:22 < dusanx> barrucadu: you are good :) 22:22 < barrucadu> dusanx: I'm far better at PHP than C :p 22:23 < dusanx> barrucadu: are you familiar with CodeIgniter? ImageMagic? Mysql? 22:24 < barrucadu> dusanx: CodeIgniter, no. ImageMagic, sort of. MySQL, yes. 22:25 < dusanx> barrucadu: nice, I am always scouting for skilled ones ;) if something comes out I'll call help 22:25 < Dieterbe> great barrucadu 22:44 < anydot> Dieterbe: btw, how dit you setup that github irc bot? 22:44 < Dieterbe> hmmm anydot i was wondering if we could "route" bindings through the same code as incoming fifo/socket commands. i figured out socket/fifo are going through parse_line first (split up command from args), and then through parse_command(cmd,args). with keybindings you do the cmd-vs-arg parsing only once and store them like that, so you just need to call parse_command 22:45 < Dieterbe> so your code makes things a bit more complicated but is more efficient because you only need to split cmd from args once per binding 22:46 < anydot> As for now, we should stick to it, as I take that RSS problem with very low priority (~days). :) 22:46 < anydot> Dieterbe: Well, parse_line was quickhack, so I don't have to duplicate code. 22:47 < Dieterbe> in add_binding you do a g_strsplit(act, " ", 2); btw --- Log closed Thu Apr 30 22:47:21 2009 --- Log opened Thu Apr 30 22:53:13 2009 22:53 -!- Dieterbe [n=Dieterbe@] has joined #uzbl 22:53 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 21 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 21 normal] 22:54 -!- Irssi: Join to #uzbl was synced in 55 secs 22:54 < anydot> Dieterbe: http://pastebin.ca/1408868 22:55 < Dieterbe> thanks 22:55 < Dieterbe> i think it's okay like it is now, just split on first space 22:56 < Dieterbe> anydot: for irc bot: be owner of a repo -> admin -> service hooks 22:56 < anydot> Well, in future, there can be command which have multiple parameters. 22:56 < anydot> And so, in action char *param -> char **param etc. 22:56 < anydot> It will also do escaping for us for free, which is nice. :) 22:57 < Dieterbe> what's wrong with considering multiple paramaters as one? like we also do now -> spawn /bin/bash /some/script.sh 22:57 < anydot> Dieterbe: But I'm only thinking about it for now, summing pros and cons ... 22:57 < Dieterbe> "/bin/bash /some/script.sh" is now the argument 22:57 < Dieterbe> that's fine by me 22:58 < anydot> Dieterbe: Well, it's mutch better to parse parameters in one place, then on many. :) 22:58 < anydot> Dieterbe: Ye, and it still will be one parameter of course. 22:58 < Dieterbe> btw i don't really how the uri thing still works with your code 22:58 < Dieterbe> #define VIEWFUNC(name) static void view_##name(WebKitWebView *page, const char *param){(void)param; webkit_web_view_##name(page);} 22:59 < Dieterbe> never mind, now i see load_uri is not in that list 22:59 < anydot> :) 23:00 < Dieterbe> so, can you explain me why/where the fifo could waits for an EOF ? afaik we do read line which reads until \n and then returns 23:02 < anydot> Yes, the real problem is what happens then. 23:02 < anydot> FIFO must be reopened after each close, so it is ready for next client. 23:05 < Dieterbe> are you saying g_io_add_watch() only works once? 23:05 < Dieterbe> the api is not very clear about that :? 23:07 < anydot> It not much clear about using the IO channels on FIFO (as there is that close/open specific). 23:07 < anydot> And also, I just run into strange behaviour with it. :) 23:08 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: fyi, when you merged my code you seem to have lost your patch http://github.com/Barrucadu/uzbl/commit/01d7a268b1433c37b6964a3590c56b8d9c9068f9 not sure if that was intended 23:12 < dusanx> going to sleep, see you all tomorrow 23:12 < Dieterbe> see you dusanx 23:16 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 23:16 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-a77e1a4 23:16 < github> todo updates 23:16 < github> http://bit.ly/eO3yV 23:16 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 23:23 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 21 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 21 normal] 23:23 < Dieterbe> rob|: you here? 23:27 -!- mode/#uzbl [+o Dieterbe] by ChanServ 23:27 -!- Dieterbe changed the topic of #uzbl to: Uzbl is a browser that adheres to the unix philosophy. -- uzbl.org -- bugs -> uzbl.org/bugs -- Rob push your code to github kthxbai :) 23:27 -!- mode/#uzbl [-o Dieterbe] by ChanServ 23:28 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 21 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 21 normal] 23:42 < anydot> Ok, proudly present you another batch of commits :) 23:42 < anydot> http://github.com/anydot/uzbl/commit/0c6ca060eef33bae6c2de50ce9918c43f17172f8 23:43 < anydot> allows for multicharacter bindings, see gh in config 23:43 < anydot> Current command string is shown in status bar and can be canceled via escape. 23:44 < anydot> the other one is todo update, and the last is slight change in Makefile, so in make test/-config/-dev, the uzbl is automatically rebuild if needed. 23:44 < anydot> All tested. :) 23:44 < anydot> Dieterbe: ^^ 23:45 * barrucadu glances up from his book 23:45 < barrucadu> Ooh, things to merge :D 23:45 < barrucadu> Well done :) 23:50 < barrucadu> This is wonderful :D 23:51 < barrucadu> Hmm, what happens if you have a binding 'b' and a binding 'bb'? (for example) 23:51 < barrucadu> I'm guessing 'bb' would never get executed, as 'b' would be 23:51 < anydot> Then you have broken configuration :) 23:51 < barrucadu> True :p 23:52 < anydot> barrucadu: All bindings can be only unambiguous, which 'b' vs 'bb' isn't. 23:52 < anydot> Really just problem of the user. :) 23:52 < anydot> barrucadu: To say it: It's feature, not bug. 23:52 < barrucadu> I suppose there isn't anything we can do about PEBKACs :p 23:53 < anydot> In future, there can be some configuration checking, but that is imho pretty low priority task. 23:59 < anydot> Yet another commit, now is key for entering insert mode configurable, it's just another function :) --- Day changed Fri May 01 2009 00:03 < anydot> update_title is now without parameter, as it makes any sense to call it with anything else than GTK_WINDOW(main_window). 00:04 < barrucadu> anydot: Changing the key for insert_mode doesn't seem to work here 00:04 < barrucadu> Wait 00:04 < anydot> :) 00:04 < barrucadu> I forgot to recompile 00:04 < barrucadu> :p 00:04 < anydot> heh :) 00:05 < anydot> So two features changes keypress callback and in same time, it's much simpler than before. 00:05 < anydot> :) 00:06 < anydot> barrucadu: Can anonyms post bugs or registering is required? 00:07 -!- syslogd_ [n=syslogd@pD955A72B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 00:07 < barrucadu> Not a clue, I haven't touched the settings much 00:07 < barrucadu> I'll check 00:07 < anydot> OK 00:09 < barrucadu> It would seem registering is required, but I can't find the setting to change that… to Google! 00:09 < anydot> btw, From: Default Project 00:11 < anydot> Ok, now I'm registered. 00:12 < anydot> barrucadu: Can you create project uzbl, and delete "default project"? 00:13 < barrucadu> I've renamed the task to Uzbl, edited the information, and allowed anonymous users to add bugs :) 00:13 < anydot> ok 00:14 < anydot> Which users are announced if there is new bug entered? 00:14 < anydot> Or users themself "subscribe" to projects they want to watch? 00:15 < anydot> Ooou, you put too long text as description or whatever it is. 00:15 < anydot> It's bug report system, not homepage :) 00:16 * barrucadu looks at the notification settings 00:16 < anydot> Also, I can't see how to enter new bug. 00:16 < anydot> There's not submit etc etc button. 00:17 < anydot> Hm, maybe because I have no permission, I can't do any active change like post, comment etc. 00:17 * barrucadu logs out 00:17 < barrucadu> There is an "Add this task button" just below the Details box 00:18 < anydot> I can't add tasks. 00:18 < anydot> :) 00:18 < anydot> Well, if I logout, I can enter bug, but not if I'm logged in :) 00:22 < barrucadu> Hmm, Flyspray says you don't exist :p 00:22 < anydot> lol! 00:22 -!- syslogd [n=syslogd@unaffiliated/syslogd] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 00:23 < barrucadu> If I begin typing "anydot" in the user box it shows your name, and then says you don't exist when I try to edit you 00:23 < anydot> cool 00:23 < anydot> Schroedinger's anydot 00:23 < anydot> ;P 00:24 < barrucadu> Aha, found you :p 00:24 < barrucadu> You don't exist in the Uzbl project, but do exist in the "All Projects" category for some reason 00:25 < barrucadu> You should be able to report bugs now, as will (hopefully) anyone else who registers 00:25 < anydot> I thought, that all project is some imagine project only. 00:27 -!- syslogd_ is now known as syslogd 00:28 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 00:28 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #uzbl 00:39 < barrucadu> Well, I'm going now. Bye 00:39 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has quit ["WeeChat"] 00:45 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 00:45 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #uzbl 01:22 -!- Greg02 [n=greg@ool-18bc79e7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #uzbl 01:31 -!- rob|2 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87c386.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 01:38 -!- Greg02 [n=greg@ool-18bc79e7.dyn.optonline.net] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 01:40 -!- Greg02 [n=greg@ool-18bc79e7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #uzbl 01:49 -!- rob| [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87de5e.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 01:53 -!- Netsplit lem.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: Sleepy_Coder, vti, haste 01:54 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Sleepy_Coder 01:54 -!- Netsplit over, joins: haste, vti 05:16 -!- Greg02 [n=greg@ool-18bc79e7.dyn.optonline.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 06:40 -!- rob|2 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87c386.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit ["Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de"] 07:52 -!- sm217 [n=sm@] has joined #uzbl 07:54 < sm217> Hi. 07:58 < sm217> someone should review TODO, some things are implemented already 08:33 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 08:34 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 09:32 -!- sm217 [n=sm@] has quit ["leaving"] --- Log closed Fri May 01 09:44:21 2009 --- Log opened Fri May 01 09:50:11 2009 09:50 -!- Dieterbe [n=Dieterbe@] has joined #uzbl 09:50 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 19 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 19 normal] 09:50 -!- sm217 [n=sm@] has joined #uzbl 09:51 -!- Irssi: Join to #uzbl was synced in 55 secs 10:59 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 11:26 -!- shortlord [n=shortlor@pD9FFFEE5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 11:34 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 11:34 < dusanx> 'morning :) 11:35 < dusanx> anydot: are you there? 11:36 < Dieterbe> hi dusanx 11:36 < dusanx> :) 11:36 < dusanx> I wanted to ask anydot if he is working on new window execution as you told me yesterday? 11:38 < dusanx> I found few examples where new window fails, where new link uses JS or combines JS and regular link 11:38 < dusanx> so I am thinking about fixing that, I just don't know what anydot finished 11:40 < Dieterbe> hm was he working on new window execution you think? 11:41 < dusanx> Dieterbe: you told me so yesterday, that's why I stopped doing anything before I see what he did, to avoid double work 11:42 < dusanx> shit this pacgraph is great tool! 11:44 < dusanx> Dieterbe: and I am not really sure where we are now, both because don't know who does what and what rob| changed, his changes should be too big to try to code anything now 11:44 < Dieterbe> he has been refactoring how bindings work and how commands are interpreted. not the "new window" logic specifically 11:45 < Dieterbe> yep, rob still didn't push his stuff 11:45 < dusanx> hmm, ok, then I will continue to work on new window. Confused why you told me that he is doing that when I told you that I want to work on exec new window?! 11:46 < dusanx> Dieterbe: is your experimental stable right now? Any known bugs? 11:50 < Dieterbe> no it's not stable 11:51 < Dieterbe> the biggest bug is that fifo is broken. you can only write a command to it once 11:51 < Dieterbe> after that fifo doesn't work anymore 11:51 < Dieterbe> dusanx: he was working on the logic to invoke commands, that's _related_ to new window stuff (eg your work may conflict) but not the same 11:51 < dusanx> Dieterbe: ok, I will merge and see what I can do. Bit confused about whole fifo talk, I want to check myself. 11:52 < dusanx> Dieterbe: no problem, it was misunderstanding ;) I wanted to work on run that copies all parameters except uri that we talked about few days ago 11:53 < Dieterbe> yeah 12:07 < dusanx> Dieterbe: How can I test fifo bug? 12:11 < Dieterbe> echo 1 command to the fifo. see that it works. echo more commands, see that nothing happens 12:12 < dusanx> Dieterbe: thanks 12:12 < dusanx> Dieterbe: hey, you are not working today? 12:14 < Dieterbe> no it's holiday remember 12:14 < dusanx> nice :) 12:19 < anydot> dusanx: I wasn't working on new window creation code. 12:20 < dusanx> anydot: ok, thanks, I will do that and forwarding all switches except uri to new window. we have new switches and it will be easier to just push them all 12:21 < anydot> Command line switches? 12:21 < dusanx> --config etc, new instance needs them too 12:22 < anydot> Well, I have plan to pass argument via env. variables instead of parameters, in case of external scripts. 12:22 < anydot> But same concept can be usable for spawning another window too. 12:23 < dusanx> anydot: what is adventage if we use variables? 12:23 < anydot> As there will be env. which contains path to configuration file. 12:23 < anydot> dusanx: Simpler code, and also for script creators it's much convenient to use $UZBL_... instead of $numberhere 12:24 < anydot> And via parameters only optional, or action specific params will be pass. (for example uri in case of history callback etc). 12:24 < dusanx> anydot: well we can use command variable instead of fifo too, right? 12:25 < Dieterbe> no that wouldn't work 12:25 < Dieterbe> not reliably / clean way to implement 12:25 < anydot> I don't understant what do you think. 12:26 < dusanx> Dieterbe: shell modifies $whetever, uzbl cleans $whatever, shell can write again? 12:26 < anydot> No, that's not the way how it works. 12:27 < anydot> env. is only passed via copy, it's not IPC 12:27 < dusanx> anydot: ok 12:27 < anydot> It's one way, father to son process communication. 12:35 < shortlord> Will the next versions of uzbl automatically load a default configuration file? Because the sampleconfig is already there, so you could use it ootb when invoking uzbl. If anyone does not want it, they can remove it or replace it with their own versions easily 12:37 < anydot> It now first search config file somewhere in XDG paths, 12:37 < anydot> In case you are using default paths, in ~/.config/uzbl/ .. 12:37 < Dieterbe> shortlord: i disagree, it's up to the user to specify a config 12:37 < Dieterbe> or like anydot said, put it in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/uzbl 12:39 < anydot> btw, why its "INSTALLING" not "INSTALL" file? 12:40 < shortlord> using .config/uzbl is definitely good 12:41 < anydot> yep. 12:41 < shortlord> I am just saying that it should be as usable as possible ootb without sacrificing too much simplicity 12:41 < anydot> And this is also ~answer to your question :) 12:42 < shortlord> could the standard sampleconfig in /usr/share be a fallback in case no .config/uzbl is found? 12:42 < shortlord> and shouldn't it be .uzbl/config? or .uzbl_config or something like that? 12:42 < anydot> No. 12:43 < anydot> But with that usr/share config, that's good point 12:43 < Dieterbe> ugh no 12:43 < anydot> Why? 12:44 < shortlord> well I am used that programms use their own folder for configuration 12:44 < Dieterbe> because the config is /usr/share is very specific. I would rather make uzbl not very functional by default then making it do all kinds of stuff that the user did not expect 12:44 < anydot> shortlord: uzbl is. 12:44 < anydot> shortlord: read about XDG. 12:44 < Dieterbe> especially because it's very EASY to copy the config to your ~, or use --config 12:44 < anydot> There's now ~/.config directory, to which programs place configuration. 12:44 < Dieterbe> if a user is too lazy to do that, they shouldn't use uzbl at all. 12:45 < anydot> To stop creating many dotfiles in ~ 12:45 < shortlord> ok, forget the point about .uzbl, .config is much better 12:45 < anydot> There's also ~/.cache 12:45 < anydot> ye 12:45 < shortlord> I am not completely awake^^ 12:45 < anydot> :) 12:46 < shortlord> Dieterbe, it's not about being too lazy, it is about doing stuff that is more complex than it is necessary 12:46 < shortlord> but I can see your point 12:46 < Dieterbe> complex??? 12:46 < shortlord> it would not be a major dealbreaker 12:47 < shortlord> Dieterbe, I am a friend of programms that run ootb and have sane defaults 12:47 < Dieterbe> if using --config is too complex for you, you will have a hard time with uzbl. 12:47 < Dieterbe> depends on how you define "sane" 12:47 < shortlord> I don't define it 12:47 < shortlord> I trust you to define it 12:48 < Dieterbe> i think not doing expected stuff is most sane 12:48 < Dieterbe> unexpected* 12:48 < shortlord> I am confident that you pick settings that are at least usable for most of the users 12:48 < shortlord> of course you are right 12:49 < shortlord> but isn't it expected that the uzbl can do the basic operations? If it can be stripped down further or extended further that's great 12:50 < shortlord> the standard settings don't need to be perfect for me or anyone else but there should IMHO be some standard settings that try to suit the needs of users that want a simple unixy browser that works good ootb 12:50 < Dieterbe> well, that's another story 12:50 < Dieterbe> i think many applications create a simple default config file on first launch, if the config file does not exist yet 12:51 < Dieterbe> but that's something completely different then using sample configurations from /usr/share 12:52 < shortlord> ok, that's true 12:52 < shortlord> the way to create a good default file on first startup is great 12:53 < Dieterbe> but on the other hand, i don't want to force the xdg spec on anyone 12:53 < Dieterbe> some people may even want to use uzbl without a config at all 12:54 < Dieterbe> eg if they only use it to render some pages without doing anything else 12:55 < shortlord> the queston is what should be supported ootb. I have heard about the idea of uzblctl, maybe that would be an option for a default config so that uzbl could stay slim and simple with no config at all 12:56 < Dieterbe> uzblctrl has nothing to do with config files 12:56 < dodobas> yello 12:56 < shortlord> I don't really mind how exactly you want to implement it, I just wanted to give a bit of feedback, because I am one of the Arch users who use Arch because it's simple not because it is customizable 12:56 < Dieterbe> imo what we do now is the best behavior out of the box. don't mess in peoples home directory. let them decide what they want 12:57 < dodobas> i've just showcased uzble to my girlfriend, and frist thing she asked 'where's the location bar?' :) 12:57 < dodobas> and how can i google something 12:57 < shortlord> I really would like to use a simple browser, but I don't like to reinvent the wheel and create a config for the obvious actions of a everyday user 12:57 < Dieterbe> dodobas: press u (in command mode), there is her location bar :) 12:57 < dodobas> Dieterbe: i know 12:58 < dodobas> she wasnt satisfied :D 12:58 < dodobas> shortlord: but with that one can customize uzbl 12:58 < dodobas> that is the whole point 12:58 < dodobas> everyday user can still use basic config 12:59 < dodobas> with out even knowing that congif exists 12:59 < shortlord> dodobas, I agree that it is good to make a programm customizable 13:00 < shortlord> but configuration is annoying for many users, therefore I think it's wrong to enforce configuration of basic and obvious actions 13:01 -!- ccyouze [n=ccyouze@dslb-084-058-236-086.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #uzbl 13:01 < Dieterbe> shortlord: things _need_ to be defined, we cannot ship a "user friendly" default config because so many things happen OUTSIDE of uzbl 13:01 < dodobas> like i said yesterday, i dont think that 'uzbl' is going to be used by 'non-technical' users 13:01 < shortlord> Dieterbe, can you give me an example? 13:02 < dodobas> FF or something is good enough for them 13:02 < Dieterbe> if you would take the "common denominator" for settings that would suit all people, uzbl wouldn't have any settings at all. which is exactly how it behaves now 13:02 < shortlord> dodobas, but there is a difference between 'non-technical' and 'configuration-junkies' 13:03 < dodobas> yes and ones that are not 'configuration-junkies' can use it with default config 13:04 < shortlord> ok then everything is fine, I just wanted to know whether uzbl will load a default config that is capable of doing normal tasks that enable the user to open websites and follow links 13:14 < Dieterbe> this discussion gave me the idea to write a little faq :P 13:29 < Dieterbe> http://www.uzbl.org/faq.php 13:32 < dodobas> hehe 13:36 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 13:36 < github> uzbl: uzbl experimental SHA1-a07b17c 13:36 < github> faq 13:36 < github> http://bit.ly/7fZKn 13:36 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 14:22 < yiyus> I just compiled uzbl and am trying it now. It looks nice 14:27 < Dieterbe> thanks 14:28 < yiyus> I'm just starting to read the code... I guess the gtk dependency would be difficult to remove? 14:31 < Dieterbe> yeah. in fact i tried to get rid of gtk, but after a while realise webkit _needs_ it. well webkit needs "a" widget toolkit. it also supports qt 14:32 < Dieterbe> think javascript popups, html forms etc, that's why webkit needs gtk/qt/.. 14:33 -!- Nezmer [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 14:35 < dusanx> Dieterbe: vim navigation keys patch is not in yet? 14:36 < Dieterbe> you mean jouz stuff? I'm doing that now 14:36 < dusanx> Dieterbe: ok, catching up :) 14:36 < Dieterbe> first jouz stuff, then anydots stuff :P 14:36 < Dieterbe> and i hope rob pushes his stuff soon 14:36 < dusanx> full time job I tell you :P 14:37 < anydot> Dieterbe: merge from me, at the head I have now slightly updated (and squashed) jouz change. 14:37 < dusanx> yes, his code is important, if too late he or we need to do a lot to get it in 14:37 < dusanx> merged 1 minute ago 14:37 < dusanx> I can merge again if you pushed after that 14:39 < Dieterbe> this is getting slightly crazy :P http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/network 14:40 < dusanx> hmm, I like git more and more :) 14:41 < Dieterbe> imagine you would stil be using zipfiles :P 14:42 < dusanx> Dieterbe: yes, I can see slight difference :P 14:43 -!- Nezmer is now known as _19LIONZ_ 14:43 < Dieterbe> fuck i did git reset --hard HEAD to get rid of the conflicted merge from jouz, and now my latest commit seems gone 14:44 < anydot> Try to just merge back from me. 14:45 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I do 7z a ../uzblbackup_version before _any_ git operation you know 14:45 < dusanx> not bad practice I see 14:45 < anydot> Nothing is lost, these object are dangling anyway. 14:46 < anydot> Dieterbe: Well, and because it's --hard :) 14:46 < anydot> If you did merge with jouz, it conflict even with first commit from these three. 14:46 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 14:47 < anydot> But it's not commited, so HEAD is commit you had as last before you start to merge. 14:47 < Dieterbe> that's the thing. i don't think it is 14:47 < anydot> git reset --hard HEAD then "rewind" back before that commit. 14:47 < Dieterbe> because i had committed a faq page, and now it's gone 14:47 < anydot> Yep. 14:48 < anydot> Cause it was last commit before you start to merge jouz :) 14:48 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I have merged from your experimental 2 minutes ago, I can push unchanged if you want to pull, not sure if that can help since you had changes 14:48 < anydot> HEAD is last commit, not what are you editing right now. 14:48 < Dieterbe> anydot: yes. i _committed_ the faq page 14:48 < anydot> yes. 14:48 < Dieterbe> HEAD had the faq page 14:49 < anydot> Of course. 14:49 < Dieterbe> so why is it gone after git-reset --hard HEAD ? 14:49 < anydot> but reset don't rewind to clean state AFTER , but BEFORE. 14:49 < anydot> So you efectively remove HEAD :) 14:49 < Dieterbe> oh. shit 14:49 < anydot> Imho you misunderstood what reset --hard does :) 14:49 < anydot> Dieterbe: What you want was git checkout. 14:50 < anydot> imho. 14:50 < Dieterbe> if you do git checkout during a conflicted merge, it doesn't alow you 14:50 < Dieterbe> you have to resolve the conflict first 14:50 < anydot> Dieterbe: You can rebase back your faq change from origin. 14:50 < anydot> (which is as I assume your github's repo). 14:50 < Dieterbe> yeah 14:50 < Dieterbe> please assist me :) 14:50 < anydot> If yous till don't do any change after that reset 14:50 < anydot> run this: 14:51 < anydot> git rebase origin/experimental 14:51 < anydot> And your faq will be back. :) 14:51 < Dieterbe> oh btw dusanx say hello to our new developer :0 14:51 < Dieterbe> dieter@dieter-ws-a7n8x-arch uzbl [experimental] git rebase origin/experimental 14:51 < Dieterbe> It looks like git-am is in progress. Cannot rebase. 14:51 < Dieterbe> o_O 14:51 < anydot> => you will be back right before you started to merge jouz 14:51 < anydot> heh :) 14:51 < anydot> Just cancel it. 14:51 < Dieterbe> i'm not doing any git-am 14:52 < anydot> You was, some time before :) 14:52 < anydot> git am --abort 14:52 < anydot> then rerun that rebase 14:52 < Dieterbe> dieter@dieter-ws-a7n8x-arch uzbl [experimental] git rebase origin/experimental 14:52 < Dieterbe> Current branch experimental is up to date. 14:52 < anydot> and run git show 14:52 < Dieterbe> the faq file is not there.. also the latest entry in git log is the same 14:53 < anydot> hmm 14:53 < anydot> run git fetch origin 14:53 < anydot> then rebase :) 14:53 < anydot> Maybe it will help. 14:53 < Dieterbe> BADASS 14:53 < anydot> Nothing? 14:54 < Dieterbe> no. all perfect 14:54 < Dieterbe> this is badass stuff :P 14:54 < Dieterbe> and you, anydot are a mean git machine 14:55 < anydot> Just run in to some problems with git before, and problems are time when you learn something you will never forget. :) 14:55 < Dieterbe> diff origin/experimental == empty . nice 14:59 < sm217> Lol, docs on webkit site are incomplete. Or rather not fresh :\ 15:00 < anydot> Well, that's apple :) 15:00 < anydot> The have nice documentation of their applications, but poor API documentation on code they release. 15:01 < shortlord> Dieterbe, I have just read the FAQ, so you still prefer the --config switch as the only method to load a config instead of searching for a configuration file in .config/uzbl first? 15:01 < sm217> anydot: It's on webkitgtk site :< 15:01 < Dieterbe> anydot: any idea why there's no arrow going from jouz stuff to you? http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/network 15:01 < sm217> I think I'll have to generate fresh docs from sources. 15:01 < anydot> Dieterbe: Cause i squashed hist patches, not merges. 15:02 < Dieterbe> shortlord: what? i never said that. we DO search in .config/uzbl . I didn't mention it in the faq, i'll fix that 15:03 < shortlord> ok, thx :) 15:05 < shortlord> it is not yet possible to load a new page using something like vimperator's :o url, right? 15:05 < anydot> Only externaly, via u for example. 15:05 < dusanx> shortlord: press U or u and type url 15:07 < anydot> Dieterbe: Another commit, there's no reason to have 4 separate unconfigurable function. 15:08 < shortlord> ah, ok, I thought I could only visit sites from the history with that 15:08 < anydot> Dieterbe: Now there's one for horizontal and other for vertical scrolling, with parameters. 15:11 < Dieterbe> i merged in anydot + jouz stuff. first tests look okay. food now. more testing later 15:12 < anydot> Dieterbe: I always test before commit :) 15:12 < anydot> at least, there's unwritten rule, don't commit what doesn't compile. :) 15:22 < sm217> heh, right. even if it doesn't work, it will compile and let other thing work :) 15:22 < sm217> *things 15:24 < anydot> Yep, sort of. 15:25 < anydot> sm217: Also, doint bisect search for first commit containing error is $#Y&% if there are any uncompilable commits on the way. :) 15:26 < anydot> sm217: To say it another way, if it doesn't compile, you know you are commiting change which contains bug. :) 15:27 < anydot> "Microsoft has a new tactic in the browser wars. They're having the 'critical' IE8 update make IE the default browser without asking. Yes, you can change it back, but it doesn't ask you if you want IE8 or if you want it as the default browser, it makes the decisions for you." 15:28 < sm217> Heh. 15:37 < sm217> Owhee! 15:37 < sm217> Things seem much simplier about proxy and such. 15:42 < Dieterbe> anydot: don't you think it's a bit weird to disable insert mode you just set the var directly to false, to enable it you call a function which sets the var to true 15:42 < Dieterbe> what's the purpose of doing it like this? 15:43 < anydot> where I set insert_mode to false? 15:45 < Dieterbe> keypress_cb 15:45 < Dieterbe> if (insert_mode && (event->keyval == GDK_Escape)) { 15:45 < Dieterbe> insert_mode = always_insert_mode; 15:45 < Dieterbe> update_title(); 15:45 < Dieterbe> return TRUE; 15:45 < Dieterbe> } 15:46 < Dieterbe> ps don't take the "you" to literally 15:46 < anydot> I don't 15:46 < Dieterbe> :) 15:46 < anydot> I just don't see your problem with it. 15:46 < Dieterbe> i find it odd 15:46 < anydot> Why? 15:47 < Dieterbe> well, if you would follow your logic, why not bind Esc to a function called disable_insert_mode ? 15:47 < Dieterbe> in fact, shouldn't we do that? 15:47 < anydot> This code is no more for toggling insert_mode, as it was before, just for turn of insert mode. 15:47 < Dieterbe> then the key is configurable :) 15:47 < anydot> Dieterbe: There are other function escape is doing. 15:47 < Dieterbe> what do you mean? 15:48 < anydot> Dieterbe: Escape also cancel multichar command which is currently written. 15:48 < anydot> Dieterbe: Also, makeing it only normal bind function, you must escape from insert mode via modkey+escape, and also have modkey set, which is really no-no from user POV. 15:51 < Dieterbe> anydot: if we make the espace key configurable and set escape_key to say.. capslock. you would use capslock to escape from multichar and to escape from insert mode. no need for modkey 15:55 < anydot> No you don't, it just still can't be ordinary key function, so the code in key_press_cb will be same. :) 15:56 < Dieterbe> i don't get it. what makes esc key more special then any configurable key? 15:56 < anydot> You must handle it in same way even if you are in insert_mode currently. 15:57 < anydot> If we choose, that you will escape via modkey+configurable key, I'm fine with it, and it allow us to change escape handling into ordinary bind function. 15:57 < anydot> Dieterbe: Choosing for example capslock as both mask and key is not such easy. 15:58 < anydot> As lock/mod keys are often handled somewhat differently, also, there's limitation of event->string (which is deprecated anyway). 15:59 < anydot> Dieterbe: So, in longterm we can change it, for now there are imho vital changes waiting. "0 15:59 < anydot> * :) (bad keyboard layout) 16:02 < Dieterbe> right. ok 16:02 < Dieterbe> i think i get it 16:13 < sm217> Lol, I made uzbl do request logging. 16:15 < Dieterbe> #define request? 16:15 < sm217> http://pastebin.ca/1409436 16:18 < Dieterbe> oh:) 16:18 < Dieterbe> that reminds me, we should set our user agent 16:19 < sm217> I'm close to these things, though a bit >.< now. 16:19 < Dieterbe> > User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru-ru) AppleWebKit/528.5+ (KHTML, like Gecko, Safari/528.5+) uzbl 16:19 < Dieterbe> o_O 16:19 < sm217> Haha 16:19 < Dieterbe> who put the uzbl there :P 16:19 < Dieterbe> and where is the mozilla coming from 16:19 < sm217> no idea, maybe it's executable ame 16:19 < dusanx> mozilla?! 16:19 < sm217> *name 16:20 < dusanx> lol, webkit actually does nothing, just calls xulrunner? O_o 16:20 < sm217> Libsoup has some "properties", but I see nothing about how to change them on a running session 16:20 < Dieterbe> :P 16:20 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 16:20 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-c1e9fac 16:20 < github> todo updates 16:20 < github> http://bit.ly/b3uBt 16:20 < sm217> :D 16:20 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 16:20 < Dieterbe> fuck i hate this github bot 16:21 < anydot> Mozilla must be there. 16:21 < dusanx> Dieterbe: not bad, you know what you just did but we call can see, I kind of like it 16:21 < anydot> It just way, how to say "I'm mozilla class browser". 16:21 < sm217> Dieterbe: Mabe remove already implemented stuff from TODO? 16:21 < anydot> Even IE use There mozilla as keyword. :) 16:21 < Dieterbe> sm217: that's what i just did 16:22 < sm217> Oh, cool. 16:22 < Dieterbe> dusanx: yes but the github bot takes 5 lines to post one simple message 16:22 < dusanx> Dieterbe: yes, he is bit chatty but I like it :) 16:29 < sm217> :S 16:37 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 16:37 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-3f94a56 16:37 < github> make uninstall target 16:37 < github> http://bit.ly/9T7vx 16:37 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 17:03 < sm217> I hate this. It seems that libsoup is unable to modify properties of existing session, and webkitgtk has no functionality to use custom SoupSession. 17:04 < anydot> WebKitGTK seems it is heavily developed now. :) 17:05 < anydot> Well, I wants to use load-error signal, but it's not yet in my lib, as it was commited on 25 of April :) 17:05 < anydot> etc. 17:06 < Dieterbe> lol 17:06 < Dieterbe> bleeding edge :P 17:07 < anydot> yep. 17:07 < dusanx> sm217: midori switched from curl to libsoup and crashes since then :( 17:07 < sm217> dusanx: crashes on what? 17:07 < dusanx> something with cookies and sessions, random crash 17:08 < dusanx> kills all tabs and exits, that's all I know 17:08 < sm217> Well, libsoup is default anyways. 17:09 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 17:09 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-c8ee7fb 17:09 < github> todo updates 17:09 < github> http://bit.ly/RTBIF 17:09 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-921b598 17:09 < github> due to socket addition, url is now $6 17:09 < github> http://bit.ly/zwy8H 17:09 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 17:11 < Dieterbe> anydot: we have a little problem 17:11 < Dieterbe> the insert_bookmark.sh script doesn't get the url anymore, where it did get this in the past 17:12 < Dieterbe> maybe i'll just add the current uri to the list of variables that each scirpt gets 17:12 < anydot> Sorry, I can't look at it today, I'm going now to party :) 17:12 < Dieterbe> np 17:16 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 17:16 < barrucadu> hi 17:16 < dusanx> barrucadu: Hi :) 17:16 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: Just got your email, I'll have a look now :) 17:17 < sm217> hi barrucadu 17:21 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: I like it :) 17:24 < barrucadu> I've also added pagintation for the news items - it'll now (well, it should - I can't test it until we have more news) show "Next/Previous" links on the index page when there are more than 20 news items 17:28 < sm217> can I replace a pointer with another pointer? 17:29 < dusanx> sm217: you can assign pointer to pointer if that's what you meant 17:29 < sm217> I can get a pointer to session that webkit uses, maybe I can replace it... 17:30 < dusanx> sm217: does not sound like possible, maybe is 17:31 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: i don't think pagination is really necessary, but whatever :P 17:31 < sm217> I guess no, already trie. 17:31 < sm217> *tried 17:32 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: btw i registered on the bugtracker but i cannot make new ticktes 17:32 < Dieterbe> seems like all new users cannot make new ticktes 17:33 < sm217> What to do then :< 17:33 < barrucadu> Hmm, I thought I'd fixed that 17:34 < barrucadu> I've set the default new user group to "Reporter", which would suggest people can report… 17:34 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 23 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 23 normal] 17:39 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: Do you know how to properly configure flyspray? I'm not sure what I've missed 17:39 < Dieterbe> not sure. make me admin and i can have a look around 17:39 < barrucadu> Done 17:39 < barrucadu> Hmm, sm217 is already in the reporters group - but you were in the basic group (and so was dusanx) 17:40 < barrucadu> sm217: When did you register? 17:40 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: btw any idea why ssh on dreamhost doesn't recognize my key? i added my pubkey to .ssh/authorized_keys but when i ssh to it it refuses my key and asks for password 17:40 < sm217> barrucadu: This morning @gmt +2 17:41 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: Not sure, I've added my pubkey and it works here 17:41 < barrucadu> I'll see if there is anything in the documentation 17:41 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: when i go to http://www.uzbl.org/bugs/index.php?do=admin&area=prefs it says default group:basic 17:41 < barrucadu> sm217: I guess what I changed a minute ago didn't miraculously fix it the second before you registered then :p 17:42 < barrucadu> So it does. I am confused. 17:42 < barrucadu> It sayd reporters somewhere else… 17:42 < barrucadu> *says 17:44 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: in "users and groups" you can see/edit all options per group. by i think the defaults are sane 17:44 < Dieterbe> but* 17:45 < sm217> Hmm, it seems danw from #gnome-hackers pointed me where to look. 17:49 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: i'm gonna make everyone who contributes a developer 17:49 < Dieterbe> on flyspray, i mean 17:51 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 17:55 * sm217 DANCES 17:55 < Dieterbe> :D 17:55 < sm217> wait a second 17:58 < sm217> http://www.picamatic.com/show/2009/05/01/07/54/3480941_1280x800.png :D 18:00 < Dieterbe> congrats 18:00 < Dieterbe> looks fancy 18:00 < sm217> thanks :) 18:01 < dusanx> sm217: wow 18:01 < sm217> and pretty small 18:02 < sm217> not counting lines to get proxy addr from config, it's two lines :D 18:04 < sm217> I will also add user-agent and commit 18:05 < sm217> do we need http debug like that on screenshot? 18:06 -!- linopolus [n=linopolu@p54B36E5E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 18:06 < linopolus> Hi 18:06 < Dieterbe> it could be useful to have it as a handler (like download and history handlers), or echoing it on stdout if you set a certain config variable 18:06 < linopolus> great thing! 18:06 < Dieterbe> sm217: so yeah i think we should do something with it, but not sure yet how 18:06 < linopolus> tabs and a popup url input field and this is my default browser! 18:07 < linopolus> s/is/would be 18:07 < dusanx> linopolus: oh :( 18:07 < Dieterbe> popup url input field -> press u 18:07 < linopolus> dusanx: ? 18:07 < linopolus> Dieterbe: thx 18:07 < linopolus> i didnt know 18:07 < linopolus> .. 18:07 < sm217> Dieterbe: Okay, I will make it config var. is 1 for "true" ok? 18:07 < linopolus> Dieterbe: don't works 18:07 < sm217> ah, I see already. 18:07 < dusanx> linopolus: tabs are still not certain thing 18:07 < linopolus> have the version from aur 18:08 < Dieterbe> sm217: yes 18:08 < linopolus> dusanx: sry, what means certain? 18:08 < linopolus> i'm german 18:08 < dusanx> linopolus: not sure that we want or will have them 18:08 < Dieterbe> linopolus: look in your config and check which key is bound to load_url_from* then 18:08 < Dieterbe> and hit that key 18:08 < dusanx> linopolus: I am Serb :) 18:09 < linopolus> Dieterbe: ok 18:09 < linopolus> where is the config? in my $HOME isn't a directory or file .uzbl or something 18:10 -!- Grauwolf [n=Grauwolf@85-127-248-215.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #uzbl 18:12 < Dieterbe> linopolus: read the readme or faq 18:12 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 24 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 24 normal] 18:12 < linopolus> mh in the example config in /usr/share/uzbl/ there isn't an option load_url_from 18:13 < linopolus> i have uzbl-git from the aur. is this actual? 18:14 < Dieterbe> it's not an option. it's a value 18:14 < Dieterbe> if you still can't find it. rebuild the package 18:15 < linopolus> ok 18:16 < dusanx> Dieterbe: finished parameters forwarding, on my github 18:16 -!- Grauwolf [n=Grauwolf@85-127-248-215.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has quit ["leaving"] 18:18 < Dieterbe> dusanx: cool 18:21 < linopolus> is the open url made with dmenu? 18:21 < dusanx> linopolus: yes 18:21 < linopolus> oh.. my dmenu isn't right. it doesn't appears... 18:24 < linopolus> mh i reinstalled it but it doesn't appears as well 18:24 < linopolus> :( 18:24 < Dieterbe> do you even have dmenu? 18:24 < linopolus> yes of course 18:24 < linopolus> "i reinstalled it"... 18:25 < Dieterbe> it could have meant uzbl too... 18:25 < Dieterbe> smart ass 18:25 < linopolus> ok 18:25 < linopolus> thats right 18:25 < Dieterbe> do you launch uzbl on command line? 18:26 < linopolus> yes 18:26 < linopolus> oh 18:27 < linopolus> i reinstalled uzbl and launched it, nothing was changed. now i launched it again, and it works... scary 18:27 -!- Grauwolf [n=Grauwolf@85-127-81-64.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #uzbl 18:28 < linopolus> hm but the website don't loads 18:29 < Dieterbe> then you did not enter a correct address 18:29 < linopolus> i pressed u and typed http://google.de but nothing changed 18:29 < Dieterbe> lol this is fancy http://github.com/anydot/uzbl/commit/97348882c8eeac6919ada99bdc5b55b86f99ee1f 18:29 < Dieterbe> i think we're the first browser to provide that kind of control over scrolling :P 18:29 < Dieterbe> linopolus: press enter 18:30 < linopolus> Dieterbe: i pressed enter 18:30 < linopolus> in the command line "Connected to client" appeared, but nothing.. 18:33 < Dieterbe> no idea man 18:33 < linopolus> mh 18:37 < linopolus> if i start it with the same uri it works:( 18:37 < Dieterbe> yeah the socket doesn't seem to be always responsive 18:37 < Dieterbe> i also notice it 18:38 < dusanx> Dieterbe: that fifo issue with eof? 18:38 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 18:38 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-8e52457 18:38 < github> no more need for /bin/shellname 18:38 < github> http://bit.ly/19M2DK 18:38 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-473fc60 18:38 < github> todo updates 18:38 < github> http://bit.ly/12FfMV 18:38 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-563ad7c 18:39 < github> fix for broken bookmark script. we cannot add arbitrary arguments to keybound commands anymore, so we must add them by default to all run_command things 18:39 < github> http://bit.ly/DcgE6 18:39 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 18:39 < Dieterbe> that's also a badass one dusanx , but on top of that, the socket also doesn't always work 18:39 < linopolus> wtf? 18:39 < linopolus> what did github do? 18:39 < dusanx> ok, can you pull from me so I can pull from you? or I have latest socket code? 18:39 < dusanx> I can look at socket thingy 18:40 < dusanx> just to make some coffee, back in 10 min 18:40 < linopolus> oh:( 18:40 < linopolus> this time by selecting http://www.google.de in dmenu it segfaulted 18:42 < Dieterbe> yeah well. 18:43 < Dieterbe> that's just the state uzbl is in at this point 18:49 < Dieterbe> ugh. dusanx i have a merge conflict when pulling from you. stay tuned 18:50 < dusanx> it's small change over your todays code, should not be too hard 18:51 < linopolus> ah. i get it. if i start uzbl with --uri something, u works. if i start without --uri, it don't works 18:52 < Dieterbe> weird dusanx . git tells me the only difference between you and me is this: "static char executable_path[500];" 18:52 < Dieterbe> that doesn't look correct to me 18:52 < dusanx> no 18:53 < dusanx> there is also strcpy in main and changed new_window func 18:53 < dusanx> but that's all 18:53 < Dieterbe> aha i see now http://github.com/dusanx/uzbl/commit/73130c8b21549668c7af582cbed8d1af4a67ee4e 18:53 < Dieterbe> i will investigate 18:53 < sm217> Dieterbe: it marks conflicts in file 18:53 < dusanx> just wanted to look and show you :) 18:54 < dusanx> yup, that's the only change 18:54 < Dieterbe> dusanx: never mind it will be ok 18:54 < Dieterbe> sm217: when you do what? 18:54 < dusanx> thanks, let me know when you push so I can pull latest 18:55 < Dieterbe> dusanx: you tested it right? 18:55 < sm217> Dieterbe: when you merge things by pulling iirc 18:55 < dusanx> yes 18:55 < Dieterbe> ok seems to work 18:55 < dusanx> but you should test it too 18:55 < Dieterbe> sm217: yes, so? 18:55 < dusanx> weirdest trick, I am itterating settings array :) 18:56 < sm217> Dieterbe: just in case you didn't know :) 18:56 < dusanx> I will have to go really soon, it's thunderstorm here and I don't leave wireless on, will catch up your code later 18:56 < dusanx> Dieterbe: so both ways to communicate don't work, right? 18:57 < Dieterbe> dusanx: is it normal that you do not copy all args? 18:57 < Dieterbe> i did this: 18:57 < Dieterbe> ./uzbl --uri http://www.uzbl.org --bar --config examples/configs/sampleconfig-dev --dusan --teststuf foo 18:57 < dusanx> Dieterbe: we store them all properly in char[] strings 18:57 < Dieterbe> new link: ./uzbl --uri 'http://ihasahotdog.com/' --config '/home/dieter/.config/uzbl/config' 18:57 < dusanx> nope but you can define new one in static GOptionEntry entries[] and I will forward it right away ;) 18:58 < dusanx> --bar is not arg defined in entries 18:58 < Dieterbe> ok, that was just for playing 18:58 < Dieterbe> but the config changes 18:58 < dusanx> but this should work when rob adds his args right away 18:58 < Dieterbe> i tested it without the --bar stuff too 18:58 < Dieterbe> and the --config changes 18:58 < dusanx> not here 18:58 < dusanx> how?? 18:59 < dusanx> if you called it with wrong config 18:59 < dusanx> uzbl calculates right one 18:59 < dusanx> is config you specified there? 18:59 < Dieterbe> no you are right 18:59 < dusanx> I mean does it exist 18:59 < Dieterbe> if i take out all the "fake" options it works :P 18:59 < dusanx> :) 19:00 < Dieterbe> ok i push 19:00 < dusanx> you can also add any new option in entries and it will work 19:00 < dusanx> ok, I will pull and shutdown for hour or so until this storm passes 19:01 < Dieterbe> pushed 19:02 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 19:02 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 19:02 < github> uzbl: dusanx experimental SHA1-73130c8 19:02 < github> Open in new window, all parameters forwarded 19:02 < github> http://bit.ly/7jYzy 19:02 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-69c69e9 19:02 < Dieterbe> see you after the storm then :) 19:02 < github> merged in dusans stuff 19:02 < github> http://bit.ly/Az2RC 19:02 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 19:03 -!- shortlord [n=shortlor@pD9FFFEE5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 19:05 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 22 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 22 normal] 19:16 < linopolus> if i press f for opening a link in the command line "command "follow_link_here" not understood. ignoring." appears. Why? 19:16 < linopolus> not yet implemented? 19:17 < Dieterbe> jep 19:17 < linopolus> ok 19:18 < linopolus> uzbl is written in c, isn't it? 19:19 < Dieterbe> jep 19:21 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 19:24 < sm217> Dieterbe: any ideas how to call function in which proxy/useragent/http debug are set? for now it's soup_setup, which is funny :) 19:25 < Dieterbe> github is down :(( 19:25 < sm217> oh 19:25 < Dieterbe> imho those are all separate things 19:25 < Dieterbe> in fact, i would treat all them just like all other configuration settingn 19:26 < sm217> I think it'd be better to make them separate 19:26 < sm217> we may ad more networking opts later 19:26 < sm217> actually, I'll add them now. 19:27 < Dieterbe> sm217: really , for now add the options just like the other config options 19:27 < Dieterbe> rob has been working on separating and organizing things already. so when i pullin code from you it's easiest for me if your code is as simple as possibel 19:27 < Dieterbe> because i WILL get conflicts anyway 19:27 < sm217> uh, okay 19:28 < Dieterbe> if only rob would come online :P 19:28 -!- _19LIONZ_ [n=Anon@] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 19:28 < sm217> I'll put them at the end of settings_init 19:34 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 19:35 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 19:43 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 19:43 < dusanx> I am back :) 19:45 < Dieterbe> now if only we would get github back 19:45 < dusanx> back? 19:45 < sm217> it's dead 19:45 < dusanx> no 19:45 < dusanx> just pulled dieter/experimental 19:45 < sm217> I've finished and commited 19:45 < Dieterbe> it's just back up now :) 19:45 < sm217> oh, slowly works 19:45 < Dieterbe> wohoo 19:46 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I am merging from you, right? 19:46 < Dieterbe> yep ok 19:47 < linopolus> sometimes the size of the window is changing without me 19:47 < dusanx> merged without any problems 19:47 < sm217> okay, pushed 19:48 < sm217> everyone: please comment on my code if you have something to say. that lets me learn :) 19:49 < dusanx> sm217: gladly but I pull from Dieterbe and I don't know what your code is among other code :( 19:49 < sm217> dusanx: no it's not 19:49 < sm217> now it's only in my branch 19:50 < sm217> quite simple, but for such C noob as me, any feedback is good. 19:50 < dusanx> sm217: ok, you need to work faster and harder! 19:50 < dusanx> :P 19:50 < sm217> :) 19:51 < sm217> I will as long s I can. happy to contribute :P 19:51 < sm217> brb. 19:55 < dusanx> Dieterbe: do you get segfaults when using fifo or app just fails but no errors? 19:58 < Dieterbe> the app still works , you can do keybinds etc. it's just that it doesn't interpret/read commands you send to it 19:58 < dusanx> Dieterbe: ok, I am reading source, thanks 20:03 < sm217> strange thing. something echoes newlines to console while uzbl loads a page 20:04 < linopolus> Is there a good doc for uzblctrl? i don't found it 20:04 < Dieterbe> uzblctrl --help 20:05 < dusanx> Dieterbe: how I write command to Control fifo opened in /tmp/uzbl_fifo_31457283? using echo? 20:05 < linopolus> -c, --command The uzbl command to execute <-- what commands are there? 20:06 < Dieterbe> dusanx: echo "uri archlinux.org" > /tmp/uzbl_fifo_31457283?, echo back > /tmp/uzbl_fifo_31457283? 20:06 < Dieterbe> linopolus: "uri archlinux.org" 20:06 < linopolus> thx 20:06 < linopolus> its a beginning:) 20:07 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I did exactly that and hothing happens, is this how it works at your pc? 20:07 < dusanx> Dieterbe: my bad, ignore 20:07 < Dieterbe> :) 20:07 < linopolus> if i knew anything about c, i would help you:( 20:08 < dusanx> fifo works for me? :( 20:08 < sm217> pulled from Dieterbe... 20:09 < dusanx> Dieterbe: fifo really works here, I don't know what to test? 20:10 < Dieterbe> dusanx: so you can change url more then once through fifo? 20:10 < dusanx> echo 'uri www.google.com' > /tmp/uzbl_fifo_31457283 20:10 < dusanx> echo back > /tmp/uzbl_fifo_31457283 20:10 < dusanx> one than second 20+ times 20:11 < dusanx> Dieterbe: confirmed... 20:11 < dusanx> even consecutive urls 20:11 < Dieterbe> weird 20:11 < Dieterbe> i'll try again 20:12 < sm217> hmm, works for me too 20:12 < Dieterbe> welcome bot!! 20:12 < dusanx> so... I fixed github when I logged in, now I fixed source by looking at it? 20:12 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 20:12 < github> uzbl: Premysl 'Anydot' Hruby experimental SHA1-9734888 20:12 < github> Use only 2 scrolling function 20:12 < github> http://bit.ly/Sdub1 20:12 < github> uzbl: Premysl 'Anydot' Hruby experimental SHA1-ce28fc1 20:12 < github> Merge commit 'dieterb/experimental' 20:12 < Dieterbe> bye bot !! 20:12 < github> http://bit.ly/dAMis 20:12 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-565e598 20:12 < github> Merge commit 'any/master' into experimental 20:12 < github> http://bit.ly/wVAu9 20:12 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 20:12 < Dieterbe> lol dusanx , you are in reaaaally good shape today ;) 20:13 < dusanx> you need to keep me just as a lucky charm lol 20:13 < sm217> "command "whee" not understood. ignoring." :`( 20:13 < dusanx> Dieterbe: anything else to heal? 20:13 < dusanx> I need to use uzblctrl to test socket, right? 20:14 < Dieterbe> dusanx: tell you what. you go over each item in the todo list, you ask me what exactly the problem is, i explain you, then you magically fix it :P 20:14 < Dieterbe> dusanx: yea 20:14 < dusanx> Dieterbe: agreed! 20:14 < linopolus> dusanx: the bugs in the bugtracker of course 20:15 < linopolus> how can i read the exact uri of the page? 20:15 < Dieterbe> press u 20:16 < Dieterbe> ah no, they are sorted 20:16 < Dieterbe> run it from terminal and look at stdout :)) 20:16 < dusanx> fixed socket too... :P 20:16 < dusanx> everything works 20:16 < sm217> lol 20:17 < dusanx> # On branch master 20:17 < dusanx> nothing to commit (working directory clean) 20:17 < dusanx> =)) 20:17 < linopolus> Dieterbe: .. i ran it from i terminal *head2table* 20:17 < Dieterbe> dusanx: play more. sometimes i have problems after a while of usage 20:17 < Dieterbe> linopolus: well then you can see the url's it loads 20:17 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I am 20:18 < linopolus> Dieterbe: Yes: "*head2table*" i said it 20:26 < dusanx> Dieterbe: out of curiosity, how do I swich to insert mode in latest uzbl? 20:26 < Dieterbe> i 20:27 < Dieterbe> or whatever your binding is 20:27 < dusanx> does not work, binding is i, can you check? 20:29 < Dieterbe> o_O 20:29 < dusanx> hmm 20:30 < Dieterbe> works fine for me 20:30 < dusanx> ok, I will check 20:30 < dusanx> but it does not work 20:30 < dusanx> for me 20:31 < dusanx> maybe broken config, I will check 20:32 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 20:32 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-d9c1fbf 20:32 < github> smarter history picking. first entry == current url 20:32 < github> http://bit.ly/qXpt8 20:32 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 20:33 < Dieterbe> man i'm starting to really like uzbl 20:33 < Dieterbe> if we have cookies support i can actually use it :P 20:33 < linopolus> i works for me, too 20:33 < dusanx> me to, almost uzbl ;) 20:33 < Dieterbe> linopolus: what does? 20:34 -!- Greg02 [n=greg@ool-18bc79e7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #uzbl 20:34 < linopolus> Dieterbe: i for insert in edit fields 20:35 < linopolus> uzbl-experimental-git from aur.. 20:35 < Dieterbe> dusanx: look: http://rafb.net/p/LhXUQq54.html once it works. after that not anymore 20:35 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I wrote simple test: http://pastebin.com/m7eafbc4b 20:35 < Dieterbe> linopolus: whoa you run experimental? you're crazy 20:36 < Dieterbe> dusanx: you're not running /usr/bin/uzbl right? 20:36 < dusanx> no 20:37 < dusanx> ~/projects/uzbl/uzbl 20:37 < Dieterbe> the only real explanation is, is that their is a code difference between you and me 20:37 < Dieterbe> which makes it work for you 20:37 < dusanx> I just pulled from you! 20:37 < dusanx> and git status is clean... 20:37 < Dieterbe> that doesn't mean you get exactly my code i think 20:37 < Dieterbe> try this: 20:37 < dusanx> try that script, just change path, it's runing for 10 minutes here 20:38 < Dieterbe> git diff 565e598c0e692283faeece6db596f9e12c55df56 20:38 < Dieterbe> see any differences? 20:38 < dusanx> let me see 20:38 < dusanx> fatal: bad object 565e598c0e692283faeece6db596f9e12c55df56 20:38 < dusanx> it's your git I tell you 20:39 < dusanx> I can download your uzbl.c from github and run local diff 20:39 < Dieterbe> my git == 565e598c0e692283faeece6db596f9e12c55df56 20:39 < Dieterbe> yes do that 20:39 < dusanx> just a sec 20:42 < dusanx> wrong formatting, I used select and copy, everything is different (spaces actually) 20:42 < dusanx> I must go for an hour but I will check when I get back 20:43 < dusanx> how can I call diff to ignore spaces? 20:43 < Dieterbe> dusanx: even better, on github when you look at uzbl.c there is a link "raw" 20:43 < Dieterbe> download that 20:43 < dusanx> ok 20:44 < dusanx> I must go now but I will push in 2 seconds so you can test backwards 20:44 -!- Greg02 [n=greg@ool-18bc79e7.dyn.optonline.net] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 20:44 < dusanx> diff shows bunch of changes 20:45 < dusanx> I can't push git status is empty :( 20:45 < dusanx> when I get back, see you 20:46 < Dieterbe> told ya :) 20:48 < Dieterbe> ugh sm217 is doing weird for me 20:49 < Dieterbe> your stuff is in your master right? 20:49 < sm217> no 20:49 < sm217> in experimental :P 20:49 -!- Greg02 [n=greg@ool-18bc79e7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #uzbl 20:49 < sm217> you tried to pull master? 20:49 -!- Netsplit sendak.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: farhaven, dev_null 20:50 < sm217> brb 20:51 -!- Netsplit over, joins: farhaven 20:51 -!- Netsplit over, joins: dev_null 20:51 < Dieterbe> sm217: the problem is, i add you as remote, i pull your latest stuff, and in both of your branches if i do "git log" there is nothing with "network" in it :( 21:00 < Dieterbe> CURL http ¶ 21:00 < Dieterbe> * Suspicions that we are blocking the main thread too long here. Some kind of main loop integration (code is readily available for this, glibcurl) will help, but should probably be integrated only after the existing code is cleaned up. * http cache: There is none. 21:00 < Dieterbe> taken from http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/OptimizingGtk 21:12 -!- Nezmer [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 21:14 < dusanx> I am back 21:14 < dusanx> left fifo test and it's broken now 21:14 < Dieterbe> :P 21:15 < dusanx> this will be hard to debug 21:15 < dusanx> it's not simple mistake 21:15 < Dieterbe> well, i did more research about libcurl vs libsoup 21:15 < Dieterbe> seems like libsoup is what we should do 21:16 < Dieterbe> webkit devs even dropped support for libcurl 21:16 < dusanx> looks like buffer overrun or something, I stopped sh, tested if uzbl is alive (can click) and started sh again, does not work :( 21:18 < dusanx> instead of relying on fifo uzbl executes any sh in another fork and waits for results on stdin? 21:26 < linopolus> bye 21:26 -!- linopolus [n=linopolu@p54B36E5E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ["* linopolus war dann mal weg…"] 21:29 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has quit [Connection timed out] 21:30 -!- twold [n=twold@arcadia.kolej.mff.cuni.cz] has joined #uzbl 21:31 < sm217> hmmm 21:32 < sm217> Dieterbe: last thing should be merger from Dieterbe/uzbl to my experimental 21:33 < sm217> really strange tho. 21:33 < Dieterbe> yeah it's weird 21:33 < Dieterbe> i removed and added your remote, same shit :? 21:34 < sm217> maybe try "git pull git://github.com/sm217/uzbl.git experimental" ? 21:34 < sm217> I do that to merge from your branch and it works 21:37 < sm217> tf2 time! :P. good luck and bye. 21:37 -!- sm217 [n=sm@] has quit ["leaving"] 21:39 < dusanx> Dieterbe: do we assume that my and your versions are the same? I can upload mine anywhere you want. 21:49 < Dieterbe> of course not. we saw that they were different, right 21:49 < Dieterbe> just push, i'll pull and check the diff 21:49 < dusanx> Dieterbe: where do you want me to upload mine? 21:49 < Dieterbe> to github? 21:51 -!- github [n=github@github.com] has joined #uzbl 21:51 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-7bb2ea9 21:51 < github> include libsoup dep 21:51 < github> http://bit.ly/68U1v 21:51 -!- github [n=github@github.com] has left #uzbl [] 21:52 -!- ccyouze [n=ccyouze@dslb-084-058-236-086.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #uzbl [] 21:53 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I have pushed but git status was clean so I have no idea if something was actually uploaded. My http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/tree/master still contains your changes since it's really last version. 21:53 < dusanx> Dieterbe: but you can take uzbl.c and compare 21:53 < dusanx> Dieterbe: and pls let me know, it's weird, I need to hear what were differences. 21:56 < Dieterbe> hmm the diff is just the most recent stuff: anydot's scroll changes, and some small stuf from me 21:57 < Dieterbe> nothing related to the fifo :/ 21:57 < dusanx> figures 21:57 < dusanx> but fifo worked here for at least 15 minutes 21:57 < dusanx> anything else significant? 21:59 < Dieterbe> no 22:07 < dusanx> Dieterbe: maybe I know what it is 22:07 < dusanx> Dieterbe: ctl_line[term_pos] ='\0'; this byte is not allocated 22:09 < Dieterbe> OOPS 22:09 < Dieterbe> git remote add -f sm git://github.com/anydot/uzbl.git 22:10 < Dieterbe> i can do this 20 times, but it will never give me sm217's remote 22:10 < dusanx> I have just started another fifo test, with line above commented! 22:11 < dusanx> what about his remote? 22:11 < Dieterbe> dusanx: look at the url :P 22:11 < dusanx> /anydot/uzbl.git -> sm217 remote? 22:11 < dusanx> I just looked :P 22:11 < Dieterbe> yeah.. 22:12 < Dieterbe> i removed and added this remote about 5 times 22:12 < Dieterbe> being confused about why i didn't get sm217's code 22:12 < dusanx> can you try commenting this line and see if fifo breaks? 22:13 < dusanx> working very well without that line here so far 22:13 < Dieterbe> hold on i just merged sm217's code 22:13 < dusanx> ok 22:16 -!- Grauwolf [n=Grauwolf@85-127-81-64.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has quit ["leaving"] 22:18 < dusanx> ok, this looks like fix, I will leave it for a hour or two but works so far 22:21 < Dieterbe> nope dusanx , that does not fix it for me 22:21 < Dieterbe> i commented the line and recompiled 22:21 < dusanx> still works here 22:21 < dusanx> you are testing fifo, right? 22:21 < dusanx> not socket? 22:22 < Dieterbe> yep 22:22 < dusanx> go to google, 3 seconds pause, go to yahoo, 2 seconds pause executed in a loop 22:22 < dusanx> still works here :( 22:23 < dusanx> and that was memory leak for sure 22:23 < Dieterbe> http://www.gtk.org/api/2.6/glib/glib-IO-Channels.html#g-io-channel-read-line look 22:23 < Dieterbe> it says the returned string is already terminated 22:23 < dusanx> string is allocated 0..[term_pos-1] and \0 was written at termpos, that's unallocated memory 22:23 < Dieterbe> so i don't see why he terminates it again 22:24 < dusanx> belive me that needs to stay commented/deleted 22:24 < dusanx> I checked same docs 22:24 < dusanx> no need for terminator 22:24 < Dieterbe> no, you're wrong 22:24 < dusanx> ok, why this still works here? 22:24 < dusanx> I am not 22:24 < dusanx> explain please 22:24 < Dieterbe> the paramater that he uses is not the string length 22:25 < dusanx> wait, what parameter? 22:25 < Dieterbe> it's the 4th param. the docs say: _position_ of terminator 22:25 < dusanx> let me check 22:26 < dusanx> thats ok 22:26 < dusanx> terminator_pos : location to store position of line terminator, or NULL 22:26 < dusanx> hmm 22:26 < dusanx> should be third 22:26 < dusanx> right? 22:27 < dusanx> with my commenting it's not important since we don't do anything with that variable 22:27 < Dieterbe> third is length, which is not used (we dont care about length) 22:27 < dusanx> can be deleted 22:27 < dusanx> term_pos can be deleted 22:27 < dusanx> and we can call with NULL instead of term_pos 22:28 < dusanx> BUT 22:28 < dusanx> when you comment that line no harm is done 22:28 < dusanx> ctl_line[term_pos] ='\0'; 22:28 < dusanx> so why that does not work with you and works with me? 22:29 < Dieterbe> no we call with null instead of LENGTH 22:29 < Dieterbe> we use term_pos 22:29 < dusanx> Dieterbe: can you restart? 22:30 < dusanx> Dieterbe: you tested version that bombards memory, may be fixed when you restart 22:30 < Dieterbe> hehehe 22:30 < Dieterbe> yes i can restart 22:30 < dusanx> g_io_channel_read_line(fd, &ctl_line, NULL, NULL, NULL); 22:30 < dusanx> and remove term_pos completely 22:30 < Dieterbe> huh? in my code it's g_io_channel_read_line(fd, &ctl_line, NULL, &term_pos, NULL); 22:30 < Dieterbe> no, we want to have a terminated string 22:31 < dusanx> Dieterbe: yes, I wrote it correctly 22:31 < dusanx> Dieterbe: read_line already gives terminated string 22:31 < dusanx> pls just do restart 22:31 < dusanx> remove term_pos completely and replace it with NULL 22:31 < dusanx> try 22:33 < Dieterbe> ok ok 22:38 < Dieterbe> still the same man 22:39 < dusanx> no way 22:39 < dusanx> have no idea :( 22:40 < dusanx> I am 99% sure that fix should stay anyway 22:40 < dusanx> how do you test uzbl? what do you use to send commands for test? 22:41 < dusanx> The line read from the GIOChannel, including the line terminator. This data should be freed with g_free() when no longer needed. This is a nul-terminated string. If a length of zero is returned, this will be NULL instead. 22:41 < dusanx> so no need for adding terminator but we need to test str_return != NULL 22:42 < Dieterbe> i test using: make test-config & 22:42 < Dieterbe> and then echo 'uri dns.be' > 22:42 < Dieterbe> echo back > 22:42 < dusanx> can't understand, you saw sh loop I used for test? 22:43 < dusanx> it's much tougher for uzbl 22:46 < Dieterbe> yes.. 22:46 < dusanx> and that works without errors here :( 23:03 < dusanx> Dieterbe: any ideas? definitely works here 23:05 < dodobas> what are you testing 23:05 < dodobas> can i help? 23:06 < dusanx> dodobas: start uzbl from command line, see what fifo path it uses, echo different commands in that fifo and try to block it 23:06 < dodobas> which branch? 23:06 < Dieterbe> my experimental 23:06 < dusanx> Dieterbe/experimental 23:07 < dodobas> can you paste the link 23:08 < Dieterbe> !github show link 23:08 -!- github [n=github@github.com] has joined #uzbl 23:08 < github> uzbl: Evgeny Grablyk experimental SHA1-f1abf36 23:08 < github> Add support for network settings 23:08 < github> http://bit.ly/w9OSF 23:08 < github> uzbl: Evgeny Grablyk experimental SHA1-8d6218f 23:08 < github> Merge branch 'experimental' of git://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl into experimental 23:08 < github> http://bit.ly/KOoWK 23:08 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-e7fd788 23:08 < github> somewhat cleaned up version of sm217s network stuff 23:08 < github> http://bit.ly/tYQgH 23:08 -!- github [n=github@github.com] has left #uzbl [] 23:08 < Dieterbe> there is the link 23:08 < Dieterbe> git://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl 23:08 < dusanx> Dieterbe: uzbl: _Evgeny Grablyk_ experimental SHA1-f1abf36 ? 23:09 < Dieterbe> dusanx: can you also get my new latest experimental? 23:09 < Dieterbe> i merged in the network stuff, nothing fifo related 23:09 < dusanx> sure 23:11 < dodobas> so 'git clone git://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl.git' ? 23:12 < dusanx> Dieterbe: got it but I will remove that line, ok? 23:13 < dusanx> Dieterbe: term_pos? 23:15 < dusanx> Dieterbe: everything works, I have removed term_pos 23:17 < dusanx> dodobas: git remote add -f dieter git://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl.git 23:17 < dusanx> dodobas: git checkout -b dieter/experimental 23:17 < dusanx> dodobas: git pull dieter experimental 23:17 < Dieterbe> dusanx: i don't think the term_pos has much to do with it. but try both 23:18 < dodobas> dusanx: tnx, i've just compiled it 23:18 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I am very sure that term_pos should not be there. If there is some other problem too this will not do any harm. Term pos was bombarding random memory with zeros. 23:19 < dusanx> Dieterbe: and I am still running test since I got your source, everything works, testing fifo 23:19 < Dieterbe> weird 23:20 < Dieterbe> i tried strace on uzbl but then my entire X hangs 23:21 < dusanx> even better, since I have 2 seconds pause between yahoo and google loads: yahoo page loads partially and uzbl starts to load google. So it's not loading speed problem too 23:22 < dusanx> Dieterbe: still works in the loop without the glitch -- must have loaded 1000 or more pages by now 23:23 < Dieterbe> with my latest experimental code? 23:23 < dusanx> YES 23:23 < dusanx> everything checked 23:23 < dusanx> you know by now that I don't speak before checking :) 23:24 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 23:24 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-32ffc07 23:24 < github> administrative duties 23:24 < github> http://bit.ly/fV20V 23:24 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 23:24 < dusanx> Dieterbe: you should really switch to arch linux :P 23:24 < Dieterbe> aha maybe that's it 23:24 < dusanx> really, still works in the loop 23:24 < Dieterbe> maybe my cygwin causes this 23:24 < dusanx> lol 23:25 < Dieterbe> ;) 23:25 < dodobas> fifo seems to work 23:25 < dodobas> uri; back; forward; 23:25 < dodobas> ehat else is there? 23:25 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I lost my test shell link, can you find it? 23:25 < Dieterbe> got damnit 23:26 < dusanx> so dodobas can test using it? 23:26 < Dieterbe> jep just a sec 23:26 < dodobas> im just echoing commands in a terminal 23:26 < dusanx> dodobas: I know but I have small shell script that does that in the loop 23:27 < Dieterbe> http://pastebin.com/m7eafbc4b 23:27 < dusanx> easier than typing :) 23:27 < dusanx> Dieterbe: thanks 23:27 < dusanx> dodobas: can you use this script? you need to change fifo path and that's it. start uzbl first and see path of course 23:28 < dusanx> Dieterbe: this definitely works here, it's more than 30 minutes since I started test / ~25 loads per minute 23:29 < dodobas> its running 23:29 < dusanx> ...and running :) 23:29 < dusanx> dodobas: switches pages, everything looks ok? 23:29 < dodobas> what are the commands, besides 'uri, back, forward' 23:30 < dodobas> yes... 23:30 < dusanx> dodobas: they are in the source, easiest to look there 23:30 < dodobas> i know, but.... i just thought that you have a list, or something :D 23:30 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I am cunfused, what is different there?! 23:31 < dusanx> dodobas: it's too early :) 23:31 < Dieterbe> dusanx: yeah, the list is in the sample config 23:31 < Dieterbe> b = back 23:31 < Dieterbe> m = forward 23:31 < Dieterbe> s = stop 23:31 < Dieterbe> r = refresh 23:31 < Dieterbe> R = reload 23:31 < dusanx> Dieterbe: true, don't know if there is complete list 23:31 < dodobas> err, something is weird, where's the insert mode? 23:31 < dusanx> Dieterbe: oh, I meant command tokens as 'back' not keys 23:32 < dusanx> dodobas: good question, Dieterbe claims that insert works 23:32 < Dieterbe> dusanx: that's the thing. the actions are the same for keybinds and for command names 23:32 < Dieterbe> what's wrong with insert mode? it works fine for me 23:32 < dodobas> it seems to 'expand' the status bar, really weird 23:32 < dusanx> not here 23:33 < Dieterbe> dodobas: you sure you're not just typing a multichar command? 23:33 < Dieterbe> dodobas: press esc 23:33 < dusanx> Dieterbe: same here, when I type i all I got is anydot's command sequences 23:33 < dusanx> so I get iiiii 23:33 < Dieterbe> heh 23:33 < dodobas> true, esc has no effect 23:33 < dusanx> Dieterbe: can you pls take my last uzbl.c (whole) and test 23:33 < Dieterbe> yes ok 23:34 < dusanx> Dieterbe: there is something wrong, your setup differs too much 23:34 < Dieterbe> dusanx: this one? http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/commit/73130c8b21549668c7af582cbed8d1af4a67ee4e 23:34 < dusanx> let me see 23:35 < Dieterbe> no probably this is better http://github.com/dusanx/uzbl/commit/69c69e9ee76e8fdc973de03debb6d9a4aa053b7a 23:35 < dusanx> http://github.com/dusanx/uzbl/tree/master 23:35 < dusanx> click uzbl.c and get it raw 23:37 < dusanx> but remove that line of course 23:38 < dusanx> found I problem 23:38 < Dieterbe> same thing man 23:38 < dusanx> dodobas: you need to copy examples/config/simpleconfig to ~/.config/uzbl/config 23:38 < Dieterbe> i want to give this fifo thing a rest 23:38 < dusanx> something with your pc definitely 23:39 < dusanx> good news is that insert mode works 23:39 < dodobas> dusanx: config file changed? 23:39 < dusanx> dodobas: yes, just figured out 23:39 < dusanx> dodobas: with old config that I had i fails 23:40 < dusanx> so it's only fifo on borderless linux problem left :( 23:42 < dodobas> its runing 23:42 < dusanx> dodobas: thanks, we needed confirmation 23:42 < Dieterbe> dusanx> so it's only fifo on borderless linux problem left :( ?? 23:42 < dusanx> Dieterbe: it's a joke, need to cheer you up :) 23:42 < Dieterbe> :) 23:43 < Dieterbe> i'm tired, i'm going to bed now 23:43 < Dieterbe> bye guys 23:43 < dodobas> btw, im on arch, could test it on ubuntu, but i dont think that will change anything 23:43 < dusanx> I will check sockets tomorrow, maybe there is some memory leak like it was with fifo 23:44 < dusanx> dodobas: we are too, I was joking about other distros ;) 23:44 < dodobas> then, whats the prbolem with Dieterbe's setup? 23:45 < dusanx> dodobas: we'll figure out tomorrow. it's definitely isolated problem 23:45 < dusanx> since I got no errors and you got no errors... 23:46 < dodobas> hmm, how is this multichar command supose to work? 23:47 < dusanx> dodobas: not yet 23:47 < dusanx> dodobas: something like vi commands 23:47 < dusanx> but you will be able to use single char commands 23:48 < dodobas> yes, lets say there is an command 'bu' 23:48 < dodobas> so i need to use a specal char : or something + 'bu' to make it work 23:48 < dodobas> is that the general idea? 23:48 < dusanx> 'bu' only should work 23:48 < dusanx> no special chars 23:49 < dusanx> but we will see... 23:49 -!- twold [n=twold@arcadia.kolej.mff.cuni.cz] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 23:49 < dodobas> yes but 'b' id back, 'u' is history 23:49 < dusanx> I know, we are thinking about variants yet 23:53 < dusanx> dodobas: actually it will be very easy, you can define string as :bu and b, u and :bu will work :) Yes, we will need to define : as part of the string 23:55 < dodobas> or maybe a special builtin command, like vims ':' 23:55 < dodobas> everything else is considerd and 'single char command' 23:55 < dodobas> but... :) 23:56 < dodobas> what if someone is an emacs addict :D 23:56 < dusanx> dodobas: I think that defining :bu and |xxx is more flexisble 23:56 < dodobas> its a whole new game then 23:56 < dusanx> well there is conkeror for emacs addicts 23:56 < dodobas> what? 23:56 < dusanx> even if I redefined it to use my commands 23:56 < dusanx> not konkeror, conkeror 23:57 < dodobas> ahh, that KDE browser 23:57 < dusanx> no, that's konkeror 23:57 < dusanx> I am talking about conkeror 23:58 < dodobas> ahh....not webkit 23:58 < dodobas> :/ 23:58 < dusanx> xulrunner --- Day changed Sat May 02 2009 00:03 -!- bstronga [n=bstronga@static.] has joined #uzbl 00:05 < bstronga> how is development going? 00:05 < dusanx> good, thanks 00:07 < bstronga> fantastic :> 00:07 -!- syslogd [n=syslogd@unaffiliated/syslogd] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 00:07 -!- syslogd [n=syslogd@pD955E966.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 00:12 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 00:12 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #uzbl 00:39 < Sleepy_Coder> heh, someone used the Sonata site's theme colors for the Uzbl site. :p 00:40 < Sleepy_Coder> I just remember cause I used those same colors and menubar design on an old site. :) 07:16 < dusanx> Good Morning, anybody wants a coffee? 07:41 -!- sm217 [n=sm@165-46-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #uzbl 07:41 < sm217> Hi 07:41 < dusanx> Hi Evgeny :) 07:41 < sm217> Dieterbe: I see you meged it :) 07:42 < dusanx> sm217: he is not here yet 07:42 < dusanx> but I merged from him so I have your code ;) 07:42 < sm217> There's only one bit, maximum connections never gets to 0 07:43 < dusanx> does that need fixing? 07:43 < sm217> (around line 827) 07:43 < sm217> That's not critical, but may be funny 07:45 < dusanx> I have no idea, if that needs fining fix and push... 07:45 < dusanx> or better 07:45 < dusanx> merge from Dieterbe, fix and push 07:45 < sm217> okay 07:46 < dusanx> sm217: are we saving cookies/session data now? 07:46 < sm217> I didn't work on that 07:46 < sm217> so I guess no 07:46 < dusanx> ok 07:47 < dusanx> that's probably the only thing left that people really need 07:47 < dusanx> if you have any idea since you read the docs that would be great 07:48 < sm217> hmm 07:49 < sm217> libsoup can handle cookies 07:53 < sm217> we'll need a way to save them tho. 07:53 < dusanx> sm217: somewhere nice, path defined in settings file, right :) 07:53 < sm217> :) 08:03 < sm217> ewww 08:03 < sm217> fifo stopped working 08:03 < dusanx> sm217: it's weirdest thing if fifo fails with you too 08:04 < dusanx> Dieterbe has broken fifo 08:04 < dusanx> I have working one 08:04 < dusanx> same source 08:04 < sm217> lol 08:04 < dusanx> dodobas also has working one 08:05 < sm217> I can view it and there are commands 08:08 < dusanx> sm217: http://pastebin.com/m7eafbc4b 08:08 < dusanx> this script worked for me and dodobas for 30 minutes 08:08 < dusanx> just change path and let it run... 08:17 < dusanx> sm217: you there? 08:23 < dusanx> brb 10:02 -!- twold [n=twold@arcadia.kolej.mff.cuni.cz] has joined #uzbl 10:35 < sm217> hmm 10:35 < sm217> dusanx: it worked few minutes and then stoppd 10:35 < sm217> *stopped 10:53 -!- Grauwolf [n=Grauwolf@85-127-81-64.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #uzbl 11:08 -!- sm217 [n=sm@165-46-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 11:24 < Dieterbe> morning dudes 11:28 < Dieterbe> dodobas: wel emacs addicts can use the modkey 11:35 -!- jouz [n=jouz@p5488F068.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 12:03 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 12:03 < github> uzbl: dusanx experimental SHA1-6214561 12:03 < github> Minor fifo fix 12:03 < github> http://bit.ly/bnVA0 12:03 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-9f313d1 12:03 < github> todo updates 12:03 < github> http://bit.ly/kfdgE 12:03 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-24ddba4 12:03 < github> Merge branch 'dus/master' into experimental 12:03 < github> http://bit.ly/9AFgM 12:04 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-0bbfffc 12:04 < github> todo updates 12:04 < github> http://bit.ly/apZWq 12:04 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 12:11 < dusanx> I am back how is everybody :) 12:12 < Dieterbe> okay.. sort of 12:12 < Dieterbe> gh = uri http://www.uzbl.org 12:12 < Dieterbe> gdiet = uri http://dieter.plaetinck.be 12:12 < Dieterbe> ggit = uri http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/network 12:12 < Dieterbe> gbbs = uri bbs.archlinux.org 12:12 < Dieterbe> these multichar commands are cool 12:16 < dusanx> Dieterbe: we can define :bu as multichar command and start all others with prefix -- that way we can use regular keys too b, u and :bu work 12:16 < Dieterbe> start all others with prefix ? 12:17 < Dieterbe> do you mean all multichars or _all_ keybinds? 12:17 < dusanx> all that you need, add some prefix like : and you kept all signe keys safe :) 12:17 < dusanx> single keys that is 12:18 < Dieterbe> what do you mean with "safe" ? what in "unsafe" now? 12:18 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I just woke up. Will explain better later. Nothing is unsafe 12:20 < dusanx> Dieterbe: you discussed yesterday what if user wants to use both 'u' and 'uuu' as commands and agreed that commands must be unique which is logical. Add : or any other prefix to command multichar keybiding and you can use u as single command and :uuu as multichar. 12:22 < Dieterbe> oh.. but that's basically the same as treating ':' as any other character 12:23 < Dieterbe> you can keep the 'uuu' multichar if you don't use 'u' or 'uu' as keybind, same way as your method because you can't use ':' as single command there too 12:23 < dusanx> Dieterbe: true, that's what I am saying. no need to later add special command character definition and handling, just add it as part as multichar command string... :) 12:23 < Dieterbe> ha, i just tested this 12:23 < Dieterbe> :bbs = uri bbs.archlinux.org 12:23 < Dieterbe> this works 12:23 < Dieterbe> : is already treated as normal char 12:23 < dusanx> that's great 12:24 < dusanx> exactly 12:24 < Dieterbe> you can even bind ':' itself 12:24 < dusanx> I maybe suck with explanations but you got now what I wanted to say :) 12:24 < dusanx> at least I hope 12:24 < Dieterbe> dusanx: I think what you want is just 1 specific case of what we already can do 12:25 < dusanx> Dieterbe: but I am just saying that we can already do that, looks like we are saying the same 12:25 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I as just giving you heads up if you missed to notice that this can be done 12:26 < Dieterbe> ooh ok 12:32 < dusanx> are you still having fifo problems? 12:33 < Dieterbe> jep 12:33 < Dieterbe> also after i merged in your stuff 12:33 < dusanx> sm... has them also 12:33 < dusanx> since this morning 12:33 < dusanx> I and dodobas don't have them, weirdest thing 12:33 < Dieterbe> woohoo i'm not alone 12:33 < dusanx> check log :) 12:34 < dusanx> so you can ask somebody alse here to test, so far we have 50% success rate which is worst possible. 12:40 < Dieterbe> 10:35:35 < sm217> dusanx: it worked few minutes and then stoppd 12:41 < Dieterbe> if it works for a few minutes, that != like my problem 12:41 < dusanx> 08:02 < sm217> fifo stopped working 12:41 < Dieterbe> ... 12:42 < dusanx> few minutes is running my script, that's a lot of good commands before stopping :( 12:42 < Dieterbe> "fifo stopped working" doesn't say anything about how broken it exactly is 12:42 < dusanx> true but I thought that it will make you feel better anyway :P 12:43 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I plan make parametrized commands today, if everything works we don't need dmeny any more :) You will be still able to use it but only if you want :) 12:44 < dusanx> :o = uri %s 12:44 < dusanx> or something like that 12:45 < Dieterbe> dusanx: also something like :o = uri google.com/search?hl=%s ? 12:45 < dusanx> Dieterbe: yes 12:45 < Dieterbe> sweet 12:46 < dusanx> hashtable will make me sweat but I will try 12:46 < dusanx> b/c I must make regular expression matching 12:46 < Dieterbe> hashtables only work if you know the *exact* key 12:46 < dusanx> and parametrized commands will have to end with pressing enter? 12:47 < Dieterbe> probably 12:47 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I know, I must match partial key, that's the problem 12:47 < Dieterbe> then you can't use hashtables 12:47 < dusanx> I know that too 12:48 < Dieterbe> but i don't see why you must match partial key 12:48 < dusanx> but imagine /[0-9,a-a] = search_command %s (making up but something like that) 12:48 < Dieterbe> why don't you just store ':o' -> "uri google.com/search?hl=%s" into the hashtable just like we store normal bindings 12:49 < Dieterbe> and then, when invoked, do run_command("uri google.com/search?hl=%s", ) 12:49 < dusanx> you mean then ask for parameters? 12:49 < dusanx> might me better 12:49 < Dieterbe> no 12:49 < Dieterbe> use a space as separator 12:49 < Dieterbe> eg this is definition::o = uri google.com/search?hl=%s 12:49 < Dieterbe> :o = uri google.com/search?hl=%s i mean 12:50 < Dieterbe> user types: ":o foo bar" 12:50 < Dieterbe> you take the first "word" (everything before space), which is ':o" 12:50 < dusanx> but uzbl will fire command as soon as you type :o if we don't have flag that command expects parameters? 12:50 < Dieterbe> you can then lookup ':o' as normal binding 12:50 < dusanx> will not wait for a space 12:50 < Dieterbe> aha, right. let me thing 12:50 < Dieterbe> think 12:50 < dusanx> and rest of the command 12:51 < Dieterbe> well ok, then we should have a character that "marks" all keyworded commands 12:52 < Dieterbe> for example, in settings, user can put: keyword_marker = i 12:52 < Dieterbe> then if uzbl sees commands that start with ':' it has to wait until user pressed enter 12:52 < dusanx> I am just thinking the same, something like */ = command but we ignore star in typing and use it as needs parameter flag? 12:53 < dusanx> so user actually types /asdfasdf enter? 12:54 < Dieterbe> yeah that's pretty much the same 12:54 < dusanx> cool, that should not be too hard to implement 12:54 < Dieterbe> indeed 12:54 < dusanx> can't wait to get *:u = uri %s 12:54 < dusanx> ok, I will do it 12:55 < Dieterbe> dusanx: however, wait 12:55 < dusanx> we don't need more than one parameter, right? 12:55 < Dieterbe> usually not, indeed 12:55 < Dieterbe> but. i was thinking if we couldn't implement keyword things through external commands 12:56 < Dieterbe> eg: :o = ./keyword.sh 12:56 < dusanx> hmm, this is too small source change and you can call external commands after kb processing 12:56 < dusanx> and you certainly have option to use it or not 12:57 < dusanx> IMO this belongs to kb processing, your call 12:57 < Dieterbe> hmm 12:57 < Dieterbe> if you thinkthis belongs in kb processing, you can also say url editing is keyboard processing ;) 12:58 < Dieterbe> but ok, let's do it like this 12:58 < dusanx> I am not, what command you call afterwards is not devs problem ;) 12:58 < Dieterbe> and you can always do :o = spawn foo.sh %s 12:58 < dusanx> absolutely, that was idea 12:58 < dusanx> you can have parameter or not and you can do whatever you want 12:59 < dusanx> even simulate uri edit field ;) 13:00 < dusanx> *:wiki = http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Special:Search?search=%s&go=Go 13:00 < dusanx> missing uri above but you got the point 13:01 < Dieterbe> yea 13:02 < dusanx> brb 13:23 < dusanx> Dieterbe: adding backspace would be too much? esc is now only way to cancel wrongly typed string 13:33 < Dieterbe> no it's not. i also want backspace :) 13:33 < Dieterbe> in fact it's an item in the todo list :) 13:33 < dusanx> good 13:35 < Dieterbe> i'm cleaning up my workspace btw 13:35 < Dieterbe> analog refactoring/bugfixing you could say 13:37 < dusanx> you mean around your pc or your pc? 13:38 < Dieterbe> my desk and stuff :) around the pc 13:38 < dusanx> Dieterbe: that's what I understood but had to ask lol 13:40 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I will be back in hour or two, this might be easier than it looks 13:41 < Dieterbe> yeah i thinkit's pretty eas :) 13:41 < Dieterbe> +y 13:51 -!- jouz_ [n=jouz@p5488FD81.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 13:52 -!- jouz_ [n=jouz@p5488FD81.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #uzbl [] 13:53 -!- jouz [n=jouz@p5488F068.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Nick collision from services.] 13:53 -!- jouz [n=jouz@p5488FD81.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 14:00 -!- sm217 [n=sm@165-46-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #uzbl 14:00 < sm217> Hi. how it's going? 14:03 -!- jouz [n=jouz@p5488FD81.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 14:14 -!- jouz [n=jouz@p5488C119.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 14:26 < sm217> Hmm. How do I check if cookies are working? 14:27 < jouz> does webkitgtk provide anything like returning the sourcecode of the currently rendered page? 14:28 < sm217> no idea, look at http://webkitgtk.org/reference/index.html 14:30 < jouz> hmm doesn't seems like... im still tinkering on link-following, but there really are some major difficultys. Looks like one have to hack into webkit itself to provide such features... 14:31 < sm217> there may be undocumented things 14:39 -!- ruskie [i=ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie] has joined #uzbl 14:40 < ruskie> lo 14:40 < ruskie> just heard about uzbl, sounds like what I've been looking for for ages 14:41 < sm217> just try it :) 14:41 < ruskie> I will I will ;) 14:42 < ruskie> mixing this up with dzen2 and gtk-server could provide a very usable thing 14:43 < sm217> ooh, gtk-server seems interesting. 14:44 < ruskie> :) 14:44 < ruskie> I've been meaning on writting a bookmark manager script I could use to launch any browser with common bookmarks(and even smart bookmarks etc...) 14:45 < sm217> heh. 14:45 < sm217> brb 14:57 < Dieterbe> sm217: cookies are not implemented yet. it's still something on the todo 14:58 < ruskie> when they will be will it be possible to set always accept, always reject, ask for session, ask for all ? 15:00 < Dieterbe> yeah something like that is what i had in mind. you can use different configs for different "profiles" (eg work, personal,..) so setting specific cookie settings per config would be an option 15:01 < Dieterbe> sm217: if you want to see if cookies are used, go to bbs.archlinux.org, log in and close browser. then open browser again and go to same page. sniff the http traffic for the request 15:01 < Dieterbe> there will be some cookie related things in the http header 15:04 < sm217> Dieterbe: I'm implementing them :P 15:05 < sm217> And without closing browser? Will going to some other page work? 15:05 < sm217> Because there's no on-disk saving for now. 15:07 < Dieterbe> sm217: well, a thought that crossed my mind was to have a "cookie handler" similar to how we do download and history handling now 15:08 < sm217> Eww. Mewants libsoup one. 15:08 < Dieterbe> eg if uzbl wants to load a cookie, it calls a script with all the usual arguments, the script (implemented by user) can check requested uri, tag from uzbl instance (work, personal etc) and echo the cookie on stdout (or not) 15:08 < Dieterbe> so we can put all cookie control in the users hands 15:09 < Dieterbe> also if you want to store the cookies in a specific format, or in directories per profile etc. it's all possible 15:10 < sm217> hmm 15:10 < ruskie> mmm 15:10 -!- jouz [n=jouz@p5488C119.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 15:10 < ruskie> this should be nice 15:11 < ruskie> storing things in gpg containers and so on ;) 15:11 < sm217> yes, and let script decide to accept cookie or not, if I can. 15:11 < ruskie> I prefer to have always reject unless I hit a button and say let's store it... 15:12 < dusanx> uzbl.org is dead right now? 15:12 < Dieterbe> indeed it is dusanx :( 15:12 < sm217> I think I'll add some config vars and stuff. 15:13 < dusanx> I will change make test-config temporarily, hope to remember to turn it back before push 15:13 < Dieterbe> dusanx: ssh is also dead 15:13 < Dieterbe> scratch that 15:14 < Dieterbe> ruskie: well then.. write a cookie handling script that pops up a confirmation box or something 15:15 < sm217> I would be thankful if someone writes it :) 15:16 < Dieterbe> sm217: writes what? 15:16 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 25 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 25 normal] 15:16 < ruskie> Dieterbe, if it'll be externalised then yeah... shouldn't be hard to do... I'll just need inspiration when it comes 15:16 < Dieterbe> ruskie: np, every external script option comes with a sample script 15:16 < sm217> Dieterbe: cookie handling script 15:17 < Dieterbe> sm217: i can write that. np 15:17 < ruskie> yeah but the way I understood cookies aren't there yet 15:17 < ruskie> or are they? 15:17 < Dieterbe> ruskie: correct 15:17 < Dieterbe> but i don't think it's very hard to do 15:17 < sm217> But I'm working on them 15:17 < sm217> Very easy actually 15:25 < sm217> it seems we can decide to save cookies or not, but in a little ugly way 15:26 < ruskie> store them temporary then hand it off to the cookie handler to do the final decission 15:26 < Dieterbe> why do it in 2 steps if it can be done in one? 15:28 < ruskie> well one is to always have the cookie set somewhere... the other is to actually let it be known what should be done with that cookie... remove or not, remove at end of session etc... 15:29 < ruskie> this way one can implement something like I don't care about cookies unless I hit a button and then I want a cookie for this site to be set 15:29 < Dieterbe> why would you write it to disk if we don't want it? 15:29 < sm217> wait. 15:29 < sm217> I see no way to decide on cookie when it's recieved 15:29 < sm217> so it _will_ be stored in memory 15:29 < ruskie> Dieterbe, to make it possible to enable it after the fact 15:30 < Dieterbe> sm217: of course. there is nothing wrongi with receiving a cookie per se 15:30 < sm217> then we can either delete it or leave it 15:30 < Dieterbe> sm217: it's only the saving/reusing that some people don't want 15:30 < sm217> ok 15:30 < Dieterbe> ruskie: you approach does not allow more then mine. it's just more complicated 15:30 < sm217> mhm 15:31 < ruskie> i.e. you go to some new site have cookies turned off, but find you like it an want to make an account and login for which you need that cookie... so take that one out of storage and use it 15:31 < ruskie> without needing to reload the site etc 15:31 < ruskie> well if this can be done either way don't really care ;) 15:32 < Dieterbe> if you want to send a cookie, you need to an http request. i don't get your "without needing to reload the site" point 15:32 < ruskie> if you don't have a cookie available 15:32 < ruskie> you first need to get that cookie 15:32 < ruskie> then you can send it back 15:32 < ruskie> correct? 15:33 < Dieterbe> yes 15:33 < ruskie> on a lot of sites when you visit you get a cookie but you don't want it just then(example) 15:33 < ruskie> this cookie can be used to login as well 15:33 < ruskie> so you have this in-memory 15:33 < ruskie> and when you want to login do send this cookie now 15:34 < ruskie> witouth needing to fetch a fresh one 15:35 < Dieterbe> i think that's quite far fetched. 15:35 < ruskie> why? 15:36 < Dieterbe> because usually you know what you want at the point where you get the cookie (eg you could have a handler script that asks you) 15:36 < ruskie> it's not unlike what firefox does with login info lately... i.e. has that bar show up and remain there until you pick something from it 15:36 < Dieterbe> and for those rare occasions where you change your mind afterwards, it's not like doing a reload is that much of a problem 15:36 < ruskie> but you don't if you're visiting a new page... and even then 15:37 < Dieterbe> so? what is wrong with pressing R (for reload) and then enter (or arrow enter) to pick the 'yes' or 'no' from the handler script? 15:37 < Dieterbe> is that too many keystrokes? 15:38 < Dieterbe> i think you are looking for a solution that has no problem 15:38 < Dieterbe> unless i'm missing something 15:40 < ruskie> hmm actually both solutions would have the same keystrokes 15:41 < ruskie> I don't think through every idea I get... 15:42 < Dieterbe> that's ok 15:42 < Dieterbe> i also propose sometimes solutions that i know are not perfect, or even not good, just to throw another point of view in the group 15:42 < Dieterbe> sm217: any input ? 15:43 < sm217> no :P 15:43 < Dieterbe> do you like my handler script idea? 15:43 < sm217> I'm sorting socks, I can't do any input. give me few minutes :) 15:44 < Dieterbe> ok 15:44 < Dieterbe> socks like in SOCKS4/5 or socks as in the things between shoes and feet? 15:44 < dusanx> how do I trim string in C? 15:44 < sm217> second one :) 15:45 < dusanx> I mean remove blanks from left and right? 15:52 < sm217> now 15:54 < sm217> what we can do with cookies: get notified on cookies change, add/remove them by hand, automatically write them to file, get all cookies, for a header out of a cookie. 15:54 < sm217> s/for/form 15:55 < ruskie> also information that the cookie has? 15:55 < sm217> ruskie: http://library.gnome.org/devel/libsoup/stable/libsoup-24-SoupCookie.html#SoupCookie 15:56 < Dieterbe> i would hand it all to the cookie handler script, which can pop up boxes or do stuff automatically. whatever the user wants 15:56 * ruskie agrees on that 15:56 < sm217> okay 15:56 < sm217> so we give cookie header 15:56 < sm217> site url 15:57 < sm217> and some event number 15:57 < Dieterbe> site url is already passed on by default 15:57 < sm217> and a fifo command that does something on specified cookie 15:57 < sm217> ok 15:58 < Dieterbe> fifo command? what would we need that for? 15:59 < sm217> to let script say: "hey! give that cookie number # as requested" or "hey! delete that cookie number # now!" :) 16:00 < sm217> http://www.picamatic.com/show/2009/05/02/05/56/3491724_800x533.JPG :D 16:00 * ruskie is still upgrading his webkitgtk before he'll be able to play with uzbl 16:02 < Dieterbe> sm217: no.. we should just pass on all (maybe) required parameters by default. and the script manages the cookies not uzbl. so no need for fifo commands 16:02 < sm217> Dieterbe: how can script decide what to do with certain cookie? there's no linkback this way. 16:03 < sm217> *do some action on a cookie 16:03 < Dieterbe> sm217: it's up to the user to configure the script to behave as the user wants 16:03 < dusanx> Dieterbe: you will really want to try git I just pushed :D 16:04 < sm217> >.< 16:05 < sm217> Dieterbe: we need some link script <-> browser so after script has decided to remove a cookie, it tells browser to do so (example) 16:07 < Dieterbe> sm217: so you want the decision making part about cookies in the script, but the storage/retrieval part in the browser? hmmm 16:07 < Dieterbe> that's not a bad idea, but implies the user has no control over how cookies are stored (cookies.txt format, sqlite,..) 16:07 < sm217> Dieterbe: is there any other way? 16:08 < Dieterbe> sm217: yes. let the script handle the desicion making + storing + fetching 16:08 < sm217> oh. 16:08 < ruskie> yup 16:08 < Dieterbe> the browser would do "put" and "get" requests to the script, but the script would control how/when/why/how/.. 16:09 < sm217> yes, but how'd the script give data back to browser? 16:09 < Dieterbe> it would echo the cookie on stdout and exit(0), or exit(1) and echo nothing 16:10 < sm217> so we can catch that from browser? 16:10 < sm217> (script's stdout) 16:11 < Dieterbe> sure 16:12 < Dieterbe> dusanx: okay, after i'm done merging robs stuff 16:12 < sm217> Dieterbe: he pushed it at last? 16:12 < sm217> okay, we're decided then 16:13 < dusanx> Dieterbe: no problem, I will be here. Make sure to start test-config, I have few examples there 16:13 < sm217> now, if you excuse me, there's left4dead free day. I'll get to coding cookies a bit later :P 16:13 < Dieterbe> dusanx: yeah looking at the commit. looks nice 16:14 < Dieterbe> sm217: no, i'm merging in the few commits he pushed. the "cool" ones are still not pushed 16:14 < Dieterbe> sm217: any idea when you will have something workable (except the handler script) 16:15 < sm217> Dieterbe: not really, you may expect something in 5 hours or so. if not, I'll continue tomorrow 16:16 < Dieterbe> sm217: ok 16:19 -!- sm217 [n=sm@165-46-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has quit ["leaving"] 16:59 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 16:59 < github> uzbl: Robert Manea experimental SHA1-28d0094 16:59 < github> Initial commit 16:59 < github> http://bit.ly/BfOLS 16:59 < github> uzbl: Robert Manea experimental SHA1-174a9dd 16:59 < github> Rebased fifo/socket handling to g_io_add_watch() 16:59 < github> http://bit.ly/HNJI0 16:59 < github> uzbl: Robert Manea experimental SHA1-03780ad 16:59 < github> added a -n parameter that names the current instance and its fifos/sockets 16:59 < github> http://bit.ly/148sfY 16:59 < github> uzbl: Robert Manea experimental SHA1-dcc31c5 16:59 < github> display instance name in the title and statusbar if set 16:59 < github> http://bit.ly/Qjw1M 16:59 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-9fab871 16:59 < github> faq entry about flash/ajax etc 16:59 < github> http://bit.ly/hxlX6 16:59 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-50d7e59 16:59 < github> merge robm changes: instance naming + better socket code 16:59 < github> http://bit.ly/tJwGh 16:59 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 17:06 < Dieterbe> dusanx: perfect :)) 17:07 < dusanx> have you just received three messages?? 17:07 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 17:07 < github> uzbl: dusanx experimental SHA1-2730e98 17:07 < github> Parameter commands and backspace handling 17:07 < github> http://bit.ly/NWX3B 17:07 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-7c4b1f6 17:07 < github> Merge branch 'dus/master' into experimental 17:07 < github> http://bit.ly/ECfdj 17:07 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 17:08 < dusanx> hmm when I try to send you any message I get no such nick/channel ? 17:20 < dusanx> great 17:20 < Dieterbe> 17:06:02 < Dieterbe> dusanx: perfect :)) 17:20 < Dieterbe> 17:07:16 < dusanx> have you just received three messages?? 17:20 < Dieterbe> only messages in pm 17:20 < Dieterbe> didn't see much here 17:20 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I had some problem with irssi, fixed 17:29 < Dieterbe> 17:19:43 we could make "insert primary x selection" and "insert secondary x selection" functions which you could bind to any key you want 17:29 < Dieterbe> 17:19:55 and if you want to use a modkey, you can do modkey+key 17:29 < Dieterbe> 17:22:27 like that? 17:29 < Dieterbe> 17:23:25 I was sending /msg Dieterbe: msg (semicolon was not needed and I got weirdest messages) 17:29 < Dieterbe> 17:27:14 so do you like the proposal? 17:34 < dusanx> Dieterbe: sorry, had to run, wife called to help her something 17:35 < dusanx> yes, primary and secondary are great 17:35 < dusanx> I will check docs and add them as commands 17:36 < Dieterbe> ok 17:37 < dusanx> anything new with fifo problem? 17:50 < dusanx> Dieterbe: do I will merge again from you? You have my changes in last git? 17:50 < dusanx> 'do I will' -> need to sleep lol 17:52 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I see you merged, I will merge from you 17:53 < dusanx> Dieterbe: No you did not, I will code now and merge later 17:53 < Dieterbe> yes i did 17:53 < Dieterbe> i merged from you 17:54 < Dieterbe> i already merged in your backspace and keyword things and pushed them 17:55 < Dieterbe> dusanx: you should really merge from me or you can get conflics later 17:55 < dusanx> Dieterbe: ok but you don't have my latest code up yet, will merge work? 17:58 < Dieterbe> the faster you merge, the more chance it will work 17:58 < dusanx> Dieterbe: ok, thanks 18:01 < dusanx> Dieterbe: great, got in without any problems, thanks 18:03 < Dieterbe> btw i think robs code broke sockets 18:03 < Dieterbe> at least on my system 18:03 < dusanx> hmm 18:03 < dusanx> do you have a backup? want me to look, I just merged from you 18:03 < dusanx> ? 18:06 < Dieterbe> backup? we're using version control. everything is possible 18:09 < Dieterbe> but other then the bug he introduced i like his code. since this is experimental branch i'll keep it for now 18:15 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I have to trust you on version control :) My version control? 7z a archive_name, every time when I want to pull :) Compresses all git data too so when you unpack this archive you get exact version you wanted ;) 18:15 < Dieterbe> aha. strace rocks 18:16 < Dieterbe> i see it hangs on accept() 18:16 < Dieterbe> recv(11, "uri http://www.uzbl.org/"..., 128, 0) = 24 18:16 < Dieterbe> recv(11, ""..., 128, 0) = 0 18:16 < Dieterbe> close(11) = 0 18:16 < Dieterbe> gettimeofday({1241280932, 74415}, NULL) = 0 18:16 < Dieterbe> accept(7, 18:20 < dusanx> http://www.mozdev.org/pipermail/vimperator/2009-April/004281.html 18:22 < dusanx> interesting read, next message and next... a lot of messages :) 18:24 < Dieterbe> indeed pretty interesting 18:24 < Dieterbe> some people are obviously confused ("lack of bookmark support") but hey 18:36 -!- sm217 [n=sm@165-46-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #uzbl 18:42 < Dieterbe> dusanx: http://www.gtk.org/api/2.6/glib/glib-IO-Channels.html#g-io-channel-read-line this function needs a " GError **error", so I do GError **error; and hand it over. but then I want to print error->message. Why can't i do printf("Error: %s\n", &&error->message); 18:43 < sm217> wassup? 18:45 < sm217> oh well. 18:46 < Dieterbe> sm217: working on the socket 18:46 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I am back 18:46 < dusanx> Dieterbe: just give me a sec 18:46 < sm217> Dieterbe: so you decided to move to it? 18:47 < Dieterbe> sm217: no 18:47 < Dieterbe> sm217: for now i want to have both the fifo and socket 18:48 < dusanx> Dieterbe: try (Gerror **)error->message 18:48 < dusanx> or similar, I am making up 18:50 < dusanx> Dieterbe: see new_window_cb, there is gchar** str 18:50 < ruskie> argh... m$ and ge trying to get eu swpats.... 18:50 < dusanx> Dieterbe: you should be able to handle Gerror ** in similar way 18:50 < dusanx> (there is printf in this func) 18:51 < Dieterbe> uzbl.c:572: error: request for member ‘message’ in something not a structure or union 18:51 < Dieterbe> I tried GError ** and GError * 18:51 < Dieterbe> both give the same 18:51 < dusanx> gchar** str = (gchar**)entries[i].arg_data; 18:51 < dusanx> g_string_append_printf (to_execute, " --%s '%s'", entries[i].long_name, *str); 18:51 < dusanx> similar example 18:52 < dusanx> and I was pulling my hair before this worked 18:52 < Dieterbe> yeah but there youWANT a ** 18:52 < Dieterbe> I just want the string 18:52 < dusanx> I don't want **, that's the cast 18:52 < dusanx> does not work without that cast 18:53 < Dieterbe> " gchar** str" 18:53 < Dieterbe> ^^ 18:53 < Dieterbe> i want str 18:53 < dusanx> read two lines again, thats pointer pointer str and I printf it 18:53 < dusanx> it's str basically, with few more pointers 18:54 < sm217> wwait, Dieterbe, what if we parse a text file with cookies? 18:55 < sm217> this is way cooler methinks. 18:55 < dusanx> Dieterbe: try gchar ** str = (gchar **) GError.message; 18:55 < dusanx> or push that code, I can fix it 18:55 < Dieterbe> dusanx: never mind i just discovered something 18:55 < Dieterbe> http://m.linuxjournal.com/article/8545 here they do: 18:56 < Dieterbe> GError *err = NULL; 18:56 < Dieterbe> and pass &err :) 18:56 < Dieterbe> i will steal.. errr be inspired by that 18:56 < ruskie> rofl 18:56 < dusanx> I thought that you did that already 18:56 < dusanx> you need GError pointer to use in func call 18:57 * ruskie rebuilds webkit with pango if that will improve the fonts to not be painfull 19:00 < sm217> Dieterbe: so how about file-based cookies that just get externally parsed? this is way simplier. 19:03 < Dieterbe> sm217: well.. you need some kind of control about whether we can use the cookie or not. and that has to be handled by an external script, to allow maximum flexibilty 19:03 < Dieterbe> i think the script can be quite easy if you're fluent in bash. i can help you out with that if you want 19:03 < Dieterbe> back in 15min 19:03 < sm217> yes, that's the cool thing 19:04 < sm217> it just saves cookies, and you do whatever you want with them 19:05 < sm217> oh, noway, file only gets parsed on startup. we can't do live editing 19:07 < ruskie> odd 19:27 < sm217> Dieterbe: you here? 19:35 < Dieterbe> sm217: yes 19:36 < Dieterbe> for me it's simple. if uzbl receives a cookie -> call cookie handler script 19:36 < sm217> I put cookies setup to settings_init, right ? 19:36 < Dieterbe> if uzbl wants to load a page -> call cookie handler script 19:37 < Dieterbe> define "cookies setup" 19:37 < sm217> code to check if they're anabled and if user wants to save them to file 19:38 < sm217> uh, let me paste it 19:38 < sm217> http://gist.github.com/105634 19:42 < Dieterbe> i think communication between us is really broken. uzbl should not *manage* cookies. it should only send and receive them. for storing and retrieving to disk, it should do put and get requests to a cookie handler script 19:42 < Dieterbe> the only *option* in the config is a cookie_handler, similar to download_handler and history_handler 19:42 < ruskie> :) 19:42 < sm217> okay :V 19:43 < sm217> I think I killed too much zombies today. 19:48 < Dieterbe> i think you _are_ a zombie :P 19:48 < sm217> oh D: 19:48 < sm217> then I will _eat_ you like a cookie :P 19:50 < sm217> to be sure: function that handles gtk signal must have same parameters that signal gives? 19:50 < Dieterbe> no 19:51 < sm217> the I understood it wrong, will go and read. 19:52 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 19:52 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-75f1260 19:52 < github> 2 more faq entries 19:52 < github> http://bit.ly/EsVEY 19:52 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 19:52 < Dieterbe> sm217: why do you need signals 19:53 < sm217> Dieterbe: SoupCookieJar emits "changed" signal when cookie is added, removed or deleted. 19:54 < sm217> so when we get a cookie, we can send a "put" request to our handler 19:54 < Dieterbe> aha 19:54 < Dieterbe> btw i don't know much about signals either 19:55 < sm217> what about get request... 19:55 < Dieterbe> i usually just look at other places in the code 19:55 < Dieterbe> what about it? 19:56 < sm217> not sure how to do it. 19:56 < Dieterbe> doesn't webkit/soup take care of that? 19:57 < sm217> well, I am not sure how to catch the moment when a cookie is requested 19:57 < sm217> let me read a bit. 20:01 < sm217> well 20:01 < sm217> we do not check if a cookie _was_ requested 20:02 < sm217> we check if there are cookies for some url we're going to load and should we send them 20:04 < sm217> run_command will execute command with args and return true or false on positive or negative return value? 20:09 < Dieterbe> yep 20:09 < Dieterbe> exit(0) -> true, false otherwise 20:10 -!- Nezmer [n=Anon@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 20:11 < sm217> aha. 20:13 -!- sm217_ [n=sm@165-46-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #uzbl 20:13 -!- sm217_ [n=sm@165-46-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has quit [Client Quit] 20:17 < sm217> Dieterbe: what about changing cookies? "change" request? 20:18 < Dieterbe> call handler 20:18 < sm217> ok. 20:19 < sm217> also, we need to agree on what handler recieves 20:20 < Dieterbe> everything it could need 20:20 < sm217> :) 20:20 < Dieterbe> ok but seriously 20:20 < Dieterbe> what do you suggest/doubt about? 20:21 < sm217> i think on put request it gets self request, uri where storing cookie was requested and self cookie as a header string. 20:22 < sm217> but, on get request, how do we transef cookie header from script to uzbl? 20:22 < sm217> (if handler finds a cookie and decides to send it) 20:23 < sm217> we can only get true or false :| 20:23 < Dieterbe> aha 20:24 < Dieterbe> fear not, the answer is near 20:24 < sm217> D: 20:25 * sm217 runs around screaming AAAAA!!! 20:25 < Dieterbe> you see how run_command issues a g_spawn_command_line_async () ?. well, we need a 2nd function that calls g_spawn_command_line_sync () 20:25 < Dieterbe> then you can catch the stdout 20:25 < Dieterbe> see http://library.gnome.org/devel/glib/stable/glib-Spawning-Processes.html#g-spawn-command-line-async 20:25 < sm217> okay 20:25 < Dieterbe> call them run_command_async and run_command_sync or something 20:26 < sm217> ok, thanks 20:29 < sm217> I make it return just stdout or everythig g_spawn_command_line_sync returns? 20:30 < sm217> brb, break 20:31 < Dieterbe> make it return the boolean that g_spawn_command_line_sync returns 20:43 < ruskie> hmm I guess font settings aren't yet supported? 20:44 < Dieterbe> correct 21:14 -!- sm217 [n=sm@165-46-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has quit ["leaving"] 21:19 < Dieterbe> yes i fixed it 21:19 < Dieterbe> and omg it was something so stupd 21:19 < dusanx> string? pointer? 21:21 < Dieterbe> in rob code he did a for loop, but the for was not needed 21:21 < Dieterbe> as the callback will be called by glib automatically when there is something to read 21:22 < dusanx> argh 21:22 < Dieterbe> so the loop got stuck in accept() because there was nothing to read in the 2nd iteration 21:22 < dusanx> simple but took day to solve :( 21:22 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I am adding clipboard_paste and primary_paste functions, ok? 21:23 -!- _19LIONZ_ [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 21:25 < Dieterbe> sure but make your names consistent 21:25 < Dieterbe> what about paste_primary and paste_secondary? 21:25 < dusanx> Dieterbe: fine by me 21:26 < dusanx> Dieterbe: this may be confusing, paste_clipboard and paste_primary may be better? 21:26 < Dieterbe> i disagree :) 21:27 < Dieterbe> no wait 21:27 < Dieterbe> yeah do it like that 21:27 < Dieterbe> :) 21:27 < dusanx> that are exactly what two clipboards are called... 21:27 < ruskie> lol someone already thinking about making a qt version of uzbl 21:29 < Dieterbe> OMG dusanx . fifo works again o_O 21:29 < Dieterbe> no wait 21:29 < Dieterbe> it worked 2 times 21:29 < Dieterbe> :( 21:30 < dusanx> :( 21:30 < dusanx> wait, fifo worked with you few days ago with old old code? 21:32 < ruskie> hmm there's definately a difference between font rendering between midori and uzbl 21:34 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 21:34 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-6880bcf 21:34 < github> fix for broken socket. works fine again now :) 21:34 < github> http://bit.ly/yxhVR 21:34 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 21:35 < Dieterbe> ruskie: can you give a good example site? to see the difference 21:35 < ruskie> I tried it on www.freshmeat.net side by side on the same display 21:36 < ruskie> can't quite tell what's the diff but the rendering in uzbl seems to hurt my eyes 21:36 < ruskie> I'm guessing if/when font handling get's implemented this could probably go away 21:37 -!- _19LIONZ_ [n=Anon@] has left #uzbl ["WeeChat"] 21:38 < Dieterbe> i don't see any difference 21:38 < dusanx> ruskie: can you scrot both renderings on same screen, side by side and upload somewhere so we can look? 21:39 < ruskie> yeah I'll first try wipping all midori settings 21:40 < ruskie> hmm that brings it up to the same level 21:40 < ruskie> I guess I'll need to wait for the font handling to be able to use it 21:41 < ruskie> anyway this is so my dream browser 21:42 < Dieterbe> so what settings did you have in midori then? 21:42 < ruskie> quite a few different ones 21:42 < ruskie> among them a different font(which I forgot I had) 21:43 < ruskie> now with the default setup both browsers hurt my eyes 21:43 < Dieterbe> :) 21:43 < ruskie> anyway source mage gnu/linux now has a uzbl spell ;) 21:43 < ruskie> erm s/a/an/ 21:43 < ruskie> :) 21:44 < dusanx> wow 21:44 < dusanx> nice 21:44 < ruskie> if I find something I like I add it 21:44 < ruskie> as do most other devs 21:47 < ruskie> I've been considering what browser I could sufficiently gut to get it to a similar state of a fullscreen window and an external goto window with bookmarks/smartbookmarks etc... 21:47 < ruskie> now I don't need to ;) 21:47 < ruskie> just need to write the script ;) 21:47 < ruskie> to bad my energy is an all-time-low today 21:48 < Dieterbe> lazy ass bitch :) 21:48 < ruskie> rofl 21:48 -!- _19LIONZ_ [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 21:48 < ruskie> I do have other things to do other than this ;) 21:48 < ruskie> not to mention it's 2150 around here 21:54 < Dieterbe> aha! 21:55 < Dieterbe> dusanx: the fifo was opened as r+. this has to be r 21:55 < dusanx> lol 22:00 < dusanx> I am going to sleep, see you all tomorrow :) 22:02 < Dieterbe> bye 22:04 < ruskie> same here 22:04 < ruskie> and maybe an inspirational particle(s) will hit me and I'll write up my own bookmarks manager... though doubtful 22:05 < Dieterbe> ruskie: making a bookmark manager is EASY 22:05 < Dieterbe> there exist already plenty 22:05 < ruskie> Dieterbe, not the kind I want 22:05 < Dieterbe> vim. emacs, nan, joe, .. :P 22:05 < Dieterbe> oh 22:06 < ruskie> or to be specific it'll be a goto window that reads a particular bookmark format 22:07 < ruskie> I want to support plain bookmarks, aliases(el-reg -> http://www.theregister.co.uk), smart bookmarks(fms uzbl -> http://freshmeat.net/search/?q=uzbl§ion=projects&Go.x=0&Go.y=0) 22:07 < ruskie> it's been on my todo for the last two months 22:07 < Dieterbe> uhm you can already do all of those 22:07 < Dieterbe> with uzbl 22:08 < ruskie> also the bookmarks will be gpg encrypted :) 22:08 < ruskie> really? 22:08 < ruskie> I haven't looked much into it 22:08 < Dieterbe> yes, all of it. except the gpg encryption thing 22:08 < Dieterbe> hold on i'll show you 22:09 < ruskie> also I plan on not using dmenu or zenity ;) 22:09 < Dieterbe> http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/blob/75f12603a6291bf1ee6a4656da6708829b89c084/examples/configs/sampleconfig 22:09 < Dieterbe> look 22:09 < Dieterbe> gh = uri http://www.uzbl.org 22:09 < Dieterbe> there's your alias 22:09 < Dieterbe> you can do any single char or multichar command 22:10 < ruskie> but that's a command 22:10 < Dieterbe> and you can also do keywords, but that's not in the sample config yet 22:10 < ruskie> not a location entry 22:10 < Dieterbe> if you type gh it will go to the corresponding url 22:10 < Dieterbe> is that not what you want? 22:11 < ruskie> I plan on having a goto box bound to ctrl+alt+w in my WM and ctrl+i in uzbl(if possible) to launch that same thing 22:11 < Dieterbe> you can make greg = uri http://www.theregister.co.uk 22:11 < Dieterbe> ah 22:11 < Dieterbe> i see 22:11 < ruskie> and there'll be regex in there as well 22:12 < ruskie> i.e. fms \(.*\) -> http://freshmeat.net/search/?q=\1§ion=projects&Go.x=0&Go.y=0 22:12 < ruskie> and other more complex things 22:12 < ruskie> also plan on adding rss bookmarks to the whole thing :) 22:12 < ruskie> basically it will be the ultimate location entry app and nothing else ;) 22:13 < ruskie> using gtk-server 22:13 < bstronga> command "follow_link_new_tab" not understood. ignoring. <- ? 22:13 < Dieterbe> ok ruskie , i'm curious 22:14 < ruskie> and need to make a download handler that uses dzen2 to notify on completion along with aria2c as the client ;) 22:14 < ruskie> Dieterbe, I have tons of ideas... it's time or energy I tend to lack most of the time 22:14 < ruskie> but I will write this up 22:14 < ruskie> it just takes me a while for my mind to piece togheter all the pieces and start writing code 22:15 < ruskie> though this will probably one of the simplest script I've done 22:15 < Dieterbe> the dzen notification thing is easy :) 22:15 < ruskie> yeah 22:16 < ruskie> http://repo.or.cz/w/virtuo.git?a=blob;f=virtuo;h=cc6f32d295d36fdd96728ce3e18fd5d82ee405b4;hb=HEAD <-- one of my more complex things 22:16 < bstronga> stupid question, is follow_link not working yet? 22:16 < ruskie> anyway need sleep so off... 22:17 < Dieterbe> ok see ya ruskie 22:17 < Dieterbe> bstronga: correct 22:18 < bstronga> ah ok :> 22:49 -!- bstronga [n=bstronga@static.] has quit [Client Quit] 22:50 -!- Toy-Food [n=andy@d118-75-26-83.nap.wideopenwest.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 22:55 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 22:55 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-ef63c46 22:55 < github> some fixes for socket & fifo. fifo is still broken though 22:55 < github> http://bit.ly/NvvjJ 22:55 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 23:01 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 23:01 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-c77c615 23:01 < github> make output from bindings nicer 23:01 < github> http://bit.ly/Mle7X 23:01 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 23:08 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 23:08 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-b9bf66f 23:08 < github> scripts that aid in fifo debugging 23:08 < github> http://bit.ly/PcOVj 23:08 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 23:24 < Dieterbe> anydot: you alive? 23:41 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 23:42 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #uzbl 23:43 -!- bstronga [n=bstronga@static.] has joined #uzbl 23:47 -!- Grauwolf [n=Grauwolf@85-127-81-64.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has quit ["leaving"] --- Day changed Sun May 03 2009 00:00 < anydot> Dieterbe: Yep. 00:07 -!- syslogd_ [n=syslogd@pD955FCBC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 00:13 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 00:20 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #uzbl 00:24 -!- syslogd [n=syslogd@unaffiliated/syslogd] has quit [Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)] 00:25 -!- syslogd_ is now known as syslogd 00:29 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@adsl-87-102-92-220.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #uzbl 00:29 < barrucadu> Hello 00:30 -!- twold [n=twold@arcadia.kolej.mff.cuni.cz] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 00:39 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@adsl-87-102-92-220.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit ["WeeChat"] 00:40 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 00:40 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #uzbl 01:12 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 01:12 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #uzbl 01:29 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has quit [Success] 01:29 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #uzbl 01:41 < GNU\caust1c> u will implement tabs? :( 01:47 -!- jouz [n=jouz@p5488F9E6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 02:35 -!- jouz [n=jouz@p5488F9E6.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 07:53 < dusanx> 'morning :) 09:24 -!- Grauwolf [n=Grauwolf@85-127-81-64.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #uzbl 09:30 < ruskie> good morrow all 09:40 < dusanx> hi 09:42 < Dieterbe> morning dudes 09:43 < Dieterbe> anydot: what about now still alive? can you check out my latest experimental? i partially improved the fifo code yesterday, but now i noticed that it blocks on mkfifo() as long as noone opens it for writing 09:46 < dusanx> morning Dieterbe 09:47 < Dieterbe> hey 09:47 < Dieterbe> i don't get it. how the old code could just do mkfifo() and not block 09:48 < Dieterbe> i looked it up, and even the manpage says it blocks until someone opens it for writing 09:48 < dusanx> r+ ? 09:48 < Dieterbe> oh.. 09:48 < Dieterbe> that could be it 09:49 < dusanx> insert from clipboard will be INSERT key, insert from primary will be shift+insert 09:50 < dusanx> any objections? 09:51 < Dieterbe> sounds good. but is there a specific reason why thekeys are fixed? 09:51 < dusanx> they are mapped as esc and enter - use gdk_insert definitions, we can't assign them in config 09:52 < dusanx> so they are 'special' keys and they don't get in the way while typing 09:52 < dusanx> same as GDK_Escape and GDK_Return 09:53 < dusanx> we need any other key for typing so we can't use regular keys 09:54 < dusanx> I am also considering if we need paste_clipboard and paste_primary commands, they only make sense in key processing loop 09:54 < Dieterbe> yeah indeed, except maybe if you want to paste in a html frm 09:54 < Dieterbe> form* 09:54 < dusanx> so I might add that code right there without using commands 09:54 < Dieterbe> i have to eat notw. see you soon 09:55 < dusanx> Dieterbe: you are then in insert mode and webkit takes care of paste processing 10:15 -!- twold [n=twold@arcadia.kolej.mff.cuni.cz] has joined #uzbl 10:28 < Dieterbe> dusanx: right 10:28 < Dieterbe> dusanx: are there keybinds to do inserting from clipboard and from primary when in webkit? 10:45 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I am not sure but if they are not we will have to add our keybinding for insert mode anyway 10:45 < Dieterbe> yea 10:45 < Dieterbe> btw 10:45 < Dieterbe> http://pastebin.ca/1411015 10:45 < dusanx> ctrl-v works in insert mode, that's for sure 10:45 < Dieterbe> i added printf("triggered\n"); to the fifo callback 10:46 < Dieterbe> and i can see the callback is only triggered the first time :/ 10:46 < dusanx> Dieterbe: ok, let me finish this in next 30 minutes, you can push git and I can pull and try to fix it 10:47 < dusanx> or that already works here well? =)) 10:58 < anydot> Dieterbe: mkfifo can't block 11:01 < Dieterbe> i think i just fixed my fifo problem 11:01 < Dieterbe> at least it works now 11:01 < Dieterbe> and i don't know why 11:02 < dusanx> Dieterbe: modified code or your setup? 11:02 < Dieterbe> code 11:04 < Dieterbe> and now it doesn't work anymore :( 11:05 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I have just pushed version where insert works. Can you pull and then push so I can look at the latest code? Might spot something. 11:05 < Dieterbe> it's very weird 11:05 < Dieterbe> if i put 2 printf() calls it works 11:06 < Dieterbe> if i remove the printf's it fails again 11:06 < Dieterbe> i'll push 11:07 < dusanx> Dieterbe: no problem, I am free to look 11:11 < Dieterbe> dusanx: am i missing something or is the diff of the cmdlist struct just an extra space everywhere? http://github.com/dusanx/uzbl/commit/bf2026cfd20fc2f0a8ea67f6a81816734f625473 11:15 < Dieterbe> dusanx: merged and pushed 11:15 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 11:15 < github> uzbl: dusanx experimental SHA1-bf2026c 11:15 < github> Insert = paste clipboard, shitf+insert = paste primary 11:15 < github> http://bit.ly/XG9ft 11:15 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-c03a12d 11:15 < github> Merge branch 'dus/master' into experimental 11:15 < github> http://bit.ly/fqrO1 11:15 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 11:15 < ruskie> ugh annoying getting it join and part all the time 11:16 -!- jouz [n=jouz@p5488DDA4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 11:16 * ruskie makes a note to ignore joins and parts of github bot.. 11:16 < dusanx> Dieterbe: you are right, my bad. I was adding paste_clipboard and paste_primary functions, there was not enough space so I added one. Later I removed this two functions but space stayed. 11:17 < dusanx> Dieterbe: getting your code now 11:17 < Dieterbe> dusanx: ok 11:17 < Dieterbe> dusanx: look at the 2 printf's in the control_fifo 11:17 < Dieterbe> as long as i have them, it works 11:17 < Dieterbe> if i remove them, the fifo only works once 11:17 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I will try that test script with and without them 11:17 < Dieterbe> maybe corrupted stack or something? 11:18 < dusanx> just give me 10 minutes ;) 11:18 < Dieterbe> ok 11:18 < Dieterbe> your pasting code works great btw 11:18 < dusanx> Dieterbe: and I just used :o to open github link you added here :) It's powerful :) 11:20 < dusanx> merged without problems, testing... 11:21 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 11:21 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-8398720 11:21 < github> checklist updates 11:21 < github> http://bit.ly/ZQKDT 11:21 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 11:22 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I should test fifo, right? 11:24 < Dieterbe> yea 11:24 < Dieterbe> i included the testscript misc 11:25 < dusanx> it works out of the box :( 11:25 < dusanx> with test script 11:25 < Dieterbe> yeah, try to remove the 2 printf's in control_fifo 11:25 < dusanx> ok 11:26 < dusanx> printf triggered and printf done? 11:26 < dusanx> ** ERROR **: Fifo: Error when creating /tmp/uzbl_fifo_27262979: File exists 11:27 < dusanx> WHAT?! 11:28 < dusanx> Dieterbe: when I start uzbl few times they all have same fifo path? 11:33 < Dieterbe> that is normal 11:33 < Dieterbe> xorg reuses window id's 11:33 < Dieterbe> but if the fifo from another instance is there, it means uzbl crashed. so you must clean it up :) 11:34 < dusanx> Dieterbe: not crashed, dwm kills apps so there is always fifo left 11:34 < dusanx> Dieterbe: up to this version uzbl always took another number 11:36 < dusanx> Dieterbe: if this is the case, uzbl should remove fifo folder on initialization 11:36 < Dieterbe> uhm no 11:37 < dusanx> yes or you are not compatible with dwm 11:37 < dusanx> let me test 11:37 < Dieterbe> 1) i have had pretty much always the same number ever since i started working on uzbl 11:37 < dusanx> 1) never had same number until now 11:37 < Dieterbe> 2) we should clean up fifo when we quit, when we get killed, when we receive signal from WM we have to close 11:37 < dusanx> 2) fifo works with or without printf here :) 11:37 < Dieterbe> 3) we cannot remove fifo folder. that would mean removing /tmp 11:38 < dusanx> Dieterbe: ok, I was thinking only current fifo folder, before trying to open it, once on initialization 11:38 < dusanx> but fifo works here, what now?! 11:39 < dusanx> Dieterbe: ignore me about deleting fifo 11:39 < dusanx> and just broke without printfs so I can confirm that 11:40 < Dieterbe> really? it's broken for you now too? 11:40 < dusanx> yes! 11:40 < dusanx> so I can look around finally :) 11:40 < dusanx> and printfs do fix/break code :( 11:41 < dusanx> yup, works with printfs 11:41 < dusanx> I am confused 11:42 < dusanx> let me remove _one_ of them (this is ridicoulous) 11:43 < jouz> hey guys, just wanted to give you an update on the "follow-link" feature: i had a look, but everything we could do now would be a dirty hack. if we wait with this a little, until the GOBject DOM-bindigs come to webkit, we can supply a much powerful and cleaner solution to this 11:43 < jouz> https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16401 11:50 < Dieterbe> dusanx: the printf's are probably *indirectly* related. i think we screw up our stack somewhere (could be anywhere in the program) and the printf's may affect the behavior of the broken stack 11:50 < dusanx> Dieterbe: definitely working with _AND_ without printfs. All problems I got previously were because I left test.sh running in another terminal. That can break uzbl. Again, everything else works as expected with or without printfs. 11:51 < Dieterbe> dusanx: even if i kill all my testscripts, it still breaks :( 11:51 < dusanx> Dieterbe: Not here, checked everything 11:52 < dusanx> Dieterbe: archlinux 64 bit version? 11:52 < Dieterbe> jouz: too bad to hear that. guess we have to wait then :( 11:52 < Dieterbe> dusanx: no 32 11:52 < dusanx> I am on 64 11:53 < dusanx> that makes no sense 11:53 < dusanx> but I can guarantee that everything works here :( 11:55 < dusanx> I have left test running without printfs, let's see how it works in an hour 11:57 < jouz> Dieterbe: yeah i'm sorry, but with those features still lacking, its close to impossible to make it work proper. I thought about manipulating the whole html-code rendered and reloading the manipulated. But then we have: 1. crappy performance and 2. ugly and unsave code 3. still not all problems solved. 11:57 < Dieterbe> jouz: yeah then it's better we wait 11:58 < dusanx> Dieterbe: works without printfs so far :( 11:58 < dusanx> running for 10 minutes now 12:02 < dusanx> Dieterbe: can you try it on any other PC? 12:02 < Dieterbe> yep. but it's also 32b 12:02 < dusanx> Dieterbe: well it's worth a shot if you can try there 12:03 < Dieterbe> jep just a sec 12:04 < Dieterbe> jouz: heh.. when i'm reading the commens, it keeps getting better and better, hopes are getting up the more i go towards the end 12:04 < Dieterbe> and then the last post is a punch in the face :( 12:04 < dusanx> Dieterbe: not only that we need latest webkit but 64 bit linux too? kidding :) 12:08 < dusanx> running without printfs for 20 minutes now 12:10 < jouz> Dieterbe: yeah the very last comment dampens it a little, but it nevertheless look like its on the way :). i might bug them a little on #webkit-gtk about how it looks. 12:13 < jouz> they have most stuff written, they just wish a rewrite 12:14 < Dieterbe> dusanx: ugh. on my other pc it says 'triggered..done' but nothing happens :? 12:15 < dusanx> Dieterbe: gets weirder, right? 12:15 < dusanx> can somebody else here help? any volonteers? 12:16 < Dieterbe> dusanx: hmm but that's only when i echo 'back' 12:16 < Dieterbe> when i echo more uri/refresh/.. commands it works 12:16 < dusanx> ??? 12:16 < dusanx> can you try test.sh? 12:17 < Dieterbe> i just tested manually 12:20 < Dieterbe> i'll do a memory test on my system when i can miss it for a while 12:20 < dusanx> works on other pc? 12:21 < Dieterbe> if i echo 'back' into the pipe, nothing happens 12:22 < Dieterbe> but the other commands work 12:22 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I will add back to test.sh and see what happens 12:23 < dusanx> Dieterbe: back works here, actually everything works here 12:34 < dusanx> gone to eat, be back 12:45 < Dieterbe> dusanx: shit i discovered something else 12:45 < Dieterbe> echo -e 'aa\nbb' | dmenu 12:45 < Dieterbe> select 'aa', press tab, press backspace so you get 'a' 12:45 < Dieterbe> if you enter, it takes 'aa' :( 12:49 < dusanx> Dieterbe: that's really not good :( 13:19 < twold> well, it's d_menu_, what else would you expect? :-) 13:20 < twold> anyway, i think i can help you testing the pipe later, but having lunch right now 13:21 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@adsl-87-102-92-220.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #uzbl 13:21 < barrucadu> Hi 13:21 < Dieterbe> hey 13:21 < dusanx> hi! 13:22 < barrucadu> I've noticed that uzbl hangs in create_fifo(), for me at least. 13:22 < barrucadu> So I added no_fifo and no_socket variables to the config file 13:22 < barrucadu> Is this a known bug or not? 13:22 < dusanx> barrucadu: 32 or 64 bit linux? 13:23 < barrucadu> 64 bit 13:23 < dusanx> bah 13:23 < dusanx> works for me perfectly, Dieterbe has crashes 13:23 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: that bug is already fixed 13:23 < dusanx> so I am trying to find what is different 13:23 < Dieterbe> and i don't like your no_* variables (see comment on github) 13:24 * barrucadu looks 13:24 < barrucadu> That didn't occur to me, I forgot about that :) 13:24 < barrucadu> I'll remove the extra variables then 13:54 -!- fogobogo [n=fogobogo@port-92-202-31-14.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #uzbl 14:01 -!- jouz [n=jouz@p5488DDA4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 14:02 < dusanx> see you all later, need to set up uzbl as main browser :) dwm needs to restart ;) 14:03 < Dieterbe> :P 14:03 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 14:04 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@adsl-87-102-92-220.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit ["Being dragged out to do something…"] 14:06 < yiyus> Dieterbe: the dmenu behavior when echo -e 'aa\nbb' is intended (not that I like it, though) 14:06 < yiyus> so, to launch the gimp, for example, you can write gi and press enter 14:07 < yiyus> the idea is not having to press Tab to complete 14:11 < Dieterbe> the thing is, we wanted to abuse dmenu to also edit the current url 14:12 < Dieterbe> so you would load all your history . current url is the last one in history, so we show it in front 14:12 < Dieterbe> the idea was you could hit tab to load the url in the search buffer and then edit it manually 14:12 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 14:13 < Dieterbe> but I am now writing a standalone dmenu-alike thingie in gtk with text completion, i have something working but needs more work :) 14:13 < dusanx> done :) still setting few things but it's done :) 14:13 < Dieterbe> the idea is to make something like firefox' awesome bar 14:13 < Dieterbe> and i also want to make dusanx happy so he can copypaste :P 14:13 < yiyus> I have never used the firefox awesome bar 14:13 < dusanx> Dieterbe: that is so nice :) 14:14 < Dieterbe> yiyus: well it's really cool 14:15 < Dieterbe> if you type 'foo bar' it will match 'barlike foolala' for example 14:17 -!- fogobogo [n=fogobogo@port-92-202-31-14.dynamic.qsc.de] has quit ["leaving"] 14:20 < yiyus> I don't see where is the unix philosophy in implementing grep inside the url bar 14:20 < yiyus> cat history | grep should work 14:20 < yiyus> am I missing something? 14:20 < yiyus> (I guess so...) 14:20 < Dieterbe> aha 14:21 < Dieterbe> the idea is good, but how would you execute grep? 14:22 < Dieterbe> maybe uzbl could ask the user for a command, where you can say you want to execute grep and pass some arugements, and then uzbl will execute that 14:23 < Dieterbe> but then maybe the results are not what you want and you want to redo, uzbl should let you edit the option string and execute again 14:23 < yiyus> that is what the shell does 14:25 < Dieterbe> so you're gonna spawn a shell, then you also need a terminal (unless i'm missing something) 14:25 < Dieterbe> and how are going to feed the result from the shell/terminal back into uzbl? 14:27 < yiyus> I thought the idea behind uzbl was a browser that just opens a page in a window, with no more complications 14:30 < Dieterbe> yes something like that. but you should be able to edit the url manually (outside of uzbl). and right now we're discussing ways to do that 14:31 < yiyus> aha, ok, so that awesome bar thing will stay outside of uzbl, that's great 14:31 < Dieterbe> of course 14:31 < Dieterbe> it's similar to dmenu, but in gtk and with awesome-bar like matching style. and copypaste support 14:32 < Dieterbe> it will be a separate program, which you should be able to use in a variety of other things 14:34 < Dieterbe> yiyus: but i also like your grep proposal, but need to think of ways how we could make it practical to use 14:39 < yiyus> I have lots of code handling lists (for music and photos) in xlib (see http://code.google.com/p/dynamic-io/), I will probably write a "uzbl frontend" at some point 14:39 < yiyus> but not yet, the code is changing too fast 14:40 < dusanx> What a nice setup I have :) Perfect! 14:41 < dusanx> Dieterbe: insert mode is broken completely, I will fix it 14:42 < Dieterbe> dusanx: what's broken about it? 14:42 < dusanx> Dieterbe: press i and try to type something in edit field... 14:42 < Dieterbe> yiyus: the "api" is actually quite stable. the commands such as "uri ", "back" etc are even the same since the very beginning. the internal implementation has been changed a lot though 14:43 < Dieterbe> dusanx: indeed that's broken :P 14:43 < Dieterbe> dusanx: because of your copypaste stuff? 14:43 < dusanx> Dieterbe: fixing 14:44 < dusanx> I will fix it no worries 14:44 < Dieterbe> np :) 14:46 < Dieterbe> yiyus: dio looks cool. what do you mean with "These items can be played on selection" 14:51 < dusanx> Dieterbe: fixed, on my git, you can pull 14:51 < Dieterbe> k 14:52 < dusanx> how far away are we from handling cookies? I just got case where I might need them :P 14:54 < Dieterbe> i dunno sm217 was working on that 14:54 < Dieterbe> maybe he shows up today :) 14:54 < Dieterbe> i don't think it's that hard 14:55 < ruskie> hmm how often does|will experimental -> stable merge happen? 14:55 < Dieterbe> normally it's daily. it didn't happen for a while because of the fifo bug. but it seems like the fifo bug is only on my system 14:56 < Dieterbe> i'll check all changes and merge again 14:56 < GNU\caust1c> a 14:56 < GNU\caust1c> oh, sry :/ 15:13 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 15:13 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-1bf1244 15:13 < github> cleanup configs 15:13 < github> http://bit.ly/PIiX5 15:13 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 15:18 -!- sm217 [n=sm@] has joined #uzbl 15:21 < yiyus> Dieterbe: "items can be played on selection" means they can be selected with the keyoard or the mouse and play them 15:22 < Dieterbe> yiyus: play? your dio invokes mpc or something? 15:23 < yiyus> yes, I'm using mpg123 for music, mplayer for video, and gqview for images 15:23 < yiyus> items are played in order or randomly until the user stops it 15:31 < Dieterbe> ruskie: i just merged experimental into master. so master contains the latest stuff 15:32 -!- linopolus [n=linopolu@] has joined #uzbl 15:32 < Dieterbe> i go eat now 15:33 < ruskie> enjoy 15:33 * ruskie updates 15:39 -!- lino [n=linopolu@p54B36048.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 15:40 -!- linopolus [n=linopolu@] has quit [Nick collision from services.] 15:40 -!- lino is now known as linopolus 15:50 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 16:00 -!- _19LIONZ_ [n=Anon@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 16:36 < dusanx> I have almost finished search & highlight. Any last wishes? :D 16:38 < Dieterbe> o_O 16:38 < Dieterbe> huh? 16:38 < dusanx> /_ = search %s :) 16:39 < Dieterbe> niiice 16:39 < Dieterbe> i thought you couldn't do that with webkit, don't you need access to the dom model for it? 16:39 < Dieterbe> how does webkit "expose" the content? 16:39 < dusanx> with highlight, I was always envying bc mac safari has that 16:39 < Dieterbe> i'm curious 16:39 < dusanx> very nice looking, you'll see in 10 minutes :) 16:40 < dusanx> but I am adding this: when you use / enter (without param) next time, you search next, last search string is saved :) 16:41 < dusanx> http://webkitgtk.org/reference/webkitgtk-WebKitWebView.html#webkit-web-view-set-highlight-text-matches 16:41 -!- linopolus [n=linopolu@p54B36048.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #uzbl [] 16:41 < dusanx> simple webkit call :) 16:45 < sm217> any ideas what does `assertion `something != NULL' failed` mean ? 16:46 < dusanx> sm217: what you tried to do? 16:46 < sm217> I deleted a cookie from SoupCookieJar 16:47 < sm217> if I do not delete it, no message. 16:47 < dusanx> sm217: maybe you tried to free something that cannot be fried 16:47 < dusanx> probably need another step before delete 16:47 < sm217> hmm 16:49 < sm217> ah, I think I get it. 16:50 < sm217> yes, I was deleting a cookie by NULL pointer :) 16:50 < dusanx> sm217: ;) 16:53 < sm217> aha, I'm getting cookie from browser... 16:57 < sm217> hmm. 16:57 < dusanx> MY KUNG FU IS THE BEST! 16:58 < sm217> WAI 16:58 < dusanx> finished search, pushing :) 16:59 < dusanx> done, on my git 17:00 < dusanx> /text highlights text and searches next match 17:00 < dusanx> of course / can be mapped, that's command 17:00 < dusanx> another / searches next match for previous search 17:02 < anydot> Dieterbe: Can you merge from me? 17:02 < dusanx> just a sec, small fix 17:03 < anydot> Just solved bug with window resizing while hovering some link :) 17:03 < dusanx> need to turn off old highlights or they all stay on 17:03 < anydot> Also, added function to reload with ignoring cache. :) 17:04 < anydot> And solve one memory leak, and removed unneeded eprint/estrdup function, (g_strdup will abort whole program in case when there's no memory) 17:06 < Dieterbe> anydot: see my comment @ http://github.com/Barrucadu/uzbl/commit/c3a8768621d322da0472e4837ee4cafb9110f01a 17:06 < Dieterbe> dusanx: can you update the CHECKLIST file? first merge from me, then update the file 17:07 < dusanx> Dieterbe: will do, just to finish this, I will push, pull from you, push again 17:08 < anydot> Dieterbe: That depends on webkit implementation. 17:09 < anydot> For now, both can behave in same way, unless some cache manager is plugged in. 17:09 < Dieterbe> so how does one do a plain refresh? 17:09 < anydot> What is "plain refresh"? 17:11 < Dieterbe> render view again without fetching anything from network 17:11 < sm217> hmm, I see loads of fun 17:11 < sm217> we can easily do ad filtering and such :P 17:12 < anydot> Dieterbe: That should be done with reload fn. 17:12 < anydot> Dieterbe: Still, this is step very dependent on webkit, of course. 17:12 < Dieterbe> warning: implicit declaration of function ‘free’ 17:12 < Dieterbe> anyone an idea what i should do with this? 17:13 < anydot> #include 17:13 < sm217> *stdlib 17:13 < sm217> or hmm. 17:16 < dusanx> Dieterbe: need to fix sampleconfig-dev, only that file can't merge 17:16 < Dieterbe> just take my latest sampleconfig-dev and apply your changes to it 17:17 < dusanx> Dieterbe: how to do that? 17:17 < dusanx> examples/configs/sampleconfig-dev: needs merge 17:17 < dusanx> found it 17:34 < Dieterbe> ugh 17:34 < Dieterbe> char buf[1024]; 17:34 < Dieterbe> unsigned int len = 0; 17:34 < Dieterbe> printf("stdin"); 17:34 < Dieterbe> while(fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin) != NULL) { 17:34 < Dieterbe> i'm trying to read stdin 17:34 < Dieterbe> why does this hang? 17:34 < Dieterbe> it hangs in the fgets call 17:35 < dusanx> Dieterbe: you can merge my latest git, search works :) 17:35 < dusanx> merged from you with problems but I fixed them 17:36 < Dieterbe> any idea for the above? 17:37 < dusanx> let me see 17:37 < dusanx> nope, I have not meet with stdin or stdout so far 17:38 < dusanx> Dieterbe: have you opened stdin? I guess it behaves like any file 17:38 < Dieterbe> hmm i thought it would be opened by default. i'll check 17:38 < dusanx> Dieterbe: try search :) 17:39 < Dieterbe> hm in the dmenu source they also just do it like this. no opening 17:39 < dusanx> I will check CHECKLIST later, need to go out for an hour or two 17:42 < Dieterbe> nice 17:42 < Dieterbe> can you do more then just hilighting? 17:42 < dusanx> I can sing and eat sandwich at the same time! 17:42 < dusanx> :) 17:42 < dusanx> what do you want? 17:43 < Dieterbe> jump from one item to the next, keyboard controlled 17:43 < dusanx> press /enter 17:43 < dusanx> or you can bind some new key = search (without %s) :) 17:43 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 17:43 < github> uzbl: dusanx experimental SHA1-1825c5b 17:43 < github> Search 17:43 < github> http://bit.ly/wa9xg 17:43 < github> uzbl: dusanx experimental SHA1-2fc5928 17:43 < github> Small search fix 17:43 < github> http://bit.ly/8WKey 17:44 < github> uzbl: dusanx experimental SHA1-632c220 17:44 < sm217> Dieterbe: stdin is open by default, and fgets will return null on error or EOF 17:44 < github> Latest config-dev 17:44 < github> http://bit.ly/23ck33 17:44 < github> uzbl: dusanx experimental SHA1-bb178c7 17:44 < github> Merge branch 'experimental' of git://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl into di 17:44 < github> http://bit.ly/dENyG 17:44 < github> uzbl: dusanx experimental SHA1-37b63dd 17:44 < sm217> so it will loop forever 17:44 < github> Merged Dieter branch 17:44 < github> http://bit.ly/FPq0u 17:44 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-6eaf20f 17:44 < github> cleanup config files after dusanx search stuff 17:44 < sm217> omg 17:44 < github> http://bit.ly/mc2WR 17:44 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 17:44 < Dieterbe> dusanx: yeah but / is not very convenient 17:44 < sm217> github: DIE!!!! >:D 17:44 < Dieterbe> both are controlled with the right pinkie 17:44 < Dieterbe> very hard combo 17:45 < dusanx> Dieterbe: bind ; = search 17:45 < dusanx> keep /_ = search %s 17:45 < Dieterbe> k 17:45 < dusanx> or anything you want, if without parameter search searches last search term ;) 17:46 < Dieterbe> wohoo 17:46 < Dieterbe> works nice 17:46 < dusanx> got to go, see you all later 17:46 < dusanx> I know boss ;) 17:47 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 17:47 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-31fe93a 17:47 < github> better seach configs 17:47 < github> http://bit.ly/l02Q7 17:47 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 17:47 < sm217> eww 17:47 < sm217> can it at leas stop joining and leaving? 17:51 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 17:51 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-070aab9 17:51 < github> doc updates 17:51 < github> http://bit.ly/GwzGO 17:51 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 17:51 < Dieterbe> sm217: no :P 17:52 < sm217> eh. 17:53 < Dieterbe> sm217: then why does my fgets() hang? :( 17:53 < sm217> I told ya 17:53 < sm217> 184404 < sm217> Dieterbe: stdin is open by default, and fgets will return null on error or EOF 17:54 < Dieterbe> no.. i read that 17:54 < Dieterbe> that's exactly why i ask why it hangs 17:55 < sm217> because it never gets to end of stdin or some error ;) 17:55 < sm217> 184404 < sm217> Dieterbe: stdin is open by default, and fgets will return null on error or EOF 17:55 < sm217> oh 17:55 < sm217> static void 17:55 < sm217> ask_for_cookie 17:55 < sm217> :P 17:56 < Dieterbe> sigh.. what? 17:56 < Dieterbe> just tell me 17:56 < Dieterbe> while(fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin)) { 17:56 < Dieterbe> what should this become then? 17:56 < Dieterbe> i tried != NULL too 17:56 < Dieterbe> same thing 17:56 < sm217> what do you want to do, get a string? 17:57 < Dieterbe> get whatever is on stdin. if there is stuff, then the stuff, otherwise nothing 17:57 < Dieterbe> but you know what, i just noticed dmenu also hangs if you don't pass it anything. i'll stick to that behavior 17:57 < sm217> then use if 17:58 < sm217> if there is something, it will return a string pointer and so proceed 17:58 < sm217> if there's nothing, it will go on 18:38 < sm217> huh? 18:56 < Dieterbe> what 18:57 -!- rob| [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87c546.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 18:59 < sm217> Dieterbe: did you solve that 18:59 < sm217> whee 18:59 < sm217> rob| is finally here :) 18:59 -!- Grauwolf_ [n=Grauwolf@85-127-253-246.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #uzbl 19:00 < rob|> yeah, 19:00 < rob|> hey guys, finally at home after the WE trip :) 19:00 < Dieterbe> sm217: yeah i solved it 19:00 < Dieterbe> finally rob| 19:00 < Dieterbe> we've spent 3 day waiting for you :/ 19:01 < Dieterbe> so you better have something to show :P 19:02 < rob|> hehe, i can invite you guys to a czech beer, been in prague 19:03 < rob|> and my car's been broken into :( 19:04 < sm217> uh :< 19:04 < dusanx> ALL: I will finish follow link stub today but somebody will have to finish it, ok? I almost have working example. 19:04 < sm217> ok 19:05 < sm217> rob|: we have proxy working, and I'm baking some cookies :P 19:05 < Dieterbe> dusanx: i'm very curious 19:05 < rob|> sm217: oh, very cool 19:05 < sm217> and many other cool things 19:05 < dusanx> Dieterbe: want to try? two lines of code, you can delete them after trying 19:05 -!- Grauwolf [n=Grauwolf@85-127-81-64.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 19:06 < Dieterbe> yeah actually uzbl has improved 10 times over the last days, so.. :P 19:06 < rob|> i guess i won't do any hacking today, but i promise to review and push my code tomorrow 19:06 < Dieterbe> dusanx: no, later 19:06 -!- Grauwolf_ is now known as Grauwolf 19:06 < sm217> brb 19:06 < Dieterbe> rob|: okay. is it coming alright with the car? assistive authorities in czech? 19:07 < Dieterbe> or you left the car in your hometown? 19:07 < rob|> Dieterbe: yeah the police guys were quite nice, already talked to the assigurance - so, should be ok. the stupid thing was that they broke the window 19:08 < rob|> and took the car radio 19:08 < sm217> lol 19:08 < sm217> just some drunkies. 19:09 < rob|> probably, though my car was not the only one broken into there 19:09 < sm217> o_o 19:13 < Dieterbe> dusanx: YES :) I've got a "awesomebar" standalone gtk thingie working :D 19:13 < anydot> btw, why is not 'n' as search next function? 19:13 < Dieterbe> well, the matching works, now i just need to fix the hilighting 19:13 < dusanx> Dieterbe: nice, can I see? 19:13 < Dieterbe> a bit of patience :P 19:13 < dusanx> Dieterbe: never used awesomebar, don't know what to expect 19:14 < Dieterbe> dusanx: i just picked ';' .. feel free to change it to 'n' 19:14 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I did not asked about n, I like ; :P 19:15 < dusanx> sm217: want to try finishing follow key? I can paste two lines here 19:15 < sm217> hmm 19:16 < dusanx> only if you wish :) 19:16 < sm217> what are you actually talking about :P 19:16 < dusanx> vimperator or conkeror keyboard navigation 19:16 < sm217> I'd try, what if a bit later? 19:17 < dusanx> np I'll probably be here 19:17 < sm217> need to finish wth cookies 19:17 < dusanx> It's few weeks of work, nothing special :P 19:17 < sm217> oh 19:18 < sm217> if that would take long, I must retire 19:19 < sm217> going to crimea innnnn three days :p 19:51 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@adsl-87-102-92-220.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #uzbl 19:51 < barrucadu> Hi 19:51 < sm217> hi barrucadu 20:00 < Dieterbe> dusanx: how is the link following going? 20:00 < Dieterbe> hi mike 20:00 < Dieterbe> i mean.. barrucadu :P 20:04 < barrucadu> :p 20:12 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I am back 20:13 < dusanx> well I have created 'proof of concept' rest is on you guys :P 20:14 < dusanx> want to try? 20:16 < Dieterbe> dusanx: ok 20:17 < dusanx> Dieterbe: find func progress_change_cb 20:17 < dusanx> add below update_title(); line this two lines: 20:17 < dusanx> const gchar script[] = "for (var i=0; i < document.links.length; i++) { var li = document.links[i]; li.innerText =i; }"; 20:17 < dusanx> if (load_progress == 100) webkit_web_view_execute_script (page, script); 20:17 < dusanx> that's it :P 20:18 < Dieterbe> ok then what? 20:19 < dusanx> load any page, see how links are changed -> proof of concept that we can change inner text or html of any link, I will explain 20:19 < Dieterbe> lol 20:19 < Dieterbe> yeah 20:19 < dusanx> got idea? 20:19 < Dieterbe> sweet 20:19 < dusanx> ;) 20:19 < dusanx> beware of old man! lol 20:19 < Dieterbe> :P 20:20 < Dieterbe> cool stuff, you're executing javascript inside C :P 20:20 < dusanx> so we just need to find somebody skilled in JS to finish that :P 20:20 < Dieterbe> i know my way around in js 20:20 < dusanx> my idea (I don't know js): 20:20 < dusanx> -on key numerate whatever all visible links 20:20 < dusanx> -on key search our numeration 20:20 < dusanx> -on enter follow link 20:21 < dusanx> -on esc remove numeration 20:21 < dusanx> that's it 20:21 < dusanx> not numeration but some marking, you know what I mean 20:21 < Dieterbe> i wouldn't rename the links to have numbers 20:21 < dusanx> see above 20:21 < Dieterbe> yeah keep the words as they are , and do text search 20:21 < barrucadu> This has given me a completely different idea which I'll implement now :D 20:21 < dusanx> yup 20:22 < Dieterbe> it's a bit ugly that it's in JS though 20:23 < dusanx> Dieterbe: agreed but we need JS just to do numeration (actually our highlighting), find will work from C 20:24 < dusanx> and we don't need to wait until webkit gets proper dom, can do follow right now :) 20:24 < dusanx> barrucadu: what you have in mind? 20:24 -!- jouz [n=jouz@p5488DDA4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 20:26 < Dieterbe> hey jouz 20:26 < jouz> jo 20:27 < Dieterbe> jouz: dusanx has proposed a way we could do link following, by using javascript 20:27 < Dieterbe> since we can't use the DOM from C 20:27 < Dieterbe> it's a bit ugly, but could be workable 20:28 < jouz> if you "inject" javascript functions into the code that modify the links, and invoke the functions externaly? 20:28 < Dieterbe> something like: 20:28 < Dieterbe> const gchar script[] = "for (var i=0; i < document.links.length; i++) { var li = document.links[i]; li.innerText =i; }"; 20:28 < Dieterbe> if (load_progress == 100) webkit_web_view_execute_script (page, script); 20:28 < Dieterbe> yeah something like that 20:28 < Dieterbe> execute javascript from inside C 20:28 < barrucadu> dusanx: a "script" command, which runs javascript on the specified page 20:29 < dusanx> barrucadu: hmm, extensions? 20:29 < barrucadu> that's the idea 20:29 < dusanx> barrucadu: ok, I urgently need spell checker :P 20:30 -!- bstronga [n=bstronga@static.] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 20:34 < jouz> Dieterbe: i'll have another look at that! 20:34 < barrucadu> dusanx: We have (possible) extensions: http://github.com/Barrucadu/uzbl/commit/01cfcffd7762edd4bed94e91b2013890680765a9 20:34 < barrucadu> :) 20:35 < jouz> btw: whats the current branch to pull to keep possible merges least painful? 20:35 < dusanx> barrucadu: lol 20:36 < dusanx> brb 20:36 < Dieterbe> barrucadu / dusanx i honestly hope we never have to use that function :/ 20:36 < Dieterbe> or at least as little times as possible 20:36 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: Why? It's nicer than implementing things like spell checking in the core program 20:36 < Dieterbe> spell checking? spell checking does not belong in a browser. 20:37 < Dieterbe> remember unix philosophy and all that? :P 20:37 < barrucadu> :p 20:37 -!- bstronga [n=bstronga@static.] has joined #uzbl 20:38 < barrucadu> It's much nicer than typing up whatever you're doing in another text editor, running aspell on it, and then pasting in the form fields in uzbl. That's just a hassle :p 20:41 * barrucadu checks his user agent and notes with some satisfaction that he is proclaiming he uses "uzbl" to the world 20:41 < barrucadu> :) 20:41 < Dieterbe> :P 20:42 < barrucadu> I think I'll edit that to contain a little more info though… right now I probably look like a bot :p 20:42 < sm217> heh 20:42 < Dieterbe> yeah i was wondering if a user could say like: user_agent = "uzbl $VERSION" and inside the code we would replace $VERSION 20:43 < ruskie> why not simply provide a full user-agent spoofing... 20:43 < Dieterbe> that's what we do already 20:43 < ruskie> ahh 20:45 < barrucadu> "Uzbl (Webkit 1.1.6-1 / Arch Linux x86_64" :) 20:47 < Dieterbe> we should have the builddate in our user agent :) 20:47 < Dieterbe> or maybe the sha1 sum of the commit that you built from :D 20:47 < ruskie> don't forget the commit hash 20:48 < sm217> and check for that on website, and poke user to update :P 20:48 < barrucadu> If I find out how to do string search/replace in C I may stick in a few variables: $webkitver, $kernver, $commit, etc 20:49 < Dieterbe> we could maybe also use the pango markup language for it 20:49 * barrucadu notices he can't post to a certain forum in uzbl 20:49 < barrucadu> That's odd, I'll try reloading the page… 20:50 < barrucadu> It's sort of vital that I can, as I'm the webmaster and an admin 20:50 < ruskie> barrucadu, probably cookies 20:50 < barrucadu> Hmm, "The uploaded file is empty." 20:51 * barrucadu closes and reopens uzbl 20:51 * barrucadu gives up and opens Opera 20:52 < sm217> any one free to write cookie handling script? 20:52 < barrucadu> I *was* going to brag about using a browser I'm developing to administrate the forum… :p 20:52 < ruskie> lol 20:53 < barrucadu> I could still do it, and then quickly open Uzbl so my user agent is the Uzbl one :p 20:53 < ruskie> or just spoof it 20:56 < dusanx> I am back :) 20:56 < dusanx> Dieterbe: spell checker was joke 20:57 < ruskie> hmm in kazehakase(my current browser) I'm able to right click in a text area and select an external editor to edit it... would something like this be possible to do with uzbl? 20:57 < ruskie> I don't know if webkit supports that 20:58 < Dieterbe> dusanx: phew 20:58 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: I, however, like spell checkers :p 20:58 < barrucadu> Not that I use one in Opera, but it'd be nice… 20:58 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: use them all you want. but don't implement one *inside* uzbl :P 20:58 < barrucadu> I won't :p 20:59 < barrucadu> I'll use a script :D 20:59 < barrucadu> Even though Webkit seems slower at downloading/rendering pages than Opera, I feel as if I'm using the Internet much faster :) 21:00 < ruskie> could always add pre-loading then you'd get quite some speed ;) 21:01 < Dieterbe> once we got keybound link following and cookies and all that working, I think it will be very hard to browse faster with anything then with uzbl 21:01 * barrucadu has an idea 21:02 < barrucadu> Currently, there is absolutely no form of popup blocking. What do you think about a block_popups entry in the config file? 21:02 < ruskie> privoxy 21:02 < ruskie> works well for all kinds of ad and spy nonsense 21:02 < Grauwolf> i prefer polipo over privoxy 21:02 < sm217> om nom nom. 21:03 < dusanx> IMO uzbl only lacks keyboard following, _nothing_ _else_ 21:03 < Grauwolf> dusanx: ack 21:03 < sm217> dusanx: it still lacks om nom nom. 21:03 < barrucadu> You can never have too much om nom nom 21:03 < barrucadu> I propose that, upon starting, an OGG file of the cookie monster gets played :p 21:03 < Grauwolf> but i would prefer a uzbl in qt 21:03 < dusanx> what? 21:04 < dusanx> is ack and om nom nom?! 21:04 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: i would also suggest privoxy 21:04 < barrucadu> ok 21:05 < Grauwolf> i really don't like the libwebkit deps. in qt webkit is already integrated 21:05 < dusanx> Grauwolf: too late, we are using gtk pretty extensively 21:05 < barrucadu> Grauwolf: Feel free to fork it :) 21:06 < dusanx> I would not take part in qt project, not using qt... 21:06 < Grauwolf> barrucadu: maybe i will ;) 21:06 < sm217> hmm 21:06 < dusanx> so... has anybody finished keyboard following while we are chatting? 21:06 < sm217> :P 21:07 < sm217> one question 21:07 < sm217> do we need to ask for cookie each time we may need it or once per session 21:08 < Dieterbe> http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=547371#p547371 <----- 21:08 < sm217> <3 21:09 < barrucadu> :D 21:10 < Dieterbe> i think this could turn out quite useful.. for say.. hmm i don't know.. maybe some sort of browser 21:10 < sm217> whee %) 21:11 < sm217> answer me please. 21:11 < Dieterbe> that's the script's problem 21:12 < Grauwolf> this is the code used in vimperopera for hinting http://attachr.com/12149 21:12 < Grauwolf> (line 325) 21:12 < Dieterbe> sm217: just call the script every time 21:12 < sm217> Dieterbe: okay 21:12 < Dieterbe> lol "vimperopera" :) 21:12 < Grauwolf> but it's javascript 21:12 < sm217> less work for me :P 21:14 < dusanx> Grauwolf: JS is perfect for what we have now :) 21:14 < sm217> I huess I'll leave cookie change case for now. 21:14 < Dieterbe> Grauwolf: wow dude 21:14 < Dieterbe> this opens doors 21:14 < Dieterbe> we could make thelink folowwing 100% user customizable 21:14 < Dieterbe> users can just write their own JS for it 21:15 < Dieterbe> then we immediately have our first plugin :P 21:15 < sm217> http://gist.github.com/106118 <- our cookie handler spec \o/ 21:15 -!- bstronga [n=bstronga@static.] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 21:15 < dusanx> Dieterbe: many users don't know JS, including me :( 21:15 < sm217> now someone write it or I'll eat all cookies and give you none :D 21:15 < Grauwolf> Dieterbe: why not fully support userscripts like opera or firefox's greasemonkey 21:15 < Dieterbe> dusanx: well we could deliver some sample scripts like we have sample configs now 21:16 < dusanx> Dieterbe: that's better 21:16 < dusanx> no, it will now work 21:16 < dusanx> we need C key handling 21:16 < dusanx> JS should be used only to mark links 21:16 < Dieterbe> sm217: ok give me 5mins 21:16 < Dieterbe> sm217: you'll have a handler script 21:17 < sm217> wait a sec 21:17 < Dieterbe> ... 21:17 < Dieterbe> make up your mind :P 21:17 < sm217> uzbl gives request address by default, right? 21:18 < sm217> oh, well, that's not ot. 21:18 < sm217> *it. 21:18 < Dieterbe> yeah it does 21:18 < Dieterbe> it gives the current uri of the curent loaded page 21:19 < sm217> that's not it :P 21:21 < sm217> may I post a long link :P 21:21 < sm217> can uzbl give requset url like this: 21:21 < sm217> http://counter.yadro.ru/hit?t14.11;rhttp%3A//linuxforum.ru/;s1280*800*24;uhttp%3A//linuxforum.ru/;0.5935002786734007 21:22 < Dieterbe> uzbl --uri 'http://counter.yadro.ru/hit?t14.11;rhttp%3A//linuxforum.ru/;s1280*800*24;uhttp%3A//linuxforum.ru/;0.5935002786734007' 21:22 < jouz> Dieterbe / dusanx: ok i just started tinkering with the example you gave me, and just now i realize how powerful javascript can be :). 21:22 < Dieterbe> works fine for me 21:22 < sm217> Dieterbe: no :D 21:22 < dusanx> jouz: :) 21:23 < Dieterbe> jouz: still i would prefer plain C bindings to the DOM , but i guess it will do 21:23 < sm217> when it loads a page, it does requests like that one 21:23 < dusanx> jouz: we need just code to modify search targets on request, I would keep navigation within C key handling 21:23 < sm217> I need to catch them; actually forget what I said and wait :P 21:25 < jouz> yep, i haven't looked much into states yet, but i guess we need another one for link-following besides "command" and "insert", right? 21:25 < dusanx> jouz: no, see how parameters work 21:25 < dusanx> gg search-term in last dieter experimental 21:26 < dusanx> or o uri 21:26 < dusanx> we already have all handling / searching we need 21:26 < dusanx> all you need to do is to a) nicely select _visible_ links and mark them somehow 21:27 < dusanx> b) remove them if this command in canceled 21:27 < dusanx> f is already defined as follow_link, all we need to do is use f_, wait for parameter and do search :) 21:32 < jouz> ah ok... i'm getting the idea 21:33 -!- bstronga [n=bstronga@static.] has joined #uzbl 21:33 < dusanx> jouz: let me find in log, I had a cunning plan 21:33 < jouz> (uzbl's code made a lot of progress since i last had a explicite look) 21:34 < dusanx> jouz: don't know if this helps: 21:34 < dusanx> -on key numerate whatever all visible links 21:34 < dusanx> -on key search our numeration 21:34 < dusanx> -on enter follow link 21:34 < dusanx> -on esc remove numeration 21:34 < dusanx> that's it 21:34 < dusanx> so JS should do some highlighting that search can find and remove it on request 21:35 < dusanx> rest is C code 21:35 < jouz> yeah that sounds logic 21:37 < sm217> uh, I'm tired. I'll finish with cookies later... 21:37 -!- sm217 [n=sm@] has quit ["leaving"] 21:46 -!- bstronga [n=bstronga@static.] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 21:48 < Dieterbe> again, quite a productive weekend 21:48 < Dieterbe> next week cookies and link following and we're done :P 21:49 < Dieterbe> oh, and rob|'s refactoring stuff 21:50 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I am not sure if you should add some official announce on that forum topic, uzbl can seriously be used (apart from cookies) 21:53 < dusanx> instead of answering to life-sucking wraith :P 21:55 -!- bstronga [n=bstronga@static.] has joined #uzbl 21:59 < Dieterbe> :P 21:59 < Dieterbe> hello github !! 22:01 < Dieterbe> dusanx: man i really want to have the sha1 hash of the commit in the uzbl user agent :P then we are the leetest browser ever 22:02 < dusanx> 1337 ! 22:03 < dusanx> can you show me what sha1? on github? 22:04 < Dieterbe> o_O 22:04 < Dieterbe> what do you mean 22:04 < dusanx> sha1 before pushing? 22:05 < dusanx> tell me how you calculate it and I'll tell you how to add it into version ;) 22:07 < Dieterbe> attempt 1: git log | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}' 22:07 < ruskie> the sha1 should be gotten from the checkout while building through git tools 22:08 < ruskie> quite some projects do it 22:08 < Dieterbe> the above gives the sha1 of the latest commit, which is not correct if you build from an unclean working directory 22:08 < dusanx> Dieterbe: we need sha1 calculated before pushing so think in that direction 22:08 < Dieterbe> ok 22:08 < ruskie> Dieterbe, you can detect if there are changes and just add +changes 22:08 < Dieterbe> before pushing or before commiting dusanx ? 22:09 < Dieterbe> ruskie: what do yoeu mean? 22:09 < dusanx> my idea: add %version% or something into agent string, make sha1 > version.h 22:09 < ruskie> XMMS2 version 0.6 DrMattDestruction (git commit: 29a2dcfc8db33e6e57c0c994c8286cabfbf5f186-dirty) 22:09 < dusanx> and make final-make that packs everything 22:09 < ruskie> that's how xmms2 has it 22:09 < ruskie> the -dirty means there were local changes that weren't commited 22:09 < dusanx> but I am not sure if that's possible ;) 22:15 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 22:15 < github> uzbl: Barrucadu experimental SHA1-6f98b4d 22:15 < github> Merge branch 'anydot/master' into experimental 22:15 < github> http://bit.ly/1a0j1f 22:15 < github> uzbl: Barrucadu experimental SHA1-d8728e6 22:15 < github> Added no_fifo and no_socket variables to config file. 22:15 < github> http://bit.ly/Zkad9 22:15 < github> uzbl: Barrucadu experimental SHA1-7c19691 22:15 < github> Merge branch 'dieter/experimental' into experimental 22:15 < github> http://bit.ly/MOMbS 22:15 < github> uzbl: Barrucadu experimental SHA1-8f9c1fb 22:15 < github> Removed no_fifo and no_socket variables. 22:15 < github> http://bit.ly/ni34Q 22:15 < github> uzbl: Barrucadu experimental SHA1-8b88ac0 22:15 < github> Merge branch 'dieter/experimental' into experimental 22:15 < github> http://bit.ly/8kyfA 22:15 < github> uzbl: Barrucadu experimental SHA1-246be6d 22:15 < github> Fixed a warning. 22:15 < github> http://bit.ly/6yhiR 22:15 < github> uzbl: Barrucadu experimental SHA1-d0dfcc7 22:15 < dusanx> barrucadu: you here? 22:15 < github> Fixed code style error. 22:15 < github> http://bit.ly/40RVU 22:15 < github> uzbl: Barrucadu experimental SHA1-01cfcff 22:15 < github> Added command "script" to run javascript on the current page. 22:15 < github> http://bit.ly/JXGmv 22:15 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-4bd6b3f 22:15 < github> merged in Barrucadus stuff 22:15 < github> http://bit.ly/3Z49F 22:15 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 22:16 < Dieterbe> dusanx: hmm but the problem is, if you get the sha1 sum and write the sha1 sum into any file, your working copy is dirty again because a file has changed. and you can't really put the file in .gitignore either because you need it 22:16 < dusanx> yup, just thinking about that :( sorry 22:16 < dusanx> it was a good idea 22:18 < Dieterbe> but it must be possible if so many projects do it 22:19 * Dieterbe downloads xmms2 source code 22:19 < dusanx> barrucadu: you here? 22:21 < Dieterbe> dusanx: meh xxms2 uses some python stuff. too complicated to study at this point of the day :P 22:22 < dusanx> don't speak python, sorry 22:22 < dusanx> this was way to productive day anyway ;) 22:24 -!- l0st3d [n=ed@82-38-201-215.cable.ubr05.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #uzbl 22:25 < ruskie> Dieterbe, it's waf 22:25 < ruskie> Dieterbe, but just try grepping for git in there 22:27 < Dieterbe> no man, i'm going to sleep i think 22:27 < ruskie> waftools/gittools.py is what you need for the functionality... 22:27 < ruskie> but yeah I'm heading to bed as well 22:27 < dusanx> me too 22:27 -!- Grauwolf [n=Grauwolf@85-127-253-246.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has quit ["leaving"] 22:27 * ruskie dislikes python... prefers ruby 22:28 < Dieterbe> goodnight all 22:28 * ruskie powers down 22:28 < Dieterbe> and thanks for all the hard work :) except you rob| !!! :D 22:28 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has left #uzbl [] 22:28 < ruskie> lol 22:56 * barrucadu is here now 23:28 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 23:28 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #uzbl 23:47 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@adsl-87-102-92-220.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit ["WeeChat"] --- Day changed Mon May 04 2009 00:07 -!- syslogd_ [n=syslogd@pD955E92E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 00:25 -!- syslogd [n=syslogd@unaffiliated/syslogd] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 00:54 -!- Toy-Food [n=andy@d118-75-26-83.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #uzbl 01:12 -!- l0st3d [n=ed@82-38-201-215.cable.ubr05.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit ["Leaving."] 01:29 -!- rob|2 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87c5ea.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 01:45 -!- rob| [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87c546.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 03:00 -!- twold [n=twold@arcadia.kolej.mff.cuni.cz] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 04:27 -!- Greg02 [n=greg@ool-18bc79e7.dyn.optonline.net] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 05:51 -!- Grauwolf [n=Grauwolf@85-127-253-246.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #uzbl 06:02 -!- BetterLeftUnsaid [n=kirby@dyn128-54-218-113.ucsd.edu] has joined #uzbl 07:35 -!- sm217 [n=sm@] has joined #uzbl 07:43 < sm217> hi 08:27 -!- rob| [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87c5ea.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 08:42 -!- rob|2 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87c5ea.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 08:46 < dodobas> yello 09:10 < Dieterbe> morning --- Log closed Mon May 04 09:17:17 2009 --- Log opened Mon May 04 09:17:37 2009 09:17 -!- Dieterbe [n=Dieterbe@] has joined #uzbl 09:17 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 25 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 25 normal] 09:18 -!- Irssi: Join to #uzbl was synced in 50 secs 09:36 < ruskie> good morrow all 09:39 -!- kdavis [n=btartsa@c-24-21-173-200.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 09:39 -!- kdavis [n=btartsa@c-24-21-173-200.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #uzbl --- Log closed Mon May 04 09:39:37 2009 --- Log opened Mon May 04 09:39:58 2009 09:39 -!- Dieterbe [n=Dieterbe@] has joined #uzbl 09:39 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 25 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 25 normal] 09:40 < rob|> the experimental branch does segfault on startup, is this a known issue? just wanted to ask before i need to debug myself 09:40 < rob|> reffering to dieter's branch 09:40 -!- Irssi: Join to #uzbl was synced in 60 secs 09:41 < Dieterbe> rob|: that's odd 09:41 < Dieterbe> first time someone mentions this :/ and we've been testing yesterday 09:41 < Dieterbe> did you take my exact code or merge it into yours? 09:42 < rob|> i took your code, i.e. a clean experimetal pull 09:43 < Dieterbe> that's very odd 09:43 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@adsl-87-102-92-220.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #uzbl 09:43 < barrucadu> Hi 09:44 < Dieterbe> hey barrucadu 09:44 < Dieterbe> rob|: so if you do './uzbl' it segfaults .. what about ./uzbl --config examples/configs/sampleconfig ? 09:44 < rob|> yeah, wanted to begin with refactoring and the struct things we discussed last week, though i#d like to do this on a working revision 09:44 < rob|> just a sec 09:45 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: i think glib has some string replacement functions 09:45 < Dieterbe> also, i would check first if we can't use the pango markup language for this 09:46 < rob|> Dieterbe: when specifing a config file it does not segfault 09:48 < Dieterbe> well, someone will have to investigate. i can't right now cause i'm at work 09:48 < Dieterbe> but i'm building the latest uzbl-experimental-git package 09:48 < Dieterbe> to verify if it also segfaults here 09:49 < Dieterbe> jep. i can reproduce it 09:49 < Dieterbe> when i temporarily move my ~/.config/uzbl to another name and run `uzbl` it segfaults 09:50 < barrucadu> I've just checked and my branch doesn't segfault with no config 09:50 < rob|> probably due to some uninitialized config values/variables 09:50 < Dieterbe> did you remove your ~/.config/uzbl also barrucadu ? 09:50 < barrucadu> Yes 09:51 < barrucadu> And it printed "No configuration" when loading 09:51 < Dieterbe> dieter@dieter-dellD620-arch .config uzbl 09:51 < Dieterbe> Uzbl start location: uzbl 09:51 < Dieterbe> XDG_CONFIG_HOME: /home/dieter/.config 09:51 < Dieterbe> XDG_CONFIG_DIRS: /etc/xdg 09:51 < Dieterbe> No configuration. 09:51 < Dieterbe> History handler: disabled 09:51 < Dieterbe> Download manager: disabled 09:51 < Dieterbe> Fifo directory: disabled 09:51 < Dieterbe> Socket directory: disabled 09:51 < Dieterbe> Always insert mode: FALSE 09:51 < Dieterbe> Show status: FALSE 09:51 < Dieterbe> Status top: FALSE 09:51 < Dieterbe> Modkey: disabled 09:51 < Dieterbe> Segmentation fault 09:51 < Dieterbe> should be fairly easy to spot where the problem is 09:52 < barrucadu> 8:51:16 /home/barrucadu % uzbl 09:52 < barrucadu> Uzbl start location: uzbl 09:52 < barrucadu> XDG_CONFIG_HOME: /home/barrucadu/.config 09:52 < barrucadu> XDG_CONFIG_DIRS: /etc/xdg 09:52 < barrucadu> No configuration. 09:52 < barrucadu> History handler: disabled 09:52 < barrucadu> Download manager: disabled 09:52 < barrucadu> Fifo directory: disabled 09:52 < barrucadu> Socket directory: disabled 09:52 < barrucadu> Always insert mode: FALSE 09:52 < barrucadu> Show status: FALSE 09:52 < barrucadu> Status top: FALSE 09:52 < barrucadu> Modkey: disabled 09:52 < barrucadu> Then some GLib warnings… 09:52 < barrucadu> Wrong http_debug level, ignoring. 09:52 -!- kdavis_ [n=btartsa@c-24-21-173-200.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #uzbl 09:52 < barrucadu> Proxy configured: none 09:52 < barrucadu> HTTP logging level: 0 09:52 < barrucadu> User-agent: default 09:52 < barrucadu> Maximum connections: -1 09:52 < barrucadu> Maximum connections per host: -1 09:53 < barrucadu> Then some warnings about my hackish GTK theme… 09:53 < barrucadu> Then it loaded 09:54 < Dieterbe> so probably where you get the glib warnings is where we get segfaults 09:55 < barrucadu> (uzbl:4816): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_key_file_get_value: assertion `key_file != NULL' failed 09:55 < barrucadu> (uzbl:4816): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_key_file_get_integer: assertion `key_file != NULL' failed 09:55 < barrucadu> (uzbl:4816): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_key_file_get_value: assertion `key_file != NULL' failed 09:55 < barrucadu> (uzbl:4816): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_key_file_get_integer: assertion `key_file != NULL' failed 09:55 < barrucadu> (uzbl:4816): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_key_file_get_integer: assertion `key_file != NULL' failed 09:55 < barrucadu> There they are 09:56 < Dieterbe> aha 09:56 < Dieterbe> there are some if(res) missing 09:56 < barrucadu> Also, I can't find any string replacement functions in the GNOME GLib reference, so we'll have to stick to my function for now. :( 09:56 < barrucadu> I wonder why that segfaults for you but not me then… 09:57 -!- kdavis [n=btartsa@c-24-21-173-200.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 09:57 < Dieterbe> the stuff in /* networking options */ 09:57 < Dieterbe> it needs an if(res) 09:58 < Dieterbe> similar to how we set the options like modkey etc, they also are wrapped in a if(res) 09:58 < Dieterbe> rob|: can you check if that fixes it for you? 09:59 < barrucadu> No more GLib messages :) 10:01 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: http://marc.info/?l=gtk-app-devel&m=96359621809658&w=2 10:04 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: thanks :) 10:04 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 10:04 < barrucadu> Now I just need to figure out how to get the kernel version and the sha1sum of the commit and that's all the info we want :) 10:05 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: did you test the new str_replace? 10:05 < barrucadu> yes 10:05 < Dieterbe> ok 10:05 < barrucadu> works perfectly 10:05 < dusanx> 'morning :) 10:05 < dusanx> exit 10:05 < barrucadu> Hi dusanx 10:05 < dusanx> oops 10:05 < dusanx> too early, wrong window :) 10:06 < barrucadu> :p 10:06 < Dieterbe> :) 10:07 < Dieterbe> barrucadu / rob| / dusanx i was hoping that with the pango markup language we cannot only do markup but also variable substitution, but apparently not :( 10:08 < dusanx> pango in statusbar? 10:08 < Dieterbe> yeah 10:08 < rob|> hmm, let's discuss this a bit later have an appoinment with the mechanic in a couple of minutes 10:09 < Dieterbe> so i suggest we built our own variable replacement thing based on a struct or something, and using barrucadu's str_replace function 10:09 < dusanx> cool. I have status bar turned off :) 10:09 < Dieterbe> then we can route statusbar through pango + str_replace(s), and user agent and window title just through the str_replace(s) 10:09 < dusanx> Dieterbe: yup, that's correct way 10:10 < Dieterbe> i think one of you guys can get this working in 10-30 minutes :P 10:11 < Dieterbe> uber kungfu master dusanx can do it in 5 10:11 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: I'm currently trying to figure out how to get the kernel version in the code. I think kunfu master dusanx should do it :p 10:11 < dusanx> Dieterbe: so true :) My wife has day off and we are going to walk... I am probably away for the whole day :P 10:11 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: there are syscalls for that 10:12 < Dieterbe> dusanx: damn you, woman! :P 10:13 < dusanx> Dieterbe: this is deserved pause for me :) 10:14 < dusanx> hope to see cookies today 10:14 * ruskie still thinks adding all this info during building is better ;) 10:14 < dusanx> got to go, see you later ;) 10:14 < Dieterbe> have fun 10:14 < barrucadu> bye 10:16 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: care to share these syscalls? I'm not having much luck with defining a symbol in the makefile :p 10:30 < sm217> well, I'm quite busy but will try to do cookies today. 10:38 < barrucadu> Aha, got it working :) 10:39 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: i don't know them from the top of my head. i would guess uname() but not sure 10:39 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: so how do you do it? 10:39 < ruskie> http://rafb.net/p/YTnOom33.html <-- :) easy to make it work from the build system 10:39 < ruskie> first time I ever wrote a Makefile at that 10:39 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: I figured out how to define a symbol in the makefile and successfully pass it to GCC with the -D option 10:40 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: whoa.. but then you get the kernel of the system it was built on 10:41 < barrucadu> True, I'll investigate the uname() function 10:42 < barrucadu> The ARCH and COMMIT macros I'll keep though, not much sense in figuring out every time Uzbl is loaded that it's a 64 bit processor… 10:43 < Dieterbe> i think you can get arch easily through a syscall too 10:43 < Dieterbe> commit should be done through macros indeed 10:44 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: True, but it just adds an unnecessary syscall every time Uzbl is loaded. The arch won't exactly change, so there is no need. 10:44 < Dieterbe> i guess it depends on whether you want the arch of uzbl binary itself (in that case use macro) or the arch of the host operating system (in that case use syscall) 10:45 < Dieterbe> lol. a syscall to get a variable such as arch is WAY cheaper then all the stuff we do now (networking, i/o to disk etc) 10:45 < barrucadu> I suppose :p 10:45 < ruskie> why not get all this info at build time and avoid all the extra work? 10:47 < Dieterbe> ruskie: like i said.. do we want the arch of the uzbl binary or the arch of the system we run on 10:47 < Dieterbe> you can run 32binaries on 64bit systems, so.. in that case user agent should say 64bit imo 10:47 < Dieterbe> also the kernel is definitely something you can only know at runtime 10:48 < ruskie> only if you want to know the runtime kernel 10:48 < ruskie> which is leaking quite a lot of info... 10:48 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: I think it could be a little misleading if the user agent reports 64 bit when the browser itself is 32 bit 10:48 < Dieterbe> if the user wants to put his kernel version into his user agent, that's his damn right 10:49 < ruskie> sa this will not be on by default then? 10:49 < Dieterbe> ruskie: of course not 10:49 < ruskie> no prob then :) 10:49 < Dieterbe> the whole idea is the user can create the complete user agent string like "uzbl $arch $kernel foo webkit more leet stuff here" 10:49 < ruskie> :) 10:50 < ruskie> plan on adding a $distro in as well? 10:50 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: maybe we should have 2 vars then. arch_system and arch_uzbl 10:50 < barrucadu> I'll add all the stuff reported by uname(), then stick some comments in the example config and commit :) 10:50 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: I was thinking that 10:57 < dpb> why does the website list git as a build depend? git isn't used for building.. 10:58 < ruskie> it's needed to checkout 10:58 < dpb> you can just get a tar snapshot, it's not needed 10:59 < ruskie> and I guess it's needed to get the hash as well 10:59 < Dieterbe> aha ruskie brings up a good point 10:59 < Dieterbe> in fact, I think you cannot get a hash without a .git directory 11:00 < ruskie> xmms2 stores it in commithash file 11:00 < ruskie> so that even a tarballed release has a hash 11:00 < dpb> why do you need the hash? 11:03 < ruskie> the store git rev-parse --verify HEAD and git diff-index -r HEAD 11:04 < ruskie> erm they even 11:04 < ruskie> in a commithash file... first line being the last hash and the rest being all the various files 11:06 < ruskie> could be used when generating a release tarball 11:09 < dusanx> WORK HARDER! (went inside to pick up a few things -> gone already) :P 11:10 < barrucadu> :p 11:13 < Dieterbe> dpb: just because we can :P 11:13 * barrucadu wonders why segfaults *always* crop up 11:17 -!- jouz_ [n=jouz@p5488E711.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 11:21 < dpb> Dieterbe: well if it really needs it, you should make it usable without the .git dir. 11:35 -!- jouz [n=jouz@p5488DDA4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 11:36 * barrucadu feels like an idiot 11:36 < barrucadu> Pointers are tricky things <.> 11:37 < anydot> btw, you are leaking memory in replace function. 11:37 < anydot> instead of join(.., split(...)) 11:38 < anydot> you must char **temp = split(...); char *result = join(...); g_strfreev(temp); return result; 11:38 < anydot> And even caller must free this that result after use. 11:39 < anydot> Also, instead of build-time evaluation of machine/architecture, have look at man 2 uname 11:39 < anydot> That's the right way. 11:39 < barrucadu> That's what I've just got working :) 11:40 < anydot> OK 11:42 < ruskie> anydot, there really is no right way ;) 11:42 < anydot> There is. :) 11:42 < barrucadu> There are just less wrong ways :p 11:42 < anydot> Well, depends of definition of right way. 11:43 < Dieterbe> no there IS a right way. it's called uzbl 11:47 < ruskie> anydot, anyway build-time is different than run-time ;) and to provide a build arch vs run arch you would need both ;) 11:48 < ruskie> though iirc elf header might include some arch... 11:48 < anydot> Well, in useragent string you wan't to know the arch where it run. 11:48 < ruskie> anydot, this is just a var so it can be any :) 11:49 < barrucadu> ruskie: Surely it's just easier to pass a variable during compile time than to check the elf header every time it's run for a variable which will never change :p 11:49 < ruskie> barrucadu, I consider build-time to be the best option ;) 11:49 < anydot> uname doesn't get it's information from elf header. 11:49 < ruskie> anydot, and most useragents usually have only build-time info 11:50 < barrucadu> Anyway, we have both: build and run time, see my sample configs :) 11:50 < ruskie> :) 11:50 < anydot> barrucadu: There's no reason to have both. 11:50 < ruskie> anydot, there is 11:50 < anydot> Which? :) 11:51 < barrucadu> Well, Dieter wanted run-time and I wanted build-time, as reporting x86_64 for a i686 binary would be misleading. That's why 11:51 < ruskie> same reason as having none 11:51 -!- kdavis_ [n=btartsa@c-24-21-173-200.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 11:51 -!- kdavis [n=btartsa@c-24-21-173-200.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #uzbl 11:51 < ruskie> I tend to mangle useragents anyway 11:53 -!- jouz_ is now known as jouz 11:58 < Dieterbe> * barrucadu wonders why segfaults *always* crop up -> because we have a lot to learn about C :) 12:00 < anydot> There's simple answer: You are doing it wrong. :) 12:01 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: This time it was a simple case of being stupid :p 12:02 < barrucadu> It's only 11AM. I cna be forgiven <.> 12:02 < jouz> hey, can it be that the webkit javascript engine does not allow document.link[i].click() ? i get "TypeError: Result of expression 'document.links[11].click' [undefined] is not a function." (without this, its hard to "click" without a mouse / with a keyboard :( 12:02 < barrucadu> *can 12:03 < anydot> Why to call click when there is document.location :) 12:03 < Dieterbe> jouz: can't we just retrieve where the link points to (getValue() in js) and go to the new page in C 12:04 < jouz> Dieterbe: hmm and if the link is href="javascript:something"? that doesn't work with uri, does it? 12:04 < Dieterbe> jouz: good point 12:05 < Dieterbe> it's probably better indeed to simulate a click 12:07 -!- kdavis_ [n=btartsa@c-24-21-173-200.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #uzbl 12:08 < jouz> further i think if you do it via uri, you dont get the REFERER set properly, since it (should) only be when a proper link-request occurs?! 12:09 -!- kdavis [n=btartsa@c-24-21-173-200.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 12:10 < Dieterbe> right, another good point 12:10 < Dieterbe> i don't think a browser *has* to set the referrer, but most do and it can be quite useful 12:10 < barrucadu> And some sites use it as an (admittedly weak, but every little helps) security feature 12:11 < barrucadu> So not setting it would break those 12:11 < jouz> barrucadu: thats true 12:12 < jouz> i'll ask the webkitters if they permit .click() 12:13 < barrucadu> Oh, wow, Uzbl has existed for a fortnight :D 12:13 < ruskie> yay 12:13 < ruskie> celebration 12:14 * barrucadu hands out drinks and those little cocktail sausages that always seem to be present 12:16 < Dieterbe> heh that reminds me of something 12:16 < Dieterbe> rob|: has invited us all 12:20 < barrucadu> rob| has invited us all… 12:20 * barrucadu waits for the rest of the sentence 12:22 < Dieterbe> just a sec 12:22 < ruskie> lol 12:22 < Dieterbe> 19:02 < rob|> hehe, i can invite you guys to a czech beer, been in prague 12:23 < jouz> prague is one awesome city 12:23 * ruskie prefers a Leffe beer from Belgium ;) 12:23 < ruskie> anyway off 12:24 < Dieterbe> ruskie: heh. leffe is for ladies :) 12:24 < jouz> :D 12:24 * barrucadu has never been to prague 12:24 < barrucadu> Or even that area of Europe, for that matter 12:25 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: what places on the "main land" ;) have you already visited? 12:26 < barrucadu> France, Sicily (several times), Sweden, north Poland, Germany, Spain. 12:26 < barrucadu> And I've passed through the Netherlands and Italy 12:26 < barrucadu> Pobably passed through some more which I've forgotten… 12:26 < barrucadu> *Probably 12:27 < Dieterbe> Belgium is not on your list? :P 12:29 < barrucadu> No, never been :p 12:29 < barrucadu> I have eaten chocolate from Belguim though :p 12:30 < jouz> :D i currently live in the netherlands and study in germany. i plan to visit bruges, because i loved the film so much (In Bruges) 12:30 < jouz> ah i live in germany and study in netherlands, thats what i meant oO 12:31 < sm217> Lol :( 12:31 < sm217> *:) 12:31 < jouz> still drunk from that 1. May weekend ;) 12:31 < sm217> Some people swap letters as they type, other swap places :p 12:31 < jouz> :D 12:32 < Dieterbe> so during the week you also stay in the netherlands i assume? 12:32 < jouz> Dieterbe: yes 12:32 < sm217> I even installed sl for lulz, so when I type sl instead of ls, I get that funny train 12:32 < Dieterbe> omg :P 12:32 < jouz> i have a 9m² room in a student house :D 12:33 < ruskie> Dieterbe, lol I prefer it's taste to a lot of other crap beers around but then for me I only drink beer with a pizza... so when I do I want something that's good for me 12:33 < jouz> sm217:i would see trains like every 2 seconds -_- 12:33 < sm217> heh 12:33 < ruskie> I don't like most piss like beers that exist ;) 12:34 < ruskie> Guiness would be my second choice ;) then there really isn't anything else ;) 12:34 < Dieterbe> dieter@dieter-dellD620-arch ~ pacman -Ss sl | wc -l 12:34 < Dieterbe> 253 12:34 < Dieterbe> help? 12:34 < ruskie> ??? 12:34 < ruskie> what's that? 12:35 < sm217> Dieterbe: it's in aur 12:35 < sm217> and called just sl 12:35 < Dieterbe> dieter@dieter-dellD620-arch ~ yaourt -Qi sl 12:35 < Dieterbe> error: package "sl" not found 12:35 * barrucadu installs sl 12:35 < sm217> lol 12:35 < sm217> Dieterbe: -Si 12:35 < Dieterbe> oops yeah 12:35 < sm217> Q is for local ones 12:35 < Dieterbe> my bad 12:36 < Dieterbe> building :) 12:36 < Dieterbe> lol 12:37 < jouz> bad news everyone: webkit does *not* support .click() :( 12:37 < Dieterbe> funneh 12:37 < Dieterbe> crap 12:37 < jouz> this is good when it comes to security, but crap for our plan :( 12:38 < Dieterbe> security? seems to me like we should prevent executing scripts from untrusted sources. not disabling all functions that a bad script could possibly use 12:39 < sm217> ruskie: http://www.picamatic.com/show/2009/05/04/02/35/3509992_1280x800.png <- it runs thtough you screen :) 12:42 < jouz> Dieterbe: ack 12:43 < jouz> Dieterbe: they do have .click() on buttons, by the way... 12:43 < barrucadu> Would it be too messy / horrible to turn links into buttons? 12:44 < haste> I would call it horrible 12:44 < Dieterbe> jouz: are you sure the click() event is defined for links? mabye it only exists for buttors? i mean in "the javascript spec" 12:44 < jouz> barrucadu: :( its not the cleanest solution anyway, but this would make it *urgs* 12:45 < barrucadu> jouz: Maybe only turn the link being clicked into a button 12:46 < jouz> barrucadu hmm, i think Dieterbe might be onto something, maybe i looked in the wrong place 12:47 < jouz> uhh guys!!! checkout "accesskey" !!!! 12:48 < jouz> ah maybe not 12:49 < ruskie> hmm how do all the plugins for firefox and such like do the key based link stuff? I'm guessing elinks and company have this built in anyway so pointless there 12:52 < jouz> http://www.smackthemouse.com/20031231 12:53 < jouz> ruskie: i'll have a look now at the "Hit-a-Hint" plugin 12:53 -!- litemotiv [n=ollie@5353ED58.cable.casema.nl] has joined #uzbl 12:53 * barrucadu reads 12:53 < litemotiv> morning y'all ;-) 12:53 < barrucadu> jouz: Does this mean webkit will handle all the link following if we just use javascript to add access keys? 12:53 < barrucadu> hi 12:54 < jouz> barrucadu: i'll try how far this works... 12:58 < dpb> uzbl doesn't use the GOptionEntry correctly, it should display the needed entries correctly 12:58 < dpb> http://pastebin.ca/1412016 <- like that 13:01 < barrucadu> Hmm, we don't use the verbose flag anywhere, so it may as well be removed… 13:01 < jouz> urgh... the access keys don't work for me at all. whatever i do. probably because the my dwm-metakey is Alt, and thats what we're supposed to press with the accesskey. 13:01 < jouz> its all sh*t 13:02 < jouz> further there is only one accesskey to bind - that makes like (0-9|Aa-Zz) ~ 58 links... i dont know if thats enough for all cases 13:10 < jouz> ok .click() is not supposed to work on anything but buttons. IE and Opera 7.something supported it, but that was non-specification 13:20 < jouz> what we can do is .focus(), but it in the webkit widget, if a link has the focus we cant request it by just hitting return :( 13:23 < ruskie> jouz, also vimperator maybe? iirc that one also has this 13:23 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: the verbose flag will get implememted some day i guess :P 13:25 < jouz> ruskie: indeed 13:29 < jouz> i think they manually fire up the mouse events on the element somehow... but to be honest, i don't quite got it yet 13:51 < Dieterbe> dpb> http://pastebin.ca/141201 -> what's the last field for exactly? 13:54 < jouz> i will try to make the "follow-link by window.location'ing the href of the selected link" later in the train, so we at least have something marginal useful. 13:55 < Dieterbe> jouz: you probably already checked with the webkit guys on our issue? 13:56 < dpb> Dieterbe: for showing =URI etc in the --help 13:56 < dpb> so people will actually know the options need an argument 13:56 < jouz> i asked them if they have a click() on A elements, and they said "only on buttons". that was it basically 13:57 < Dieterbe> aha ok dpb 13:57 < Dieterbe> jouz: make you could poke a bit further :) tell them what we're trying to do, they probably have some ideas how we could do it 13:58 < jouz> Dieterbe: :) i'll better write to their ML. i fail at trying to explain complex problems in irc-chat-windows ;) 13:59 < Dieterbe> also good 14:00 < jouz> :) btw: i did the first link-following 2 secs ago ;) 14:02 < Dieterbe> yeah but in a way that breaks http referrer and javascript/ajax links? 14:02 < jouz> it does... (think of the onclick="" attribute) 14:03 < jouz> i haven't found examples to test referrer and href="javascriptthingy"... 14:04 < Dieterbe> it does... break? or it does.. work? 14:05 < jouz> it does break 14:06 < jouz> uh and another bad news... on ajax-heavy-pages, the document.links[i] doesn't seem like an bulletproof identifyer for a link... 14:07 < Dieterbe> jouz: you can test the referrer by setting http_debug to 3 in your config. you'll see the http headers 14:07 < jouz> Dieterbe: nice 14:09 < Dieterbe> jouz: well we should really ask the webkit guys for best practices. their advice is very valuable 14:09 < jouz> Dieterbe: full ack 14:09 < Dieterbe> if there is no feasible way yet without 20 workarounds, we should delay links following 14:11 < jouz> referrer is not set as expected :( 14:11 < jouz> Dieterbe: yep thats true 14:13 < jouz> uh i misread the output, referrer seems to be set nicely by webkit 14:29 < Dieterbe> btw barrucadu you were wrong: dieter@dieter-dellD620-arch ~ date -d '23 april 2009 + 14 days' 14:29 < Dieterbe> Thu May 7 00:00:00 CEST 2009 14:29 < Dieterbe> 3 more days to go :) 14:30 < barrucadu> The first commit on github is on the 21st :p 14:30 < barrucadu> *was 14:32 < Dieterbe> aha you're right 14:34 < barrucadu> I'm always right. 14:34 < barrucadu> <.> 14:34 < barrucadu> :p 14:35 < Dieterbe> except that 21 + 14 days == march 5 but other then that yeah you're always right 14:36 < Dieterbe> (imagine a VERY sarcastic tone while reading that :P) 14:37 < barrucadu> :p 14:37 < barrucadu> Well, I was close <.> 14:41 < Dieterbe> sure, if you find 86400 seconds "close" ... 14:52 < barrucadu> It is close if you consider the age of the Earth <.> 14:52 * barrucadu returns to chopping onions 14:53 < jouz> ok i sent a mail to webkit-dev. might be some advertising as well ;) 14:58 * Dieterbe opens https://lists.webkit.org/pipermail/webkit-dev/2009-May/thread.html 15:17 -!- sm217 [n=sm@] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 15:25 < Dieterbe> jouz: heh. your mail shows up twice 15:25 < jouz> d'oh 15:25 < jouz> DAMNIT 15:26 < jouz> i thought the first one wasn't delivered (sent it with mutt and i have some problems with it using gmail) so i re-sent it with the gmail interface 15:26 -!- Netsplit jordan.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: Sleepy_Coder, BetterLeftUnsaid 15:26 -!- Netsplit over, joins: BetterLeftUnsaid, Sleepy_Coder 15:27 < jouz> its funny though, i still dont get any feedback from the list 15:29 < Dieterbe> what feedback do you want? 15:29 < jouz> usually you get your mail back as well from subscribed lists ( i even double-checked it in the lists settings! ) 15:30 < Dieterbe> oh, indeed 15:35 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@adsl-87-102-92-220.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 15:39 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 15:44 -!- Nezmer [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 15:50 < rob|> so, i started with the refactoring. first things already pushed, though this needs a bit more wotk - please don't merge with the main repo until i give you the go 15:51 < Dieterbe> heh :) 15:52 < Dieterbe> i believe in an incremental process. if i consider your branch better then mine, i'll merge it in. 15:52 < rob|> well, things are messy right now - i didn't remove all unused vars or did not convert all old vars to the new systems, so i'd recoomend to wait with the merge :) 15:53 < Dieterbe> ok. i can imagine it's quite some work, especially if you want to test changes 15:54 -!- jouz [n=jouz@p5488E711.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #uzbl ["i'm hitting the rails for NL, see you later!"] 15:54 < rob|> i'd be happy to get a helpful hand from you guys, nothing fancy to do other then some renaming of variables 15:54 < rob|> *than 15:55 < Dieterbe> i would love to, but i'm only available from 19h on (it's now 15:55 here) 15:56 < rob|> we can also simplify some functions and the Command structure cause it's not necessary to pass web_view around all the time 15:57 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 15:57 < rob|> it's a pitty you didn't do it like this from the very beginnings ;) 15:58 < Dieterbe> it's a pity i'm such a C noob :) 15:59 < Dieterbe> but let's be optimistic 15:59 < Dieterbe> uzbl will be the next best thing, thanks to all contributions from many people :) 16:02 < rob|> i really like self-documenting code - and i believe that by using this method many things should be clear and need less comments while allowing a better organization of internal data 16:03 < Dieterbe> self-documenting code? you mean well commented code? 16:05 < rob|> no i mean code that's written in such a way that comments become superfluous 16:05 < rob|> the code itself should make clear what's going on in which ways and not the comments 16:06 < Dieterbe> hmm that's a nice ideal, but i wonder if this can really be done in practice 16:06 < rob|> sure, why not? 16:06 < Dieterbe> is it just a matter of elaborate function and variable names? 16:06 < rob|> that for one 16:07 < rob|> and transparent data structures for the other 16:07 < Dieterbe> well it seems like a nice goal 16:08 < Dieterbe> you can start with it, i can start helping you as soon as i get home 16:09 < rob|> right, i already made the first step towards that ideal. i hope you guys like/accept it, then we can merge changes and start developing on this base 16:10 < rob|> Dieterbe: you from germany? 16:11 < Dieterbe> rob|: no, Belgium 16:11 < rob|> ah, ok 16:11 < Dieterbe> if you push to github i can have a look though 16:12 < yiyus> Dieterbe: may I ask where in Belgium? 16:12 * yiyus lives in Gent 16:13 < Dieterbe> yiyus: sweet. I'm from Laarne , which is like 10km from Gent :D 16:15 < yiyus> nice. I think that gives me some chances to be present in the next uzbl con ;) 16:15 < Dieterbe> :P 16:16 < rob|> we should meet in prague, though remember to go there by train ;) 16:16 < Dieterbe> :) or wherever rob| lives because he invited us for a beer :) 16:18 < anydot> rob|: And you are from where? 16:18 < rob|> germany, south germany - regensburg, to be exact 16:19 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@adsl-87-102-92-220.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #uzbl 16:30 < Dieterbe> whoa, that's far away 16:30 < Dieterbe> i had somewhat planned to go to froscon in germany 16:53 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@adsl-87-102-92-220.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit ["WeeChat"] 16:55 -!- thewtex__ [n=matt@24-240-35-230.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 17:01 -!- Nezmer [n=Anon@] has quit [Connection timed out] 17:01 -!- Nezmer [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 17:11 -!- fogobogo [n=fogobogo@port-92-202-116-34.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #uzbl 17:12 < fogobogo> Dieterbe: ping 17:13 < fogobogo> Dieterbe: http://omploader.org/vMW1mMA 17:13 < fogobogo> probably the shittiest svg on earth 17:13 < fogobogo> im so gonna need to do this again 17:21 < Dieterbe> lets see 17:21 -!- rob|2 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87c6ff.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 17:21 < Dieterbe> ugh. not really what i had in mind fogobogo 17:22 < Dieterbe> fogobogo: but, you don't have to worry about that anymore. see http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2009/05/03/uzbl-3/ :P 17:24 < fogobogo> Dieterbe: no problem . wanted to play with inkscape a little anyway 17:25 < fogobogo> and mine looks better anyway :D 17:26 < Dieterbe> RIGHT\ 17:29 < ruskie> lol 17:29 < ruskie> neither are really nice imho 17:30 < fogobogo> *this* is not nice http://xcb.freedesktop.org/http://xcb.freedesktop.org/ 17:30 < ruskie> why not post a contest for a logo with some cash prize and so on? xmms2 did similar seems to have worked out very well 17:31 * fogobogo needs a few more inkscape screencasts 17:31 * ruskie wonders... what does uzbl mean? 17:35 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 17:35 < barrucadu> Hi 17:39 -!- rob| [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87c5ea.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 17:39 < Dieterbe> ruskie: cash prize.. lol 17:39 < Dieterbe> do i look like i can shit money? :P 17:40 < Dieterbe> fogobogo: actually i think the xcb one looks quite okay. i could use it:P 17:41 < ruskie> Dieterbe, nobody said this instant ;) 17:41 < fogobogo> elephantitis cat has elephantitis 17:41 < ruskie> get going with it... get some donations etc... 17:41 < ruskie> then maybe 17:41 < fogobogo> anways. if thats what you had in mind gimme a second try 17:41 < ruskie> xmms2 could do it cause they got the money from gsoc 17:41 < fogobogo> and contest is good imho 17:42 < fogobogo> even without the cash 17:42 < ruskie> true 17:42 < Dieterbe> why would i hold a contest if i like the one made by someone who does it for free 17:43 < Dieterbe> and which is nearly done, btw 17:43 < ruskie> just a suggestion lol 17:43 < fogobogo> *ehem* i dont remind presenting you a bill 17:43 < fogobogo> :D 17:44 < ruskie> I don't see a connection between uzbl and a cat though 17:44 < fogobogo> webkat 17:44 < Dieterbe> ruskie: you need to spend more time on icanhascheezburger.com 17:44 < ruskie> Dieterbe, you mean more than a few days worth of going from page 1 to page 200 or so? 17:45 < Dieterbe> ruskie: no, just until you get what uzbl means :) 17:47 < ruskie> search doesn't find any mention of uzbl 17:47 < ruskie> do enlighten me 17:48 < Dieterbe> it means the UZable Browser Lol(cat) 17:48 < barrucadu> Wow, we have a backonym now? <.> 17:48 < barrucadu> *backronym 17:50 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: yeah someone made this up on the forums 17:50 < fogobogo> barrucadu: http://omploader.org/vMW1mMA 17:50 < Dieterbe> aaargh put it away put it away 17:51 < fogobogo> :D 17:51 < barrucadu> :O 17:51 < barrucadu> :p 17:52 < ruskie> lol 17:52 < ruskie> I'd take the head from that 17:52 < ruskie> looks nice for an icon... if I ever used icons 17:53 < fogobogo> ruskie: btw. what needs to be done in you opinion? 17:53 * ruskie notes that his fvwm config does a whole lot without needing the mouse 17:54 < ruskie> well if you're trying to mimic a siamese type cat then it needs less white ;) 17:55 -!- linopolus [n=linopolu@p54B36D8B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 17:55 < fogobogo> :O 17:55 < ruskie> they tend to be goldenbrowngrey with darker bits on face, paws, tail... 17:55 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 26 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 26 normal] 17:55 -!- linopolus [n=linopolu@p54B36D8B.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #uzbl [] 17:55 < fogobogo> GOLDEN BROWN! TEXTURE LIKE SUN... 17:56 < fogobogo> due lack of cats i didnt know but ill mind it 17:56 * barrucadu plays with his user-agent 17:57 < ruskie> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siamese_cat <-- fogobogo there is a white as well 17:57 < ruskie> but seems to be more current 17:58 < ruskie> they look whitish 17:58 < ruskie> my aunt has had siamese cats since forever 17:58 < fogobogo> http://www.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http://chinkisiamese.com/siamese_cats_mkayla.jpg&imgrefurl=http://chinkisiamese.com/SIAMESE_CATS_PHOTOS.HTM&h=800&w=986&sz=695&tbnid=Wk1mprfwjncEbM::&tbnh=121&tbnw=149&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsiamese%2Bcat&usg=__E1h1WR3hX1xNgZq5nPlzw4AFqRE=&ei=mBD_SdOfC9GRsAab6MjOCQ&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=4&ct=image 17:58 < ruskie> I'm alergic to them sadly 17:58 < fogobogo> shit link 17:59 < ruskie> good link 17:59 < fogobogo> http://chinkisiamese.com/siamese_cats_mkayla.jpg 17:59 < ruskie> long links == good 17:59 < ruskie> short urls == BAD 17:59 < fogobogo> there. thats better 17:59 < fogobogo> m'kay 17:59 < ruskie> anyway yeah I guess there are colour mixes 18:00 < fogobogo> likely. 18:01 * ruskie has just normal cats but they are a mix between maine coon and regular... one is all black with a few white hairs here and there the other is tiger textured 18:01 < ruskie> and both are ~8kgs each.... 18:01 < fogobogo> :O 18:03 < fogobogo> fatcat or longcat? 18:05 < ruskie> neither 18:06 < ruskie> they are naturally bigger 18:06 < ruskie> same proportions of everything just bigger over all 18:06 < barrucadu> I used to have a cat. My mum got him when I was born so we grew up together. He was a fat ginger cat. He died several years ago and I haven't had a cat since ;( 18:08 -!- darwin [n=toor@] has joined #uzbl 18:09 < darwin> is there a branch of uzbl that handles ssl? 18:10 < barrucadu> darwin: what do you mean? HTTPS sites work already 18:11 < ruskie> maybe he means ssl certificate management and such like? 18:11 < darwin> yeah? hmm 18:11 < darwin> I haven't been able to navigate to https pages yet 18:11 < darwin> can't even log into gmail for instance 18:12 < barrucadu> I've just tested one, I'll try gmail just to see 18:12 < barrucadu> Hmm, gmail doesn't work 18:13 < barrucadu> Nor does my online banking 18:13 < barrucadu> I retract my statement. 18:13 < barrucadu> Few https sites work :p 18:13 < darwin> I compiled a nightly of webkit some days back, only flag I gave it was --disable-video cause it wanted gstreamer for that, but I wouldn't expect that is related 18:13 < darwin> lol, ok at least its not just me 18:14 < darwin> other than that, I like where the project is going 18:16 < barrucadu> So, SSL and link following. That's all we *really* need to do :) 18:18 < darwin> should uzbl be "cleaning up" after exit; I noticed there were still some uzbl_ files in /tmp after it was closed 18:18 < darwin> maybe I was not exiting it properly, though 18:18 < ruskie> barrucadu, don't forget tabs ;) 18:18 < Nezmer> For SSL : Midori offered this trick long time ago.. 18:18 < Nezmer> export WEBKIT_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS="1" 18:19 < darwin> oh, nice 18:19 < anydot> That is really HACK. :-) 18:19 < ruskie> barrucadu, though I'm thinking if it would be possible to get tabs through gtk-server 18:19 < ruskie> and thus avoiding most stuff other than having a open-in-new-tab link... 18:21 -!- sm217 [n=sm@19-115-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #uzbl 18:24 * ruskie is trying to figure out all the combos for the 6 keys on the pebble... sheesh... 18:25 -!- _19LIONZ_ [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 18:26 -!- rob| [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87c6ff.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 18:41 -!- Nezmer [n=Anon@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 18:43 -!- rob|2 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87c6ff.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 18:50 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 18:50 < dusanx> Good evening :) 18:50 < dusanx> what did I missed? 18:51 < barrucadu> Well, darwin found that SSL doesn't work 18:51 < ruskie> s/ed?/?/ 18:51 < dusanx> barrucadu: really? 18:51 < barrucadu> There hasn't been much activity on github, so i can't check :p 18:52 < barrucadu> dusanx: really really 18:52 < barrucadu> :p 18:52 < dusanx> hmm, I am convinced that I visited some ssl site this morning 18:52 < barrucadu> A few work 18:52 < dusanx> oh 18:52 < barrucadu> Most don't 18:52 < barrucadu> Gmail, for example 18:54 < sm217> :| 18:54 < dusanx> well ssl support is no show stopper for me 18:54 < barrucadu> Nor me 18:54 < barrucadu> But it's one of those things people would expect a browser to have :p 18:54 < ruskie> I tend to need it once per month atleast 18:54 < ruskie> for paying bills 18:55 < sm217> I'd look at it, but I'm busy with my project :< 18:55 < dusanx> like I heard somewhere that ssl in midori has something to do with gnome so next gnome version will allow fine ssl connection 18:56 < sm217> because that's libsoup-related 18:57 < dusanx> mmm... soup :) 18:57 < sm217> :) 18:57 < dusanx> anything new about cookies? 18:57 < sm217> no :| 18:58 < sm217> I have some urgent work to do 18:58 < ruskie> awwwww 18:58 < barrucadu> Soup, cookies… :) 18:58 < sm217> aha 18:58 < barrucadu> I'm hungry now :p 18:58 < sm217> why don't you try some soup 18:59 < barrucadu> I would, but I have an ulcer on my lip. I imagine it would be incredibly painful. 18:59 < barrucadu> I'm trying to avoid food with sauces 18:59 < barrucadu> I suffer from ulcers often :( 18:59 < sm217> because, I'll hardly be able to finish with cookies before I leave 18:59 < sm217> :< 19:00 < barrucadu> :p 19:00 < barrucadu> I wonder if there are any cookies in the house… 19:00 < sm217> so if you want SLL earlier than 3+ weeks, someone will have to do it. 19:03 < sm217> anyone? :P 19:04 < barrucadu> Don't all volunteer at once <.> 19:05 * ruskie points into 27 directions at the same time 19:05 < sm217> huh? 19:05 < dodobas> yello 19:05 < sm217> w? 19:05 < ruskie> there's 28 ppl in the chan... excluding myself that's 27 people ;) 19:05 < sm217> :P 19:05 < darwin> heh, since I am most interested, I might unofficially take on this idea 19:06 < sm217> one of them is a bot, maybe even two :p 19:08 * ruskie contemplates dragging his own bot in here 19:08 < dodobas> no bots, allowed :D 19:09 < ruskie> well I wouldn't unless clearing it with the chanops ;) 19:12 < ruskie> this is actually the first browser in the last 4 years that I will actually switch to... 19:13 < dusanx> Dieterbe is away? 19:15 < Dieterbe> here i am !!! 19:15 < Dieterbe> home sweet home 19:15 < Dieterbe> theire was a traffic jam :( 19:16 < dusanx> :) 19:20 -!- sm217 [n=sm@19-115-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has quit ["leaving"] 19:22 < Dieterbe> only 2 people to pull from. weak :P 19:22 < dusanx> can some kind soul finish cookies? I am not good at that or I would do that 19:23 -!- sm217 [n=sm@19-115-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #uzbl 19:25 < anydot> How it would be with cookies storage? 19:25 < Dieterbe> the problem is sm217 did not push his code 19:25 < Dieterbe> so we don't know how far he got 19:26 < Dieterbe> and i got some ideas about cookie storage, i'll start hacking on that 19:26 < dusanx> Dieterbe: thanks 19:26 < anydot> Basicaly, someone must just extend SoupCookie :) 19:26 < anydot> And BTW, there's now file backed cookie storage. 19:27 < dusanx> anydot: no, Dieterbe had good idea 19:27 < sm217> Dieterbe: it's almost done, but I have urgent work to do :< 19:27 < anydot> Well, I basicaly ask for it, just no-one answered :) 19:27 < anydot> sm217: push what you got into some temporary branch. 19:27 < sm217> okay 19:28 < Dieterbe> anydot> Well, I basicaly ask for it, just no-one answered :) 19:28 < ruskie> hmmm something odd with uzbl... seems to resize on some loads of pages... 19:28 < Dieterbe> you asked for what anydot ? 19:28 < anydot> How storage for cookies will be solved. 19:28 < ruskie> this is annoynig 19:29 < Dieterbe> anydot: well. i have an idea for that which i will implement now. or did you do anything for this already? 19:29 < ruskie> keeps resizing at random from what I can tell 19:29 < Dieterbe> ruskie: it's fixed in the latest code. just update 19:29 < anydot> ruskie: nope 19:29 < anydot> ruskie: Should be solved by now. 19:29 < anydot> ruskie: Just try Dieterbe/experimental, not /master :) 19:29 < ruskie> I'll wait for it to get to master 19:29 < sm217> oh 19:29 < sm217> it actually seems to be working 19:30 < Dieterbe> master has the fix too btw 19:30 < anydot> Dieterbe: No, I just read documentation and some code, ... same preparation job. :-) 19:30 < Dieterbe> anydot: k 19:30 < anydot> Dieterbe: But never thought of good solution for storage. 19:30 < ruskie> btw anyone good at reverse engineering file formats? 19:31 < anydot> If this will be solved by external script "give me cookie for site XY", that will be really slow. 19:31 < anydot> Remind of website with some tons of images for example. 19:31 < anydot> ruskie: Which fileformat are you reverse engineering? 19:32 < Dieterbe> anydot: we will solve such problems when they arise 19:32 < ruskie> I have a Samsung YP-S2 ogg player... and it has a YP-S2.LOG on it... but it's not plain text 19:32 < ruskie> Dieterbe, I updated... still the same... 19:33 < ruskie> hmm 19:33 < Dieterbe> ruskie: on which page? 19:33 * ruskie checks something 19:33 < anydot> ruskie: You mean problem described here: http://www.uzbl.org/bugs/index.php?do=details&task_id=7 19:33 < ruskie> samsung.com 19:33 < anydot> Are you realy using experimental? 19:34 < ruskie> anydot, you missed the part that said about this being in master 19:34 < anydot> ah 19:34 < sm217> okay I pushed what I have to branch 'cookies' 19:35 < sm217> beware, it segfaults 19:35 < anydot> :) 19:35 < Dieterbe> anydot: i can confirm it, the problem is still there with latest experimental 19:35 < sm217> I woked quite late yesterday and didn't look at it wince then. 19:35 < sm217> *since 19:35 < anydot> ruskie: sorry, I have no problem with random resize while surfing that samsung.com 19:36 < ruskie> anydot, well I gotten the latest master and I do 19:36 < Dieterbe> anydot: make sure your window manager does not force anything (eg use floating mode), and make it small in the beginning 19:36 < ruskie> and it seems Dieterbe has the same 19:36 < Dieterbe> yep 19:36 < anydot> Dieterbe: of course I have floating by now. :) 19:36 < Dieterbe> on the other hand.. is this really a bug? seems more like a feature to me 19:36 < anydot> And of course I did resize it to minimum. 19:36 * ruskie tends to uses maximize since he has a deditacted vdesk for it 19:36 < anydot> No, was bug. 19:37 < anydot> Dieterbe: There was problem with hovering links, text in statusbar was too long to fit window, so that label expand whole window. 19:37 < Dieterbe> i for one think it's nice to have autoresize if the content doesn't fit. if you don't like it, don't use floating mode 19:37 < Dieterbe> ah 19:37 < anydot> And, that was solved by enabling label to ellipsize string, in case the label was too short. 19:37 < anydot> Dieterbe: No, that was only coincidence. 19:38 < Dieterbe> indeed it's caused by the text in the statusbar 19:38 < anydot> It was really only that above described problem with label. :)O 19:38 < Dieterbe> ok so fix it :P 19:38 < anydot> It's fixed by now. 19:38 < ruskie> Dieterbe, it's not nice if it keeps changing 19:38 < anydot> mabe some gtk/pango problem 19:38 < ruskie> I don't want my windows changing sizes at random 19:39 < ruskie> if I set them to some size I expect them to stay there 19:39 < Dieterbe> anydot: i've pulled in your fix a few days ago but i still have the problem 19:39 < dusanx> hmm, windows should stay where they are IMO 19:39 < anydot> yep 19:40 < anydot> Dieterbe: ehm 19:40 < anydot> http://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl/blob/af759cbd5e52bbe629842570c311c6a55fd5b212/uzbl.c 19:40 < anydot> This is uzbl.c from HEAD of your master. 19:41 < anydot> There IS NOT that ellipsize change from my bugfix. 19:41 < Dieterbe> i said i merged it in my EXPERIMENTAL 19:41 < anydot> No, you said, that that fix shoul be by now even in master 19:42 < anydot> 0504 19:30 < Dieterbe> master has the fix too btw 19:42 < Dieterbe> aha well then i was obviously wrong 19:42 < anydot> Looks like it. 19:42 < Dieterbe> but the fix is in experimental, and the problem is still in there 19:43 < anydot> I can't reproduce it. 19:43 < anydot> ruskie: Could you please build uzbl from Dieterbe/experimental branch? 19:43 < anydot> And retry, if the bug is still there? 19:43 < ruskie> sure thing 19:44 < anydot> Funny, I can't fine that change applied even in /experimental. :) 19:44 < anydot> ruskie: 19:44 < anydot> git@github.com:anydot/uzbl.git 19:44 < anydot> build from master of this. 19:45 < anydot> nah, my master looks like blocked by latest barrucadu commits. :) 19:46 < Dieterbe> hello github !! 19:47 < anydot> commit f8c04abadc90d0b6f47b44054bafeb5dac367876 was repair of this bug. 19:47 < anydot> Dieterbe: You do merges only via github webinterface? 19:47 < Dieterbe> no 19:47 < Dieterbe> my experimental has that line 19:48 < anydot> hmm 19:49 < anydot> OK, so you both, try building it from Dieterbe/experimental. :) 19:50 < ruskie> anydot, works 19:50 < ruskie> from yours 19:50 < anydot> Hooray :) 19:50 < ruskie> now will try experimental 19:50 < anydot> Should be from Dieterbe/experimental then. 20:03 * ruskie finds a bug in the git handler for sorcery and goes trying to figure it out 20:04 < Dieterbe> ruskie: why don't you just get uzbl-experimental-git from AUR? 20:06 < ruskie> this is source mage 20:06 < ruskie> not arch ;) 20:06 < sm217> D: 20:09 < anydot> Debian power! 20:10 < ruskie> yeah experimental has it 20:11 < sm217> eww. 20:12 < dpb> eww? 20:13 < sm217> forget it. 20:14 < dpb> Already did. Until I looked back here. 20:15 < sm217> huh 20:15 < anydot> Cool feature. 20:16 < anydot> Predictive forgeting. :) 20:19 -!- mcx2 [n=dhn@unaffiliated/mcx2] has joined #uzbl 20:19 < Dieterbe> so ruskie , still the problem? 20:19 < mcx2> hi :) 20:19 < ruskie> as said no 20:19 < ruskie> experimental has it... 20:20 < sm217> hi mcx2 20:21 < mcx2> has anybody test uzbl on fbsd? it failed http://4bit.ws/~dhn/uzbl_fail.txt 20:21 < anydot> nope. 20:22 < sm217> mcx2: what's your webkit version? 20:22 < sm217> one guy had problems too, turned out that he had old webkit. 20:23 < anydot> Yep, you must use 1.1.x version. 20:23 < anydot> It's not buildable with 1.0.x 20:24 < mcx2> k 20:24 < mcx2> thx for the info :) 20:29 < _19LIONZ_> Just installed uzbl to test gmail 20:29 < _19LIONZ_> http://omploader.org/vMW1nMw 20:31 < rob|> man, git sucks! 20:32 < darwin> how did you get to gmail? 20:32 < rob|> it takes just to many steps for basic stuff 20:32 < ruskie> rob|, like? 20:33 < rob|> like simpe commits and switching between branches 20:33 < ruskie> git commit -m "stuff" stuff ; git checkout branch 20:33 < rob|> you have to issue like 4 commands to accomplish just one task 20:33 < ruskie> what's so hard there? 20:33 < sm217> :S 20:34 < rob|> ruskie: you forgor the push/pull orgy 20:34 < rob|> *forgot 20:34 < ruskie> you didn't mention that 20:34 < anydot> git 1.5.x it's not much (if even) trickier than mercurial. 20:34 < darwin> _19LIONZ_: what did you do to get uzbl working with gmail? 20:34 < ruskie> but it's not meant to push each and every commit all the time 20:34 < sm217> strange 20:35 < ruskie> you commit localy then push end of the day or so 20:35 < anydot> rob|: In every DVCS you have pull/push/merge 20:35 < anydot> rob|: It's just not centralized VCS. :-) 20:35 < rob|> anydot: sure, but git's way of overcomplicating stuff feels strange 20:35 < anydot> Like SVN, or whatever are you used in. 20:35 < ruskie> rob|, what's overcomplicated? 20:36 * ruskie still doesn't get it 20:36 < anydot> Yep, same question. 20:36 < rob|> erm, see above? 20:36 < _19LIONZ_> darwin: export WEBKIT_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS="1" 20:36 < anydot> rob|: answer, see above. :) 20:37 < rob|> well, i'm probably just too used to svn/hg ;) - that might explain it 20:37 < anydot> rob|: in hg, you must use pull/push/merge too!! 20:37 < darwin> hrmph 20:37 < anydot> So it's not argument for you then :) 20:38 < darwin> _19LIONZ_: what login shell ? 20:38 < darwin> I wonder if zsh is messing this up 20:38 < sm217> :( 20:38 < dusanx> rob|: I can completely understand you, git was totaly wrong tool for me few days ago, I managed to learn how to use it -- git is now barable. 20:38 < _19LIONZ_> darwin: zsh here 20:38 < darwin> well, shoot 20:38 < rob|> anydot: sure, though with mercurial i had no starting difficulties, everything felt logical - git is the exact opposite 20:38 < ruskie> rob|, with me it's the opposite 20:38 < ruskie> I had issues with hg 20:39 < anydot> rob|: Can't agree with you. 20:39 < _19LIONZ_> darwin: add to ~/.zshrc then source ~/.zshrc 20:39 < anydot> From user POV, tha basic of using git/hg is SAME. 20:39 < ruskie> yup 20:39 < ruskie> it's just the commands that differ 20:40 < anydot> Just that hg doesn't (still :() have lightweight branches, and instead of that you have many clones of same repository. 20:40 < anydot> That's mainly difference. 20:40 -!- syslogd_ is now known as syslogd 20:40 < anydot> Newer mercurial has even rebase and transplant (git cherry-pick) 20:41 < anydot> On the other site, git 1.5.x has support for builtin use of quilt (aka hg q*) 20:41 < anydot> *side 20:41 < rob|> i should probably do more reading on git - yet another vcs that needs learning time that could be better invested in actual coding :( 20:42 < anydot> If you are used to hg, then it is easy for you. 20:42 < anydot> If you mainly use SVN, then it will be harder for you, as for any distributed VCS you will try. 20:42 < rob|> well i wouldn't say i'm really used to hg, just used it a couple of times. my main vcs is svn 20:43 < anydot> He's the problem! :-) 20:43 < ruskie> I've been using git from mid 2006 20:43 < anydot> Dark 1.4.x times ... :-) 20:43 < ruskie> I guess it makes a difference 20:43 < rob|> for sure 20:44 < ruskie> anydot, started with 1.3 ;) 20:44 < rob|> if github wouldn't exist, git would really be a showstopper for me to commit anything to uzbl. 20:44 < anydot> In that time, git was nightmare for newbie ;) 20:44 < ruskie> rob|, there's also http://repo.or.cz :) 20:45 < anydot> repo.or.cz was even first public githosting. 20:45 < anydot> github is more aimed to that damnes social and web2.0 thingies. 20:45 < rob|> anydot: i'm at war with the czech ;) 20:45 < ruskie> anydot, sadly yeah 20:46 < rob|> since they broke into my car last weekend... 20:46 < ruskie> I'm happy with repo.or.cz for my public stuff 20:46 < anydot> rob|: Beware, I'm from CZ too! :) 20:46 < ruskie> for my private stuff I have it on my own server(i.e. configs etc...) 20:46 < rob|> anydot: no seriously. i was in prague last we and liked it a lot, beautiful city 20:47 < anydot> rob|: I read your story with car etc. :) 20:47 < dodobas> hehe, im not from CZ, but 'rozumim ceski, pomalicku' :) 20:47 < rob|> anydot: but those guys breaking into my car made me go wild ;) 20:47 < anydot> dodobas: Good for you! 20:47 * ruskie is slavic but further west and south... 20:47 < anydot> What country do you mean? 20:47 < dodobas> ruskie: west and south? from wath? 20:48 < dodobas> *what 20:48 < ruskie> dodobas, from CZ ;) 20:48 < dodobas> there is noting slavic, west and south from CZ 20:48 < dodobas> correct me if im wrong 20:48 < ruskie> hmm actually checknig the map looks like directly south infact 20:48 < anydot> ruskie: from west south of CZ there's no country with slavic language, IMHO. 20:49 < anydot> Croatia/Slovenia? 20:49 < ruskie> Slovenia ;) 20:49 < ruskie> so there is ;) 20:49 < anydot> That's clear south man! 20:49 < ruskie> yeah 20:49 < dusanx> and Serbia 20:49 < ruskie> I noticed after checking the map 20:49 < dodobas> im from Croatia... 20:49 < ruskie> my internal map was different 20:49 < dusanx> Znam dodobas, proverio ;) 20:49 < anydot> Was you ever been on triglav? :) 20:49 < ruskie> had to refresh it every so often 20:49 < ruskie> nope 20:50 < anydot> Too bad for you! 20:50 < ruskie> not much of a hiker/mounteneeir 20:50 < dodobas> hehe dusanx 20:50 < dusanx> we are international team with the same common goal ;) 20:51 < anydot> paneurope :) 20:51 < ruskie> most Free Software projects are 20:51 < dodobas> yes, survival :) 20:51 < anydot> Is there someone not from Europe? 20:52 < dodobas> i guess not, everybody's on CET :D 20:52 < anydot> :) 20:52 < ruskie> I think someone is on CET-1 20:52 < dusanx> what is CET-1? islands? 20:53 < anydot> No, UK 20:53 < anydot> CET == UTC+1 20:53 < dusanx> hmm CET != UTC 20:53 < ruskie> yup 20:53 < ruskie> never was 20:53 < dusanx> mixed it with GMT, true 20:53 < anydot> dusanx: I wrote +1 20:54 < ruskie> [12:02:16] It's only 11AM. I cna be forgiven <.> 20:54 < dusanx> anydot: yes but ruskie wrote -1 20:54 < anydot> Yes. 20:54 < anydot> CET-1 == UK 20:54 < ruskie> dusanx, but time-wise GMT == UTC ;) 20:54 * barrucadu sees a yellow name 20:54 < barrucadu> I have been quoted! 20:54 * barrucadu pays attention 20:54 < ruskie> yay 20:54 < anydot> Because CET == UTC+1 20:55 < ruskie> we were talking about timezones 20:55 < dusanx> ruskie: we have too many time standards anyway 20:55 < ruskie> dusanx, UTC is the safest bet in general 20:55 * barrucadu ventures off to another workspace to do some work he's been putting off for weeks 20:55 < dodobas> dont get me started about UTC!=GMT 20:56 * darwin is umm, not in europe... 20:56 < dusanx> brb 20:56 < ruskie> yay a US person 20:56 < ruskie> US - USA - United States - MO - 63108 - Saint Louis <-- as close as geoip can place you darwin ;) 20:57 < anydot> darwin: Are you same person as cdarwin on #dwm? 20:57 < darwin> thats exactly correct 20:57 < darwin> Y 20:57 < darwin> at least, for this host 20:57 < anydot> :) 20:57 < sm217> lol 20:57 < anydot> Thought so. 20:57 < anydot> darwin: cdarwin was occupied? 20:57 < darwin> probably the only US person in there too 20:58 < sm217> as I read my yesterdays code, I find more lulz 20:58 < darwin> anydot: idk, I'm just lazy 20:58 < anydot> hehe 20:59 < sm217> if I free malloc'd char *, do I need to add (char *) ? 20:59 < anydot> No. 20:59 < sm217> ok 20:59 < anydot> free has void* prototype. 21:00 < sm217> which is universal? 21:00 < anydot> Sort of. 21:00 -!- Grauwolf [n=Grauwolf@85-127-253-246.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has quit ["leaving"] 21:05 < sm217> well, I've got something working 21:05 < sm217> cookies are sent to store and requested 21:07 < anydot> heh, Still didn't looked on your branch. :( 21:07 < sm217> it's not finished yet 21:07 < sm217> committed what I have 21:07 < anydot> I know, just wanted to looked it. 21:07 < sm217> brb 21:08 < anydot> BTW, is anyone here playing on FICS? 21:08 < barrucadu> FICS? 21:08 * barrucadu googles 21:08 < anydot> free internet chess server 21:09 < anydot> see freechess.net 21:09 < dusanx> no but I am playing UT and xmoto :) 21:09 * ruskie prefers Go but sadly don't think there's much there to play 21:26 < Dieterbe> sm217: i just wrote a cookie handler 21:28 -!- github [n=github@github.com] has joined #uzbl 21:28 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-da643e8 21:28 < github> move datafiles into own dir 21:28 < github> http://bit.ly/3qe9q 21:28 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-8776679 21:28 < github> bookmarks location update + slight fixes re INSTALL file 21:28 < github> http://bit.ly/gTIpJ 21:28 < rob|> Dieterbe: did you have a look into my latest github stuff? i'd like to hear an opinion before i start to cobert all of the code 21:28 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-1df7247 21:28 < github> bookmarks file location fix 21:28 < github> http://bit.ly/wnGmf 21:28 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-1ba4dfe 21:28 < github> sample cookie handler and config file 21:28 < github> http://bit.ly/knrPO 21:28 -!- github [n=github@github.com] has left #uzbl [] 21:29 < rob|> *convert 21:29 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 21:29 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-b8de166 21:29 < github> enable cookie handler in configs 21:29 < github> http://bit.ly/G5mNh 21:29 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 21:31 < Dieterbe> rob|: are your commits commits of your own changes + merges at the same time? 21:31 < Dieterbe> http://github.com/robm/uzbl/commit/52745ac751c8c61109bb376297057b62222f49f6 looks like you did a merge and some changes yourself 21:32 < rob|> well, i took your latest experimental branch and modified it 21:32 < anydot> Ah, that's awfull commit. 21:33 < anydot> Mixed up god know what, and in same time also code reindentation. 21:33 < rob|> i told you, i'm not a friend of git ;) 21:33 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: "+* DARCH is not correct (should be at runtime)" - why should it be at runtime? The build-time arch never changes. 21:33 < barrucadu> There is a variable for showing the arch of the OS 21:34 < anydot> eeh 21:34 < anydot> Look at lines 100- 21:34 < anydot> Command struct doesn't look like this for ages. 21:35 < rob|> that's odd 21:35 < anydot> Yep. 21:35 < anydot> http://book.git-scm.com/ 21:35 < anydot> read something here, looks good. 21:35 < rob|> git becomes more and more a showstopper for me, i don't have the time and will to learn yet another vcs :( 21:36 < anydot> Anyway, in that patch, what was you really changing? 21:36 < anydot> Dieterbe: Don't accept it :) 21:37 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: DARCH gets set to the architecture of the build system (kernel). this has nothing to do with the architecture (kernel) of the system at runtime 21:37 < dusanx> Dieterbe: do I see cookies in your last commit? 21:37 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: I know, that's why there are %arch-system% and %arch-uzbl% variables. 21:38 < rob|> anydot: the idea is to have a basic set of data structures that holds all/most of uzbl's variables 21:38 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: The %arch-system% variable is grabbed from uname(), and %arch-uzbl% is set at compile time. 21:38 < rob|> anydot: so one struct UZBL per uzbl insatnce 21:38 < rob|> basically 21:38 < anydot> rob|: so everything (almost) is in struct uzbl instead of global? 21:39 < dusanx> struct will be global if I understood right? 21:39 < Dieterbe> barrucadu:"and %arch-uzbl% is set at compile time." <--- set from the arch of the build time system. what is the relevance of this? and why is this variable called arch-uzbl? it has nothing to do with uzbl, in fact it has nothing to do with the entire system uzbl is running on 21:40 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: It is the arch of the uzbl binary, so it does have something to do with uzbl. 21:40 < rob|> anydot: yes, just like most of the vars are global right now 21:40 < dusanx> Dieterbe: uzbl / examples / configs / sampleconfig-dev : cookie_handler = ./examples/scripts/history.sh ? 21:40 < Dieterbe> dusanx> Dieterbe: do I see cookies in your last commit? <-- only a config file + handler script. for the uzbl implementation (which sholud be pretty basic) we're waiting on sm217 21:40 < anydot> I'll try to unmess it somehow. 21:40 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: but you set it with uname -m ? 21:41 < Dieterbe> dusanx: oops my mistake . will fix 21:41 < dusanx> Dieterbe: ;) 21:41 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: yes 21:41 < _19LIONZ_> Is proxy support functional ? 21:41 -!- github [n=github@github.com] has joined #uzbl 21:41 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-3338b74 21:41 < github> correct cookie handler script 21:41 < github> http://bit.ly/H8SNE 21:41 -!- github [n=github@github.com] has left #uzbl [] 21:41 < dusanx> sm217: will not be able to finish cookies for next three weeks 21:43 < sm217> no 21:43 < sm217> if I do them today/tomorrow, it's ok 21:43 < sm217> I said that about SSL 21:43 < dusanx> sm217: thanks :) We want cookies! :) 21:43 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: well, you can build 32binaries on a 64bit host system for example. my point is that the arch of the kernel of the build system has nothing to do with the arch format of the built binary 21:43 < sm217> Dieterbe: paste it please 21:44 < Dieterbe> sm217: it's in my latest experimental 21:44 < anydot> rob|: What should COMM stand for? 21:44 < anydot> Command what :) 21:44 < sm217> I hope you followed my spec :> 21:44 < rob|> communication actually 21:44 < anydot> ah 21:44 < rob|> i.e. communication with the outside world 21:44 < Dieterbe> that sounds so fancy 21:44 < Dieterbe> 'the outside world" 21:45 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: do you understand what i mean? 21:45 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: Yes, I didn't know that 21:46 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: okay. so we should think of a better solution. but this is not very urgent 21:46 < _19LIONZ_> Is proxy support functional ? privoxy is not working for me 21:46 < anydot> Oh man. 21:46 < anydot> gchar *config_file_path[500] 21:46 < anydot> rob|: You really want five hundreds of char*? :) 21:47 < dusanx> anydot: that's my line I believe 21:47 < anydot> No. 21:47 < dusanx> nope 21:47 < rob|> anydot: no, i took was was there - just restructured it 21:47 < dusanx> not mine, sorry 21:47 < rob|> *what 21:47 < anydot> ahaa 21:48 < Dieterbe> _19LIONZ_: it should work yeah. SOCKS proxying that is 21:49 < dusanx> no, gchar config_file_path[500] was original, not pointers 21:49 < Dieterbe> dieter@dieter-ws-a7n8x-arch uzbl [experimental] git diff rob/master | wc -l 21:49 < Dieterbe> 2053 21:49 < Dieterbe> o_O 21:49 < Dieterbe> that's more then twice the length of uzbl.c :P 21:50 < anydot> Yeah. 21:50 < _19LIONZ_> Dieterbe: not working for me (master branch) 21:50 < anydot> I'm reworking that patch. 21:50 < Dieterbe> rob|: i suggest you merge Dieterbe/experimental so that the difference between you and me is only what it should it be 21:50 < anydot> Dieterbe: Don't even look at it. :-) 21:51 < anydot> Well, the best will be: throw away you repository, and create new by cloning/forking from dieterbe. 21:51 < anydot> Dieterbe: Still, this will left that mess in history. 21:51 < anydot> With only simple merging. 21:51 < sm217> hmm 21:51 < anydot> This is task for rebase/commit --amend :) 21:52 < Dieterbe> _19LIONZ_: is privoxy SOCKS ? 21:52 < anydot> iirc yes. 21:52 < anydot> hmm 21:52 < _19LIONZ_> Another question : Can I pass arguments to dmenu like '-fn' easily ? 21:52 < _19LIONZ_> Dieterbe: don't know 21:52 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: Does git diff actually serve any use? 21:52 < sm217> Dieterbe: how do I configure your script to send out cookies? 21:53 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: usually yes. but not when i want to merge from rob| :P 21:53 < sm217> so far it asks me to accept or not 21:53 < Dieterbe> sm217: read the *** source code 21:53 < barrucadu> Dieterbe: I have a diff of 446 lines with dusanx/master, immediately after merging it. So it can't be *that* useful :p 21:53 < Dieterbe> barrucadu: that's because dusan still needs to merge from you 21:54 < dusanx> why don't you merge from Dieterbe? I do the same 21:54 < sm217> eww. 21:54 < anydot> rob|: Cool, even thought you have fifo/socket path in struct, still there are sole as globals in uzbl.c 21:55 < rob|> anydot: as i said i just started to convert it, but was too lazy to actually remove everything before i could be sure that you guys are interested in that way of doing it 21:55 < anydot> Dieterbe: btw, had you merge latest barrucadu's changes? 21:56 < anydot> It can be fine for future (tab support). 21:56 < anydot> Or ... part of it. 21:56 < rob|> right, it also looks nicer than tons of global vars 21:56 < anydot> Nice, 19 conflicts to go! :) 21:57 < _19LIONZ_> unfortunately , Privoxy is http server not SOCKS 21:57 < Dieterbe> anydot: yeah. every evening i merge from people who have some good stuff. that includes barrucadu :) 21:57 < barrucadu> :) 21:57 < rob|> anydot: so, you are working on cleaning up my mess, right? 21:57 < anydot> good stuff, sound kinda like dealer speech :) 21:57 < anydot> rob|: Yep. 21:58 < barrucadu> I merge whenever I see a few changes from either Dieterbe or dusanx in the github graph 21:58 < anydot> rob|: So you have time working on your git skills. :) 21:58 < rob|> anydot: i'll wait then and fetch the branch including that before going any further 21:59 < anydot> If you will only fetch, this commit will be still around. 21:59 < Dieterbe> rob|: note that github doesn't know your uzbl is a fork of ours. it treats it as an entirely different project. you don't show up in our news feeds, network graphs etc 21:59 < anydot> And even if Dieterbe try to merge from you, he will merge even it, etc ... 21:59 < anydot> Dieterbe: Well, that's problem of github :) 21:59 < Dieterbe> no, that's a problem for me 21:59 < Dieterbe> i don't know automatically when rob pushes stuff 22:03 < sm217> Eww. Things do not work, cookies are not saved. I will continue tomorrow. 22:04 < sm217> Dieterbe: to be sure, your handler expects only cookie header after PUT, and nothing after GET ? 22:05 < dusanx> Dieterbe: merged your experimental without problems 22:06 < anydot> And btw, remember you must bind cookies not to precise URL, but to domain. 22:06 < Dieterbe> sm217: yes, it will take the cookie from stdin on put and (maybe) save it to disk. a get will (maybe) load the cookie from disk and echo it on stdout 22:06 < anydot> To 2 level, with exception of cases like .co.uk etc, in which cookie must be bound to 3rd level domain. 22:06 < anydot> etc, 22:07 < Dieterbe> anydot: i just use the entire hostname. 22:07 < sm217> hmmm. 22:07 < anydot> But that is wrong. 22:07 < sm217> I'm simply not sure if it will work that way 22:07 < Dieterbe> sm217: note that i did not test the script yet. 22:07 < Dieterbe> sm217: why not? 22:07 < sm217> I did 22:07 < anydot> I originaly planned to extend libsoup's SoupCookieJar "class". 22:07 < anydot> Which will give much greater controll than signal can give us. 22:08 < Dieterbe> anydot: theory is all very nice, but tell me what is wrong with my suggested approach 22:08 < sm217> Dieterbe: just because there may be multiple cookies for one host 22:08 < anydot> Dieterbe: www.something.com MUST have access to www2.something.com, for example. 22:08 < anydot> AFAIK. 22:09 < sm217> and how do we know which one is requested. I should have read more on cookies, some theory. 22:09 < Dieterbe> well those are just implementation details which we will resolve 22:09 < sm217> it's late, I will see tomorrow. 22:10 -!- sm217 [n=sm@19-115-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has quit ["leaving"] 22:10 < anydot> Well, just implement it in way, which allows multiple cookies to be set and get for one request. 22:10 < anydot> Late, pff, not even midnight "0 22:12 < dusanx> can we make simple cookie support for 99% sites out there and then extend reach to marginal cases? I am sure that there are sites that need perfect cookie support but I am not sure that I ever seen them 22:12 < anydot> dunno that. 22:20 < dusanx> Dieterbe: have you managed to test this script? 22:21 < rob|> hmm, the github guides are not really clear 22:21 < rob|> "to fork simply push the fork button", erm? 22:22 < dusanx> rob|: yup, login, go to dieter experimental, there is fork button 22:22 < rob|> no fork button showing up just "watch/download" 22:22 < rob|> and yes i'm logged in 22:23 < dusanx> rob|: have you done this: http://github.com/guides/providing-your-ssh-key 22:23 < anydot> It's not working if you already have repository from which he merged (which is you case). 22:23 < rob|> sure 22:24 < rob|> ah, i see 22:24 < anydot> I myself must delete githubs repository, create one as fork, and then push to it from my local repo. 22:24 < Dieterbe> dusanx: nope 22:24 < anydot> But, for you case, skip the last step. :-) 22:24 < rob|> so you suggest to delete my current uzbl repo from github and fork dieter's afterwards, right? 22:25 < anydot> So your messy commit wont end up there. 22:25 < anydot> yep. 22:25 < rob|> alright, will do so 22:25 < anydot> Have you any outstanding changes on your local repository? 22:25 < anydot> (on in which you work and then push to github)? 22:25 < rob|> no 22:25 < anydot> In case no, just delete your local repo too 22:26 < anydot> and clone from your newly forked repository on github (=> after you recreate it). 22:26 < anydot> You will get new, pristine clone. :-) 22:26 < dusanx> going to sleep, see you all 22:27 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 22:27 < anydot> rob|: So, 1. delete github repo, 2. fork Dieterbe's repo via fork button in his github's repo, 3. delete your local repo, 4. git clone "your github's repository url here" 22:27 < anydot> 5. Profit :-) 22:28 < rob|> alright, thanks for the advice. seems i'll need to wait a bit until the deletion has taken place 22:28 < anydot> No, deletion is instant. 22:28 < anydot> Well, for me it was. :) 22:31 -!- aSuKar [n=yinghao@] has joined #uzbl 22:31 < aSuKar> hello 22:31 < anydot> Hi. 22:32 < aSuKar> i tried to start uzbl 22:32 < aSuKar> at first it has more dependencies then mentioned on the website 22:32 < anydot> Try using example config, ./uzbl -c examples/config/.... 22:32 < aSuKar> and second, i got a segmentation fault, so i am probably doing somthing wrong 22:32 < anydot> aSuKar: Which one dependency? 22:33 < aSuKar> gstreamer, liboil 22:33 < anydot> That's dependency of libwebkit. 22:33 < anydot> Not uzbl's 22:34 < aSuKar> aha 22:34 < aSuKar> thnx 22:34 < aSuKar> and what about my segmentation fault? 22:34 < anydot> In reality, uzbl has only libwebkit dependency, everything other is dependency of it. :-) 22:34 < anydot> aSuKar: Try experimental branch, there was problem if you don't supply configuration file. 22:35 < anydot> OR, stick to master, and use ./uzbl -c examples/configs/sampleconfig-dev 22:35 < Dieterbe> oh crap 22:35 < Dieterbe> i should merge that into master 22:35 < anydot> :) 22:35 < anydot> Imho you can merge whole experimental into master by now. 22:36 < Dieterbe> done and done 22:36 < anydot> :) 22:36 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 22:36 < github> uzbl: Premysl 'Anydot' Hruby master SHA1-0d882b5 22:36 < github> Fix memory leak, use g_strdup instead of estrdup 22:36 < github> http://bit.ly/1ar23e 22:36 -!- github [n=github@] has quit [Excess Flood] 22:36 < anydot> hehe 22:36 < anydot> Serious flaw in design of that bot. :) 22:37 < Dieterbe> lol 22:37 < anydot> Well, maybe still better than flood whole channel. 22:37 < anydot> Looks like he doesn't pause between sending messages. 22:37 < anydot> So it run into flood control of ircd. :) 22:39 < anydot> btw, now uzbl.org is not default uri to load if user doesn't supply one? 22:40 < anydot> (not against it, just asking if it's ok) 22:40 < Dieterbe> we've never loaded any uri by default 22:40 < anydot> Of course we do. 22:40 < anydot> iirc :) 22:41 < Dieterbe> nope 22:41 < Dieterbe> only if you pass --uri 22:42 < anydot> Ah, test-config's target do this. 22:42 < anydot> Sorry :) 22:46 < rob|> ok, i guess i got how the whole thing's supposed to work now :) 22:47 -!- bstronga [n=bstronga@static.] has quit [Client Quit] 22:47 -!- bstronga [n=bstronga@static.] has joined #uzbl 22:49 < rob|> oh yeah, do you insist in keeping everything in uzbl.c? i guess at least the communication (i.e. fifo/socket) stuff could go into its own source file 22:49 < anydot> Not for now. 22:50 -!- bstronga [n=bstronga@static.] has quit [Client Quit] 22:51 -!- bstronga [n=bstronga@static.] has joined #uzbl 22:51 < rob|> so one more question, supposed i also add anydot's fork to the repos i fetch/pull from - will this cause any havoc with dieter's repo? 22:51 < anydot> You mustn't add any other's repo. 22:52 < rob|> that's odd 22:52 < anydot> rob|: Whole fork thingie is just ... you initiate YOUR repo with someone else content of their repo. 22:52 < rob|> that means i'll have to wait until the main upstream has merged everything in 22:52 < anydot> You add remote branches/repository. 22:52 < anydot> nope. 22:52 < anydot> *no 22:52 < anydot> rob|: Just read some git tutorial, search for git remote etc. 22:53 < anydot> Or better, just read it :) 22:53 < rob|> well, that was my question. doing "git add remote anydot " and pulling changes in from that one should be ok, right? 22:54 < anydot> well, look at git fetch 22:55 < anydot> also, to see what changed between yours master and for example my master use: 22:55 < anydot> git fetch anydot; git log ..anydot/master (if you are now in your master branch) 22:55 < anydot> if you add -p, it will even show you patches, which is very nice. (hg fyi has that too). 22:56 < anydot> rob|: But first, read some howto. 22:56 < anydot> I have no time to be a teacher. :-) 22:57 < rob|> alright 22:58 < anydot> interesting 22:59 < anydot> I have no experimental branch, yet github shows me that I have. 23:05 < anydot> ok, here is it. 23:05 < anydot> http://github.com/anydot/uzbl/commit/96c22d0ed217d3cada8c5270f5bffa262d14cb18 23:05 < anydot> It's sort of WIP, network settings are not currently in that structs. 23:06 < anydot> That commit is mainly cleaned up rob|'s patch, with change, that even fifo/socket_path is used directly from structs. 23:06 < anydot> Dieterbe: Ready to apply on your experimental :) 23:09 < rob|> any reason for mixing up camelcase and all upper case naming themes? (i.e. GUI vs. the other type names) 23:10 < anydot> They are all CamelCase 23:10 < anydot> GUI is shorthand 23:10 < anydot> You can't camel case something which is always written uppercase. :-) 23:11 < anydot> So, no mix-up for me. 23:11 < rob|> hehe 23:11 < anydot> rob|: But ok, I was thinking about it for while, that I will use Gui for it. 23:11 < anydot> But then came up reasoning to me, one that I wrote above. 23:12 < rob|> sounds good, looks strange though 23:12 < anydot> Kinda. :) 23:12 < anydot> But it's logical. :) 23:13 < rob|> well ok, no need to nitpick here 23:14 < rob|> let#s better concentrate on the really important things ;) 23:15 < anydot> rob|: Also, this is rather good text, http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/user-manual.html 23:15 < rob|> right, already found that one 23:15 < anydot> Thought so. 23:16 < anydot> But if you don't have much time to study it, before "going wild", these two links I posted you are imho good start. 23:18 < rob|> yeah, that whole thing is a bit confusing first, though i'm starting to grasp the concepts 23:19 < rob|> anyways, next step i'd like to hack on is the statusbar using a templete and pango's markup language 23:22 < anydot> rob|: First, you can finish that "move into structs" work. 23:22 < rob|> right, i'll do that as soon as dieter has merged in your changes 23:22 < anydot> There are networking (+soupsession) variables, which can be placed into some struct :) 23:23 < anydot> You can work on it even now. 23:23 < Dieterbe> ok here i am 23:23 < anydot> rob|: Have you add my repo as remote? 23:23 < rob|> anydot: not yet 23:23 < anydot> ok, he's here, so you can wait anyway. 23:23 < Dieterbe> anydot: did you test this? 23:24 < anydot> Yep, but I'll be glad if you gave it test run too. 23:24 < Dieterbe> any/master? 23:24 < anydot> yeah, my master. 23:25 < Dieterbe> oh yeah, i have you aliased as any :P 23:25 < anydot> I see. 23:25 < anydot> You have all of us as 3 letter shortcuts, as can be seen from you merge commits. :) 23:25 < anydot> btw, who's axel? 23:26 < Dieterbe> axelson 23:26 < Dieterbe> dunno who he is actually 23:26 < anydot> He isn't here? 23:26 < Dieterbe> but i guess he had something worth merging in 23:26 < Dieterbe> yes 23:26 < Dieterbe> he's here 23:26 < anydot> Ah, somehow overlooked him :) 23:27 < anydot> Dieterbe: btw, is fifo/socket considered fixed by now? 23:27 < anydot> Or still (semi) broken? 23:27 < Dieterbe> dieter@dieter-ws-a7n8x-arch uzbl [experimental] git diff any/master | wc -l 23:27 < Dieterbe> 354 23:27 < Dieterbe> MUCH better 23:28 < anydot> Also clean. :) 23:28 < fogobogo> Dieterbe: http://omploader.org/vMW1odQ 23:28 < anydot> fogobogo: What's that? :) 23:28 < Dieterbe> yeah it's sort of fixed. i personally have some issues with fifo (only the first command is recognized, not the ones after that) but i only have this on 1 pc, not on another. also some other people cannot reproduce it 23:29 < anydot> Imho, there's some race condition. 23:29 < Dieterbe> the socket also works, though we currently use it only as an input device 23:29 < anydot> As if I place printf somewhere after read, it works for many commands. 23:29 < Dieterbe> i'm just saying it "works". not that it's bugfree. not at all :) 23:29 < anydot> etc. 23:29 < Dieterbe> fogobogo: wtf :/ 23:29 < anydot> Dieterbe: Because I'm considering rewrite of whole input handling. 23:30 < fogobogo> anydot: a draft. much like that http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2009/05/03/uzbl-3/ 23:30 < fogobogo> well. kinda 23:30 < anydot> I have also plan, to allow multiple clients connected (via socket of course) to one instance of uzbl in same time. 23:30 < anydot> And also handling partial writes etc. 23:30 < anydot> ... 23:31 < rob|> anydot: that does sound pretty nice, especially with a version of dmenu that does not grab the keyboard globally 23:32 < rob|> you could have a small dmenu overlaying a part of your statusbar used to issue commands to uzbl 23:32 < fogobogo> Dieterbe: what? 23:33 < anydot> rob|: That's not needed anyway :) 23:33 < anydot> You can use configuration cmd for this. 23:33 < Dieterbe> anydot: uzbctrl/socket stuff seems to be broken with the patch 23:34 < anydot> hmm 23:34 < Dieterbe> could have been before it too 23:35 < anydot> Segfault it for you too? 23:35 < Dieterbe> no 23:35 < anydot> For me it does. 23:35 < anydot> If I try to use uzblctrl 23:35 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 23:35 < github> uzbl: Premysl 'Anydot' Hruby experimental SHA1-96c22d0 23:35 < github> Move global variables into structs, first round 23:35 < github> http://bit.ly/LarqK 23:35 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 23:35 < rob|> Dieterbe: seems it was before the patch, latest experimental does not create fifo/socket fiels in /tmp 23:35 < rob|> *files 23:36 < rob|> for me at least 23:36 < Dieterbe> for me it does. do you have a config? 23:36 < Dieterbe> remember you need to set the paths with a config 23:36 < rob|> no 23:36 < rob|> oh, that's odd - there should be defaults 23:36 < Dieterbe> listen i need sleep now. it looks pretty good to me, good enough to be in an experimental branch 23:37 < Dieterbe> rob|: no we changed the logic a bit. if the paths are not defined, don't create fifo/socket 23:37 < Dieterbe> so uzbl is very minimal by default 23:37 < rob|> hmm, ok 23:37 < anydot> Dieterbe: Ok, so what's the behaviour if you say it's broken? 23:37 < Dieterbe> thanks for the work guys, see you later 23:37 < Dieterbe> anydot: just nothing happens for me 23:37 < rob|> gn8 dieter 23:37 < anydot> Ok 23:40 < rob|> ok, one more problem. start uzbl with the sampleconfig, and issue "echo toggle_status > /tmp/fifoname" 23:41 < rob|> the commands seems to be catched, though no statusbat is being toggled 23:41 < rob|> after issuing the echo for the second time it works 23:42 < anydot> Dieterbe: So, tried it, and socket works for me with experimental/HEAD and, also with previous revision it works OK. 23:42 < anydot> Dieterbe: Looks like some problem on your side, recheck please. 23:42 < rob|> also existing fifo files are not being reused any more 23:43 < anydot> For me, it works (toggle..) 23:43 < rob|> on the first call? 23:43 < anydot> yep, and also on consequent. 23:43 < rob|> strange 23:43 < anydot> But we know, that there's problem with fifo code, race condition imho. 23:43 < anydot> It's going to be rewritten anyway. 23:44 < anydot> Tomorow maybe, if I will have some free time. 23:44 < rob|> alright, so i won't spend any time trying to figure out what's going wrong then 23:45 < anydot> :) 23:45 < anydot> That input code is ugly anyway :) 23:46 < rob|> indeed ;) 23:47 < rob|> also there's a segfault when issuing "exit" 23:48 -!- fogobogo [n=fogobogo@port-92-202-116-34.dynamic.qsc.de] has left #uzbl [] 23:48 < rob|> probably freeing a null pointer or double-free 23:48 < anydot> Don't get any. 23:48 < rob|> man, that's odd again 23:48 < anydot> But that's second thing I want to cleanup, there's too much memory leaking now. 23:49 < anydot> Mostly from the code barrucadu's write today. --- Day changed Tue May 05 2009 00:02 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has quit ["WeeChat"] 00:07 -!- syslogd_ [n=syslogd@pD955F7C6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 00:09 < rob|> hah, it's just too funny. i always type "svn stat" and similar instead of "git ..." 00:10 < anydot> rob|: Btw, there one thing where's git different even amongs other DVCS, use of index (also called stage in older docs). 00:10 < anydot> But it's rather cool feature. 00:15 < rob|> ah ok, didn't read up on that yet 00:15 < anydot> :) 00:16 < rob|> where should all those soup and proxy vars go to? new struct networking or something? 00:16 < anydot> rob|: Another cool feature is git-stash :) 00:16 < anydot> rob|: Imho yes. 00:16 < anydot> Dunno if that soup struct, it's used only in same code, so it maybe can be localized. 00:17 < anydot> It's also easy to retrieve session back. 00:17 < anydot> rob|: So, put just that network variables into struct Network. 00:19 < rob|> right, that's what i'm doing now 00:19 < anydot> OK 00:19 < rob|> i left the uri var in state, though - not sure, logically it would rather belong to networking 00:20 < anydot> No. 00:20 < anydot> (imho) 00:21 -!- syslogd [n=syslogd@unaffiliated/syslogd] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 00:21 < anydot> rob|: It's network in sense of some setup, not current url etc. 00:22 < anydot> Also, uri reffer to current URL only after uzbl is started up. 00:23 < anydot> Nah, no. 00:23 < anydot> Overlooked that load_commit_cb match. 00:24 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 00:27 -!- _19LIONZ_ [n=Anon@] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 00:36 < rob|> hmm, i wonder wether we should replace those random values that define the maximum socket and fifo filename length with FILENAME_MAX 00:39 < rob|> also there's nowhere a check to make sure the length does not exceed the defined max length 00:39 < anydot> Well, terminus technicus for them is "magic number" not random. :-) 00:39 < anydot> rob|: They both should be imho only char* 00:39 < anydot> Not staticaly sized buffers. 00:40 < rob|> right, *char and check for FILENAME_MAX on memory allocation 00:41 < anydot> They can be then arbitrary long (in reality only as long as memory allows). 00:41 < anydot> So why we should limit them to FILENAME_MAX? 00:41 < rob|> hmm, are you sure? 00:41 < anydot> On what? 00:42 -!- canute_ [n=canute@193.81-167-3.customer.lyse.net] has joined #uzbl 00:42 < anydot> Nevermind, I'm going to sleep. 00:42 < rob|> alright, gn8 see you later anydot 00:42 < anydot> bye 00:43 < canute_> Uzbl seems to get segmentation fault when scrolling down at http://supergenpass.com/ 00:43 < rob|> will stop now, too and watch a nice documentary 00:44 < anydot> canute_: How do you scroll? j/k? page up/down? other? 00:45 < rob|> canute_: can't reproduce with latest experimental 00:45 < canute_> hm 00:45 < canute_> i just recompiled it using yaourt 00:45 < anydot> canute_: Also have no problem, j/k pg up/down, even mouse wheel works like a charm. 00:45 < canute_> i've done both 00:46 < anydot> canute_: Try to manualy download Dieterbe's experimental branch and build. 00:46 < canute_> will do 00:46 < anydot> well, then hilight me please with the result. 00:46 < canute_> okay 00:47 < anydot> So I don't overlook it in the morning. :-) 00:48 < canute_> it doesn't happen immediately, so it could be a webkit problem 00:51 -!- Greg02 [n=greg@ool-18bc79e7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #uzbl 00:53 -!- Greg02 [n=greg@ool-18bc79e7.dyn.optonline.net] has quit [Client Quit] 01:04 -!- rob|2 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87d600.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 01:12 -!- canute_ [n=canute@193.81-167-3.customer.lyse.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 01:19 -!- rob| [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87c6ff.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 01:22 -!- syslogd [n=syslogd@pD955FAC7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #uzbl 01:35 -!- syslogd_ [n=syslogd@pD955F7C6.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 02:00 -!- rob| [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87ddf2.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #uzbl 02:07 -!- rob|2 [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87d600.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)] 02:25 -!- litemotiv [n=ollie@5353ED58.cable.casema.nl] has quit ["Leaving."] 04:54 -!- rob|2 [n=user9871@] has joined #uzbl 05:00 -!- rob| [n=user9871@rgnb-5d87ddf2.pool.einsundeins.de] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)] 05:22 -!- darwin [n=toor@] has quit [Nick collision from services.] 05:22 -!- darwin_ [n=toor@] has joined #uzbl 05:36 -!- darwin_ is now known as cdarwin 05:41 -!- Grauwolf [n=Grauwolf@85-127-253-246.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #uzbl 07:08 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 07:08 < dusanx> 'morning :) 07:23 < ruskie> good morrow all 08:07 < dodobas> yello 08:57 < dusanx> finished cookies, at my git. http://github.com/dusanx/uzbl/commit/478d3db4fc28eb4d6a7a2a468db9115ffeeec933 08:59 < ruskie> yay 09:00 < rob|2> good morning 09:00 < dusanx> hi 09:00 -!- rob|2 is now known as rob| 09:05 < dusanx> and they work :) 09:22 < Dieterbe> morning hackers 09:22 < dusanx> morning boss 09:24 < ruskie> lol 09:25 < Dieterbe> rob|> also existing fifo files are not being reused any more : rob| this is by design. i believe we even error out if the fifo already (still) exists 09:26 < Dieterbe> the fifo could be in use by another instance so we cannot just reuse it 09:26 < rob|> i see, sounds logical 09:28 < rob|> btw, i moved almost all global vars into the structs. the ones that remained need some thinking where to be best put 09:29 < Dieterbe> uhu. for the "uri" var i also think it is part of the current state of uzbl, not networking setup 09:30 < rob|> right, that's where it is right now 09:30 < Dieterbe> dusanx: you are not using the handler? that's cheating :) 09:31 < dusanx> Dieterbe: no, see build in soap function :( handles everything... 09:31 < dusanx> works very well :) 09:32 < rob|> been also thinking a bit about the statusbar template and i guess a GScanner is the way to go in order to parse the template string(s) 09:32 < rob|> http://library.gnome.org/devel/glib/2.20/glib-Lexical-Scanner.html 09:35 < Dieterbe> dusanx: i want cookies handled by the handler script. it allows for much more possibilities/customisations 09:35 < Dieterbe> dusanx: but i can implement that part tonight. np 09:35 < Dieterbe> dusanx: as long as the code to send and retrieve cookies to/from websites works 09:35 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I know but I could not wait. 09:36 < dusanx> http://library.gnome.org/devel/libsoup/stable/libsoup-client-howto.html 09:36 < dusanx> SoupCookieJar and SoupCookieJarText 09:36 < dusanx> Support for HTTP cookies. SoupCookieJar provides non-persistent cookie storage, while SoupCookieJarText uses a text file to keep track of cookies between sessions. 09:36 -!- fogobogo [n=fogobogo@port-92-202-54-204.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #uzbl 09:37 < Dieterbe> i don't want uzbl to do the persistent storage of cookies. 09:38 < dusanx> Dieterbe: SoupCookieJar (not text) is what you want? What do you mean non-persistant? You need to store them somewhere 09:39 < Dieterbe> yes SoupCookieJar inside uzbl. persistent storage is managed by the handler script 09:40 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I know and I am waiting to try it. Still not sure about speed loses. 09:44 < dusanx> Dieterbe: can you think about keeping both options, text file and external handling? 09:44 < Dieterbe> the external handler _does_ use text files 09:45 < anydot> It will be slow. 09:45 < dusanx> Dieterbe: I know but you understand why I ask this 09:45 < anydot> imho 09:45 < Dieterbe> we will solve performance issues if/when they appear 09:45 < Dieterbe> we can always write the script in something more performant then bash, cache 'GET' requests to the script, etc 09:46 < Dieterbe> but let's not get too ahead of ourselves. 09:47 < Dieterbe> first we get the fundamental principles right. then we work on performance if needed 09:47 < dusanx> still I would like to have fallback text file variant. if anything changes in libsoup text file will not fail and will handle all possibilities. 09:49 < Dieterbe> "if anything changes in libsoup" ? if something changes and you need to adapt code, then you adapt the code at the point where you implement the newer libsoup library. 09:50 < dusanx> I am not talking about function calls, I am talking about internal data storage and structures. We need to detect change & modify script to handle that change. Text file would handle change seamlessly. 09:51 < Dieterbe> what "internal data storage and structures" ?. the handler script gets the cookie and stores it in plaintext in a file named after the corresponding domain 09:52 < dusanx> I am looking at cookies as internal page content. Same dilemma if we should extract jpg files, process them externally and then insert them back into the page. 09:53 < Dieterbe> yeah well. cookies are not part of page content. they are passed through with http headers. 09:54 < dusanx> Dieterbe: don't get me wrong, I would like to use external script. Just thinking if we are reaching too low into webkit to get and process data. 09:56 < Dieterbe> I do not think we are reaching too low. 09:58 -!- leon [n=leon@client107-14.hint.rug.nl] has joined #uzbl 09:59 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 28 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 28 normal] 10:01 < dusanx> well, I still hope that you will leave this as an alternative. 4 lines of code are not much. 10:13 < anydot> Dieterbe: When the cookie handler script is called, whenever cookie is changed or needed? 10:14 < Dieterbe> jep 10:14 < anydot> I would prefer solution, where cookies will be stored (directly or indirectly) by uzbl, and cookie script will be just sort of policy -- accept, deny, temporary accept, accept for 10 minutes ... 10:14 < anydot> + default policy. 10:16 < anydot> And only accept and deny policies decision (= !default && !temporary) will be saved on disk. 10:16 < anydot> This is imho good solution, but in same time somewhat complex to be done in one iteration :) 10:16 < Dieterbe> well the current handler script has something like this. a bit more basic though. it can be extended more 10:16 < anydot> Dieterbe: Well, I want to move storage from script to uzbl itself, and left only decision on the script, not whole storage thingie. 10:17 < anydot> Otherwise on sites with many images etc, it will be horribly slow as whole. 10:18 < anydot> Also, uzbl core will be choked in these cases. 10:18 < anydot> It's not funny to create ~50 processes to render one page! 10:18 < anydot> Don't overwmiish it :) 10:18 < Dieterbe> anydot: we will solve issues IF / WHEN they appear 10:18 < Dieterbe> like i said 10:19 -!- jouz [n=jouz@ip122-47-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has joined #uzbl 10:19 < Dieterbe> and we can always cache get requests from the script. eg if no need to call the script more then once for a get request of the same domain in a short while 10:19 < anydot> Well, I say this just because I don't want someone to write something which will be useless in future. 10:19 < anydot> And in near future. 10:19 < anydot> Dieterbe: You can't cache the response. 10:20 < anydot> Take example, page P, which two images. 10:20 < Dieterbe> to avoid confusion: i meant the response from the cookie handler 10:20 < Dieterbe> not the response from the remote webserver 10:20 < anydot> Dieterbe: Yeh, i got it. 10:20 < dusanx> soup txt is not most elegant but works for me, I can finally use uzbl as primary browser. I'll wait to see better solution of course. 10:22 < anydot> Well, I have flash&cookies&js disabled, and only enable them it the site need it. 10:22 < Dieterbe> brb 10:22 < anydot> (NoScript + Cookie button) 10:22 < anydot> So I wan't same control in uzbl. :-) 10:22 < Dieterbe> anydot: so can you explain why caching get requests of the cookie handler wouldn't work? 10:23 < anydot> Well, it will work, but still be horribly slow. 10:23 < Dieterbe> ok. we have discussed this enough 10:23 < anydot> As you must change chache and also call script (but you mustn't wait to his response) in case cookie is changed. 10:24 < Dieterbe> hmm can you elaborate on that last part? 10:24 < Dieterbe> i don't understand what you mean 10:25 < Dieterbe> but i usually assume once you configure your deny/accept policies for sites, it wont change much afterwards 10:25 < anydot> Back to example, page P with two images, A and B 10:25 < anydot> P will set cookie 10:25 < anydot> A will also 10:25 < anydot> What cookie will you serve to B (if sequence of gets will be P -> A -> B) 10:26 < anydot> It's rather specific case we shouldn't handle by now. 10:26 < anydot> Imho. 10:26 < anydot> But is needed to have this all in mind when decision is made. 10:26 < anydot> *design decision 10:30 < Dieterbe> simple. what _should_ a browser do? if we need to send cookieP to B, we do that, otherwise cookieA whatever. there could be a delay because the user needs to accept/approve/deny but you have that with any browser 10:34 * ruskie senses a disturbance in the force 10:39 < ruskie> also leaving cookies in uzbl would mean one can't use fancy things like gpg encrypted cookie files etc ;) 10:40 < anydot> Ok, we can implement compromise, which will be imho working and fast in same time. 10:40 < anydot> 2 scripts! :-) 10:41 < anydot> one will handle policy decision, other one will get/set cookies (if there's no more space in cache etc) 10:41 < Dieterbe> stop *** over complicating 10:41 < jouz> hi there again, i mant to improve the "frame-functions" for link-following a litte - now i need to do 1. hit a key to mark links, 2. hit a key to initialize link-search 3. type the link-numbers, 4. Hit Enter. <- Is it possible to merge the first two? i got stuck here somehow. 10:42 < Dieterbe> yeah it should 10:43 < jouz> can i initialize the "waiting for input" thingy from inside function called like "f follow_link_here" ? 11:00 < ruskie> anydot, the best compromise: have a flag that defines use internal or use external ;) 11:01 < ruskie> if the overhead of the internal one is neglieble I don't see much of an issue 11:05 < dusanx> this is what script will have to cover: http://library.gnome.org/devel/libsoup/stable/SoupCookieJar.html 11:06 < dusanx> see also SoupCookie struct 11:06 < jouz> by the way, how lame are string-operations in C? its so frustrating if you never coded in C and come from python and java... 11:07 < dusanx> jouz: strings are sore point of C :) 11:07 < dusanx> that's why we used GStrings with all their faults 11:07 < dusanx> a lot --- Log closed Tue May 05 11:14:42 2009 --- Log opened Tue May 05 11:14:53 2009 11:14 -!- Dieterbe_ [n=Dieterbe@] has joined #uzbl 11:14 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 31 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 31 normal] 11:15 < jouz> anydot: yeah but thats with all languages afaik - but usually a "String" class is provided which keeps the array of chars, and supplies useful operations on Strings 11:15 < anydot> Sort of, lok at str* functions. 11:15 -!- Irssi: Join to #uzbl was synced in 58 secs 11:16 < anydot> But still you must have to administrate the underlaying memory, make sure you have long enought buffer etc. 11:16 < anydot> I'm okay with it, it also make sense. :-) 11:25 -!- Dieterbe [n=Dieterbe@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 11:41 < _19LIONZ_> Is the package in AUR made intentionally not to update itself ? 11:41 < rob|> i got a template parser for the statusbat working, it is quite crude as of now, though the general concepts seems to work pretty well 11:42 < rob|> using a GScanner 11:47 < _19LIONZ_> Dieterbe_: Are you here ? 11:50 < anydot> rob|: Well, do you think we need something more complicated than printf? :) 11:51 < anydot> Imho no. 11:53 < rob|> anydot: i imagine using statusbar strings like: "Sometext <%uri%> anything (%load_progress%) more stuff %instance_name%" 11:53 < anydot> Ooh. :) 13:08 < rob|> so, this is the first working attempt at it: 13:08 < rob|> http://github.com/robm/uzbl/commit/fdb283bb3827f09ce8bd51c2a405b080bd194aa6 13:09 < rob|> what needs to be done is integrate it with the config file 13:09 < rob|> and think about what elements we want to export to the statusbar template 13:09 < rob|> as of now there is only LOAD_PROGRESS and TITLE 13:14 < rob|> well, TITLE should be probably better renamed to URI 13:15 -!- sm217 [n=sm@234-66-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #uzbl 13:15 < ruskie> you have TITLE and you have URI... 13:15 < sm217> Hi. 13:15 < ruskie> lo 13:17 < anydot> I'm still thinking, that such parser/template engine is not really needed. 13:17 < rob|> well, i like it and it sets aside uzbl from any other browser 13:18 < GNU\caust1c> keep it stupid simple 13:18 < anydot> Yep. 13:18 < anydot> rob|: If someone want's uber customization, he writes browser in shell :) 13:23 -!- dusanx_ [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 13:31 < Dieterbe_> _19LIONZ_: how would a package update "itself" ? when you build it, you get the latest stuff from git 13:32 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 13:33 < Dieterbe_> rob|: that's a lot of code for just replacing some strings, or am i missing something? can't we use str_replace (see other examples in the code) for variable replacement and the pango thing for markup? 13:33 < anydot> Dieterbe_: It's bloat imho. 13:34 < anydot> Previous 3 patches before this are ok. 13:34 < anydot> I have them in my master by now. 13:34 < anydot> (tested) 13:34 < Dieterbe_> i think rob|'s code looks much more complicated then a list of 15 str_replaces 13:35 < Dieterbe_> (15.. or so) 13:35 < anydot> Hist tipmost code of course (that template code). 13:36 < anydot> And I'm fine with str_replace, if there is ever some need for templating statustext. 13:36 < rob|> well, i also added support for pango markup: http://omploader.org/vMW1rdA 13:37 < anydot> I prefer to have statusbar colorless, with fixed font face. :-) 13:37 < anydot> So I'm neither fan of that pango markup. :) 13:37 < anydot> But it's purely my opinion. 13:37 < rob|> then just use a template that fits you best ;) 13:50 < rob|> anyways, i still think that's a good idea a can improve locating the correct browser instance a lot. like all instances spawned from mutt have a green status bar background, etc. 13:50 < Dieterbe_> yeah i want to able to theme the statusbar 13:50 < Dieterbe_> if you don't want it, keep your "template string" basi 13:51 < Dieterbe_> rob|: hmm your font looks quite.. ugly. you have that on all pages or just uzbl.org? 13:51 < Dieterbe_> i mean the font of the letters of the rendered page 13:52 < ruskie> ugh that does look ugly 13:53 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 13:53 < rob|> that's just a basic arch install, didn't customize almost anything 13:54 < anydot> Anyway, still there's no reason to use some overcomplicated GScanner stuff. 13:54 < anydot> (imho) 13:59 < Dieterbe_> 2nd that 14:00 < Dieterbe_> what about just having 1 function called "parse_string" or so, which you can apply on the user-agent, title and statusbar 14:00 < Dieterbe_> and the function would just do a series of str_replaces (one for each "keyword" as defined in some global struct) 14:01 -!- dusanx_ [n=dusanx@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 14:05 < rob|> well, i didn't run any comparative tests, though i'm not convinced that the strreplace method is much more efficient 14:06 < rob|> or even easier to implement 14:09 < Dieterbe_> but it makes the code more readable imho 14:10 < anydot> Yep. 14:13 < rob|> well, ok. adding new symbols/template place holders right now is just a matter of writing one more case branch, though i'm looking forward to your implementation 14:16 -!- sm217 [n=sm@234-66-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has quit ["leaving"] 14:19 < Dieterbe_> rob|: tonight i'll give it a shot 14:19 < rob|> alright 14:47 -!- dusanx_ [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 14:56 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 15:28 -!- dusanx_ [n=dusanx@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 15:37 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 15:44 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit ["Lost terminal"] 16:01 -!- twouters [n=quassel@unaffiliated/twouters] has joined #uzbl 16:01 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 30 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 30 normal] 16:43 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 16:44 < dusanx> hi 16:44 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has quit [Client Quit] 16:45 -!- dusanx [n=dusanx@] has joined #uzbl 16:47 < Dieterbe_> hey dusanx 16:48 < dusanx> Dieterbe_: :) 16:48 < dusanx> had some net breakdown 16:57 < dusanx> this thing is fast, using uzbl as primary browser 16:58 -!- thesnowdog [n=thesnowd@] has joined #uzbl 16:58 < dusanx> Dieterbe_: you there? 16:58 < Dieterbe_> dusanx: yea 16:59 < dusanx> I want to set uzbl as default X browser, you know, double click in thunar opens uzbl with page. how to set this since uzbl needs --uri? 17:01 < Dieterbe_> i think there are .desktop files that regulate that 17:01 < Dieterbe_> (freedesktop.org spec) 17:01 < dusanx> ok 17:01 < Dieterbe_> find /home/dusan -name '*.desktop' ;) 17:01 < dusanx> Dieterbe_: not on dwm 17:02 < Dieterbe_> i dunno about dwm 17:02 < dusanx> but I found something 17:02 < dusanx> don't work right now 17:02 < ruskie> hmm uzbl == usable? 17:02 < dusanx> hmm, tries to execute uzbl --uri http://.... 17:02 < dusanx> http append :( 17:03 < dusanx> need to test local disk but I hate complications 17:03 < Dieterbe_> ruskie: if you don't need cookies and ssl management, then yes. i guess. somewhat 17:03 -!- leon [n=leon@client107-14.hint.rug.nl] has quit [Nick collision from services.] 17:03 < dusanx> Problem occurred while loading the URL http:/home/dusanx/DE.html 17:03 -!- leon_ [n=leon@client107-14.hint.rug.nl] has joined #uzbl 17:03 < dusanx> so we need to test for / and not append http:// ? 17:04 < dusanx> but file:// ,right? 17:04 < Dieterbe_> i think we should look up how/if webkit handles that 17:05 < Dieterbe_> try it in midori or something 17:06 < dusanx> midori appends file:// probably tests for first / 17:08 < Dieterbe_> then let's do the same :P 17:13 < _19LIONZ_> hi , what are bookmark tags for ? 17:14 < Dieterbe_> currently they are not used. but if you want to include tags in your searching thing you could do it. 17:16 < _19LIONZ_> Dieterbe_: ok thanks . I thought they are used in a speeddial-like feature 17:19 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 17:19 < barrucadu> Hi 17:21 < Dieterbe_> hey mike 17:23 < ruskie> Dieterbe_, by that I meant that one of my work collegues assumed that's what uzbl means ;) usable :) 17:25 < Dieterbe_> ruskie: one of your colleagues is right :) congratulate him from me :) 17:25 < Dieterbe_> (or her) 17:25 < ruskie> :) 17:26 < ruskie> he even said he'll give it a try sometime... he tends to do a lot of webapps so he does a lot of testing in various browsers 17:27 < ruskie> so cookies still not there? 17:27 < ruskie> as forssl considering how hackish I have that setup with kazehakase I'm not all that much phased... 17:28 < Dieterbe_> phased? 17:28 < Dieterbe_> cookies could maybe be done tonight 17:28 < barrucadu> On the forums dimigon suggested we drop GTK and use Xlib 17:28 < ruskie> lol 17:28 < ruskie> I think everyone will be suggesting that 17:28 < barrucadu> I haven't used many xlib-only things but isnt it… incredibly ugly? :p 17:29 < ruskie> fvwm as an example ;) 17:29 < lwi> dwm :P 17:29 < ruskie> anyway since webkit has stuff in gtk I dont see why dropping gtk would help any 17:29 < ruskie> still need it for webkit 17:29 < Dieterbe_> jep 17:30 < Dieterbe_> unless you wanna fork webkit :/ 17:30 < lwi> its not webkit but the binding 17:30 < ruskie> I wnder how long 'till there's a uzbl-qt option ;) 17:30 < lwi> and there is a webkit-qt binding next to gtk one 17:30 < anydot> Well, whole uzbl is toolkit independent, sort of. 17:30 < anydot> The core. 17:31 < ruskie> lwi, iirc it also renders the widgets in whatever toolkit the bindings are in 17:31 < anydot> Today, the only thing truly dependent is statusbar thingie :) 17:31 < ruskie> i.e. buttons and so on 17:31 < Dieterbe_> well if someone could pull it off to still use webkit but have everything (including html forms etc) in Xlib widgets. I would have much respect for that and would maybe even use it. But qt.. meeh 17:31 < lwi> yeah 17:31 < lwi> xlib has no advanced widgets 17:31 < anydot> webkit-x11 would be indeed very cool. 17:31 < ruskie> I'm guessing xlib/xcb would need upstream webkit support first ;) 17:32 < lwi> indeed theres no xlib/xcb binding for webkit 17:32 < ruskie> I doubt there ever will be 17:33 < anydot> Possible no. 17:33 < ruskie> maybe an EFL binding but xlib/xcb... doubtful 17:33 < anydot> EFL? 17:33 < ruskie> enlightenment fundation libs 17:33 < anydot> ah 17:33 < Dieterbe_> dear god no 17:33 < anydot> They have even toolkit? 17:33 < ruskie> rofl? 17:33 < ruskie> there's etk iirc 17:34 < ruskie> and also ewl 17:34 < ruskie> and edje 17:34 < ruskie> not sure which is still going 17:34 < ruskie> but EFL would probably as light as xlib/xcb 17:34 < anydot> Sory, but I was never into E* 17:35 < Dieterbe_> ruskie: well, there's a challenge :P 17:36 < ruskie> ehh someone will make it probably 17:36 < ruskie> Im no C coder 17:36 < ruskie> I do shell scripts 17:36 < ruskie> a bit of ruby here and there 17:37 < ruskie> could probably do some simple C or even Java... 17:38 < anydot> Remind me that foto, "will code html for food". :-) 17:38 < ruskie> *shudder* 17:38 < Dieterbe_> ruskie: do you have some examples i could look at ? programs that use it? i would like to see some screenshots of apps using the efl widgets 17:38 < ruskie> not a fan of *ML 17:39 < anydot> http://www.html4.com/mime/jpg/Will_code_HTML_for_food.jpg 17:39 < anydot> Here it is. 17:39 < anydot> Oldie but goldie. 17:40 < ruskie> Dieterbe_, I'll try finding some... been a while since I looked at anything E related 17:42 < _19LIONZ_> So , how is following links supposed to work ? 17:46 < ruskie> Dieterbe_, if it helps any: http://trac.enlightenment.org/e/screenshots/1 17:46 < ruskie> it's highly themable so... 17:47 < Dieterbe_> hmm isn't that as bloaty as gtk or qt? 17:48 < ruskie> you haven't seen rastermans code I guess 17:48 < ruskie> it's all C and all highly optimised 17:49 < ruskie> E was always light 17:49 < Dieterbe_> i see. well i would love to have webkit using widgets from a lightweight lib 17:49 < Dieterbe_> but i don't think that will happen 17:49 < Dieterbe_> just not enough interest 17:50 < ruskie> http://codeposts.blogspot.com/2008/12/webkit-efl-receives-its-first-patch.html 17:51 < ruskie> apparently it's been even done and works 17:51 < Dieterbe_> heh 17:53 < ruskie> mmm investment in the 6600mAh battery for the eeepc 701 was worth it... 17:53 -!- sm217 [n=sm@234-66-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #uzbl 17:55 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 34 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 34 normal] 17:56 < Dieterbe_> whoa 34 nicks. a new record :) 17:56 < ruskie> yay 18:03 < anydot> @channelstats 18:03 < dev_null> anydot: On #uzbl there have been 5869 messages, containing 263183 characters, 47278 words, 795 smileys, and 318 frowns; 76 of those messages were ACTIONs. There have been 224 joins, 46 parts, 167 quits, 0 kicks, 7 mode changes, and 1 topic change. 18:03 < ruskie> @version 18:03 < dev_null> ruskie: The current (running) version of this Supybot is 0.83.1 (ShadoW's tweaks). The newest version available online is 0.83.3. 18:04 < anydot> Somewhere there's even top for nicks ;) 18:04 * ruskie prefers rbot 18:04 < anydot> It's not mine. 18:04 < anydot> Mine bot is custom bot written in perl. :-) 18:04 < ruskie> :) 18:04 < Dieterbe_> hmmm 224 joins - 167 quits != 34 nicks in channel 18:05 < anydot> Of course. 18:05 < anydot> You must counts even part. 18:05 < anydot> And, there's problem how to count netsplit, of if bot die's with error, etc. 18:05 < anydot> @calc 224 - 167 - 46 18:05 < Dieterbe_> ah yea 18:05 < dev_null> anydot: 11 18:06 < anydot> And also, what if someone part/quit after bot joined, so bot doesn't see the join ... etc 18:06 < anydot> It's not mean to be precise, to sum up to zero. 18:06 < anydot> aah. 18:06 < anydot> @peak 18:06 < dev_null> anydot: sm217 set a record of 34 people in #uzbl on May 05, 2009 at 03:53 PM CET. You'll need 1 more person to break the peak. 18:07 < anydot> That's what I was searching for. :-) 18:10 < Dieterbe_> i'm driving home. see you soon guys 18:10 < ruskie> enjoy 18:10 * ruskie is enjoying a 3g connection waiting for mom to finish something... 18:13 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)] 18:14 < lwi> is downloading files supposed to work? 18:14 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 18:20 < ruskie> off 18:49 -!- bstronga [n=bstronga@static.] has quit [Client Quit] 18:50 -!- bstronga [n=bstronga@static.] has joined #uzbl 19:02 < Dieterbe_> merging time! 19:03 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 34 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 34 normal] 19:03 < Dieterbe_> @peak 19:03 < dev_null> Dieterbe_: sm217 set a record of 34 people in #uzbl on May 05, 2009 at 03:53 PM CET. You'll need 1 more person to break the peak. 19:06 < sm217> huh 19:22 < ruskie> *yawn* 19:23 -!- _19LIONZ [n=Anon@] has joined #uzbl 19:29 < sm217> lol, I'm partially rewriting cookies stuff 19:32 < sm217> it will no to cookieJar dances, but will cleanly catch any cookies to be recieved or sent. 19:32 < sm217> *will not do 19:35 < rob|> added sexy ascii progressbar to the statusbar template, http://omploader.org/vMW1tag 19:35 < rob|> ;) 19:35 -!- barrucadu1 [n=barrucad@] has joined #uzbl 19:36 < sm217> <3 19:37 < sm217> hmm 19:38 < sm217> I wonder if soup "requst" signals emit on sending or recieving things, or both? 19:42 -!- _19LIONZ_ [n=Anon@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 19:50 < barrucadu1> Hmm, settings_init() is a monster function. I'll try to tidy it up 19:51 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 19:52 -!- barrucadu1 is now known as barrucadu 20:01 < Dieterbe_> ruskie: that is quite sexeh indeed 20:02 < Dieterbe_> http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2009/05/05/uzbl-4/ 20:03 < Dieterbe_> Dieterbe_> ruskie: that is quite sexeh indeed <-- sorry i meant rob| 20:03 < rob|> barrucadu: on which branch are you working? 20:04 < rob|> does the cat have any deeper meaning? 20:06 < Dieterbe_> yes :)) 20:07 < rob|> tell me more ;) 20:09 < Dieterbe_> icanhascheezburger.com 20:09 < barrucadu> rob|: My branch 20:09 < barrucadu> Dieterbe_: The third cat is the best :) 20:09 < rob|> barrucadu: yeah, but it it based on dieter's experimental branch? 20:09 < barrucadu> rob|: yes 20:10 < rob|> ok, just wanted to make sure 20:10 < Dieterbe_> i prefer the first. the others seem to "fancy"/bloated/radioactive 20:10 < sm217> lol, 'bl' in first one is so much like russian 'ы' 20:10 < Dieterbe_> oh it's not about the text in the balloon btw, that will change anyway 20:11 < rob|> sm217: how would that be pronounced? 20:11 < sm217> hmm 20:11 < jouz> anybody here configured Xdefaults to open links from urxvt with uzbl? 20:11 < jouz> urxvt*urlLauncher: /usr/bin/uzbl --uri 20:11 < jouz> thats did not work 20:11 < sm217> rob|: lol, but I just cannot explain 20:14 < rob|> heh, ok. 20:14 < sm217> maybe my grammar is not enough. 20:16 < anydot> Well, why should be there that ... cat? 20:16 < sm217> http://www.omniglot.com/writing/russian.htm 20:21 < sm217> well, after some thinking I think that first logo variant fits best. 20:23 < rob|> please also provide a xbm version, we're supposed to going lightweight anyways :P 20:23 < rob|> xbm 8x8 that is 20:23 < sm217> omg. 20:23 < ruskie> if it's svg it can be converted to anything in the end :) 20:24 < sm217> b 20:24 < sm217> oh 20:24 -!- jouz [n=jouz@ip122-47-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has quit ["leaving"] 20:24 < rob|> ruskie: sure, though i doubt that would look good 20:25 < rob|> http://dzen.geekmode.org/dwiki/doku.php?id=dzen:icon-packs <-- sm4tik's icons, i like that look a lot 20:25 < rob|> see there's even a ff icon ;) 20:29 -!- github [n=github@] has joined #uzbl 20:29 < github> uzbl: Dieter Plaetinck experimental SHA1-19a3117 20:29 < github> note about webkit/EFL 20:29 < github> http://bit.ly/u5s5o 20:29 -!- github [n=github@] has left #uzbl [] 20:31 < sm217> :( 20:31 < rob|> i'm not so sure about efl, that's work in progress since a couple of years 20:31 < rob|> if i'm not mistaken 20:31 < sm217> now I know what writing code before learning things leads to. 20:32 < rob|> into stupid search and replace work? :p 20:32 < ruskie> rob|, they have a working browser from what I can tell from that post ;) 20:33 < rob|> well, they had a couple of working things before the api changed once again :( 20:33 < ruskie> lol 20:34 < sm217> rob|: into rewriting things :P 20:35 < sm217> my cookie handling approach was terribly wrong 20:36 < ruskie> ? 20:36 < sm217> but now I have a right prototype 20:40 < sm217> ruskie: see what changed: http://github.com/sm217/uzbl/commit/cc3a1419a12c01c2cabd87da99cc4464f715d196 20:43 < ruskie> hmm gtk-server might be usable for that... 20:43 < sm217> for what? 20:45 < ruskie> the TODO in the script 20:46 < ruskie> the MAYBE TODO at that ;) 20:47 < sm217> ah 20:47 < sm217> well, I see no sense in that :) 20:48 < ruskie> not to mention: dependencies gtk-server -> ffcall gtk+2 vs dependencies zenity gtk+2 libglade2 libgnomecanvas libnotify 20:48 < sm217> heh. 20:53 < ruskie> and don't see why there would be an issue getting to edit before saving 20:54 < ruskie> with zenity 20:54 < ruskie> you would just need more logic in the script and a call to $EDITOR or $XEDITOR 21:00 < Dieterbe_> sm217: hey what's the current state of the cookie code? 21:02 -!- darrob [i=darrob@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x19F78AF8] has joined #uzbl 21:02 -!- jouz [n=jouz@ip122-47-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has joined #uzbl 21:03 -!- Irssi: #uzbl: Total of 35 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 35 normal] 21:09 -!- Grauwolf [n=Grauwolf@85-127-253-246.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has quit ["leaving"] 21:22 < Dieterbe_> http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2009/05/05/uzbl-5/ 21:24 < Sleepy_Coder> The cat freaks me out. *hides* 21:25 < Dieterbe_> :) 21:25 < Dieterbe_> you should have seen fogobogo's cat :P 21:30 < ruskie> lol 21:30 < ruskie> both cats are nice 21:30 < ruskie> but something usability related might be better 21:30 < ruskie> cats != usability ;) 21:31 < dodobas> cats = indiffernce :D 21:32 < ruskie> most of the time yeah ;) 21:36 < Dieterbe_> well not this one :P 21:39 < sm217> Dieterbe_: it is being rewritten :< 21:41 < sm217> but I'm on the right way now. 21:42 < sm217> Dieterbe_: hmm, your script seems to only support one key-value pair 21:43 < Dieterbe_> that would be a bug in my script :) 21:43 < Dieterbe_> i wrote it without testing basicaly 21:44 < sm217> to fix that, only an additional '>' is needed :P 21:44 < sm217> so it will add each pair on a new line 21:44 < sm217> and so I can parse that in-program 21:45 < sm217> (on line 50) 21:47 < Dieterbe_> well i assume you pass me all lines at once 21:47 < Dieterbe_> so i can just write all lines at once to the file 21:48 < sm217> and what if there are additional cookies? 21:49 < Dieterbe_> i did not think of that yet :)) 21:49 < sm217> ok, I'll fix that on need. 22:08 < sm217> hmm 22:12 < sm217> so far I do send cookies to handler 22:12 < sm217> but they are not saved :E 22:17 -!- barrucadu [n=barrucad@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 22:22 -!- flimmern [n=se@f054135207.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #uzbl 22:23 < sm217> http://github.com/sm217/uzbl/tree/cookies - committed what I have now. Dieterbe_ if you want, you can test your script on saving cookies with that. 22:29 < sm217> b00m! 22:29 < jouz> http://pastie.org/469093 <- just in case someone would like to try the basic link following, just add these two lines to your config, and ensure that you have the latest experimental from dieterbe. (no uzbl.c editing required!) 22:31 -!- sm217 [n=sm@234-66-132-95.pool.ukrtel.net] has quit ["leaving"] 22:34 < dusanx> jouz: great job! 22:35 < dusanx> see? we need no stinkin' C dom :) 22:36 < jouz> dusanx: :D indeed, but there is much place for improvement. I can even imagine to get the proposed link-following-style to work (wItH highLiGhteD LettErs) 22:37 < jouz> Only (and most importantly) now just textlinks with proper href="" work... 22:37 < dusanx> jouz: absolutely, tons of things left but this proves that it can be done ;) 22:37 < jouz> We need this click() thingy on all elements ;) 22:38 < dusanx> yup and highlighting of only visible elements on the page 22:38 < dusanx> but it works! 22:38 < jouz> aye 22:39 < dusanx> also need something bit more interactive, I was already thinking to add 'interactiveness' to search and following 22:40 < jouz> yeah this is going to be a bit more difficult, because you would have to call a js-func each time you hit a key... 22:40 < dusanx> for example: pressing 'f' would number all links, typing would select only possible follows etc 22:40 < jouz> dusanx: yep that would be ideal 22:42 < dusanx> what about JS that removes all highlights and numbers only those that have same number/letter as JS parameter? Just discussing, I know that we are far away from final 22:42 < jouz> but with the current function<->parameter feature, its hard to implement to call that function on every keypress?!... (or i'm just not seeing it) 22:42 < dusanx> So you would type f124 and uzbl will execute JS with no parameter, JS 1, JS 12, JS 124? 22:43 < dusanx> not a big problem, we can add interactive flag with key definition 22:43 < dusanx> it would be */_ for search and *f_ for links... 22:43 < jouz> that would make it easy for me i think :) 22:44 < dusanx> not yet but can be done in few C lines 22:44 < jouz> awesome! 22:44 < dusanx> jouz: great, let me play with this :) 22:44 < Dieterbe_> okay lets see 22:44 < dusanx> this is great, can be used already 22:45 < jouz> (notice that toggle the hints works as well) 22:45 < dusanx> jouz: wow :) 22:46 < dusanx> this is good skeleton ;) 22:48 < jouz> :) 22:48 < dusanx> shit I can really use this :) 22:48 < Dieterbe_> cool indeed. very basic but works :) 22:48 < Dieterbe_> too bad we can't emulate click()s though 22:49 < jouz> Dieterbe_: ....yet ;) 22:50 < Dieterbe_> jouz: if you push this in your tree i'll merge it in 22:50 < Dieterbe_> but add a note that's just not final, there is room for improvement etc 22:53 < jouz> Dieterbe_: before we add this, do you maybe see an alternative to writing scripts bind via S = script [JS] into one big unreadable line? 22:54 < jouz> (without loosing the ability to use _ %s as parameter?) 22:54 < Dieterbe_> jouz: well maybe we could have script